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28 June 2007 at 10.30 am



TO: MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE (Quorum 3)* Councillors: Wendy Prentice (Chairman) Susette Palmer Andrew McNeil *This licensing authority will only allow licensing decisions to be taken by a minimum of three Councillors. In the event of one Member being unable to attend, their place will be substituted by another Member taken from the membership of the full Licensing Committee. In the event of this substitution taking place, all parties will be informed of the change of Membership at the beginning of the hearing. You are requested to attend the above meeting for which an Agenda is attached.

Janet Rawlings, Democratic Services Manager

Democratic Services contact: Nazyer Choudhury, 020 8359 2031 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE DIRECTORATE

________________________________________________________________________ To view Agenda papers on the website:


The Town Hall has access for wheelchair users including lifts and toilets. If you wish to let us know in advance that you will be attending the meeting please telephone Nazyer Choudhury on 020 8359 2031. People with hearing difficulties who have a text phone, may telephone our minicom number on 020 8203 8942. All of our Committee Rooms also have induction loops.

Town Hall Hendon, NW4 4BG


Item No.

Title of Report Contributors





4. APPLICATION FOR Platinum Lounge, Unit 1 Arts Depot, Tally Ho Corner, Nether Street, Finchley N12 0BF (West Finchley Ward) - 10.30 am (approx) )

Democratic Services Manager/ Licensing Officer

5. MOTION TO EXCLUDE THE PRESS AND PUBLIC: That, under Regulation 14(2) of the Licensing Act 2003 (Hearings) Regulations 2005, the public be excluded from the meeting whilst the sub-committee deliberate the application


7. RE-ADMISSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC Announcement of the decision of the Sub-Committee

8. Any other items which the Chairman agrees are urgent

Fire/Emergency Evacuation Procedure If the fire alarm sounds continuously, or if you are instructed to do so, you must leave the building by the nearest available exit. You will be directed to the nearest exit by Committee staff or by uniformed porters. It is vital you follow their instructions. You should proceed calmly; do not run and do not use the lifts. Do not stop to collect personal belongings. Once you are outside, please do not wait immediately next to the building, but move some distance away and await further instructions. Do not re-enter the building until told to do so.

AGENDA ITEM: 4 Page nos. 1 - 105

Meeting eting Licensing Sub-Committee Licensing Sub-Committee

Date Date 28 JUNE 2007 28 JUNE 2007

Subject Subject Platinum Lounge, Unit 1 Arts Depot, Tally Ho Corner, Nether Street, Finchley N12 0BF Platinum Lounge, Unit 1 Arts Depot, Tally Ho Corner, Nether Street, Finchley N12 0BF

Report of Report of Democratic Services Manager/Licensing Officer Democratic Services Manager/Licensing Officer

Summary Summary This report asks the Sub-Committee to consider an application for a new premises licence under the Licensing Act 2003 This report asks the Sub-Committee to consider an application for a new premises licence under the Licensing Act 2003

Officer Contributors Nazyer Choudhury - Democratic Services (covering report) Lewis Dodd, Licensing Officer (Licensing Officer’s Report)

Status (public or exempt) Public

Ward(s) affected West Finchley

Enclosures Enclosure 1: The Application Form

Enclosure 2: Report of the Licensing Officer and Decision Sheets including Written Representations

For decision by Licensing Sub-Committee

Function of Council

Reason for urgency / exemption from call-in (if appropriate)


Contact for further information: Nazyer Choudhury, Democratic Services, 020 8359 2031

1. RECOMMENDATIONS 1.1 That the Sub–Committee consider the application for a new premises licence. 2. RELEVANT PREVIOUS DECISIONS 2.1 None. 3. CORPORATE PRIORITIES AND POLICY CONSIDERATIONS 3.1 The council’s Licensing policy. 4. RISK MANAGEMENT ISSUES 4.1 Not applicable. 5. EQUALITIES AND DIVERSITY ISSUES 5.1 Licence applications are dealt with according to the provisions of the Licensing Act

2003 and associated Regulations which allow both applications and representations to applications to be made by all sectors of the community.

6. FINANCIAL, STAFFING, ICT AND PROPERTY IMPLICATIONS 6.1 None. 7. LEGAL ISSUES 7.1 Valid representations have been received to the application, which is therefore

before the Sub-Committee for consideration. 8. CONSTITUTIONAL POWERS 8.1 The Licensing Sub-Committee will discharge the functions under the Licensing Act

2003 and associated Regulations, as delegated to it by the Licensing Committee. 9. BACKGROUND INFORMATION 9.1 The application and report of the Licensing Officer and appendices are attached to

this report. 10. LIST OF BACKGROUND PAPERS 10.1 None. Legal: BH


The Application Form

Platinum LoungeFrom: Michael Watson [] Sent: 18 May 2007 13:15 To: Cc: Walmsley, Keith; Dodd, Lewis; Subject: RE: Platinum Lounge Dear PS Altman, Following our telephone conversation of today, and consultation with the applicant, I would like to amend the application to reflect the reduced hours suggested in your e-mail below. It is the intention of the applicant to prove himself as a good operator in the eyes of both the statutory authorities and local community before applying for extended hours. Amended terminal hours are as follows: Sun – Thu Licensable activities Midnight (premises closes 00.30 hours) Fri – Sat Licensable activities 01.00 hours (premises closes 01.30 hours) Xmas Eve Licensable activities 02.00 hours (premises closes 02.30 hours) New Years Eve As per the application I would like the terminal hour for late night refreshment to run until the premises closes in order for there to be the facility to serve coffee etc. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Kind regards, Michael Watson Director Licence Consultants Ltd Capital Safety Solutions Central London Training Company Incognito Service Evaluation 107 Westbourne Studios 242 Acklam Road London W10 5JJ +44 (0) 7958 512 470 (M) +44 (0) 208 964 0966 (T) +44 (0) 208 964 1314 (F) Central London Training Company is a division of Licence Consultants Ltd Company

Reg. No. 05027924 Vat Reg. No. 840 0049 72. Incognito Service Evaluation Company Reg. No. 5949303 Vat Reg. No. 893 8201 96 This message is confidential. It may also be privileged or otherwise protected by work product immunity or other legal rules. If you have received this message by mistake please let us know by reply and then delete it from your system; you should not copy the message or disclose the contents to anyone. We have taken precautions to minimise the risk of transmitting software viruses, but we advise that you carry out your own virus checks on any attachments to this message. We cannot accept liability for any loss or damage caused by software viruses. From: [] Sent: 18 May 2007 12:10 To: Cc:;; Subject: Platinum Lounge Dear Mr Watson, I am in receipt of your application for a new premises licence and have returned your telephone call, leaving a message on the answer phone. Prior to this application I visited the proposed site and spoke with Mr Martin and his partner. I was led to believe that the terminal hours requested for licensable activity would be: Sun - Thu Midnight Fri - Sat 1am Xmas Eve 1am or 2am New Years Eve As per the application As you will no doubt appreciate this is the busiest area in Barnet Borough with the highest proportion and concentration of licensed premises in the area. As such it returns the highest level of alcohol related crime and anti social behaviour. If the hours are granted as per the application the premises will then have the latest licence in Tally Ho (North Finchley). This is a new business venture with no previous track record and I have serious reservations that these extended hours will add to the existing problems in what is already a "hot spot" for crime and disorder in the borough. Along with our business partners we work closely with all of the licensed premises and the local residents. There is a strong pubwatch attended by the licensees and this application was mentioned as some residents had been made aware of the planning application and are certainly likely to make representations. At this stage I do not want to make a formal representation and would be grateful for your earliest response. The last date for representations is the 5th June 2007. Regards Mark Sergeant Mark Altman Licensing Officer

( Phone: 020 8733 5261 2 Fax: 020 8733 5268 : E-mail: + Mail: Licensing Office Whetstone Police Station 1170 High Road Whetstone London N20 0LW ********************************************************************** It is the policy of the MPS that: MPS personnel (or agents working on behalf of the MPS) must not use MPS systems to author, transmit or store documents such as electronic mail (e-mail) messages or attachments: * containing racist, homophobic,sexist, defamatory, offensive, illegal or otherwise inappropriate material; * containing material requiring a protective marking higher than RESTRICTED, (and not higher than NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED across the internet) without the use of approved encryption; * containing personal data for use other than in accordance with the notification(s) under the Data Protection Act, 1998 of the system(s) from which the data originates. * This Email message has been scanned for viruses and contents. ********************************************************************** ________________________________________________________________________ This e-mail has been scanned for all viruses by Star Internet. The service has been provisioned by London Borough Of Barnet's Information Systems team. _______________________________________________________________________


Report of the Licensing Officer (including decisions sheets)



Platinum Lounge, Unit 1, Artsdepot, Nether Street, North Finchley, London, N12 0BF

1. The Applicant

DML Management (UK) Limited, 8 Elder Close, London, N20 8DN

2. The Application This is an application made under Section 17 of the Licensing Act 2003 to grant a premise licence. The application is for the following: Regulated Entertainment Performance of live music (indoors only) between 11:00 hours & 00:00 hours Sunday to Thursday, & between 11:00 hours & 01:00 hours Friday & Saturday; performance of recorded music (indoors only) between 07:00 hours & 00:00 hours Sunday to Thursday & between 07:00 hours & 01:00 hours Friday & Saturday; provision of facilities for dancing (indoors only) between 11:00 hours & 00:00 hours Sunday to Thursday, & between 11:00 hours & 01:00 hours Friday & Saturday. Non-standard timings: From start of permitted hours New Years Eve until beginning

of permitted hours on the 1st of January Late Night Refreshment Late Night Refreshment (indoors only) between 23:00 & 00:30 Sunday to Thursday & between 23:00 hours & 01:30 hours Friday & Saturday. Non-standard timings: Until 05:00 hours New Years Day Supply of alcohol The supply of alcohol for consumption on the premises between 11:00 hours and Midnight Sunday to Thursday, 11:00 hours and 01:00 hours Friday and Saturday. Non-standard timings: From 11:00 hours New Years Eve until beginning of permitted hours New Years Day

3. Representations from the Interested Parties We have received 42 relevant representations from Interested Parties. These representations are attached to the report. These representations refer to issues such as noise, public nuisance & crime and disorder.

4. Representations from Responsible Authorities There were no representations received from any of the designated responsible authorities.

5. Officers Comments The Council's Policy and Guidance under Section 182 makes it clear that licensing law, though a key aspect, is not the primary mechanism for the general control of nuisance and antisocial behaviour by individuals once they are away from licensed premise and beyond the direct control of the licence holder. The Statutory Guidance at 7.23 and at 7.45 refers to the control of behaviour away from licensed premises. Council’s Policy (12.4) states that a licence may be granted where there is no planning consent and that licensing, planning and building control consents are distinctly separate processes and the legal framework for each is different.

6. Determination The sub-committee shall determine the application in accordance with Section 18 of the Licensing Act 2003. The Matters for decision are attached at Appendix 1. (1) Where relevant representations are made, the authority must-

(a) hold a hearing to consider them, unless the authority, the applicant and each person who has made such representations agree that a hearing is unnecessary, and

(b) having regard to the representations, take such of the steps mentioned in subsection

(2) (if any) as it considers necessary for the promotion of the licensing objectives. (3) the steps are-

(a) to modify the conditions of the licence; (b) to reject the whole or part of the application;

and for this purpose the conditions of the licence are modified if any of them is altered or omitted or any new condition is added.

8. Attaching conditions The operating schedule, which is part of the application, includes certain additional steps that the applicant will take to protect the licensing objectives. These will become enforceable conditions, should the licence be granted. Additional conditions may be attached to the licence if the committee thinks it appropriate. The Committee must have regard to all of the representations made and the evidence it hears, and is asked to note that it may not attach conditions or reject the whole or part of

the application merely because it considers it desirable to do so. It must actually be necessary in order to promote the licensing objectives. In relation to conditions, the statutory guidance at chapter 7.5 states amongst other things that “The Licensing Authority may not impose any conditions unless its discretion has been engaged following the making of relevant representations and it has been satisfied at a hearing of the necessity to impose conditions due to the representation raised. It may then only impose such conditions as are necessary to promote the licensing objectives arising out of the consideration of the representations”. The guidance also states at 7.17 that licensing conditions should be tailored to the size, style, characteristics and activities taking place at the premises concerned. Full Copies of the Councils Statement of Licensing Policy, the Statutory Guidance to the Act and the Council’s Guide to Good Practice at Licensed Premises will be available at the Licensing Sub Committee hearing or in advance if required. A map centrally locating the premises, identifying the properties of the residents who have made representations and a plan of the building will be available at the hearing 12/06/07 Prepared By: Lewis Dodd Licensing Officer

Matters for decision

Part E: to allow the performance of Live Music – indoors only

Paragraphs of particular relevance in Licensing policy

2.1 &2.3 Policy Objectives, 11.1 – 11.5 Cultural Activities and entertainments

Paragraphs of particular relevance in mandatory guidance

Page 28 – Cultural Strategies, Page 31 – Live Music and Dancing, Page 40 – Small Venues, Page 44 - Incidental Music Page 79 - Proportionality, Page 141 – Incidental music

Standard Hours Day Existing

start time Proposed start time

Existing finish time

Proposed finish time

Granted as application

Amended to: Refused

Monday 11:00 00:00 Tuesday 11:00 00:00 Wednesday 11:00 00:00 Thursday 11:00 00:00 Friday 11:00 01:00 Saturday 11:00 01:00 Sunday 11:00 00:00

Seasonal Variations and Non Standard Timings

On 31st December 11:00 until the beginning of permitted hours on 1st January.

Conditions attached:

Reasons for decisions above:

Part F: to allow the provision of Recorded Music – indoors only

Paragraphs of particular relevance in Licensing policy

2.1 &2.3 Policy Objectives, 11.1 – 11.5 Cultural Activities and entertainments

Paragraphs of particular relevance in mandatory guidance

Page 28 – Cultural Strategies, Page 31 – Live Music and Dancing, Page 40 – Small Venues, Page 44 - Incidental Music Page 79 - Proportionality, Page 141 – Incidental music

Standard Hours Day Existing

start time Proposed start time

Existing finish time

Proposed finish time

Granted as application

Amended to: Refused

Monday 07:00 00:00 Tuesday 07:00 00:00 Wednesday 07:00 00:00 Thursday 07:00 00:00 Friday 07:00 01:00 Saturday 07:00 01:00 Sunday 07:00 00:00

Seasonal Variations and Non Standard Timings On 31st December 11:00 until the beginning of permitted hours on 1st January.

Conditions attached:

Reasons for decisions above:

Part G: to allow the provision of facilities for dancing – indoors only

Paragraphs of particular relevance in Licensing policy

2.1 &2.3 Policy Objectives, 11.1 – 11.5 Cultural Activities and entertainments

Paragraphs of particular relevance in mandatory guidance

Page 28 – Cultural Strategies, Page 31 – Live Music and Dancing, Page 40 – Small Venues, Page 44 - Incidental Music Page 79 - Proportionality, Page 141 – Incidental music

Standard Hours Day Existing

start time Proposed start time

Existing finish time

Proposed finish time

Granted as application

Amended to: Refused

Monday 11:00 00:00 Tuesday 11:00 00:00 Wednesday 11:00 00:00 Thursday 11:00 00:00 Friday 11:00 01:00 Saturday 11:00 01:00 Sunday 11:00 00:00

Seasonal Variations and Non Standard Timings

On 31st December 11:00 until the beginning of permitted hours on 1st January.

Conditions attached:

Reasons for decisions above:

Part L; Late Night Refreshment

Paragraphs of particular relevance in Licensing policy

2.1 &2.3 Policy Objectives, 11.1 – 11.5 Cultural Activities and entertainments

Paragraphs of particular relevance in mandatory guidance

Page 28 – Cultural Strategies, Page 31 – Live Music and Dancing, Page 40 – Small Venues, Page 44 - Incidental Music Page 79 - Proportionality, Page 141 – Incidental music

Standard Hours Day Existing

start time Proposed start time

Existing finish time

Proposed finish time

Granted as application

Amended to: Refused

Monday 23.00 00:30 Tuesday 23.00 00:30 Wednesday 23.00 00:30 Thursday 23.00 00:30 Friday 23.00 01:30 Saturday 23.00 01:30 Sunday 23.00 00.30

Seasonal Variations and Non Standard Timings On 31st December 23:00 until 05:00 hours on 1st January.

Conditions attached:

Reasons for decisions above:

Part M: to allow the supply by retail of alcohol on premises only.

Paragraphs of particular relevance in Licensing policy

2.1 &2.3, Policy Objectives 6.1 – 6.2 Paragraphs of particular relevance in mandatory guidance

3.29 – 3.32

Standard Hours Day Existing

start time Proposed start time

Existing finish time

Proposed finish time

Granted as application

Amended to: Refused

Monday 11:00 00:00 Tuesday 11:00 00:00 Wednesday 11:00 00:00 Thursday 11:00 00:00 Friday 11:00 01:00 Saturday 11:00 01:00 Sunday 11:00 00:00

Seasonal Variations and Non Standard Timings

On 31st December 11:00 until the beginning of permitted hours on 1st January.

Conditions attached:

Reasons for decisions above:

Part O: the hours the premises are to be open to the public

Paragraphs of particular relevance in Licensing Policy 2.1 &2.3 Policy Objectives

6.1 – 6.4

Paragraphs of particular relevance in mandatory guidance 3.29 – 3.32

Standard Hours Day Existing

start time Proposed start time

Existing finish time

Proposed finish time

Granted as application

Amended to: Refused

Monday 07:00 00:30 Tuesday 07:00 00:30 Wednesday 07:00 00:30 Thursday 07:00 00:30 Friday 07:00 01:30 Saturday 07:00 01:30 Sunday 07:00 00:30

Seasonal Variations and Non Standard Timings An additional hour to the standard finish time on the day BST commences. New Years Eve from end of permitted hours to start of permitted hours on New Years Day

Conditions attached:

Reasons for decisions above:

Written Representations

From: Licence Consultants [] Sent: 11 June 2007 11:08 To: Dodd, Lewis Cc: 'DEAN MARTIN'; 'Michael Watson' Subject: Platinum Lounge - Response to Objectors Dear Lewis, Thank you for taking the time to visit Platinum Lounge last week. I attach a copy of a letter that has been sent to all of the objectors today, in response to their representations. I would be very grateful if you could include this in your committee report for the information of the members. I confirm that both myself, and Dean Martin will attend the hearing on 28th June at 10.30am. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Kind regards, M. Licence Consultants Ltd Capital Safety Solutions Central London Training Company Incognito Service Evaluation Ltd 107 Westbourne Studios 242 Acklam Road London W10 5JJ T. +44 (0)20 8964 0966 F. +44 (0)20 8964 4509 Central London Training Company and Capital Safety Solutions are divisions of Licence Consultants Ltd Company Reg. No. 05027924 Vat Reg. No. 840 0049 72. Incognito Service Evaluation Ltd Company Reg. No. 5949303 Vat Reg. No. 893 8201 96. This message is confidential. It may also be privileged or otherwise protected by work product immunity or other legal rules. If you have received this message by mistake please let us know by reply and then delete it from your system; you should not copy the message or disclose the contents to anyone. We have taken precautions to minimise the risk of transmitting software viruses, but we advise that you carry out your own virus checks on any attachments to this message. We cannot accept liability for any loss or damage caused by software viruses. ________________________________________________________________________ This e-mail has been scanned for all viruses by Star Internet. The service has been provisioned by London Borough Of Barnet's Information Systems team. _______________________________________________________________________

11 June 2007

Dear Sir / Madam,

I act for Mr Dean Martin and his wife Michelle, directors of DML Management Ltd. I write in response to your representation with regard to an application for a premises licence in respect of Unit 1, Tally Ho Corner.

For clarification, the application has been amended following consultation with the police, and the agreed terminal hour sought for licensable activities is midnight Sunday to Thursday and 01.00 hours the days following Fridays and Saturdays. As a result of the amended hours, and measures detailed within the application, police have not objected to the application.

Dean grew up and attended school in Finchley. Having seen an empty unit every day for over two years prompted the idea to bring this exciting venture into the community. It will be a premises where, during the day, you can relax on leather sofas while enjoying hot and cold drinks, fresh pastries and panninis and fruit. There will be LCD television screens around the venue keeping people up to date with the latest news. There will also be free wireless access for customers. Platinum Lounge will pride itself on a wide selection of fine wines and stylish cocktails using fresh fruit that no other local venue can offer.

The first floor will be a very classy cocktail lounge with leather seating. There will be a VIP area for customers wishing to celebrate something special. From time to time there will be live singers offering a broad mixture of entertainment from jazz to Frank Sinatra. There will also be 60s, 70s and 80s themed nights to attract a more mature customer. The venue will be available for daytime conferences and private hire, offering buffet food service and corporate facilities

Dean Martin is a radio DJ, broadcasting to over 6 million people a week. Dean is proud to use his celebrity status to raise money for various charities. The Platinum Lounge will be an ideal venue to host fund raising activities for charities such as the North London Hospice and Jack Brown. As a prominent member of society, Dean has no desire to be associated with a badly run or nuisance venue.

Platinum Lounge’s customer demographic is the mature professional who will enjoy a stylish evening out at a venue offering quality entertainment, food and drink. It will certainly not include those that frequent Purple Rain or Barbara Langstone House.

As part of the application, an operating schedule was proposed to promote the four licensing objectives. These measures below were volunteered as being conditional to the grant of the licence.

1. Substantial food and suitable beverages other than intoxication liquor (including drinking water) shall be available during the whole of the permitted hours in all parts of the premises where intoxicating liquor is sold or supplied.

2. A closed circuit television shall be installed, maintained and operated correctly as specified by the Metropolitan Police Crime Prevention Officer. Images to be retained and available to the police for 31 days.

3. The premises will comply with the reasonable requirements of the Metropolitan Police Crime Prevention Officer

4. There will be a minimum of 2 door supervisors on duty at the premises from 22.30 hours Thursday to Saturday.

Licence Consultants Ltd 107 Westbourne Studios 242 Acklam Road London W10 5JJ

+44 (0) 20 8964 0966 (T) +44 (0) 20 8964 4509 (T) Company Registration No. 05027924 V.A.T. Registration No. 840 0049 72


5. The numbers of persons accomodated at any one time shall not exceed the figure specified by the LFEPA.

6. To comply with the reasonable requirements of the London Borough of Barnet Environmental Health Officer.

7. The premises will operate a total no smoking policy throughout.

8. No customers to leave the premises with bottles or glasses.

9. To comply with the reasonable requirements of the London Borough of Barnet Environmental Health Officer.

10. All amplified sound will be kept at a reasonable level in order to ensure that any music at the premises will be inaudible in any noise sensitive adjacent premises. No noise shall emanate from the premises nor vibration be transmitted through the structure of the premises which gives rise to a nuisance.

11. The premises will support and comply with the industry best practice on identification of children

12. No striptease, no nudity, and all persons on the premises to be decently attired.

Furthermore, there are additional steps that will address concerns in relation to the licensing objectives.

The Platinum Lounge will host a meeting for residents when the premises opens, in order for them to see the premises for themselves and meet all the key members of staff.

The Arts Depot has it’s own security detail consisting of two guards, twenty four hours a day. These guards also patrol the pedestrian area of Nether Street after 21.30 hours Thursday – Sunday, and in particular the entrance to the Arts Depot carpark. The Arts Depot also has a sophisticated CCTV that covers much of the outside area surrounding Platinum Lounge.

There will be signage throughout Platinum Lounge to respect neighbours by leaving the area quietly.

Telephone numbers for local mini cab firms (such as Tally Ho mini cabs) will be clearly advertised in order to assist with the speedy departure of customers. Many Platinum Lounge customers will be able to park in the Arts Depot car park, where there are 47 spaces available after 18.00 hours. In addition, promotional material will give details of local carparks and customers will be discouraged from parking in Nether Street and other local roads.

The mobile telephone number of the general manager, Paul Wright, will be available to any local resident should they have any concerns regarding Platinum Lounge.

The Platinum Lounge will become active members of any local pub watch scheme and work in partnership with local residents and the statutory authorities to prevent crime and disorder and public nuisance.

It is Dean’s ambition for Platinum Lounge to become a significant part of the community, providing an excellent venue for those who live and work in North Finchley. I hope the information and measures outlined above will allay any fears you have in relation to this application.

If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me on 07958 512 470.

Yours faithfully,

Michael Watson

Licence Consultants Ltd 107 Westbourne Studios 242 Acklam Road London W10 5JJ

+44 (0) 20 8964 0966 (T) +44 (0) 20 8964 4509 (T) Company Registration No. 05027924 V.A.T. Registration No. 840 0049 72

Licensing Team 22 Stanhope Road London Borough of Barnet North Finchley Building 4 London North London Business Park N12 9DT Oakleigh Road South London 31st May 2007 N11 1NP Re: The Application by Platinum Lounge, Unit 1, Tally Ho Corner, North Finchley N12 Dear Sir I object to the application by The Platinum Lounge for a premises licence. Every weekend residents in North Finchley are disturbed by people leaving local public houses at 0100 on Saturday & Sunday mornings. Residents are awoken or kept awake until 0200 by any or all of the following: • Fighting • Shouting • Screaming • Smashing of bottles • Music from cars • Car doors slamming • Cars screeching In recent years residents have experienced an increase in these late night problems and the situation has become intolerable. Venturing out to the Tally Ho area late at night on a Friday and Saturday is not recommended. This application is for a new licence and will add another venue into an area with existing problems and is likely to add to these problems. People going to this premises are likely to park in nearby residential streets such as Nether Street and Derby Avenue and cause noise going to and from their cars away from the public house. This could be especially bad late at night after closing time when they will have consumed significant amounts of alcohol. Therefore, I request that this application for a new premises licence by Platinum Lounge is rejected. Kind regards Simon Newman Kimberly Rivers Newman

From: Dominic Fee [] Sent: 15 June 2007 11:56 To: Dodd, Lewis Subject: Fraudulent representation on my behalf: WK/200700708 Ref: WK/200700708 Lewis, Thank you for your letter regarding the application for a premises licence for Platinum Lounge, Unit 1 Arts Depot, Nether Street, London N12 0BF, in which you thanked me for my representation and stated that a copy would be forwarded to the applicant. Your letter was addressed to Mr D Fee, Flat 909, 100 Kingsway, North Finchley, N12 0EN. I have made no representation concerning this application, and I am disappointed that it appears someone else has fraudulently made a representation to you in my name. I urge you to disregard that representation, and any others you may have received that might show a similar style of writing or presentation. I suspect that a party has used a list of residents to make false representations in bulk - this is demonstrated by the incorrect postcode given to you, because my flat is in the N12 0EQ part of the block, not N12 0EN. The letter may have been from the estate agents we rent our flat from, Martyn Gerrard, who always use that wrong postcode, but it could also be from the building's managing agents, Parkgate Aspen, or from an association that represents leaseholders in this building. No other party had my permission to make any representation on my behalf, and I had not discussed that application with anyone. My actual opinion of the application is indifferent, since I am moving house this weekend down to Finchley Road. Nevertheless the party who wrote that letter stole my right to have a democratic input to your licencing process, and I hope you can investigate this. Please contact me by email or telephone in future. Dominic Fee 07811 553010

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