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Post on 27-Jan-2022






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Practise for 15 – 20 minutes each day Practise our spelling words for 15-20 minutes.

A good way to learn them is

Write each word in a sentence.


eereader/api/sec/login Go on to the Reading Plus website using

your usual log on details.

School Code: rpadela

Summer 1 words

rhyme relevant

government average

available twelfth

foreign parliament

persuade programme

Use your inference skills! Write about:

- Are the owls related? How do you know?

- What is the small owl afraid of? Is the large

owl worried too?

- What are they thinking about? Try drawing

speech bubbles.

Listen to a free story, written and read by David




Make up a dance to your favourite song

Sustainability and plastics (Geography)

Following link contains three short videos, one animation and three activities.


What is recycling?

When something is recycled it is reused or turned into something else. Materials such as glass, metal

and paper are quite easy to recycle and certain types of plastic are too. Objects that aren’t

recycled, such as things that go in the rubbish, are taken to landfill sites. These are places where

rubbish gets buried and left to rot away and biodegrade.

Watch to keep up to date with the latest news http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround

Go for a walk, a jog

or a bike ride with

your family.

Watch to keep up to date with the latest news http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround

Practise for 15 – 20 minutes each day


eereader/api/sec/login Go on to the Reading Plus website using

your usual log on details.

School Code: rpadela

Write a story inspired by this image. Can you

include a relative clause?

The dinosaur, which was enormous, loomed

threateningly over the creaky boat.

Join in ‘PE with Joe’

at 9-9.30



Download a free book from Audible:


(All of the Harry Potter books are on there! The

elementary or tween categories will be the right level for


An Anglo-Saxon riddle:

I cover the ground like a blanket and melt in

the midday sun. What am I?

(answer on the link in the topic section)

What was Anglo-Saxon art and culture like? (History)

The Anglo-Saxons were skilled craft workers. They loved to make intricate pieces of jewellery, toys,

games and musical instruments, such as a lyre.

Story telling was a big part of Anglo-Saxon culture. They would gather together to tell stories,

often accompanied by music. Many Anglo-Saxons couldn't read or write so they would have to

remember stories they had been told in order to tell them to others.

Anglo-Saxons enjoyed word play; they often invented riddles to amuse themselves. Today's 'Just

for fun' is Anglo Saxon. Follow the link at the bottom of the page to find out the answer.

Click on the link to find videos, information and photographs of real Anglo-Saxon artefacts.


a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Practise for 15 – 20 minutes each day by copying this alphabet.

Find the perimeter by counting. Calculate the perimeter of these oblongs.

Can you describe your favourite activity you

have done since school closed?

Use parenthesis (brackets) to add detail to your


For parents: https://www.theschoolrun.com/what-is-parenthesis

Enjoy listening to this poem by Robert Hull:



How plants reproduce (Science)

Following link contains two short videos and two activities.



Lots of plants rely on insects like bees to reproduce. To make a seed, a flower needs to be

pollinated. Pollen from one flower needs to travel to another. Bees are very importance for

carrying the pollen between flowers. To encourage bees to visit them, flowers have

colourful petals and an attractive scent. Some flowers give the bees a sugary reward called

nectar too. It’s not just plants that need bees; we need them too. Without them we’d have

very little food. Lots of our fruit and vegetables come from plants that are pollinated by


Watch to keep up to date with the latest news http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround

Practise for 15 – 20 minutes each day Practise our spelling words for 15-20 minutes.

A good way to learn them is

Write each word in a sentence.


eereader/api/sec/login Go on to the Reading Plus website using

your usual log on details.

School Code: rpadela

Summer 1 words

rhyme relevant

government average

available twelfth

foreign parliament

persuade programme

How many words can you make out of…?


I can make laid, cool, deal…

Make up a dance, an

exercise routine or an

obstacle course in your

living room or garden.

Calculate the perimeter of this oblong.

Write about an autobiography of your life so far.

An autobiography is a biography that the author

writes about themselves. Use parenthesis

(brackets) to add extra information.

I was born 31st October 1992 (Hallowe’en).

Practise for 15 – 20 minutes each day

Re-read your work from yesterday

- Check if all of your sentences make sense

- Check for spelling errors

- Are you missing any punctuation?

- Can you make any other improvements?


eereader/api/sec/login Go on to the Reading Plus website using

your usual log on details.

School Code: rpadela

Listen to a story on the World Book Day



Write the alphabet from A to Z.

Can you name a noun for each letter?

A- apple, B- book

What did the Anglo Saxons believe? (History)

In Roman Britain many people had been Christians but the early Anglo-Saxons were not Christians, they were pagans.

After the Romans left, Christianity continued in places where Anglo-Saxons did not settle. However, when the

Anglo-Saxons came to Britain they brought their own gods and beliefs with them. Over time their beliefs changed

and many Anglo-Saxons were converted to Christianity. The king of the Anglo-Saxon gods was Woden, a German

version of the Scandinavian god Odin, who had two pet wolves and a horse with eight legs. Other gods were Thunor,

god of thunder; Frige, goddess of love; and Tiw, god of war. These four Anglo-Saxon gods gave their names to the

days of the week. Tiw became Tuesday, Woden - Wednesday, Thunor - Thursday and Frige - Friday.

https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zxsbcdm/articles/zs3gcdm for more information.

Task: Draw a table with the Anglo-Saxon god and their corresponding day of the week. If you have access to the

internet, can you research where the names for Saturday, Sunday and Monday come from? If not, can you

guess? (Hint: think about space!)

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Practise for 15 – 20 minutes each day by copying some sentences from your favourite


Watch to keep up to date with the latest news http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround

Complete the

Freddie Fit Challenge

on the school




Watch to keep up to date with the latest news http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround

Practise for 15 – 20 minutes each day Practise our spelling words for 15-20 minutes.

A good way to learn them is

Write each word in a sentence.


eereader/api/sec/login Go on to the Reading Plus website using

your usual log on details.

School Code: rpadela

Summer 1 words

rhyme relevant

government average

available twelfth

foreign parliament

Write a prediction- what do you think is

going to happen next? Think about:

- What kind of monster is this? What

is it going to do next?

- Why is the kitten asleep? Will it

wake up? What is going to happen?

Show an adult a book you have been reading on Reading

Plus. Tell them any interesting facts you have learned

or what the story is about. Show them how fast your

speed is now! You could have a go at the questions


Write a list of everything that makes you happy.

Think about what you are grateful for.

What makes me happy: calling my family, playing

with the cat, baking biscuits…

Art- Pointillism

Pointillism is a type of art where the artist uses coloured dots to make pictures. Artists have done

portraits, landscapes and still life (pictured below) with pointillism. You can use pencils, paints or felt

tips to make an image of your choice. Take a photograph and post it on the Adelaide twitter page- we

would love to see your work!

Visit ‘Go Noodle’ and choose a dance to learn


Calculate the perimeter of these compound shapes. Remember you will need to work out the

lengths of the missing sides.

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