logo design

Post on 27-Jul-2015






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Logo DesignAftermarket Inception Computers & Graphics


• What Is A Logo And Why Should It Be Professional Designed• The Icons• Professional Grade Options• Amateur Hour

What Is A Logo And Why Should It Be Professional Designed

One of the most important aspects of any business is their mark. A mark that explains what they do, who they are, and where they are going without having to describe it, is an important part of the overall picture of business strategy today. If you have a good mark, you will not have to say anything to show people what you’re doing. Think about iconic marks today, and you’ll see that there are a lot of symbols that you can look to for quality, information, and more, without seeing their full name. In essence, a logo is an illustration that will explain to someone a brand’s business without having to say much.

The Icons

To further illustrate the idea of a professional logo, consider some of the biggest corporations in the world. Companies like McDonalds, Nike, Arby’s, and many others just have a mark. When you see that logo you will immediately know who it belongs to and what it’s for. That’s the power of a good logo, and it is not the same as having a full company’s name spelled out. If you want to succeed in marketing today, you have to look at those elements with inspiration in mind, and then formulate a successful language that explains your company without much more than a symbol.

Professional Grade Options

The main reason that you should hire a professional is simple, they are experienced in explaining things with graphics. Graphic designers specialize in creating visual displays that transform your company’s ideas into a simple symbol and illustration. When this is done right, you could have the power of corporations in your company’s branding. You can be as iconic as Nike, or others, if you just focus on a professional solution, instead of just drawing one up yourself. Professional grade options don’t just come with the work, they come with several drafts, tweaks, and more to focus on your branding that will sustain the test of time.

Amateur Hour

Of course, there are some people that will want to go the easy route, hiring anyone off the street that has an artistic idea. You want to avoid going with just any old solution because you may find that it can be overcomplicated. Overly complicated logos can end up causing your brand to suffer. You want to create minimalism in colors, structure, and design. Less is more when it comes to a logo, and when you go with the amateur route, you will end up losing out. Test the waters, try both sides and see which one is best for your needs.

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