l'olume v ii. montana state college, 14 , 1916. numb e r

Post on 16-Oct-2021






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JUNIORS AND HYBRIDS TIE FOR FIRST J D_ean Richter -;:;-;eceived the fol-

I low111g announcement from the Dia­

mond Power Sperlalty company, ot De·

Two bulletias are about to be ia· DEBATE BY TWO TO ONE DECISION sued by tb.e agronomy department.

ophomores Upset all Dope: Beat Frosh tn Closest Game of Season-Hy­

\.f birds Wallop Frosh and Juniors-Juniors lose to Frosh-More Games

j trait, Mich . 100 and three silver cups for es-

These deal with dry land !{rains and I dry land crop rotations. The grains Mon tana T riumphs Over

livery; Mon t a na E xce ls Idaho in C los e De bate- Ida ho St rong on De­

in Argu men t and Rebuttal--Pa rk and Sand e li us

Later sara. publication gives the results or the I Are lnd i-Yi dua l Sta rs .

\Yon Lost I

Per U

cent :: .666 u .066 u 333 u

''$100 in gold, and three silver cups, dry land grab tests at the Fer gus

a.ppropriately engraved. are offered by County experiment station. This work

performed a brilliant e,~olution behind the Diamo_nd ~ower Specialty com· 1 is under the di rection of Mr. N'. C.

fil-st and cau~ht a n hil 1 pany, Detroit. ~heh . , manufacturers or . . Y w e repos ng mechanical soot blowers to suit e,·ery Donaldson ot the class of 1912 and ),fr.

on the back of h1~ ear Score 7-7 I ~·

1 1 i . · · type of boiler. for the seven best es· Donaldson has prepared the- manu·

;:11xt i nn ng: Dickson pitched. first . . I mau out at first. Hamilton reached says on the subJect of mechanical soot &cript ror the bulletlu. The dry land

: Team:-;




Sophc 1mores

third but was marooned there as the blowers. rotat~on work gives the results of the

.3:rn U ::iext two flied out to short stop. Han- .. First .prize, $:i0; '"cond price. $21;; rotation Investigations at the Fergus

:t nah and Jacob~· batteries (thiR was t~tlrd ~r1ze, Slr.: fourth _11 r1ze .. $10; county and Huntley experiment sta­

:::::.:::;::;:: t::: ::t:: U U:: ::t U t::: the r'atal inninp:l :\fan caught on ser-1 fifth. sixth. and ~evPnth prizes will be tions for the past seYen year.s. This

The interclass series now slRnds a ond. an Prror \Hit a man on fiNt and silver cups. Jlllbllcation has been prepared by

Lt "Hit ti1 .. 1uniors ancf Hy- aJlmvt>d Drummond to come home. Urn "This ofter appliP5' only to seniors Gieonrn Morgan , who had charge of

b tt . t 1

B 'and post graduates in g-ood standing. the work at Huntley. and J. M.

a e~ annt'f · orton Mole home. and who are [ollo";llJ? a 111ec-!1a·1iral engi- Stepheng, su11erintendenl of the Fer-

thf' sHh.• we:it out "hen the ball beat .. the runner to first. Score 9-i npei mg coui :se

bt.>r to ... +->curi-l anotht?r Qoint in the ~11s Cou nty experiment station.

uirn:?. fir~t 11tartl" and the

w1 r c a:-.:..e~ intf·nt o:i defeating- each

1:--h-~r::lh strcgglf> for ~11premac~. tie\"enth inning. Dntmmond tos~ed ~

~ or.I 1g o 111 a~1eenw;.t go\ern-1 the Jas1 mmng. f!rsl hatter fanned. ORATORICAL AND EXTEMPORANEOUS CONTEST die 1.1~s c:ertl'" no man was allow-1 :-.o 1lld th£• next bnt the C'atcher mlc:~-

Jt h u or thau one> !unml!. e1l the thlO\\ and h1=1 went to fin-t, the

A lhird straight \'ictor;y was scored I the professional politician under the

by ;\{ont.ana State's debaters last Fri· presen t system.

day night. The team composd of Lee Robertz Gray was the first speaker

Park. Rob rtz Gray. and David Gray for the college. He showed tuat thP

defeated the stro:lg University of Ida- affirmath·e had to prove that the preK·

ho team by a two to one decision. The ent s:•stem or voting is unsatisfactory

arguments of the college showed care- a:ld that a C'Ompulsory system or vot·

[ul nreparatlon and the rebutt&Js were Ing would remedy the evils now sai<l

especially effective. ).fonla na State 1

to exist. He proclurecl statistics to

has not lost a debate this y~ar e\en •


show that the majority of the people

though two of lh.e teams which have do Yote at the present time. He said

beeu defeat d were from srhools with 1 that ('Ompnlsory votini?; is unnecessary

whom :\lonlana Slate has ne,·er debat- berause many reform measures have

eel. The last debate of the sea~on t bf'lm 1rn.ssed lately in many of u1e

take~ 11lace at Brookings, South Da- stau:s. \\'hen there was ocC'asion for a

kota. tomorrow. Hllll with Lure and I lan:!'e vote to pass a reform measure

Ke\!1;,>y repr~~Pnting the collegP the like the inltiati\'"e and referendum or

pro811e<'.'ts for a virtory arP

bright \"ery

1 auri.gambling Jaws the ]JPOJ1le who

ordinarily di<l :wt .... , ti" w1 d votP anrl • 1ca11• 111 'he rl1)er- tool 1111tlal bag 1>ro,cd lhe Wnterloo ot an- HERE MAY SIXTH--PRELIMINARIES SOON

turn at r.101 ·H] <lut)o • nd the l other ma:1, and thP third base nabbed 1 Tht> j11d~es for the date were Hon· pa-.:.; ihe law~

o pltt·ber~ are omitted trom 1 t iP Ja-.t man's fy (thus endeth the orablP Theodore Brantle~-. Honorable Rertram Din~le. the next speaker,

" or br team~ wh C'h fol-/ firH le:--son Final result 7-~. Montana State 'will be Well Represented 1n both-Has Won Oratorical Con· \\' T Pi.e:i:ot. and 1 ronor:lblP "·· A . ~lated that the peoplP '\'"OUl<I vote in

I ~core by inning:';. test Twice and Extemporaneous Once in Last Four Years .. -Five Schools Penni:lgion. The que;tion was: 'He- the national ..-lPC'tinn .. h111 when it

•' e ('· chl"'"':->. (~f"E'Cs (Capt l I 1 2 J 4 ;) ti 7 H II E Will Compete. solvecl that n sy!=item of compulliory t·ame to city i•r s• , ele<'tions th1:~

01 ~ Infielder Han lton Berg l~r. ,.,hme 0 5 0 1 1 (I 0- - ';' ;; 10 \'Olin.~ ~hould be adopted in the enite1l "Onld stay ;ol hom..- •. 1d let the prci-

rnn .. ·ob IP Tavlor. Fit7.gerald. ~le :\f l· 1 ~ophumon.... 4 1 o l 1 2 x-9 i 9 Statf'~. ThP affirmath·e u·as nphe>ld fp...;..;ional polit!f'ian nm the· elections

1 tf <" t._.r,.,, P.oberg, Wheeler, Ma.- Left on b.1--es 1-~r ... ~shmPn, -; sopho· The state- oratoriC'al a:i1l extem1>0r- ' ~o oration shall <'Ontaln more than by the r'ni\'Prsity nf ltlaho ancl the HP argued that if there were a C'Om·

1 t 1 n ~ PH f's I JOrE:~. - ant>ous spl·akine. rontests will b..::- held t\\'P11l)·-threc hundred word~ negath·e I)) ~lontana State pul!-<ory law man;.· busine~s and pro-

S,1pl:t<•m rp. .. Catchers. C::trl Borton. Hits °'obit'.", Hamilton Taylor. [10- here Pritla~: :\fay .J. RepresentatiYes There shall be threP judges. wbo Argues Minority Rule fe:.slonal nlf?n wo11l1l \ote who woultt

'l11·•l<lPr~. C'hri~ten:'en. here:. \\"hpeler C'hri~ten!'en. Drum- from thP ::-\tat€' l·niYersity. the ~tale shall jnde:e on thought. <'OlllJ)O!:dtion. Frank Korh openetl the debale ror \·ote agai:-rnt the professional polit1-

• .\l Borton. Kuhns mond. )kl'ahe. Kuhn:-- 2. Todd. A nor- Normal college, :\lontana \\'eslt:yan. urlcdnalicy. delivery and general oro- Irtaho. He argued thar under the pres· clan. Public questions !';hould be con­

:apt . D ck~on: nntfielclers. )finor. ton Montana State. and tl1e college of torkal efficiency. and m&.nuscrlpts ent sy~tem of \'Oting- lar~e number~ I sidered as busines!' matters and no1

"'1Im~o:id. Sweat. Collet, Holt. I Officials : ( mpire. Cy Gatto:i. ~C'orer )lnntana will '·ompete. Gertel medals shall be submitted to the 11resident of or thP intelligent voters cl1d not Yote. as politics. He sairl that politic;Jl in·

T unor.. C'atc·hPrs. Ga•ton (Capt.), E Thein will be ,e:h·en for [ir:=>t plare in earb the state association two weeks be· He dted example:s to show that the difference <'am;ed laxness.

r..., d1·r ... Hli1tl k. RH·P S:.alt7. .Jolly I Hybrids. 6: Juniors. 4 of tlw l"Ontests. tore the rontest. and be in the bands represe:itative:-o who were elerted by Practicability Questioned

nnr(i~ld~rs., This i.~ the ~am<> that up~er all the ~(o:H;:ina Staie bas lle1•11 very sue-- of thP jnrlgf'~ one week before the con- the people under the presf'nt ~y~tem David Gray. the second speaker for

rl I l1u1t1Ht~ Ta~:lot. Crar· ti ope. a gla1wf' at thP ~ore t:i\"eFi ~orne ces~ful in the past in winning the ora- test. did not represent the majority ol the' tile C'olle~e. showed that a rompulsory

itle>a ot' h1>w C"lose)\· the game was tori<·al ('Ofltest. having won two Olll of The student winning in the prelim· 11eople but only a minority compose<! !'y:-.tem of \"Olir.~ was impracticable

Hyhridi::: < at1·h<'r~. Rom11t'Y; in1ield- contested Every ~ian !'tarred in hi~ I I f of voter~ who \\~re espe<'.'ially inter- eYen if it ,·ould bP shown that the

\Yh'tl k C t ((' t ". 1 h I 11,;· ast 0111· contests. In 1912 \.V'il-1 inary Jot·al c·o:-tle::.;1 shall be lhe insti-

l nc -. oner ap ·''.. es 'I position and rom1mrtivPlr few bones liam "'inters won the contest for the I tutinn·s rlelegate to the state contest esled in the result or the election by theory was right. T-~xemption would

hnkt° Hr·ag-ny. ('l:nk~on: outf1el<lers. I were pu11ed during the game college. The <'Ontest \\3:-< helff in whkh i::.hall be held on the tirst Fri<lay reason of their jobs. He a~erted ha,·e to be made in ra~e of sicknes:5 or

hi. :=-<,amen~. Foot. Rirhardson. Par- {Continued on FagP Four) lfp]('na That year. The nex1 year the in \fay of Pach :renr that loO much opportunity was ~lv~n necessary ahsence from the votin~ preci:lct. He asserted that any SY!t

F rosh-Soph Ga me Exempt Regulations «Onte!'t was held in Dillo;:1 and was

won by Maur!C'e )f O!'ter or Dillon Thf>

r:·1a:~ 1~'11 ~1\1~~~\~, a~:::~~~~~~y ~1er;~l~ I SENATE ACTS UPON extemporaneous speaking c·onte~t wa~ ORCHESTRA PROGRAM h

inaugurated ;::it thi~ time The next In extemporaneous speaking. The win-

In c·o1rnec-tion \Vith the oratorical

«Ontest there shall be held a contest

tem of applying penalties would be

irupractJcal and unfair A Uhicrimina·

tion would necessarily be made be­

tween the rich and the poor which

.. t e rrC';;hman aggrPgation in a VARIOUS QUESTIONS ' comest was held in Deer Lo•l1r""'. FJo,_·cl PLEASES ASSEMBLY -rd fought game. The !'Ophs seemeil ,s llt·r of the local contest shall repre·

c..-t tog-NhPr and their work :\[on- I ~Iarsh o( Deer Lodge won the ora !'e:-tt bis in~titution is directly contrary to the aim of the

·~· redt-oPmPd the two previou~ de- torkal contest and Don Langohr of I The IH'e~ident or the state associa- ::-ystem. Legal complications would be

. t-- Thl~ hits and errorf' were even-' Change in Athletic Council Approved thP <·ollegt' won the extcmpora;ieous tion i::.hall name seven re11r,,.sentatlve Organization Shows Results of Care· sui·p to arise as there is great doubt

t-noueh dlsu;buled to gh·e no ad· I -Offices Held Limited by J conte.st. ~ast year the ~·onte.sts were men who shall Pach propose a list of ful Training-Sole by Professor a~ to the <'on::;titutionality of such a

ntaJ.rf" 'o either team. a:id it was I Credits held Ill Mtssoula .. J. D. he-lley of Mon- three ~ubjt:C'ts. Three hours bafore Jackson Enjoyed law

,body·~ game thronehout the entire , tana State won thP oratorical contest 1he ron1est tlte::.f' <iuestion:-- in sealeo The last s11eaker for Idaho was '\Ya\-

, .. 11 inning~. The game was nip and I 1' :in<I .\Villiam Long of the State Pnf· tin,-elopes shHll be drawn by the con- ter Sandelius. He attempted to prove

t 0 th t l t b b JI 'l'I · b I I that there was a perfectly practical

1,k thP s<'ore hPing constantly tied sc,·eral important change~ in the I vers1 Y w n e ex Pmpornncous ron- es ant w o s a within lf:! hour 1e program ~1ven : l le ore 1e~

om the <.;f>f'Ond to the sixth inning~. I rharacter of the Associated Student test. select a subject upon which to speak. tra at the as,sembly Inst ~·rillay mor::>o method of applying a pe:ialty by add·

'""'1r•"I innine: The f1 es,bm{"n faced g-m·Prnme11t were rec·ommendecl at a I Tt is prodded by the constitution H two contestants have rhe same sul}. jog was enjoyed b~ a large and a1~ ing a certain increage to the taxes

<:oph hatterY firc:t but wtth little mt her busy meeti:lg oi the stndent that the contests shall be h~lrl in the ject a second choice is perm1s~nble I preciative audience. The solo!-' oy Pro of the voter. The amount ot this _addi­

<rP"'~ Kuhns and c Borton were c-oimcil ot the A. ~ :\[ s (' held last different places 1::i rotauon rn the or· hut ;iot eompu15'ory Cessor Jackson and the duet by Pro 1

tlonal tax would be fixed by a shding­

ie hattene~ for the 80

phs Xoble I \\·ednesd.\) der enumerated above. The contest Xo ronte-~tant shall be allow to fessor Jackson and Georg-e ~luse wert! scale. He asserted that the !;~·stem


" a two·b.igErer O\er thlrd hut On the rec·ommendauon 01

thl' fal'- 1s alway!; held the fmst Friday in ).fay. speak on a subj rt which has been de· especially good and railed forth a of compulsory voting hacl been sue·

.,mil ton :rnrl Gra' es \'\·ein out on nles nil) members of the ruunr il the coun. The preRident or the assoriation this bated al bis sthool wltbin one year pre-1

storm of a11plat1:-.1•. The selection:; ces~fnl in Kan!'n~ C"'it~· where it was

r ,~em· 1s Lon Langohr and the ~ecre· YiOH!S to the titate contest. by the orchestra were well chosen In prartice for a time.

1d Taylor found ~omeonf< walltn1! or I ril \"Oted in f.a\·or of an amendment tary is Jean Kelley. Af I . I d I I 1 •. of l'arefu\ Lee Park closed the main argument

"" offf'rbl! to the c·onstitution where one man ter r toosmp:: 9 subjec•t. a contes· an s iowe( t te ettects He t>roduced n court record showing

\.\.hP ... Jer anrl .lac-oby wen:. thP fresh. I would stff,·e on the athletiC' co11ncil The preliminary C'On test to decide rnnt may look up Information on the prc11aration. that the Kan~as City law had been de·

;;n battPrif's the first inning. Dick· rather than the ma:iager or the activ- ~'ho shall represent :\Jontana State su bject chosen: but may not rerel\"e The att~ndanre wa~ ~·ery ~nod and clared unto:i-:;titutionul by the ~upreme

n 1

~1 Borton rea<'hPd rtrst on I. . rt .d . j tn the state contest will be hel<l tlu.: an ,· personal aid whatsoe\er


the atteuuon of the arn.l1ence was hPlcl

';or~ ~nd C Borton on a r1itche~ ball ltY un er rons1 erat10n. 28th of thi~ month. 1'herP are al- I No contestant ~hall be a1iowed to at all time~. Qnitti u :1un;bt.'r of down- court of :O.li~souri He showed that the

, .. ('ahe made ~econd. both Bortons I nder. this pl~n new men would not' ready fi\·e entrips in the oratorcal listen to any speeches before their town people attended as wt?ll a~ thP addition or \'Ote~ would nm irumedi-

• I b<: contrnuall)· llltrorluterl tnto the 1 1 11 r f atel\.· do awa.v with all tht" e,;1s a~

. , . . . 1 contest and t iree probable entries in I own !:'1->eeche · are deli\"ered. Each regu ar ('O ege gtudents l ro e5:sor

nred on cloi.ble en or. Dic\,son sto e I <·ouncil and forc•t•cJ to familiarize Lhem- thP extemporanemrn contest. speaker sh:ill speak not le8~ than .Jackson's rendedng of the '"Humores· was claimed by the oppoi:-;ition. To

Kuhn~ ma<l£' seconcJ on "ild ..,_.,.1,·e ... · "·1·th tl1e 111·e•·1·011" act". o1· the I I . I" 11 l tl11t ·u tl1

I"' " ., "' Rules Governing Ora t orical seven minute~ and not morr than ten que" was il treat '' hkh uo111.:• of those snppon t lh k s owet f

1 t·

orow t.o r_ir~l. :\lcCabe ~rorHI on ('n11n<"il betort- they ('Ot1ld act intelli-st~\lt:'~ wlwrP thert:> h;ne been women

h ~

0 The oratorical contest is open to all I minutes. ~o contestant shall be al- who heard him would c·are to mi:-1s.

risiy ~ srngle. ~<'ore ·4 · gently o;i the qne8tion under consider-.. 1Hrage h\\ passed the politir· have

Seron1l inning· Collett on the I at ion. Ir waK tlf:'<-idP1l lhat this posi- students or ('Ollege rank In good stand- lowed to use any written notes or l Program :~t bPen 'd1:nged very materi:lly it

h d bl r a· th 1 t Ing. , any form of manuscrtpt I :\(arC'h-·'Kenturky Rine~ ... Yam~han.

ound a tr~u . e m mg e J> A. e, I tion «011lil be be~t fille<l by the presi· Selection -"'The Ho~e of Alge1ia.' at ·1 11 He sllowe<l that the \"Oter:s

Jberg "alkect. stolr second and tlnrd dent or thL· At>so<.:iated Students. l ================== who srn)·eli nway trom the polls were

ld scored on 'Wheelers grounder. The . . . . . Herbert. either tii:;ahlect. ignorant. or indiffer·

·tt ma;i fannPrl. Hamilton . 1 d Io o-o 111to effect next semester. this HOME ECON GRADS ANNUAL CROSS COUN- Selection '"The Gingprhrend )Ian,·

I :!mgbel / amenrlnH!llt mu~t be ,·oted on before • SloAnP. Pnt nntl would therefore not be of

1d brou~ht in \\11 ~eler anc :t as n an~ use in passi:J.g reform~.

d t JI the .officers are elected. Therefore I DOING GOOD WORK TRY THIS AFTERNOON Intermission

u wa~ bf'nrhed on 1 n attempte s ea . R b tt I St

1 1 j 1t will he YOted on rit the same time I Serenade (for two Yiolinsl. Deppen. e u as rong

'm~~ll~~hl:n~t~teenr f~~:t 0~J:f:ren ~~ thm the primary is held. . ---- G. Muse. F 0. Jarkson. sh~:-~~~1 1~:•:Ytl~~1:~~l~P:l~1:0;;~t~·~;~m~~

<I 11

d If rherr,, is sufficient time aft.er the Selection ··~fiSR :'\"obody from $tar-

" was re _re election the sweaters and other J The homP economics Journal for Prospeets a1>penr 'er) propluous £or I land." Howard.

Gra,·es. pitcher. \\1leelerfi grand- · . . . . awards will be given to the men that I April. pubhshed two arhcles b) last .111 1t1terestlng and closely contested Solo--by request. Proft"~-sor F' O

ancl catch m left field shot the first . ·

an up. another out o=i a high foul, earned them in football a:id basketball year graduates in home economics / mud wade Urns afternoon. tht! storm I .lat'k~on .. . , " .

votin2.' would 1tt~l·es~i t~\te a compulsory

:system ot registration. Frank Korh

replied by pro<ludn~ letters from in-

fluPntinl H:an~<IS City citizens show-

""' 1 in~ that th~ :-\YStem had been a sUC'<"ess T!Jmmond Scored' and the last man the past season .Miss Emma Taylor 'l:i worked on arly "\\'ednesday mornu-7" interfered I )farch Nallon.tl 8pu it, II.igt?t

"ught on first. Score 6-5, I To preYent a Etudent holding one problem in pastry making last year with the road work or most of the as- • thl~re. Robertz Gray. in a forc·erut

Third inning: Holt fan.ned the first office which would interfere with an· and the results of her experiments p1rlng runners. Saltz matlo the course COO LE Y T O REPR E SENT speech ,howed bv anual stati«it•s that

lttlf'"r walker the .second anrl fanned othpr ancl to insure that the officers were published in the jour:ial for this a:id came in looking like the commnn- COLLEGE AT EN TO· 1 the mnjoriiv ot' the dtize;1s \'~le .. Sa:l-

1P next two. Hamilton a:1d (~ra,·eR ol' the A S. M. S. C would not ne- month. l\liss Mae Meyer!'!· article on der of a Missouri gumbo glic!Pt. It Is MO LOGICAL CONF E REN CE. delius. tlw. next speake;· l'Ontended

·iar1 the hnttPrif>s in this Inning. rtr~t glN•t their clutie!S a sy~tem of student th(' minimum cost of a college girl's noised about that Lnl'ry hns a bear ot Professor R . A_ Cooley. head of the that the system hall been a su«eess

atlf·r fliPd out. next man fanned. a rati ng \\a:; draw11 up. Each office wardrobe for one year wa1:; jlso given 1 a. rhnnce to win the sweater. Zoology department ll'a,·es next \\'€'Pk in Switzerland. Austrin. and ~1rnin .

round er to second waR passed to first sha ll count as so many stude:1t activ· attention. "Shorty'' Preston who showed up to attend the conference or ... ntomolo· and could the refore b\:"1 said to be )lnH·-

tlm(• to ·nab the runner. Score !1-5. ity rredlt.s and no student shall hold The journal is the recognized 1)erio· j so well last year ts g-olng atter it glsL~ and inspectorg to be held in Salt ti<'al Let- 1''3.rk in his rebuttal shO\\·

Fourth inni:lg. crlass p1t<'.'hed. Ham· 1

more than five credits. dical In the United Stateli on home harder than ever. Dixon is also to Lake. Go,·ernor SipTy of l ' tah i:;sueu ell how tlh' ('OIHlitionl"< in Switzerland

ton i:<.rorNt one down on qecond :1 nd The raiing is as rollows: President I science topics and recognition of stu- be ranked among the strong i:o:ltend- the rnll tor the ('nnfereuce whost.\ pur- and uther foreign countrif' :. were not

J;'O fauglll on flips to 1 ft and thiTd1 of the A. s. M. s. C"' .. 5 credits; coun· dent work here ls very 1Zratlfying. ers. King trots a.round in great styla. 11ose will be to llet·ide upo:l mt>thods I the sume a:; b the rnitetl State~. Bin.

spPNhely dlman. 4 credit~: <'ommlssloners, 3 Miss Taylor ts :low teaC'hlng in the and seems to have lots of pep In re· ror eradic-atinc; lhP Alfalfa w<'e Yll gle. the ln~1 spenkl~r brOUf!hl forth

Taylor pltc11ed. [irst balt('r taniwrt. I rredits: annual Pditor, 3 credits: man- Belgrade high school and )fiRs )feyer.:;, 1 ser\'e. whkh hns rnused a great de-nl oi <lam· auti1orlty tn show thnt the Kansas t'it)

1rnmmond srored. another tatooed the agers of teams, 2 rredits; <'lass nresl· ia at the Billings high srhool. : Al Ronon. Robinson, Kuhns. Collett. agf' to lltah t·rop~. 1 law had bP-l-'11 dec·Jared unrol'lstitntlona1

.-nne thri<'e. and thP side went dow:i dent;; and presidents or other nrgant· 1 Ross and Strnnahnn have also been Thf' confcrent(' will ulso t.'olh~itlt'"r onJ~- throuc:h a tedrnicnlity

bPn a hlef was caught at third. zatio::is, 1 credit Forty gi rls of the home economics training for the sophomor team. 1 more effi('ient nwn.ns 01' qn:.i~111ti11l' M. S. C. vs. South Dakota

(·ore 6-6. department attended a demonstration I Tn the freHhma:l class Hanna, Mc· 1 to prevent tlH' spnlad of the wet>Yil. Ila\-.., ~tt>el pn·~it.lt?d at the cll~bate.

Fifth inning: A . Borton pitched. Bo-1 S EN IO R GETS P OS ITI O N l:i meat C'lltling at one of the local Mahon, Reitz. Mashin. ' 1Nlg" Taylor. The nlfalfn weevil i~ an GuroJ)eun µest Miss Tlady8 Ritz and Otto ""oorlward

Hg scored, double pla~., liner to pitch· . hutf'her shops \VedneF;day afternoon. anrl Mc1'~1wee are doing consistent and Is known to oN'ttr in the west 0111.'· rendered ' 'ocnl selection~.

rand return to first cauf?;ht two men .\li~s Pearl ffeighton ' H has resign-, An expert meat C'nlter rnt np :l bePf I work. r~verybody seem~ to be deter· 'I in Utah. Tomorrow night Llewellyn Luce ancl

~ · · next man flied out to <'aLcher eu from Uie faculty of th_e Gallnt~n N1rcaRs explR.in.ing the c11:ff'rent meth-1 mined lo g~ around th~ ntlre ?ourse 1t has. nev('r been fou:1d in :\fern. tnn:1 .T. D. Kellry will debate the South

1tzgerald pitched. two mPn rea<'hed.1 County high school, and Mt.'4~ Amelia ods and show rng the d1ff rent cuts if they ba\e to v.alk m. this 1s the 8lld as 1rn lntrodurtlon mC'ans n grC'nt Dakota Ag-gies at Rrookings, South

""l'S. :iext up flied to short. Todd 1

Stan ley '16 will trtke her position as nectlssar)· to produce ste-aks, roasts, right spirit and may no class be loss its control is of \'ital imponnnca Dakotu. This will be the Inst debatP

torecl. next batter fanned, Hamilton I instructor o[ domestic art. loin cuts. and the li k e. 1

~1 hnmt>d of its ~bowing, wtn or lose. I to :\[onta.ua rnrmer~. or the season for the college.

~~~~~~:=:-:::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=:==:=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=:~T~H~EiW~E~E~K~L;Y=E:;X;P~O~N~E;;N~T~, ~F~R~l~O~A~Y~,~A;;P~R~l ;L=7~.~1~9~1~6~. ~--:::=:~==~~~::;~~==::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::~::;:;;:;::::::::::::::::::: ~AGE TW O

THE W.E.ERLY EXPONENT CALENDAR lsophomor,e ~earch i ., .,, " _ _ _ __ _..::'-----=-=----::----= I Apr i!.l.4 . A;>nual Cro.s Country Run.. for Sarcopbagidae 'I ca 71 3 8 5

ESTABLISHED JANUARY 1, 1910. I (Outgrowth o! Mont.lily Exponent, Establish ed JanURr'Y 1. 1 96.)

4: 1~ - I

First A S \( $ (' dance. DrUl 'Th e pa tch of tall grass be tw een the I -------=============-===========- t Hall c hemistry buildiog and the shops was

A pril i.-1, Debate. M. S. C .. ,.s. South the ~cene or a v~ry mysterio1.1s serim-

' llakotn in Rr ook ings. masre by a party or perfeC't1.Y rntionaJ

April 29-21 or 21-22 aa~eball. )l. S . looking sophomores one cJay las t wee . I C .. '"~· Jdaho. in Bozeman Old hea ds on the hill were not de-

T he \Yeekly Exponent is s trictly a student enterpr ise. It e en.let purpose )lay 5, State Oratorical and Extern- ceivecl by thei r aC'tion$ as they had· 1'

Is to presen t to Its readers, each week, an accura te and complete record or I pomneous contests. :10tic-cd the 11eC'uliar outbreak each I



ror your Ice Creams. 8bt'rberts. Ire~ and frozen da.nt ie:s. match color SC'bemes.

C:tndlt•:-;. to

The Bungalow the developments fn college attairs during tha t period and to exert Its influ-, spring for many years. but the rrosb

ence for the upbufldlng or Montana State Colie~e. The paper is the result or __ j to a man were sadly non1)h1ssed. A f voluntary f"trort put forth by the students who compOSe th e sta ff. I l 1 party of the latter finally snm1noued ~§§~§§~~§§~~§§~~§§~~§§~§§§§§~§3

B B 11 courage enough to approach tlle sophs ~

Publfshed e\·ery Friday or tbe tollege rear by a s taff chosen from the II ase a I for a clo~ed invest· ation. They dis· i students o! \be Montana State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. I "0

'ered that the ••emin.,Iy ihrngerous I indhi<luab were engagetl in the harm- : We Will Have on the gras~ which they W<.>re •1ffec· I an abnndan...:c..· 11i Lilil.':-- c_~ nd all uthcr aµpr• •pna t· . \\ c..·r ... f1.r l lc..·

t) ( the Unin• rsi ty o r Monta na, Bozeman, Montana. ! 1' J(>$S pur~uit of hel 11les..: litile in!"eCtS 1'

EntE'rPd as second-<'lass mall matter at Bozeman . Montana, under the Act of llJ!ll 111..'\\ 1111..· .iu:o.t in. I tio:rntely calling hy t'Udl hi.E!"h :-:.ound· Ea.;,tl'r tidc-thl·~ an .. · it11l'->ou -..ht uld 'l'~ tlll. 111

Congress or March 3. 1Si9. ing- n;.1111~:-; n:-; the~P :'\'otOIH'l'hlidae . •

SUBSC RIPTIO N RAT E : I J:ali- . J:at' . (;J.,,e,, ~lit<. l·ni-l f"looopteru. ,;ar,·opha.,idae. Ac·ritlidae ;I' L AN G 0 HR' s

etc. Tht:> mad ~cr;.mble wa::- cau~ed

I iorm:--. Etl". I b,. the ru:--h for new :-:.11Pdmcns nnn Ten Cents Fer Copy. e<~C'h d:iimilll!. lhl' o!ht>rs hu:::: by the

~tudr·nts be-on1e sul1s"rlbers upon 11ayment o! the regurnr nct iYity fee. I • , 111c· 111 .1111! ,,.,. I l1t·111 1 1 Two Dolla rs Per Year .;:. '" .. \. I rnlt> tir~t seen fir:-:., JHJS~t::"~sec





l :\~..::;JST..\'.\T Pl"~l:'\ESS )IAX . .\.GER A~SIST-\XT f'JRC't·LATIOX )f;\'GR





J Gord1:n Sewell. .·1~ John ". \I mar


j ROSE DRUG CO. I " I The jt_~ Sfor• I



'From a srncly oC the fire lrnzarcls t•Xi:;ting in tht> building~ or thP .\eri.

('nlturnl l·oll•·~t>. I am cmninl·ed tlia t ther~ is a prt:.•ssing, 1H•ed 1or a mor<'

<11lpq11.nt> watt:r sunply. in order Tlrnt the l·olh-gl' 1mt) h;l\'1• tht• prott'l"lion

!Cl \\ h1d1 it h; t•lllilll'll.


Edwartl C E liott. ChatH·Pllor Of t1w l niYer::-ity of

ThP Jhn\ t-' sratenwllt w.ts nuute ret·..::ntly bY ('ha1H.·~llor Elliott an er a

Following 1hi1' thP tire extin·

~~~.7d/6r:~ Don't Overlook

Our Special on


J)oines ni sonw of t ht" hoy:-- at tllP Y . .'.\l. C \ has hl'('ll C'UU~inc- .t grf'<lt deal of rnlk on 1111' hill thP p:t:-:.t Wf'Pk.

ll SN'lll!:' th t ~e,·eral Iar::.l' f rt.•t-ral'ker::: l'a11..;cd the seC'rt>tary a gn•:ll amount ol anxiety

beside~ e:xciling hi" nng('l' About three .. y·· IJ(.y~ wh11 werp desirous of

a little fu;a and iHhl"nturt .. ' either will· fully or malidou~ly t·:rn~ed a rew fire­crackers to explode in front of one ot the dignitaries window:-.. Thp t'nraged t

I offkial torthw-th 111·1icet•ding to order

thP l"Hlprit~ tt) rt'IllO\'P 1heir 11resence from1lw lmildin~ (orf."'\·erm01·C>. Thi!'; ex·

11lains why tht•rc ar~ 8e\·t>ral nice room:-;, \"ery quiet ones. now obtain· able in the hn~inp~~ distritt. I


315 Tracy Avenue S

A. G. McKEE The Printer

Phone 95W

107 W EST M A IN STR l! ET

Montana State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts

Practical courses in Civil. Electrical and Mechanical Eng:ineering, Mechanic Arts, Agriculture, Dairy. Hortl· cultural. Home Econom"ics. Industrial Chemistry

Econ0mic Biology, Music and Art.

!.,'lli:-hers wPrP OH"rhaulecl and their n11mhe1 intTl·ased. but it rr>nrnins a f:wt

th1.H the risk is gTeat.

One who liut lasnally tullow::- the news in the 1mblir-ations of the yari­

uus ('111le1:n:s and uni\ ersitiPs cannot hut he- imprt>!'~t>d by tlw numlwr of

seriou~ fires which ncc•ur in collt::"e:t> l> u1Jdin;.:.s

some buildin~ hur;1s IO till~ ~round WI th <-1 his:-. in tnOllt'Y staml:inls o( hull·

rlreds of thousanll::; of dolhns and a tar !!Tt•attir i(l::-s ol ilJIJl<ll«ltUt'. museum

("Ollt><·tinns. anti 'fl t'ol'!h that ha\"e b ~"" thP \ilP work nl nu\11) nwn and

1rf' i)of n plac 11nhh ·~· lllOllt!Y

Tailor-to-Order Suits



The Barometer h, ii~ enlnm11 ':f'l1•· Expun1•nt "ill

1•uhheib sii.;-n1· d 1·011trihntion..: rt•lati1u.: tn m.1lt••rs .. r 1'11l>lil· ;•iteri•.:t Th<' f'•litor lu+·.: not u('t·•• ..... trih emlor ... 1· lhe llrlil'l('l'

1•11h!ic.h1•d hut t1"'en1· ... tlil' rii..:ht to r 1"­

\,.~ t 111~· .1rtid1• llot .. 11i1nhle rur publi-1·;Hio11 c 11i1 .. pn111•r. l J.

Beautiful grounds, commodious tuildt ngs romplete wood and iron shops,. extensive laboratories. m1Jdel k itchen an d sewing rooms. m u sic and art studio.


ur r ·~1 nt l"Ol!dit on Wt" are t' rowdt>il 1or s11are anti ran ill·<Hford

to l11sl;" au~ Ot our huildin::.s. Our must:um. th\~ insl'tt t•ollet·ti<rn anll the

ht d 1ri11111 "-hkh <llP ;.1mong tht' fint-0st in tilt' nonhwi::-.t art:' hl"m-.pd wherP

n would he im1ms~ihle tc ~a\'e them i !" a seriou~ firf' should start In other

bu J,110:!~ similar <v1111itlons pxist.

It pr l•parednesg is lo be our motto. why nol also a11ply it to an i:--~ne

far llP~trf'r Jwmr tha:l tlw nrosJ1PC't of any forei{:n cumplkations.

First Baseball Practice )I iss Carlotta F'ord of the h ome

Tlw lirst n'c. 1ihtr 1irai·tiq> ot" lltt• N·onomit-:-; l1cpar1nwnt leaYe~ ~londay squad frc1m \\ hkh till' tc>am will bl'

11kkPd whkh plnY:-.c l<l;iho lll're. April ::!11. \\H!5 ht>ld on TuPsilay al1~rnoon.

The s<tuarl WR:-; p l·l,ed from 1he par

tldpc·nts in tht:.• dat-is ~erips and ill·

for Spokant> wher<> sht> w111 am1ear

\\"pdnesday 011 the program ol the 1:1·

lanrl TPaC'ht~r~· assodatton.

Chlllt>s th•• following men Cornn. Parker to Lewistown

Clarkson. Gatton, llir'ksCln. Bnlloc-k. .J H Pnrker of thf' entomolo~y J~-Seanuns. Snm' . Ht>cltlkk. It. Taylor. 11artmPnt, .·n <Hllbority on the wPster,

Strand. ght·rr'.\ A Ho ·1oll, L' Borton. wheat ri.phis. went to Lt•wistown to in­

l>rummond. ll. Ta~ lor (fra,·~~ Hamil-1 Yesti~:-ne rhe losses t0 grain ~Towns

ton. Bober~. ~ol>h:' .Jacoby. and in that 'idni1,- ThP a phis c·aust"'fl con-\\"ht•t•lt·r siderablP linmage in 1hat , idnity last

1 year and I~ reportpcJ at work af!:ain.

Next I tercl ass Game ::\Ir. Pnrke>r has SJl<'llt se\·f'ra vp: rs

T.l~t l~~x~ .so1~l~-:'ro.sh ha11lt• will lw I in tin~ ~tndy of tht' aJlhl'." and his. pur· n_b)td s.n1.1da) .1ttt>111oon at 4 o'('lnt.k:. po~e will be to gin· lhP farmt.•i·s Jlrar-·

1.lw l_ast ~ll'.lH: ht•tWl't>Tl lhPs• two old I lif'al inslntl"tin71 un the control nf thP rl\al:-; was ta~t and hard ron~ht 1rnm pest. start to fi11ish and 1he Sat11nlay gtllllP --

will bP Wt'll WOl'lh Sl't'ing A re\H'e>seataliYe {·1m11nittt?l' oL all I thP ~·oung people's organizations ot;.

Thl' _A. S. M. S. C. Dance I the elt_\ met Ii-1st PH•nin~ and cliseu.ssed

the 1."trsi dan~·t• to hf' f;.i\ l'll 11~de1 plans for an Easter breakfast The

Stuckn:, :vill ~11· tlw .1ww .~s~oeiatf:'d Jl:rt>akfast is 1.0 IJe held at li:4:i a. m. on . . r ~n i-lttr u 11011 .11 the f 1"'..aster morn111g nnd will probab!'" IJ

ri~ill hall this t.'\"t-lllllj:. Tht' i.ldm;:-.c-.1011 I in the Yi('init:r of SourdouoJ , : ke

n~ll he fifty ,.l'nts and th(' 1u-o- i d~ The party wili mep; at lht· ..... \.c1:e d. w1)) '""O lOwar I n1· I


f ,.. . • ' t rni:: np t 1e trea-i11:-"l I go to tlw <-clmtling ~rou nd !' i:1 '_1 boch. 9 tht> !-itUclent hucly Tac tkkPt~ will be on !"ale :n n.11

Miss Lu rih.• R~·o!l who is leach· young 11Pople':; met>tings Sunda)

ing and doing ~radun te work a t Cor-1 .. \\'hat -k--1 -n:ll un.iYer~it~· il·c-tun·d h·~fo:·e the n Yer l hPr;~~ ei'; tie t•rnwd e;a th e r so

\\ Otll:ln s duh In Sc·IH·lwr·t;•<h '.\"ew .. 01 . 1 . . York. last week · · · .. 1•• \U gar C'llrio~ny. 1 l-t\lppose:·

I Let f> go over."


Will 25

Save You

per Cent on

Wall Paper



$30.00 For this week onlv we make this special pri ce.





It will mt>att Satisfac ti on to yo1.

l J

H. A. Pease & Co. Jewelers ar.-d Optom etrlsta.

T he Ha ll ma r k Sto re .

Bozt•man ,\font, -\ Jll"il 10 . 1916.

Editor 01 E:x11onenr ·

In th1 last 1ss11t-> oC the \Yeek ly Ex-

1nnen1 thl'r<' ap1wared. under the Jiead­ini:, ··The> Barometer." a spare pro· Yided tor s1g11~d <'Ontributions . .i let· ter <·ritir-izinc. the a<"tions or those members or the Exponent staCI who recP:-itly re~igned. The wrieer who

a11paremh Ji\·es in H ele na, ~igns him­

~~lf ''Alumnus." not caritu? to disclose 1

Ins namt>. thus making: the le tte r vir·

I tually anonymous.

The writer admits he is wholly un­familiar with condi t ions in Bozeman. Yet ht• does not hesitate to rri ti rize

j ~nd make insulti:1g remarks ag:iinst

1he <"hnra<."ter and moti\·ps of those who resigned.

W. E . DEAN.

Osteopa thic Ph ysTclan

M lc hlgan Bldg.

Bozeman, Mont.


E very thing- in the lrne of ice cream and 'punche,.

Judevine & Sons.

Trail Creek Coal Bear

\Ye do not helie\·e thnt on ... who is admitted)>- out of touch with affairs at \fonrnna !=:.tat(' c-olle~(' Ehould ex­press his Yif'w:-:. [or publication until

he has thorou~hly inYe~tigated the ::-itllation.

lf th~ writer of that c·om·nunic·a1'on I V..7 ood Ice is willing to sL-11Hl correction a nd it

willing to takl' off hiR m:i~ 1.;, " Alum

:tus." hp or annrne eli:.e may lea rn

the .. motin1 s at·tuating thr wholesnle c·hange·· in the ~lnrr cf the Exponent by writing to any of the un<lersigned. '



1t is lll'<'PS~ary that all a rtic les be si~ned. but nnnws ha\·e not been pub­li~hed unless rc<tlleHerl.

lf the reasons referred to in the aboYe article are plau sible why not malie them publir -Ed.

Frank .Kyle F-hone 326. 46 E Main St.

When You "'rite Relatives \\ 11' ll 111 c111..·lo~t· he bahy'_..;;


Thi-.. yuu t:an <lo i i yu u have



111 .' •_1ur humc Ea'."-\ to 1..~ptrate

-inc'Jh: n-..i\' c l all and !'t>e


Roecher's Drug Store



at the





I College Boys

I The \ r.:ade na rbe1 Shop

I, is the place "tl :..et Jir cut ~h:tYt"""· etc. n( , ......


1-, -- --I: WHEN IN DOUBT

l1! '1 'llJl" ~2

! r.,r T ·pnhL"r l .. • I an.I l einent I I

I I Copeland Lumber Co ..

I t-;. K. Lannah. ~[anager. ·1

:j -


, Marth• Block I man · - - · Montaa

o .... Davldaon &. Cook,


Cowruercinl XA~ ·1 n:10l< Th1ll dlt:

-- -----·-D k. W . E. MOXLEY,


I uf'.lce-Golden Ru le !3loch.

I Pbone-Omce 97 W . I Residence, 601 W,


EXPONENT, FRIOAY, Af'R_IL 7, 1916. -~--=:=:::'.::::::===:=:::--:::=::::=· =·~i:=~:=:=:=:=:=:=~.;_~~~-~~~-'...,..::!"..;.-.:........!:.-.......:F~A:G~E TH.~ER


.--R-a~i'--n--- jl t I

coats That Don't Leak


t t

' t t t

I : The Corree club ga\·e a banquet at. I Larry Saltz. " L°' e Songs," Professor i the Bungalow 1:i~r1day evening immed1· Hightree. "Song to Kahleober~·· and

1 ately tallowing the debate. Those Leo Humphrey ga\·e the cbem1cal al-

l ~eatcd at the banquet table were the I pbabet. At a lri t e hour the hos tess sen ·ed cl el iC' iou s r efreshments.

J 1 member~ of the college debuting team.

'" ' f

' .



Thelen &

...... .. '

A New Story GD Tap Come in a.nu we'll tell it to you And a lso s ho\\ you 1heo c·lassie1:>1 lln

01 stripes you e \·er saw. The pri<.:es are moder.He and we know how to tit you 011t m a

~lilt I.et us fix up your old suit.

HANK ~ ED. -

,, Hanley -



1 Lee . Park, Robert.z . Gray and Oa,•id l ~lis~ Janet Hiddell of Hel ena. en-

1 Gra~. the (daho ns1tors, Frank Koch, I route 10 spend a rew montlu; in t he

f ! Bertram Bingle, and "~allac Sande- east. will spend Sunday with her sis-I I!

Li.,;ery, Saddle Horses and Auto !I WHERE QUALITY REIGNS.

At '3.50 to

For Hire.



1. liu!<: Presidt'nt Jlamilton, ProfeSHOr ter, )IiF~ .\larsa. at Hamilton Hall.

llmldy. L. Lut'e a:1d On\"id Steel and 1 lht> judges. \\'illiam T. l'igott and M 1---------------

$15 . ~s. U:ia B. Her- iC'k left yesterday

I .l11d~f> Tlwndore Brantly of Helena. .

I tor :s11okane to atten d the Deani:; Con- :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

I fcre_ nc·_e an<.1 th e lnl nnd Teachers' a:-::- I::

The down town t"-f•nior womeon were ·•

l SO<:rnt1on. :: OTHER COLLEGES

I t->nte1·taln<•d at lu111 h T11Ps1lay ;H Hum- •• ::

I ilton Hall as ·'Ir~ fil'rrii·k wisher! to )l bs I !auk .\rneson :spen t till' ,,., .. l~k :: :: :: :: :: :: :.: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ;; 1 on(l~r with tht.: ~c11inr wonkn hefOl'C' I .:.uin~

10 ~pnkane encl dsithlg IH'r parents at Big Tim-

Phone 57. Bozeman. I

A word to the "fus:-.ers - .Johnf'tOTfs Cho<·olatt>~.

Geo. H. Willson Co. ''Quality Stationers"


. ' I

·· I

HOllOW~Y'S Hart. Schaffner &Marx

Ready To Wear Clothes

i -- ber. II I University of W isco nsin IF YOU WANT FIRST- I SEE OUR

II A lh• annu,li tnc-< i:1~ o1 lhe ~lon· 1·1 I' II d I I I . I . Tl1" I I . ". CL S I EASTER LILLIES t

. w \f'C wa ('( t· 11 l me>t Wll l )IJ:o;!:i ..- St· 10 <tslH' srnnulll).; ol tile ~od:t j A S WORK DONE

I tana so<·IPty or' ni:::ineers, lwld in Hel-1 Azalia Linfietc1 aft(>r attendin.e; the and prnfrssiona' fratf\rnitif's nud or ANO EASTER CUT FLOWERS. f ena I l'-lt week. <;P\t.·ral thin,g!' ot in· theaH·r :\ln:idny t·\"Pnini::. ·\It t~njoy1•11 the i-;ornritir" has hcen puhlish ... d ThP j Cnm~ t11 our ·hop :'\0thina ! ii tert..>s~ 0 the {'Ollegp toilk pl;"11.:e l'ar-, dainty n·frt?shnwnts senl·d by thP hos- a\"er 1ge ot the mar1•s rec·t>i\"ecl by wn-1 h ut iir"l cl;i........ \\Orkmen emr::

rol nt Huue. '.\[llthPwson uf Anac·onda. tPs!' and '' iP\\ hnnrs Wl';.~ spelll men Wal:' ':t•i~: that recei\'Pd h'" nwn. pl(1yed '! Proft>ssor Bowman nf the ~clwol llf sodally . 'L2:l. . I I 1~;1E:--t~l-~nEc·tSh'· .... ;iBnAittiRrB' E ,Rarvl StHtpO-aP'- 1 1 ii, ti '.\I tlf'l" 1111 l'rofP~"or l'onJ,ling were a11-1)ollllt cl ~1 ·ommin1·1.: 10 'P\"I""~"' tlk C'O:l- Tracy stitntion so as to }ll'O\irle tor a srndent A n11mhl·. of ~·nnng mt>n were ~uests At the l "n i\Prslty of ::'..:t·hra:-.ka 11Par-

O( the fair SI'>). of llamllton ll all al ly i-:;ix hundrc•rl :-.UH1f'nls h·iyp entl'l°l'd mPmh1..·r~hi11 tbat will niukc engineer- <linner Snn<lay classes in military prepare1l.1ess. FRED HINMAM Greenhouses f iu~ students. studt'nt nwmlJPrs. Pro- :'iofo\·pments. si.g-h tin g. rifle pradir·p Manager

.\\*ptl(}i:1_g u_nnounct>ments .. wen• re-1 and oth er regula ti ons ancl ta"ll<'".· a1·~ JI l'l1< 11c I

I tes-.;or Conklin~ and Upan Ric·htl'r both n:~JJlllHled lO toast~ at the banquet .... " ..... ------------.-, i 4 •.

ceJ\"E'd In a tew 1wrsonal 1riencts \as1 <lisnrnt in Lh esf' eta~~<·:;. I I I

liclrt at the ~1011ta11,, duh. k l 1 J,9

' :W'la • a. •. ~---~ 'i ----------------• Wl't.: • irom R l Park('r of the ento- r, ,,.. .- ~ ,.... -

<ll·nt or t lw .,.oc· ('f} for tht• •·omi:tg ,..., .. " :urn nnrmg us Payne Tem111<.•1on, 11re~i_1 l ent O[ the - /. ~- . Profe:"sor Hiehter wa8 ele<.:tt'd µresi- 111 ,, 1 ,,_~.' ct~ii•rinierit 0 · I · I' ~ ·"' · ~ ' ' I marria~P in ~hlssaC'lmsetts. :\l,..arrh 2S A . :-::. l' ).1., whe-n interYtewed 111 re· ~ - -~ '' .•-:. 11 ,

1 year f!anl 10 thl• ac·tion of t he athleUC' I - C..: •• co11no11 ,,_licl. \Ye will. ~o 111 ,t ., 11 FOR HER 1

1 (

I :::ew i{t.' plans _ror thf' :\lanhauan sys- :::: ••:::.: :: :.: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ~ L• 1

l •• t:lt> :\ ... nozpman m renc" 111g relauon· I \\-ht:thcr ..... ht 1' '1111r 1nthc..:

11 1

TOCK REDUCTION SALE OF tt>lll \\t•rt· '1Jlt•l'O\PI hy P1oies~11r Snow, - . I

. I I 1 ~- bo d ALUMNI NEWS •• shqi ath1eth and othen,i sc. but no .:--1 ..... ter llr ..:\\""t:lh",·11·1. 1"•·11,.··1111, i· 1 I YOUNG MEN'S CLOTHES <'OlHW llll..! eni.: Tit>CI or t ll' sla~r ar •• .... .... .. ..

owest Prices in The Whole Year I of lwalth. l<bt Wt'ck. Tht· work at - •• fa1ther. I that "'llCh arttcle ..... a-. I loo K h

. d A. t C ft .:'lla11hat an i.., mlllt<>r the direnion ol :: :: t: :: :: !! :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :! :: :: :: :: f S ] I G Id uppen e1mer an r ra Freil " Brown WOULD ABOLISH SUMMER RULE I 1 ver to1 et sets. o 1ewelry. I

rands, c;:mt~ tlH• formerly sold u11 · · The 01 gL1111~at1on m' tl .1at1on-wide i Diamond pins, V anity sets I t

:J .~ 1 _·~ • for $7.50 I :\lis~ :\tarsa H.irldPll eujoYed a \"isit I \\" 1; ""illson of t'lnss · 1 ;{ who i~ .1:-; ... oc•tat ton ot eollege men aim mg at I mct kL th l' 1ri ft-.. 1 li t l l 1111

1-. : :

Sut" hrn gl.lt to st•ll ii'. to ~2:i. fr11m her fathL'l. llr Hiddt>ll. ot llt•leua. with the \\~estmghottM' in Pittsburi:t the dboh u o n of tlw present summer• appn ... ·c1a1ed:--. and tit.ti ~1 "- \\ill ! f cm $12.50. Thur:-fla' ha~ bePn offE'recl a po~ition in th€' dis- basPha~l rule .rnd a.t the general re- 1 retain the111 aJ\\a\.... I'!

A greaL 01 .tll 1h.n is 11~\\ in pat- · 1riet offi<·e- al Los AngeleR form 01 1utereolle~Hll€' athletl<'l:\ b be- t

r1. ancl moue!' ~H7' fi Ibo:~;; ~~r~·~',: \'::"~;:;·" r~~~: ~::n~~: Laura l'ierlalue. ·12 who i< lea"11ing ~1.g cag~aA1ModES.ll G~R1E1<AhTigEanS.T ALUMNI L~slie E. uage I'. J . H. H~nReRSISho&.e MJ .• nE ..

!AMBERS-r 1SHER \.....O• night a~ sh<" had just l'P<'Pi\"ed 3 hi~ borne sc·iPnl·e in Lhc publk ~chools ot / nLY.AY '"' G box of eats" from her brother For Lewi~town i~ ~pe:idin~ thP spring \'3· JEWELER AND OPTICIAN. l \1 f \\.'e just \\ant to ~ny that our

"" I - ''"···- - --1 rP~t Fnurtel'll g-irJ..: w_Prf• prpse:it - Lation with hPr 118 ren1~ Xot to be o,·ershadowcd by Stan· I lonrs rPcent isl of prominPnl alumni. ne" Easter rootwt>ar b now reaay

· • 't• \Y .I. Krenier. ·10. or· l.Pwi·sto",1 wao,· membt>-r~ of !hf> fac·ul!y of the "('-ii- :mcl we want yon to seeit.

Pring lme :\tr-.. \\. F ~dw1 ,,; \\ill cntu·tain ·• I j lrn in Yi 't 111 B ti ''f'r:"ity or California hn'"e named tt"'n I The Iarn . t modt:'ls at the lowest th1· senior girlt-i tit tht- Ant>\ t~ dub a s t'S~ s1 or ozl•nrnn rPcen Y men who they bc li p\"e h.1Ye brought CUSTOMERS WIN ALL ir1···e.

;n an EastPr Inn('heou ~aturday '"

,'lothes -- ""ill llarrmau. o:-... e- n ga~ecl iu the till• most <.'J't•dit to tht> statP institu- ARGUMENTS tion Among th~m are F"rnnklin r:: J ff ff tll\ ' )l!s~ Oli\"~ Kinst'l1a b assisting )ti:-:~ ('jyjJ E11~1nc rin1!, pn1t1·ssio11 at Lh·· Lani. Oo,·ernor Hiram John::>on anu I A. clean sanitary place for I . . arris -at t.:o.

1t:>nsPn with the Lome t:<·onomic·s short ingston. was in Bozeman last Satnr- .lar·n: London. Ex. I studenth to get their work I l • rng > 1J r ph a .... t rL at

H .'I VEY & JACOBS ' but re­e . ,L..... .p rin g will not wait r you. Stvp in a t your first 1 • 1 . ' loo!: c,ver our ele­

! ... :ie ·~- s 11ri~g fabrics. and -.:I L us :nea~ure you for your

·:,ng St : . Qur cut. fit and rnish of all garments made by ; are as good as any man's

I oney can produce.

820 and $25

Buys you a good Suit

opuler Price Store for Men Chavey & Jacobs

ozeman, Mont.

course 111

\\"ibaux thi~ wpek. ~ day. done Y o u get better ~ervice -- RESULTS OF UTAH DEBATE at the FASJFON.

Brook ITartnuu. '13. wo ~ in Uoze·


:'\[is8 Ellen Co:iway s11ent thE' wet"k m:m last wpek ·'"isiting his parents . In the trilrn~tilar !IPha t e u11on the I FASHION BARBER •1

encl with her sis ter )fi ~!-' :\I an· <'on· ).I r. and :\J rs. \\·. s. ll anma11 )Ir. SHOP I The I

\lonroP Do<.-tri:w. Bri,!?ham Young-way of the freshman c·la}'.~. Hartman i~ bookkeener for the Empire l"nh·ersity lost to l 'tah AgriC'nJ1 11 ra l LETTS &. MARQUIS.

- Trust a nd Sa Ying~ com pany at Lewi~- t'l.111.ege a_ n<l won rrom l ' t ah l"ni\" er- I I Schlechten Studio

Pr es::;1 anrl lfrs \\' .\I Cuhl~ie;h town. Under Gallatin Truat Bank. 11 deli~hu'ulh PntPrtained tht> member!; I c·n ~ . takrng th P ncga1 h ~ side. Ptah

1 C'I ·

1 lJ

1 1 \\On from l ' tah AgriC'ultural l'Ollege,

Ol t le lemistry (' u · t le <· iemistry Gene Quaw. '11 , retu rned last week making Bri~ham Young uni\"ersit:• the

profe8-..;.or~ and their wi\·es and th e from Lewi~town whprp he ~tagcfl his winner. The negative side of the .----------------extension chem ist~. at th eir home OP latest 11h1~·. TIH· Tulip \ I.till" ques1ion 11roved the s1 roni:t r side in Third a,·enue la~t Saturda:i. e\ ~11in~ About thirty gue-sts were prf>sent. A

"C'homic·al .. program. 1·hemica l in na-ture. was ~ i \'en whic-h 11nwed ,·E>ry U

J entenaini:1e. The program opencci :: EXTEN!';IO N NOTES

eq•ry case.

A Fool There Was :i A fool th Pre was. and be swor e a 1 :: swear.

with an addrpss of w<~kon r h) ).Jr. :! •• l•; ven as y"ou and I. 1

Klassy Kicks

12 Btack A TilllH.


11f .:1l\ and college Yiews and po~t ~ards lltl safe at tl-.e BOZEMAN • MONTANA

I C'obleigh fo llowed by a respon st> hy : : :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :t :: :: :: :: :: :: :: I T~w t he nPV_l'r woul_d kiss his lady fair

1 Carl GottsC'halclc J;!"ivinµ: an e~J1ihi'ivn I \\ e cnlle-d 111111 the 1001 who didn't ('are by c111 experienc·ed ~Jass h luw er Pro· frs:-:or Dogut' ga\'e an iustrn<'ti\"E~ tall~ .\lis..: 1':ithPl'illf• . IC'il "'l~n .md \tiss For r~~:esr~~:ler:·.as afraid o f the mic- Colh c.e- :\ten and Women

~ I Coal, Wood Lumber on e:-raduate study. l\fi s~ Janelle Lund Oli\'e l\.111sPll'I arP ~i' in.go i-- horl ~,·en as you and

san~ the "Chemh~ts Lam nt," Donald ~ c·ou rse 10 th women of \\'i baux and Oh the jo)· we lo~e and ihe bliss Wt>

Cook. the "Chemists Pridt-." 11. :'ii \"ic·iJ1ity rhl s \\t:"ek ilPIOrP returnin~ lose.

ShE-a. "Son~ of the Qui:lint> Pills. to Bozeman. sd1oo ls will be held in And the fun w might hau~ had . :\Iiss l~rma Lessel. "Song of F'resen­iu~ ... GlaUys Ritz . ·'In the Laboratory ." GJenllin•. ll ysha m . :nd liroa.i,·iew.

Or \\". .l. l lartman has A:OIW to Ana­C'Onda to eon fer with 1iar1 ies in regard to p revt>nta ble losi--es or livestock.

If we :i.e,·er had heard of the thingi:; called germs .

.\[icrol>es. baC'illi. and sim ilar lc rms,

. row isn ' t ii tOO blame bad . - Ex.



Reed's Bootery I Kenyon;Noble Lumber Co • I 320 We•t Main St.

'' Why Smith Left Home''

1~1·ofeHROr C. :\. Arnett , 1-'rofes~or l\l . I Aint ittough? L. \\*ilson. Dr. I ~. II. Hil ey . and Di·. "\Vhen duty calls, the you thful lo,·-\V. J . Hartman will a tle nd the Mon- e r, who ha s no c l :ll~ser; a ll morning.

tana S1ock Growers' <·onventio:i. April rises at breakfar;t time and rushes 1 a nd 1 g. They will also give a j over to the main drag nnd escort::; hi s

school for H or~e Br eden• in conjju nc- 1 lady to the first l.1our dnsr;. Th en tion with the convention. home he trots to h1~ abode . to abide Our Specialties

A THREE-ACT COMEDY by George Broadhurst. Author of "What Happ ened to Jones."

High School Assembly Hall

Friday - Saturday, Apr. 14 - 15




___ j the time as best he <.·an till the next

)1. L. \\~il!:Wll left \\red nesd ay after- ! whistle blows. and on1·e more we find

noon for herictan C'Ou nty, where h him at the old meet111g pla<:'e. e-tre tera. ,

1s co-:iduC'lmg some fl ax de m o ustta-J n;:id on on. (till marnage)?


vou ran hav~ both at

. THE MODEL GROCERY ' t1ons He will also take s teps to I 'Twa s ever thus - Ex I place a <Olmty agricult.unst th ere wtlh ! headquarters at Pl entywood. 111 nccord-

::1~:t) w~:m~i~ss~~1~;~)1·~1:t~:~;:. ~ty y~1~~ I P~TRONll[ DUA ~OV£RTISERS 1' !._~_;_~_~_e_e_~_~_M_a_!n __________________ P_r ... ~-m_~_t_:_b_~_!v-ee-~-~-• j ar:o

--George Bartz, Prop.--

I Profei-;sor i\1. J . Abbey of \\" est Vir· 1-----­

ginia ha s atc·epted a position in l~xten-

sion service in _\lonta:rn. He will suc-ceed Miss Au gusta 0 . Evaus. who ex- I

pects to ~ake .graduate work in Mln-1

nesota Unt\•ersHy next y('ar

The Y . "M. C A. Is pln=ining 10 hold a reception to members and friend s on



\\"lh.'l'l' <li<l you gl·t )our st'\•lb" "h~· :n 1ht" OWEN HO USE HAROWARE CO.

ha',. t ht• ht'~t ::ipt'tH'l'' 'aril'f ll'"·


as low ;lS I 01·

I '~lay :J. The rC'('e11tion is 10 he ol' an l nformnl natunl, an cxrl'llent program j

I 1


s in preparation and another very ac- 1 i n• rommittP<' i" tll<' on~ on refre~h !I QWENHQUSE

men ts.

HARDWARE CO~PANY ----- ------------=


NOTI CE ! iUNIORS d WILLARO KING IN TOWN 1 wo ba I left !ield \\as nicely bandleo I Seamans, Clark.son, Rom:iey an --


1 struck out. Gatton nu Led a t. g \\'elcb chalked up five more t allies. g

er the next man was nailed on first Rt<'t pitcht>d. RoDlJlt.') ... l'ored and / . s tagged on second and \Villard K1ng, 11 , was in Bo:tem.a.n . d ·hea a ~t.eal·1 thr<;•~ men were c:u1ght on c:kr f;c rap-- one man "a k I last week conferrmg v;ith P rofessor Tbi.s is the first. last and ool aud tfie !-:>ldeh"t·abs e::~~:: r7rst and sec· ers Score .~-~ the other two at the rniual sac . R. A. Cooley ooncero mg the outbreak !or C'audidates fo r assistant ba

INTERCLAS.5 GAMES P One) er v.at. caug ·

5 14 , h B'lt R l mana.ger All cand1dnte~ will t:.c.inun11ed from age Jahnke intcher. Ril:e ::;cored. next I core ...,, n of spotted fever tu l e 1 er_ ~ . Romney pitched Cirst and held the ou~t nd another southpaw. wssed for three batters put out at fir~t. ~e('ono Seaman was the Hybnd phenom i i\Ir Ki:ig is an authority on t?u~ dis- to the bnseball ma:iae:er as "0 three men "ho (a.led him to sine;ll'.'~ th~ :nl~rs. The first two men Oied and finil re!1ipt>cti\·ely this period. Collett smashed a three ease a~d ~is stationed at :\.f~!'sou~a. possible which were riulckly slapped to tlrst. t two wen reached second and lhird Reddkk on the mountl J,1hn ke bagger the ne:\l two men were fanned R. ~- \\. ells and R.R. Parker :ue n.t FRJ;D Bl'LLOCK, One man flied out to :;hon "top re· ~~t· w~re left on the sack8 when the. scored from a pass. the uext man in SUC'C'ession. Collett SC'ored o:i a sin present ne~r Miles City looking for Ja~l ma!-i Ufl bum1ied a little bingle I flied out. Cotner and Romney each gle, Borton stole th ird bllt retired the the tick which causes the dlse:i.se. 13aseball Mann lirln~ the side

Du•1•.t-ltP itctwr. , :.t• man riit·i. on -.pcornt ~eaman~ !;1·ored auolht:'r out at f1r.;.· and th~ third ont a.t ~f>('Ond

v.hkh wil S gathPred in a nd :::na1,ped to tallied successh·ely, the batter fanned side 00 3 good trY !or home. o:;=:;:;::;:~:;::;:::=:=:;:::=::;::::::::=::;::;:==::;=::::;::=::::::;:::::::;': tirst SC'ore 2-2 and the next man dropped at first. Al Borton handled t he pill. Tbe !;. -1core 1-0.

Clark.son pitcher, DuQ.uetie scored. ..,,... .,.. '" Fh·d out and two were !ann-


Parker pitched. the fir~l man l'lled Score tH fir~t men rtied to third. Seamans, out. Rice made s ,.ensatiooal sprint Cotner took the last shift. the men ('larkso:-i. and Romney score~ again. fni- home but tbe ball beat him to it. "ere put out in one.two.three order. H.omnPY extending a two hagger into 1 j Tia• ne;.i up fanned out. one on third. one on first . and the a home run by a dari:i.g steal and an Saltz pitcher; two men cau~ht on Inst on a foul fly. outfielde rs error. The next man fann - I flie~. the next one hit the air three OopP on tile inter('}a~s !ieri~s of base· ed. \\'hitlock. .Jahnk e. and "OOC'" time~. Score still 2-~. I ball reC'eived quit<' a jolt F"riday after- Richardson piled up some morr point:;;. Seamans bandied the ball. the tirst noon when the freshm:m tenm easll~~ I the i-:ide wa s retired after batting I tirst ::;core ?·1. roan down ou a pop fly. Snow caught defeated the Hybrids. The "Hibro~·s I through the order. Score 20·f>. Whitlock south-pawed ror the HY· at home. Gatton brought iu a run. and had Jlrodously bPaten the sophomores I Cotner pitched the final Inning. Two bricls Bullock sc<•red; tbe aext man tbe ~ide took the field when a (ly to and the juniors had beaten the Frosh. men reached first. one fa:ined. one

Joth•\ i>it('b~d for the junior~ this uu_=-i~ .. kl·r !Jnughl in a 1un. tv.o

men Hrt1C'k out and one pul out on

PLANT SEEDS THAT GROW We have a complete line of Northrup. Kin:gj

& Co .. Vegetable and Flower Seeds. A good assortment of Spencer's Variety

Sweet Pea Seed. Onion Sets. per g allon or

17 Different varieties of Feed. Ask for our prices in

four pounds ....... 50~

Sterling Chick sack lots. =

==========================-=-===='' Tbc game was slow and rull or errors I wa!-i killed at second. and t.be last I o:-i bolh sides. flied out to cen te r field. The bugle on I I M S C Thr g:i~:s:;e~1:dv~,. ~:~~:


Frosh nt I the ~: 1 ·11 b1~-=~~~1 ~Pp'~~;>~:n~;my to as- TH OS. H • RB A - CO 1 TO ALL THE STUDENTS OF THE · · · 1.em l ·

f the bal. and Clarkson and Romne) as Juniors vs. Sophomores I Phone 24. l S o ·an batterie~ ior tlH' H~·bridi::. The tirs t The juniors deteated the sopbs ht - -------------------------Ii \Our laundr) a~count amounlS to 2.00 or more y u c..: bl d \ : save rO per cent bt " ·alk ing do·wn to the laundry on or befor~ two men ~tru(·k out but :'\o e ma e the first game staged Saturday by a ============================= : the roth of each nionth and pay~ng- same. \\ 'e have no a~e~l~ lirst on an error Taylor broudll score of 11 LO 6. The game wa s bet· I -' or ... 01tc1tor:; hut .fo business with ~·ou direct . Those des1nng :-.:obll' in ancl thl' next tnan fanned. ier and more hot'y ('Ontes t ed than ,---------------------------~ ', d k men t~ The first miln up tor the Hybrids the score would indicate. Both teams I ledtt·er :ll·cnunt:.-• plt'a::;c call at office an ma ·e arrang-e . l d HQWA ! .

t was put 0111 on .rn rnt1cld fly a nd tle played t!Xcellent ball but Ille s<~phs.ha RD'S , \ ·e can pleJse you. • l:iext l\\O \\alked Tht> next man rn.n· rom:iderable trouble with their tHtch· '--------- -------! f nerl nnd 11am1l1on raugbt Romnev s 1 in~ stnff. most of 1he young hopefu 1s · 6 JI t· La ndry Company foul. b•in~ un•bl• to fin•I the j\all and ., " i a a 10 11 '1 l~:~o;~t; ~:~ ~~~~·l:f~~ ~~l~~~~a~h~at:=~~ ~:nt~~~~\~·~;~~e s~l;~~n~d many free pa~~e~ nnd mnrn~ The ftnn man hit and Thl' upper dassme:i. bad the happy

fELC~lr~~U:IUC:OLC!gjj'!:fj~!:fj~!:fj~!:fj~!:fj~!:fj~!:fj~!!l:ijJ the next man !nought him in. The kna<'k ur btmrhing their hit> at rriti· ;i-J~fl";i'l~:::n == ~~ ;J'l=il -.. !:Ii ltt'e\\ ork!:; contrn11ed throu~hout thl' in- <·al moments and thh• with their a1-



Electric Iron

:iiug and the 1rrshman sc-ured four most errorless fit'hling nC'co11nts for !l;'ijj!:fj.,Jll runs. the whit' din .. •rgenrP in thP f'cores

Gntn~s o<.·cupiPd the box for the The toss 11 p g-a\"e the sophs their ~ rre~bmen with .lfH:ohy b~hinrl the <hoke of outs c.ir ins :.ind ll\l' out~ !:J; plate. The Hybrid~ failed to !:!et a hit \\t'rt' rnken. the- juniors set·llrt>d three­~ durin~ the innine. 01w man mrute rirst \\alks in slH'<.'t~ssion aml thE'll proc ed­!::fi on hall:-:. !!ti lo hrin~ tlwir t)rring hre1hrc:1 o\·er ~ Jahnke trh~d hii-: lurk at pitch;ng the plale; 1i\"e runs w{•n• s(·on·d br· _ri during tlw first half of tht' third Ill· tor~ ihc sidf> wai-: l'Ptired. !:fi ning ;rnd held tlw frt.:shmcn dO\n\ to In their h;1lf tht> sophs only suc. .. ~ n:-ie run. BobPrg: ~rahhed H thr<'e base <·t-NlNl in ,.t•oring one. Th"' remaining !:fi hi1 and brought Bt:rmun in but 1..lied mnines \\·prt> mainly a repetilion ol ~ on third llnmilton al!'O held the II~'- thb, iHlt:' tht' juniors sc.·onn!-! 111 cvPry PURCHASED FROM US DURING THIRTY DAYS Yi 11rids ~<·on·tes~ \\·hill• tw mTu11ied thP i:inlng: tint tht-> fourth and :-;ix th. while ~ BEGINNING MARCH FIFTEEN. ~ hox during: hi!-; half tlw :-;011hs :;t·ort>d rnw rim in tht> iir~t ;;n !:fj,, \\"hitlo<'k and H11m1w~ wtln· th1.· 1Jat· filth and st:\f'tllh .g~ it.•ries for the..· nt:xt 111nim:. an1l the Tlw offii·i;,tl s<·ort> follow,. !fi See Samples in Our Window ~ffi Fro'h i:lilccl to ~et a hit. H II E ~., Yi ~[.ijor and Gr:\\ I'" wert:' tlw bat "' · .lnnior:-. :! j 11 :? o x 11

'Li; ~!:fj~ it>:s for the Fni~h d11rinu: th...: 1'01: ·1h snphomorf':- 1 n n 11 l ti I :r• Guaranteed not to "wiggle'' under hardest usage.. nnin~ and tilt' ll~brids mad'=' t if'i r ii; PRICE OF IRON $3.50 BOARD "THROWN IN" igffi fir>t ""in' "hen t'ot1w) <lro'e a long ~~ !:Fi ont> paH <·enll.·r tif'lll and bron~ht _ru Cash With Order· ~~ H.om111..•.r in. Th1.. l:itti,.t bullt.'tin issut'd hy the !:fi :O!:fjn ! Ourin:.!: the fifth \\"t>lsh and H.om iey. Expl•r m~nt ~tati.nn 1lPab with the ~ \H~n· tlw hatt1..•riP~ fpr thP Hybrids lffl'\·en'iou ot dam::i~e anct the eradi<'a-


Order your Easter hUit new. \\'e have a tine a~..,ortment of

Call and look them nH•r.

The Hub Ed. and Lou Howard, Proprietors

Walk.Over Shoes Stetson H.


ha 1 e ~1-er had.

\\ 1...· 11\·itc· all ' call ;·nd "e'-' \\hat \\t> ha\t: an1l are ... hin\i

ancl ..!Cl the lrll"e ...

D. D. SMITH ~ ~!:fin •1·111n3d

11 t 11,11~11 ,1_;-e',·o1 ~1h11 1~ .• ",s'·l)l' n11'~; 1,'1 _n1.•0n1~ th~~~~\-~ ti on nt' th1· army cnt worm The bulle· 2rll

- ~ r.. 1in is marnl~ a ronrle:l\oiation of ~-he I -==-y; Th M t ~ brids and they sC'Ol'l.'d three runs. iwo hnlle-1in:-<. is~ut>d las1 year \\Ith 1 ~----------------------------~ e on ana !:Fi \\'oc1fl 0('(.'11Jii(•cl tllP box for th(' Hy- " t'(\l\Sillt:rah1~ amount 01 new mater· LC ME hrid~ during: tllf· sh.th an1l hE>ld tht? HI•. Tht• bnllt'lill was \\l'itten by RA. The Gallatin Lumber Co-~r! ffi fre~hnwn to mw sl·Ort3. <'nol ... y ind .l .• R. Parkt:>r of the Entomo-

~ Power Co. ~1 '"'~r~~~:,~·:"/·;~ .~:;~,g :~~::11,'e .. ~~:.~~:~ ~·:,;'r·~"~'«::;~::::·;t h~: ~:,;·~1::~".::~:,~ ~ ~ 1hat Jlitching was too strenuous and larg~ numher of thh; edi tion lrn ti been q;; ~ F'itzgera ld wen1 in in his pin.tr The iiublislwd and will bf> issued to all

~ y; Hvhrid~ ~<01ed twH·e. but Jahnh;. got who aJiply. ~I <.aught stt'ahn~ tlnnl and mad1. the

1uc: 60 East Main Street !:fi thml out. 2111 rut=I Tlw F'10>.;.h go1 .1 hit and .t ~ore IMPROVED FLAX ~ Uc ~nl f1 om C"otnrr. the !:.'Uu tHt<. ht~r ol the ;;lffi~~!:fiMiij !:fj~!:Riffi!:fiMiij!:Riffi!:fiMiij!:RiiiJ!:fiMiij !:fj~!:fi!!l:ijJ !:f1~ H) b• id rnam. during the l°'t urning




I Taylor and GraYes were the bat· Onring the spring of Hll:i eightY

I teriei-- for th e F'-ro:-::.h during tlw la~t bushels or pedigreed flax of tb~ vers

F h i:-inin~. Althoiu~h th<.· llybri1ls ~01 t wo he~t \llriety that has l>een grown i:i. rans am Coal Co. hit• they failed l•l S('Or<' Xonh llakoto was j\Ul'C'ha>e<I and dis·

A•d dollars make ricbea,-lt'a all tn a sy:;teruatic saving ot a certain sum weeklJ'.

52 weeks or saYing at our bank 1,1;1.ll give you a better staadtng than &a ..... -ek..;; or sy~nd!ug

THE THREE BEST COALS. Ii n.H.E. 1ributei1 ilmong:st growers in nol'lh· Freshnw11 1 I 1 '' Z 1 1 1P " "Pstt·rn :Xlontana This tlax wa:-:; re-Get a County Scale Ticket wtth l-fybri1b 11 1.1 u l ~ :! 11 ,; -\ «l:'ived under the ~eat ot' the ~orth every order. Dakota ~ef'<l Growers' a,.~ociation and

I HYBRID VS. SOPHOMORES llw work in '.\font~rna wa:. under the PHONE 2M.. I '"'howing rare torm. the Hyhrlds 1lire<·tion ot the extension service a.id

st<'PPf>d on the Sophs Thur:-:;day \'en· tlw ac:rnnomy deparlmt>nt \\'Orkin!! c.'O-l I ing to lh P 1111lt• Of 20 to :l. The ;.;arne operati\·ely rpwnrcls of -1.0nO hush•"'l! , Try 1t and see. Gallatin Trust& Sav ings Ba nk.

Phone 253 howen:•r wa." not emireh devoid oI of flnx wa~: prodU«:ed from the !'leed 11 intt>rest. ·nor.. \\'elrh . and 'flo<.·' sown nnJ reports which f\nve just ,------------------------------ Hif'harchmn arP regular "go-J?:etlP.rs"

1 t·onw in :::;how that all bnt :~;->O bu~hels 1 whl'll it t·nmes tu strl•akin~ it aro•md or this superior ~eec.l has been !'lold Ceretana Means Quality


f the bal:ie~ Jahnk<:> ha~ a sy~tem all 1 to l!rower~ for l~H+,; planting lt is 11 of his own !'or ren<·hing first 111111 ht' thP plan to 11urrhase approximately I gets ;iway with 11 ton, Christy and C' :loo L>nsheb this spring and ~ell thi~ l Bort~n played stellar ball for the to i?;rowi>r,. in rlifferi.:>nl parts of the Company t Sophs. The Hyhrid <'Ombination. Sea· state \\ith the idea oi getlin~ this high '------------------------------1~ I mans, Clarkson. and Romney, ~cared ~nHlf> flax introduced i:l ditferent =======::::::::::::::::::::=:==::::::================~,,; t~vt'r~ tim~ up. Play was fast and JH\rls or '.\tontana :\lontana ts 01w ot ______________ J snappy but the sophomores chal ked th~ important !ln..x growing state:-:1 ot

The Bozeman Milling

I do the bellt HDatlng .1.nd Plumb- I up the most errors. the union and the C'xperiment sta· ing joba In town. ,f you want the beat. ..ee

O. H . 3 U DD CO .

I ELASTIC IN ARM BANDS I The Hybrids won the toss <.HH.11.:hose lion and extension scr\'iN• are de,·ol· • AND GARTERS. th'! field . Heagney opened the ~ame ing tl good deal of study to the crop.

Central Avenue. Pilon• 300 J Means Much Better Wear

:=:::::::::::=::::::::::==:::::::::::::~ I \\t aie l'a1t?htl to ket•)) our ~ttl<.'k E w Thompson I al"a\s iresh U) <h1p1llng small • • j quunutlrs oftPil

BARBER SHOP. I \\'e ha\ejus1 l'PH'hecl ln•sh 110111

Under National Bank of Gallatin I tht: anor) ·' ue" 101 ul

I '1 t•·m ba n1b and -art~!'>. pril'«d at ,

Commercial l l i·. "' :i""

National Bank I ---cAPIT ~L ~ rOCK $150.0011 I 1 SURP! Cl and PROFITS $250.000

J ' BA1<1..-<. cashier. 11 The WiJlson Co. BOZP'IMI, · MONTA.'i'A

College Students a Specla.lty. BOSTON

in the box. and fanned the first man up. .\kCabe. Dixon. C' Il-Orton. and '.\llnar, t>Bl'h ~cored. the team batted ODC'~ around a:1d wen." retirl"'d

~Ir Leroy .\foomaw. re11resenta.tive or the office or ~'"'orage b.\·estigntions of the Fnited Srntcs Department of I Agriculture, h:n-lng direcr charg-c or Glass pitched for the Sophs :-;ea· thP fora~e investigation~ at the F'er-

mam;, Clarkson, Romney, und \\~elch gus ('ounty experiment station in co· crossed the home plate. the team bat· operation with the 'Montana expcri- \ ted once around aud tlw last man ment station, was in Bozema:i this was fanned. Score :i·I. past Wt)t"k in con ierente with the J _,.Jahnke twirled for the I[) brids. The I a!?;-l'onomy department. .\(r. ~roomaw's 1 ~irst man. ~uuted m~t. to ~iri-;t.' Bor~on \ work inC'ludes studies with ail kinds 1 ea<'h~d hr:-;t on R:l m1ury 1 h1:1 tlnrrl of nlfi"tlfas. dO\·ers, pea!-1. sorghutT f

man tanned and th1• roul'th rn~ct 10 nnd other types of rornge C'rops. ln I se<.·ond addition to the work nt F'ergus ('OUntY

)tinar took Jlossession of lhe mound ratlwr exten~h-c forage work is this Seanwns, Clarkson Romney, and, year being started at the Fort .:\ssinni· \\·ekh erwh Sl'ored in SUC't·ession Two boni.:> i'tA.tio:i. at Havre nndl~r the ,L!en· men fell on lin~t a:HI the tH!Yettth man eral direNion of George ~lonmn. su~ uri tamwd lpaving the ~l'ore ~-t


erintendent of the experiment station Parkc-r pitched for lhe I lybrids , and therf' .

fannl><I the fin:t two men that rared _____ _ him. the third man 1w1 as far rus rirst I NOTIC~ on a mufl but llw fourth ruan wa~ Lust-StiC'k pin, deslgn c·rab al le c·u1~ght out on n fly to right field. a.nd leaf Fi:tder please n•tnn: pto

c ollett lrn.ndled 1he -tphen.!. C"otner.1 re:istrar·s office. •

Headquaners for the famous 0\YI. CREEK and PEERLES BEAR CREEr< COALS.- Your trndp will b~ a1lpreciated. Oppo~ite Court House Phone 2

The Smoke of the U. S. A. That snappy. spirited taste of "Bull" Durham in a

cigarette gt\'CS you the quirk-s tepping, head-up-and.­ches~-ou t fee;ing of the Ji,·e, virile Man in K~al?­H e smokes "i3u II" Du, ham fo r the sparkle thats m it and the crisp, youthful vigor he gets out of it.



"Roll your own" with "Bui!" D urham and you have a distinctive, satisfying smoke that can·t be equalled by any other tobacco in the world.

In its perfect mildne. , its smooth, rich mellow­sweetness and its aromatic fragrance, "Bull" Durham is uniq ue.

F o1· the last w o rd in whole­sorn•', h co.! thlu l smoking enjoy­ment· ro!l yoc;r own" with ''Bull" Dutl,am .

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