long-acting testosterone undecanoate for parenteral testosterone … · 2020. 7. 17. · aksam a...

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Future Drugs Ltd

10.1586/14750708.3.6.709 © 2006 Future Drugs Ltd ISSN 1475-0708 Therapy (2006) 3(6), 709–721 709


Long-acting testosterone undecanoate for parenteral testosterone therapyAksam A Yassin†, Doris Huebler & Farid Saad †Author for correspondenceClinic of Urology/Andrology, Segeberger Kliniken, Department of Urology, Rathausallee 94 a, 22846 Norderstedt-Hamburg, Germany; and Gulf Medical College School of Medicine, Ajman, United Arab EmiratesTel.: +49 405 262 157 Fax: +49 405 262 820 yassin@t-online.de

Keywords: injection interval, pharmacokinetic profile, testosterone esters, testosterone treatment, testosterone undecanoate

Testosterone as a compound for the treatment of testosterone deficiency has been available for almost 70 years; however, the pharmaceutical formulations have been less than ideal. Injectable testosterone esters have been used traditionally for treatment, but they generate supranormal testosterone levels shortly after the 2–3-weekly injections, when testosterone levels then decline very rapidly becoming subnormal in the days before the next injection. Testosterone undecanoate is a new injectable testosterone preparation with a considerably better pharmacokinetic profile. After two initial injections with a 6-week interval, the following intervals between two injections are almost always 12 weeks. Plasma testosterone levels with this preparation are almost always in the normal range. Side effects experienced with conventional testosterone esters are almost nil with this preparation.

Soon after its chemical identification more than70 years ago, the male hormone testosteronebecame pharmaceutically available. However, ithas taken a considerable time for convenientand safe preparations to be developed. The lowbioavailability, after both oral and parenteraladministration due to the short circulating half-life of testosterone, hampered its therapeutic use[1,2]. Among ways to circumvent these limita-tions, chemical modifications of the testoster-one molecule were developed allowing oral use,although part some these turned out to be hepa-totoxic. Subsequently, various parenteral testo-sterone preparations were developed. Amongthe earliest were intramuscular injectable for-mulations of testosterone esterified with fattyacids dissolved in a vegetable oil vehicle [3].These preparations remain the most cost-effec-tive and widely used worldwide. However,injections of conventional testosterone fattyacid esters (enanthate, cypionate, decanoate andpropionate) have an effective duration of actionof 1–2 weeks [4], as wider or narrower spacingbetween injections leads to progressively moreextreme excursions in serum testosterone con-centrations with substantial supra- and sub-physiological serum concentrations, less well-sustained gonadotropin suppression [5] andgreater subjective symptoms of these wide fluc-tuations [2]. Subdermal testosterone pelletimplants or biodegradable microspheres allowlonger application intervals, although handlingof these preparations is relatively difficult [6–8].

Most forms of oral testosterone are alkylatedat the 17α-carbon position, greatly reducingtheir hepatic metabolism and improving theiroral bioavailability. Unfortunately, these com-pounds, such as 17α-methyl testosterone, areassociated with an unacceptably high rate ofhepatotoxic effects, including cholestatic jaun-dice, peliosis hepatis and even liver tumors in athird to half of long-term users [9–11]. As a result,such 17α-alkylated forms of testosterone are notconsidered safe for long-term use by mostexperts in the field [12].

The only oral administration of testosteronethat is currently safe is testosterone undecanoate(TU), which is commercially available in manycountries. When administered orally, a portion ofTU is absorbed via lymphatics and therebybypasses hepatic first-pass metabolism [13–15]. TUis lymphatically absorbed due to its long lipophilicside chain. However, the absolute bioavailabilityof testosterone after oral TU administration isonly approximately 6% [15], implying that most ofan oral TU dose is absorbed via the portal circula-tion and metabolized by the liver. TU must beadministered orally in doses of 120–240 mg/day(divided in two-to-three administrations per day).

The transdermal route for testosterone admin-istration generates excellent pharmacokineticprofiles; however, patches can cause moderate tosevere skin reaction due to the vehicles (enhanc-ers) that facilitate testosterone absorption acrossthe skin [16]. The newly available testosteronegels are safe and effective, but must be applied to

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a fairly large area of skin and care must be takento avoid inadvertent exposure to women andchildren [17–21].

Sustained- and controlled-release testoster-one buccal systems, including mucoadhesiveexcipients, are now available in some countriesbut require twice-daily administration. Venousdrainage from the oral cavity flows directly tothe superior vena cava and, thus, hepatic first-pass metabolism is circumvented with thesepreparations [22–25].

In summary, each of these modes of testoster-one delivery has drawbacks. The recent discov-ery of steroidal and nonsteroidal selectiveandrogen receptor modulators (SARMs) couldprovide a promising alternative for testosteronetherapy, including hormonal male contracep-tion. The identification of an orally bioavailableSARM with the ability to mimic the desiredcentral and peripheral androgenic and anaboliceffects of testosterone in a tissue-specific mannerand simultaneously avoid the undesirableandrogen effects (e.g., on prostate and skin)would represent an important step in androgentherapy [26–30]. However, most of these com-pounds are in very early phases of pharmaceuti-cal development and the availability on themarket is expected in the more or less distantfuture. That also applies to microencapsulationof Leydig cells [31] and some possibilities of stemcell technology.

In a search for medium-term solutions to keyproblems of testosterone therapy, TU, for intra-muscular administration was developed byJenapharm GmbH & Co. KG, a subsidiary ofSchering AG in Berlin, Germany. The develop-ment of this long-acting TU (LA-TU) will nowbe presented and discussed.

Development of LA-TU For the development of an intramuscular long-acting testosterone preparation for male contra-ception, the WHO Special Programme ofResearch, Development and Research Trainingin Human Reproduction initiated search activi-ties for identifying suitable fatty acid side chainsfor esterification of testosterone [32]. It appearedthat testosterone esterified with undecanoic acidshows ideal long-term kinetics [4,33–34]. The firstTU preparation was developed in China [35–36].Unfortunately, the injection volume of 8 ml forTU 1000 mg caused some problems at the localinjection site. Therefore, by use of a specialgalenic formulation based on benzyl benzoateand refined castor oil, Jenapharm/Schering were

able to develop a suitable intramuscular testo-sterone preparation with a volume of 4 ml con-taining 1000 mg of TU. At present, thestability in climate zone II (25oC) lasts60 months [37]. Intramuscular TU is currentlynot approved for use in the USA, but is pre-scribed in Europe, Latin America and Asiaunder the trade name Nebido®, and in Aus-tralia under the trade name Reandron 1000®

for the treatment of male hypogonadism.

Toxicology & pharmacologyThe active pharmacological principle of LA-TUis testosterone itself. After entering the periph-eral circulation, TU (molecular weight456.7 Da) is hydrolyzed to testosterone, whichexerts its androgenic activity [14,38]. Therefore,the toxicology of TU is the same as for othercleavable testosterone fatty acid esters, such astestosterone propionate (three carbon atoms),testosterone enanthate (TE; seven carbon atoms)or testosterone cypionate (eight carbon atoms).In contrast to these fatty acid esters, the kineticsfor side-chain cleavage of the saturated aliphaticfatty acid undecanoic acid with 11 carbon atomsturned out to be considerably longer, permittingmuch longer injection intervals and at the sametime preventing supra- or subphysiologicalserum testosterone levels.

Nahrendorf and colleagues evaluated the influ-ence of LA-TU treatment on left ventricularremodeling following experimental myocardialinfarction in male rats, as assessed by magnetic res-onance imaging and in vivo hemodynamics [39].The authors found no evidence for cardiac toxic-ity of testosterone administration, despite a ten-fold increase in testosterone serum levels, afterTU administration compared with placeboadministration. Neither infarct size nor proce-dure-related mortality was influenced by TU.On the contrary, there was a tendency to animproved hemodynamic outcome: left ventricu-lar end diastolic pressure was reduced signifi-cantly in TU-treated animals together with wallstress without differences in diastolic filling ratesfollowing myocardial infarction.

Despite the fact that, after oral administra-tion, TU is well tolerated, the bioavailabilityleaves much to be desired. Täuber and colleaguesreported that the mean absolute bioavailabilityof testosterone after oral administration of TU towomen was 6.83 ± 3.32%, whereas the meanabsolute bioavailability of orally administeredfree testosterone was 3.64 ± 2.45% [15]. Theabsorption of TU by the gut is erratic, resulting

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in a great inter- as well as intra-individual varia-bility in serum levels. TU is metabolized partlyin the intestinal wall [14].

With the present state of available testosteronepreparations, the parenteral administration ofTU will receive growing interest.

PharmacokineticsThe relationships between intramuscular TUdose (31, 62.5, 125, 250 and 500 mg/kg bodyweight subcutaneously) and testosterone serumlevels was investigated in male rats [40]. A singleinjection of TU 125 mg/kg body weight iseffective in inducing physiological testosteronelevels in orchiectomized rats for a minimum of4 weeks. High-dose TU (500 mg/kg bodyweight) administered as a single injection resultsin supraphysiological testosterone serum con-centrations for up to 6 weeks in nonorchiect-omized animals. TU was superior to otherpreparations releasing testosterone (subcutane-ous testosterone pellets, testosterone-filled sub-cutaneous Silastic® implants and subcutaneoustestosterone propionate).

In five long-term orchidectomized cynomol-gus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis), Partsch andcolleagues compared the testosterone serum lev-els after single intramuscular injections of TU orTE 10 mg/kg body weight [41]. With respect topharmacokinetic characteristics, such as AUC(4051 vs 1771 nmol × h/l), residence time (41 vs12 days), terminal half-life (26 vs 10 days), max-imal testosterone concentration (73 vs177 nmol/l) and time to maximal testosteroneconcentration (11 vs 1 days), TU showed phar-macokinetic and pharmacodynamic propertiesclearly superior to those of TE. Animals treatedwith TU also demonstrated a significantly longerejaculatory response (14 weeks) than thosetreated with TE (7 weeks).

A group headed by Eberhard Nieschlag inGermany, together with the National ResearchInstitute for Familiy Planning in China, exam-ined the pharmacokinetics of parenteral TU dis-solved in soybean oil, castor oil or tea seed oil.Five castrated male cynomolgus monkeys(Macaca fascicularis) received a single intramus-cular injection of TU 10 mg/kg body weight(nonesterified testosterone 6.3 mg/kg bodyweight for all preparations). After injection, sup-raphysiological testosterone levels were induced.There were no significant differences in thepharmacokinetics of the three TU preparationswith regard to plasma testosterone and estradiol.The suppression of gonadotropin levels showed

highly individual variations. Prostate volumesincreased equally in all groups after administra-tion and declined to castrate levels after with-drawal. The results suggest that TU in soybeanoil produces similar effects as TU in other vehi-cles. The authors conclude that this study innonhuman primates warranted testing of thisnew preparation in humans [42].

Pharmacokinetics in menZhang and colleagues presented the firstdetailed pharmacokinetic investigation of theinjectable Chinese TU preparation administer-ing two single doses in hypogonadal men [43].Eight patients with Klinefelter’s syndromereceived either TU 500 or 1000 mg by intra-muscular injection; and 3 months later, theother dose was administered to each of the par-ticipants. Every week or second week after theinjections, the serum total testosterone concen-trations were measured. The whole observationperiod was only 8–9 weeks. The single-doseinjections maintained serum testosterone levelswithin the normal range for at least 7 weeks,without immediately apparent side effects. Ofconsiderable interest was the observation thatthe pharmacokinetic profiles of testosteronewere different when TU 500 mg was adminis-tered as the first injection or when it was givenas the second. Somewhat unexpectedly, thepeak testosterone values obtained were lowerwhen the 500 mg dose given as the secondinjection, compared with when the 500 mgdose was administered first. The authors specu-late that long-term hypogonadism of these menmay have induced faster cleavage or clearancemechanisms for TU and testosterone by thetime of the second injection. Another explana-tion proposed was that the residual endogenoustestosterone is suppressed by the first injection(decreasing of luteinizing hormone [LH] andfollicle-stimulating hormone [FSH]) and that,after the second injection, only exogenoustestosterone is measured.

Behre and colleagues, from the group inMuenster, compared the Chinese preparation(TU 125 mg/ml in tea seed oil) with TU250 mg/ml in castor oil [44]. TU 125 mg/ml intea seed oil was injected in two volumes of 4 mlat two sites, while TU 250 mg/ml in castor oilwas a single injection of 4 ml. It appeared thatTU 250 mg/ml in castor oil had a longer half-lifethan the tea seed preparation (33.9 ± 4.9 vs20.9 ± 6.0 days). This observation is in agree-ment with an interesting study on the possible

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influence of injection volume on the pharma-cokinetics of nandrolone esters. Comparingintramuscular 1000 mg nandrolone decanoate in1 vs 4 ml oily solution, the bioavailability of thesteroid in the smaller injection volume was largerthan in the larger volume [45]. This underlinesthe relevance of an injection volume of this typeof drug. In the case of LA-TU the well-estab-lished injection volume of 4 ml should not bemodified, for example, by administering 2 mltwice at different sites at the same time.

In the next study from the Muenster group, 13hypogonadal men received four intramuscularinjections of LA-TU at 6-week intervals [46]. Tes-tosterone serum levels were never found to liebelow the lower limit of normal, and only brieflyafter the third and fourth injections were testo-sterone serum levels above the upper limit of nor-mal, while peak and trough values increased overthe 24-week observation period. Serum estradioland dihydrostestosterone (DHT) followed thispattern, not exceeding the normal limits. Thesame group performed a study for finding suita-ble injection intervals for LA-TU [47]. In sevenhypogonadal men, injections were administeredat gradually increasing intervals between the fifthand tenth injections (starting with a 6-weekinjection interval) and from then on every12 weeks. Steady-state kinetics were assessedafter the thirteenth injection. Cmax was32.0 ± 11.7 nmol/l and the half-life was70.2 ± 21.1 days. The mean Cmax of 32 nmol/lseen during steady-state with LA-TU adminis-tration was lower than that achieved by Testo-gel® 100 mg/day (37.5 nmol/l); however, it washigher than with Testogel 50 mg/day(28.8 nmol/l) and Androderm® patch 5 mg/day(26.5 nmol/l). Prior to the next injection, theserum levels for testosterone and its metabolites,DHT and estradiol, were mostly within the nor-mal (eugonadal) range and showed a tendency todecrease with increasing injection intervals. Thestudy concluded that, after initial loading dosesat 0 and 6 weeks, injection intervals of 12 weeksestablish eugonadal values of serum testosteronein almost all men. Also, Yassin and Saad analyz-ing 58 hypogonadal men on LA-TU treatmentevery 3 months, and did not notice any elevationof DHT levels exceeding the physiologicalthreshold [48].

In an open-label, randomized, prospectivestudy, Saad and colleagues compared LA-TU(TU 1000 mg three-times every 6 weeks, there-after every 9 weeks) with TE (250 mg every3 weeks) in 40 hypogonadal men (Figure 1) [49].

In contrast to the group treated with TE,trough testosterone levels (measured immedi-ately before the new injection) in patientsreceiving LA-TU remained within the physio-logical (eugonadal) range. This study wasextended as a follow-up study for approxi-mately 2.5 years of treatment [50]. All thepatients in this study phase received TU1000 mg every 12 weeks (the former LA-TUpatients) or TU 2 × 1000 mg every 8 weeks,followed by TU 1000 mg every 12 weeks (theformer TE patients). This regimen resulted instable mean serum trough levels of testosterone(ranging from 14.9 ± 5.2 to 16.5 ± 8.0 nmol/l)and estradiol (ranging from 98.5 ± 45.2 to80.4 ± 14.4 pmol/l). For testosterone therapywith LA-TU, the authors recommended an ini-tial loading dose of TU 3 × 1000 mg every6 weeks, followed by TU 1000 mg every12 weeks. It was demonstrated that patientsreceiving TE could be switched to LA-TUwithout interruption in therapy, but with anadditional loading dose of LA-TU 2 × 1000 mgevery 8 weeks after switching from theshort-acting TE to TU.

Clinical long-term experience up to 120weeks was also published in 2004 by anothergroup [51]. A total of 26 hypogonadal patientsreceived LA-TU (TU 1000 mg/4 ml) in a firststage of the study in weeks 0, 6, 16, 26 and 36,followed by an additional stage of up to120 weeks with injections every 12 weeks. Thesupranormal peak concentrations of total andfree testosterone occurred 2 weeks after the firstinjection, then decreased to within the physio-logical range. At the end of the study, duringwashout period, serum testosterone levelsdeclined to the low pretreatment levels14 weeks after the final injection. A parallelincrease of 17β-estradiol levels was seen, butthere was an earlier decrease to pre-treatmentlevels by 4 weeks after the last injection. SerumLH and FSH were suppressed during the treat-ment period, while sex hormone-binding glob-ulin (SHBG) remained stable. Serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) rose from 0.660 to0.976 ng/ml (p < 0.01) after 120 weeks, butdid not exceed the normal range. Prostate vol-ume increased from 19.6 to 26 ml (p < 0.05).Osteocalcin rose from 0.734 to 1.049 nmol/l(p < 0.01). Bone mineral density (BMD) didnot change. Standard laboratory tests und uro-flow did not change. Sexual interest (assessedby use of the aging males’ symptom [AMS]questionnaire) increased.

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Long-term experience (up to more than8 years) with LA-TU in 22 hypogonadal men hasbeen presented by Zitzmann and Nieschlag [52].Individual dosing intervals ranged from 10 to14 weeks. Serum trough levels of testosteronewere generally within the low normal range,indicating sufficient substitution. In contrast toshort-acting testosterone esters, sensations offluctuations in androgen serum concentrationswere rarely observed. If this was the case, itoccurred during the last 2 weeks before the nextinjection, indicating loss of androgenic psycho-tropic effects. Summarizing the two key studiesby Zitzmann and Nieschlag [52] and Schubertand colleagues [50], the following administrationregimen is recommended for LA-TU therapy inhypogonadal men: after the first injection ofTU 1000 mg, the second injection ofTU 1000 mg is to be administered 6 weeks afterthe first injection (loading dose), followed byinjections every 12 weeks (Figure 2). An individu-alization of the LA-TU therapy is recommendedby Zitzmann and Nieschlag [52]. If before thefourth injection the testosterone serum concen-tration lies between 10 and 15 nmol/l, the injec-tion interval should be every 12 weeks. Shouldthe testosterone serum concentration at thistime be lower than 10 nmol/l, the injectioninterval is shortened to every 10 weeks. If thetestosterone level is greater than 15 nmol/l, theinjection interval should be extended to every14 weeks. Additionally, clinical symptomsshould be considered for individualization of

injection intervals with LA-TU therapy. Theloading dose of TU achieved by the first twoinjections with an interval of 6 weeks is also rec-ommended for patients who are being trans-ferred from short-acting testosterone injections(e.g., testosterone enanthate 250 mg) totreatment with LA-TU.

Whereas all known papers on the pharmacok-inetics of LA-TU show that, after intramuscularinjection of TU 1000 mg, serum testosteroneconcentrations are still in the physiological (eug-onadal) range, Hay and Wu report that adminis-tration of TU 1000 mg every 12 weeks andTU 750 mg every 9 weeks causes periodicalsupraphysiological excursions of testosteronelevels in ten hypogonadal men [53,54]. TU500 mg every 6 weeks provided the most physi-ological androgen replacement, with testoster-one levels within the normal range at all timepoints. However, these findings with LA-TUwere not replicated by other groups.

Therapy of hypogonadism with LA-TUSeveral treatment options exist for hypogonadalpatients. The most commonly used includeinjectable intramuscular testosterone esters, suchas TE, administered at injection intervals of2–3 weeks, which is associated with supraphysio-logical peak values shortly after the injection andto subphysiological levels in the days before thenew injection. This often leads to mood swingsor emotional instability. Another important con-sequence of the supraphysiological testosteronelevels treatment with TE is the periodic elevationin hematocrit. From 70 older men with lowserum testosterone receiving TE 200 mg every2 weeks, 30% developed a hematocrit greaterthan 52% [55,56]. In another study of 32 hypo-gonadal men receiving TE 200 mg every2 weeks, 14 patients (43.8%) had at least oneoccurrence of an elevated hematocrit value [59].Elevated hematocrit values may lead to throm-boembolic events. It is now clear that LA-TU isat least as effective and safe as the standardinjectable formulation and requires only fourinjections per year in long-term treatment whilemaintaining serum testosterone levels within thephysiological range. The data confirm the safetyand efficacy of long-term LA-TU therapy inhypogonadal patients treated over a period ofmore than 8 years.

The two key studies on TU have been per-formed in Muenster, Germany, by the groupheaded by Nieschlag, and in Cologne, Germany,headed by Jockenhoevel and Schubert. The results

Figure 1. Trough levels of testosterone after repeated injections of testosterone enanthate and testosterone undecanoate in 40 hypogonadal men.

Mean age: 41 years; range: 18–74 years.TE: Testosterone enanthate;TU: Testosterone undecanoate.

Time (months)






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0 6 12 18 24 300






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have been presented by Zitzmann [52] and Schu-bert [58] at the Fifth World Congress on the AgingMale, 2006, in Salzburg, Austria. These studiesare summarized by Schubert and colleagues [Schu-

bert M, Zitzmann M. Unpublished Data]. LA-TU was gener-ally well tolerated. Local irritation at the site ofinjection was moderate, did not last longer than3 days and could be minimized by administeringLA-TU slowly over a period of approximately1 min. No patients discontinued treatment due toproblems of local discomfort. LA-TU should beinjected deeply into the gluteal muscle with thepatient in a prone position. During the first yearof LA-TU treatment, erythropoiesis parameters,prostate size and serum PSA should be monitoredfor safety reasons in men above the age of 45 yearsat quarterly intervals and then yearly thereafter.

Muenster studyThe study included 14 patients who receivedLA-TU up to 8.5 years at injection intervals ofapproximately 12 weeks. Patients reported res-toration of sexual function and positive changesin mood patterns. In contrast to short-actingTE preparations, patient-reported perceptionof fluctuations in androgen concentrationswere rarely reported. Over the whole treatmentperiod, PSA concentrations did not exceed thenormal range and prostate size remained below30 ml in all patients. Hemoglobin and hemat-ocrit increased initially during treatment, but

remained within the normal range over theentire treatment period. Computed tomo-graphy of the lumbar spine showed that bonedensity improved in all patients during the first2 years and remained stable thereafter. Bodymass index (BMI) decreased during the first2 years of treatment. Serum total cholesterollevels did not change over the treatment periodand serum LDL levels decreased slightly, con-curring with the decrease of BMI, and serumHDL levels increased slightly over time. Therewere no relevant changes in blood pressure orheart rate. Overall, treatment with intramuscu-lar TU demonstrated beneficial effects on bodycomposition and lipid profile [58].

Cologne studyThe efficacy of LA-TU was compared with thegold standard of TE 250 mg intramuscularly ina 30-week controlled, prospective, randomized,parallel-group study that was followed by along-term open-label study over 5 years. Duringthe first 30 weeks of the comparative phase,40 hypogonadal men with testosterone levelsbelow 5 nmol/l were randomly assigned toeither TE 250 mg intramuscularly every3 weeks (n = 20) or LA-TU three times in6-week intervals, followed by a 9-week interval.Following the first 30 weeks of the comparativepart of the study, all patients received LA-TUevery 12 weeks in a one-arm follow-up studyover an additional 30 months. In the first30 weeks, there were no differences in sexualparameters (spontaneous morning erections,total erections and ejaculations) between thetwo groups (Figure 3). After 30 weeks, serum PSAlevels in both treatment groups had risenslightly, but remained stable during long-termLA-TU administration and stayed within thenormal range over the entire observation period.Prostate volume increased during the first30 weeks but then remained stable until the endof the follow-up study (Figure 4) [59]. Compar-ing the mean baseline levels with the mean lev-els after follow-up, there was an increase inserum testosterone (from 3.9 to 16.2 nmol/l),PSA serum levels (from 0.27 to 0.75 ng/ml) andprostate volume (from 14.5 to 20.2 ml),whereas a decline of serum total cholesterol(from 235.3 to 202.4 mg/dl), LDL cholesterol(from 158.8 to 134.9 mg/dl), HDL cholesterol(from 46.1 to 42.8 mg/dl) and triglycerides(from 199.9 to 161.2 mg/dl) was observed.Taken together, there were no serious sideeffects of LA-TU treatment.

Figure 2. Dosage scheme of intramuscular testosterone undecanoate 1000 mg.

The second injection should be administered after an interval of 6 weeks, and thereafter every 12 weeks. Recommended scheme of checks in patients aged over 45 years.DRE: Digital rectal examination; Hb: Hemoglobin; PSA: Prostate-specific antigen; T: Testosterone; TU: Testosterone undecanoate.

Initial dosage TU

Control: Hb PSA DRE

Control: T Hb PSA

0 6 18 30Weeks

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Using a standardized self-evaluation ques-tionnaire for assessing psychosexual effects ofLA-TU treatment [60], it was found that scoresfor sexual thoughts/fantasies and sexual inter-est/desire doubled. Also, the score for satisfac-tion of sex life increased. Improvements wereseen for waking erections, total number of erec-tions and ejaculations. The psychologicalparameters for depression, fatigue and anxietydecreased within the first 3–6 weeks andremained stable. There were no statistically sig-nificant differences between TE and TU. Nosignificant change was observed in the score foraggressiveness in either group, indicating thatthis parameter was not affected by the treat-ment provided. These results obtained inhypogonadal men are paralleled in somerespects in the study by O’Connor and col-leagues showing that a single injection of TU1000 mg to 28 eugonadal young men, elevatingmean testosterone levels above normal, wasassociated with significant increases inanger/hostility from baseline to week 2 after theinjection [60]. It was accompanied by an overallreduction in fatigue/inertia and did notincrease aggressive behavior or induce anychanges in nonaggressive or sexual behavior.

The Muenster and Cologne studies were con-firmed recently by a study conducted by Jacobeitand colleagues [61]. A total of 33 hypogonadal menwith primary, secondary or late-onset hypogonad-ism between the ages of 45 and 79 years, weretreated with LA-TU. Serum testosterone levelsincreased from 9.0 ± 3.8 nmol/l at baseline to13.5 ± 4.6 nmol/l after 6 weeks and to16.4 ± 6.4 nmol/l after 30 weeks of treatment.DHT levels increased from 0.98 ± 0.48 to3.1 ± 1.0 nmol/l. Serum PSA levels fluctuatedminimally in the normal range. In two patients, thelength between two injections could be prolongedfrom 12 to 14 weeks. All patients reportedimproved mood, sexual function and quality of life.

In contrast to the short-acting testosteroneesters with LA-TU, the gonadotropins FSH andluteinizing hormone LH are permanently sup-pressed. This suppression of gonadotropins isdesired for male contraception, for whichLA-TU is a potential candidate.

Treatment of erectile dysfunction with LA-TUThe influence of LA-TU on erectile dysfunction(ED) has been investigated extensively by Yassinand colleagues [62–66]. In a study assessing the

Figure 3. Sexual parameters in 40 hypogonadal men treated with testosterone or testosterone undecanoate.

Mean age: 41 years; range: 18–74 years.

S 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30Weeks

S 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30Weeks

S 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30Weeks










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Testosterone enanthateTestosterone undecanoate*p < 0.05


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impact of testosterone therapy only on ED, 22hypogonadal men with ED received injections ofLA-TU on day 1, again after 6 weeks and then inintervals of 12 weeks. Sexual function wasassessed using the International Index of ErectileFunction (IIEF) [65]. While in all patients testo-sterone therapy alone significantly improved thesexual desire domain of the IIEF (from 4.5 to 8.4on a scale of 10), in 12 out of 22 patients (54%)the erectile function domain score increased from12 at baseline (moderate ED) to 25 (indicatingnormal erectile function) at week 24. It is of notethat the effect of testosterone on erectile functionmay appear as late as after 12–24 weeks ofadministration of testosterone.

Evaluation of the role of testosterone therapyon veno-occlusive dysfunction showed caverno-sographic changes in hypogonadal patients withsevere ED, diabetes mellitus, obesity and/or met-abolic syndrome who did not respond to phos-phodiesterase (PDE)5 inhibitors and alprostadilinjections [64–66]. One patient who had venousleakage prior to testosterone received treatmentwith LA-TU at 12–14-week intervals following aloading dose of 6 weeks. The patient showedimproved sexual function after 9 weeks of treat-ment and repeated cavernosography after12 weeks revealed that the venous leakage hadreceded (Figure 5) [66]. The results from this casestudy suggest that LA-TU has a positive impacton the veno-occlusive properties of penile trabec-ular tissues in hypogonadal ED patients. The

disappearance of venous leakage suggests thatLA-TU treatment may have beneficial effects onpenile anatomical/physiological substrate, facili-tating the veno-occlusive mechanism. This find-ing has been replicated in five out of 12hypogonadal patients [64]. These results confirmdata obtained from animal studies showing thatandrogen insufficiency leads to veno-occlusivedysfunction that cannot be restored with PDE5inhibitor treatment alone [67].

Suitability of LA-TU for the management of transgender patientsDespite the current limited experience(13 patients), the treatment of female-to-maletransgender individuals with LA-TU appears tobe a safe and effective therapy. Undesirable sideeffects have not been observed. Total cholesteroland LDL were lowered and HDL remainedunchanged. The use of LA-TU did not lead toacne, seborrhoea and balding. In two patients itwas possible to prolong the injection intervalfrom 12 to 14 weeks [68,69].

Use of LA-TU for male contraceptionExogenous administration of testosterone func-tions as a contraceptive in the male by suppress-ing the secretion of LH and FSH from thepituitary. After 2–3 months of treatment, lowlevels of FSH and LH lead to markedlydecreased sperm concentrations. This approachto contraceptive development appears safe andfully reversible; however, sperm concentrationsare not suppressed to zero in all men. There-fore, researchers have combined testosteronewith progestins to further suppress pituitarygonadotropins and optimize contraceptive effi-cacy [70–79]. Surprisingly, studies in Chinese menshow that intramuscular TU alone affords bet-ter suppression of spermatogenesis and protec-tion against pregnancy than male condom useand, thus, use of TU alone could suffice forcontraceptive use in Chinese men and mayreceive registration in China [80].

In contrast to East Asians, only approximately50% of Caucasian volunteers exhibitedazoospermia following treatment with LA-TUalone administered every 6 weeks [81]. However,these results with LA-TU, which are comparableto those obtained following weekly injections ofTE [82], offer the advantage of longer injectionintervals and, therefore, TU is the most promis-ing androgen preparation for further develop-ment as a male contraceptive if combined withpotent progestins [83–87]. To increase long-term

Figure 4. Effect of testosterone undecanoate (intervals of 12 weeks) on prostate-specific antigen in 40 hypogonadal men.

Mean age: 41 years; range: 18–74 years.i.m.: Intramuscular; PSA: Prostate-specific antigen. From [59].


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00 6 12 18 24 30

Testosterone undecanoate 1000 mg i.m.Testosterone enanthate 250 mg i.m.

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acceptability of the regimen, TU injection inter-vals might even be prolonged to 8 or 12 weeks.Meriggiola and colleagues demonstrated thatinjections of LA-TU every 8 weeks, combinedwith 200 mg of the long-acting parenteral nore-thisterone enanthate (NETE), very effectivelysuppresses spermatogenesis in normal men [86].

For many years, the lack of suitable testosteroneformulations, in terms of pharmacokinetics andconvenience of administration, has hampered thedevelopment of male hormonal contraceptives.The recent studies with LA-TU represent a turningpoint in the development of male hormonal con-traceptives [87]. Despite the requirement of regularinjections, the acceptability of this regimen(LA-TU combined with NETE) is high [87].Although there are now many studies showing thesuitability of LA-TU combined with a progestin formale contraception, it is currently too early to rec-ommend a definitive regimen for male hormonalcontraception. Further studies are required.

Safety & tolerabilityNo major adverse effects were encountered inthe clinical trials of TU. This is not surprisingsince the pharmaceutically active component istestosterone itself. Common side effects of testo-sterone administration, such as gynecomastia,breast tenderness and acne, were reported inonly a minority of patients, which is probably tobe ascribed to the largely normal physiologicallevels achieved with LA-TU. Adverse effectsobserved in the initial studies were less frequentwhen the dosing frequency was decreased from6 and 8 weeks to 12 weeks, generating more

physiological testosterone levels. Very fewpatients reported irritation or pain at the sightof injection despite the large volume of injec-tion (4 ml). Significant increases in PSA andprostate size were noted in some of these trials;however, this is probably due to the fact thathypogonadal men have subnormal PSA valuesand small prostate size at baseline and isobserved with every kind of testosteroneadministration that normalizes plasma testo-sterone levels. Furthermore, PSA levels andprostate size remained within the normal range.Similarly, increases of parameters of erythro-poiesis to the eugonadal values were observed,but there was no occurrence of polycythemia asobserved in studies with the more traditionaltestosterone esters. Only one study demon-strated a transient decline in serum HDL cho-lesterol; however, its value remained within thenormal range [88].

Expert commentaryMost medical conditions requiring androgentherapy are irreversible. As a consequence,androgen-replacement therapy often extendsover many decades. Therefore, patient compli-ance is of utmost importance. Treatment withthe unmodified testosterone molecule is pre-ferred by opinion leaders, with a treatmentmodality and in a dose that maintains serumtestosterone in the physiological range for thefull 24 h of the day. To date, studies show thatLA-TU represents an effective, safe and welltolerated means of androgen treatment inhypogonadal men. At present, clinical experi-ence is available with LA-TU treatment over9 years [89].

After a recommended loading dose of twoinjections with a 6-week interval, LA-TU is thefirst intramuscular agent that can be adminis-tered every 12 weeks, thus maintaining physio-logical plasma testosterone levels. Depending onthe trough plasma testosterone level immedi-ately before the next injection and clinicalsymptoms of the patient, adjustment of theinjection interval is desirable, rarely by shorten-ing (every 10–11 weeks), or more often by pro-longing (every 13–14 weeks) the intervalbetween two injections. LA-TU produces fewerpeaks and troughs in serum testosterone levelsin comparison to the traditional testosteroneesters. Hypogonadal men treated with LA-TUreport a general sense of well-being and normalsexual function during treatment. These para-meters were not different when evaluated at the

Figure 5. Cavernosography images before and after testosterone undecanoate treatment.

(A) Cavernosography before testosterone undecanoate treatment clearly showing venous leakage (arrows). (B) Repeat cavernosography after 12 weeks testosterone undecanoate treatment showing no signs of venous leakage.From [66].



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half point of injection intervals compared withthe end of the injection interval period. Thissuggests that normal physiological testosteronevalues were maintained throughout the 12-weekperiod, without major fluctuations. As a result,patients did not report mood swings or emo-tional instability, which is a common complaintwith other testosterone preparations.

A major advantage of LA-TU is that it onlyrequires four injections per year compared with26 injections per year for TE (if taken at a doseof 200 or 250 mg every 2 weeks). Every12 weeks, the physician sees the patient forsafety and efficacy monitoring. The clinicalexperience with LA-TU meets the requirementsspelled out in the consensus on testosterone aswell as other recommendations regarding safetyand efficacy monitoring of testosterone adminis-tration. Therefore, LA-TU is also well suited forelderly men since these patients will be exam-ined four times per year and a prostate malig-nancy and other reasons for the discontinuationof the therapy can be timely diagnosed.

LA-TU treatment is indicated for all forms ofhypogonadism. Men with ED and low testoster-one may also benefit from LA-TU administra-tion, and the combination of PDE5 inhibitorsand LA-TU may be indicated in men who donot respond sufficiently to PDE5 inhibitorsalone. The results of use of LA-TU for male con-traception, for example, in combination withprogestins, are quite encouraging. However, thissubject needs further study.

The open questions are related to testosteronetherapy in general and also apply to other testo-sterone preparations. Larger, longer-term clinicalstudies with more patients are required to finddefinitive answers regarding the inter-relation-ships between testosterone serum levels and thepathophysiology of prostate cancer. However,experts agree that it is responsible clinical practiceto treat elderly hypogonadal men with testoster-one provided the existing guidelines for monitor-ing are followed. Specific questions with regardto LA-TU are related to the different pharmacok-inetics after single and multiple injections incomparison to other testosterone preparations.

OutlookIn view of its favorable pharmacokinetic profile,LA-TU has been well received. Its advantagesover the more conventional injectable testoster-one preparations are obvious. The injection fre-quency is as little as four per year. The largefluctuations of plasma testosterone with the con-ventional testosterone esters are subjectivelyexperienced as unpleasant by many patients.LA-TU, with its more favorable pharmoco-kinetic profile, did not have these side effects inclinical trials. Thus, the merits of LA-TU havemanifested themselves. The traditional testoster-one esters developed some 50–60 years ago arerelatively cheap. Health economics may delay awide introduction of LA-TU in the short-termin spite of the improvements in comparison tothe traditional testosterone esters.


• Traditional testosterone preparations have been available for more than 50 years, although their pharmacokinetic properties have been less than ideal.

• Injectable testosterone esters, to be administered at 2–3-week intervals, have been traditionally used but they generate supranormal testosterone levels shortly after the injection and then testosterone levels decline very rapidly, becoming subnormal in the days before the next injection.

• Testosterone undecanoate is a new injectable testosterone preparation with a considerably better pharmacokinetic profile. After two initial injections with a 6-week interval, the following intervals between two injections is usually 12 weeks.

• Plasma testosterone levels with testosterone undecanoate treatment are almost always in the range of normal men.

• Side effects experienced with the conventional testosterone esters are almost nil with this preparation.

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Aksam A Yassin, MD PhD EdD FEBU

Clinic of Urology/Andrology, Segeberger Kliniken, Department of Urology, Rathausallee 94 a, 22846 Norderstedt-Hamburg, Germany; and Gulf Medical College School of Medicine, Ajman-UAE Tel.: +49 405 262 157Fax: +49 405 262 820yassin@t-online.de

Doris HueblerSchmieden, 12; 07407 Uhlstaedt-Kirchhasel, Germany

Farid SaadResearch Department, Gulf Medical College School of Medicine, Ajman-UAE; Andrology Department, Schering AG, 13342 Berlin, Germany

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