lord of the flies by william golding reading discussion days

Post on 15-Dec-2015






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Lord of the Flies by William GoldingREADING DISCUSSION DAYS

Chapter one

Submit your Chapter One Reading Worksheet

INDIVIDUAL: Reading quiz


Pair: A Pair: B

Gabe K & Ivan O & Autumn M Kolbi R & Alaina M

Chase O & Jared R Emma G & Alexia S

Jason P & Dalton M Amanda A & Makenna Z

Darien C & Logan R & Hayden S Nathan M & Joaquin S

Devon C & Kaidge G Parker R & Brody G

Nathia B & Kassidy D Ashlyn R &Nick B

Saikou G & Hermilo M Bailey R & Connor E

Chapter Analysis

PAIRED: Chapter Skeleton Outline (the format is on your worksheet provided)

I. Plot Summary: In 3-4 sentences, what happened? Be specific. Again, your outline should be thorough enough to help someone who is lost within the novel.

II. Characters:

I. List all the characters in the chapter with the specific actions they are responsible for within just the chapter read

III. Theme Analysis

I. Choose one (or two) of the following themes: Savagery vs. Civilization, Loss of Innocence, Blind Idolatry

II. How does the chapter develop this theme? In at least 6 sentences, explain your answer using CER format.

I. Claim: What do you want to prove?

II. Evidence: Textual support. This should have a lead in, a direct quote (5-10 words only!), and parenthetical documentation.

III. Rationale: How does this prove your claim? Why is it important to consider?

Chapter One

GROUPS: Socratic Seminar; Book Club Format There will be 8 groups formed (by random). Each group will be given

one analytical question to answer.

You will write your question on the white board, and then your group will have 8 minutes to discuss and to put your response up on the board.

The final minutes of class will be spent sharing out your findings, writing them into your chapter skeleton outlines, and openly discussing additional points of interest that we could add to each question posed.

Chapter Two

Submit your reading comprehension worksheet on the front table!

On the index card provided, write one question with your name! Need help understanding a character or motive?

Don’t understand a word that was used?

Plot structure clarification?

Quick Review How does Ralph treat Piggy?

How does Jack treat Piggy?

On page 15, Ralph believes his dad is going to come save him. Piggy says they are all dead. How do these theories characterize both characters?

We do not know Piggy’s real name. He doesn’t want to be called Piggy, but the boy he elected keeps calling him this. What does this say about children’s behavior?

When Ralph learns Piggy’s name, he flies around like an airplane and then “machine guns down” Piggy. Is this a normal behavior?

What are the notable differences between Jack, Ralph, and Piggy?

The boy with the marks on his face is afraid of a “beastie.” That’s a realistic fear of a child. What’s a logical reason for the “beastie”?

How does Ralph lead? Is this a smart way of leading?

What happened to the little boy at the end of Chapter 2?


Pair: A Pair: B

Devon C & Darien C & Autumn M Kolbi R & Hayden S

Saikou G & Logan R Nathan M & Ashlyn R

Nathia B & Connor E Joaquin S & Gabe K

Chase O & Bailey R Alaina M & Emma G

Dalton M & Jason P Alexia S & Makenna Z

Amanda A & Kaidge G Parker R & Ivan O

Kassidy D & Hermilo M Jared R & Brody G & Nick B

Chapter Two: Paired

I. Plot Summary: In 3-4 sentences, what happened? Be specific. Again, your outline should be thorough enough to help someone who is lost within the novel.

II. Characters:

I. List all the characters in the chapter with the specific actions they are responsible for within just the chapter read

III. Theme Analysis

I. Choose one (or two) of the following themes: Savagery vs. Civilization, Loss of Innocence, Blind Idolatry

II. How does the chapter develop this theme? In at least 6 sentences, explain your answer using CER format.

I. Claim: What do you want to prove?

II. Evidence: Textual support. This should have a lead in, a direct quote (5-10 words only!), and parenthetical documentation.

III. Rationale: How does this prove your claim? Why is it important to consider?

Chapter Two

With your group, explain the symbolic significance of the following: The “beastie”

The signal fire

What does each item symbolize? How do they fit into a “bigger picture”?

What text evidence do you have to support this? Lead in

Parenthetical citation

Chapter Three: Paired

I. Plot Summary: In 3-4 sentences, what happened? Be specific. Again, your outline should be thorough enough to help someone who is lost within the novel.

II. Characters:

I. List characters in the chapter with the specific actions they are responsible for within just the chapter read (choose characters with major implications)

III. Theme Analysis

I. Choose one (or two) of the following themes: Savagery vs. Civilization, Loss of Innocence, Blind Idolatry

II. How does the chapter develop this theme? In at least 6 sentences, explain your answer using CER format.

I. Claim: What do you want to prove?

II. Evidence: Textual support. This should have a lead in, a direct quote (5-10 words only!), and parenthetical documentation.

III. Rationale: How does this prove your claim? Why is it important to consider?

Chapter 3 Overview

Jack tries to kill a pig, but it gets away.

Ralph and Simon are working to build shelter. No one helps them.

Jack is uninterested in anything if it is not hunting, this upsets Ralph because he needs help guiding people to complete projects and to help the littluns feel less scared. Jack and Ralph are slowly not friends.

Simon wanders into the forest and finds a beautiful open space to admire the beauty of the island.

Chapter 4 Overview

The boys have been on the island for a while (longer hair, tan, etc.) Eating is not good. They suffer stomach aches and diarrhea due to a

non-balanced diet and unwashed fruits.

They suffer from hallucinations from the heat.

Roger and Maurice like to destroy things. They also throw stones at the boys (they never really hit them, but they aim it at them).

Jack is obsessed with killing a pig. He finally is successful. He is the reason the signal fire was not lit when a rescue ship was within distance of their island. Jack has killed now. He’s not afraid of violence. He’s more assertive

and aggressive. He’s the real leader now.

Chapter Four: Paired

I. Plot Summary: In 3-4 sentences, what happened? Be specific. Again, your outline should be thorough enough to help someone who is lost within the novel.

II. Characters:

I. List characters in the chapter with the specific actions they are responsible for within just the chapter read (choose characters with major implications)

III. Theme Analysis

I. Choose two of the following themes: Savagery vs. Civilization, Loss of Innocence, Blind Idolatry

II. How does the chapter develop this theme? In a CER response for BOTH responses!

I. Claim: What do you want to prove?

II. Evidence: Textual support. This should have a lead in, a direct quote (5-10 words only!), and parenthetical documentation.

III. Rationale: How does this prove your claim? Why is it important to consider?

Chapter 5 Overview

The chapter starts with Ralph, unhappy with how their lives have changed. Longer hair, more tan, incredibly dirty – this indicates that much time

has passed.

Ralph has decided it’s time to take control of the group. He berates them about not upholding the rules, specifically: Refusing to help build shelter or gather drinking water

Neglecting the signal fire

Going to the bathroom any place they want instead of the designated areas

Chapter 5 Overview

Ralph understands the importance of the signal fire. He is also trying to calm the littlun’s growing fear of beasts. Ralph continually says that there are no monsters on the island. He’s attempting to lead with order and structure.

Jack agrees with this, claiming that everyone gets scared and that it’s just a matter of dealing with it. It’s not denying, but it’s also not an answer to calm anyone down.

Piggy agrees with Ralph. It’s the most logical answer.

Chapter 5 Overview

A littlun suggests that he has actually seen the beast, it comes out of the ocean at night. This causes an uproar. They thought the monster was on the land.

How can they protect themselves if it is actually at sea?

Jack says he will kill it. He torments Piggy, then runs away. All the boys follow him.

Ralph, Piggy and Simon remain at the meeting area, left behind.

Chapter 5 Overview

As the boys leave, Piggy encourages Ralph to summon the group again.

Ralph is afraid it will be ignored and that problems will escalate. He thinks he should relinquish leadership. Simon and Piggy disagree: the boys need Ralph for guidance.

As the chapter ends, there are sounds of crying that echoes along the island (littlun’s crying themselves to sleep).

Chapter Five: Paired

I. Plot Summary: In 3-4 sentences, what happened? Be specific. Again, your outline should be thorough enough to help someone who is lost within the novel.

II. Characters:

I. List characters in the chapter with the specific actions they are responsible for within just the chapter read (choose characters with major implications)

No theme analysis for this chapter! Focus on the worksheet that spans Chapter 5! You must complete front and back!

Due at the end of the class period. No exceptions. You had no quiz today, and I’m not collecting the Chapter 5 Worksheet. You should be able to accomplish this if you use your time wisely.

Chapter Six: PairedI. Plot Summary: In 3-4 sentences,

what happened? Be specific. Again, your outline should be thorough enough to help someone who is lost within the novel.

II. Characters and Reactions to the Beastie


See example to right.







How they react:

They are afraid.

Action they take:

They scramble down the mountain to find Ralph.

Change in attitude:

No change.

Chapter 7: I. Plot Summary

II. Character and their Actions






The Other Boys

III. Government

Create the chart on the right. Fill it in.

DemocracyRalph being


Military DictatorshipJack is Chief

What benefits does each government offer its followers?

Ralph: Jack:

What is a symbol of power for each government?Ralph: Jack:

In what way is each party weak?Ralph: Jack:

Which group is stronger? Why?

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