lns1ruct01l may assign a portion v review sheet the

Post on 08-Jun-2022






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A lns1ruct01l may assign a portion V of the Review Shttl qutstions

using Masteong A&P"'

The Appendicular Skeleton

Name ~ i q_ Lab Time/Date ___________ _

Bones of the Pectoral Girdle and Upper Limb 1. FHI in the blank 10 complete the statements below:

a. Toe bones that form the pectoral girdle are the (~ \l\.\.J ; e\e b. The upper limb is formed by the arm bone. the bu (Yl e n.,l °::, and the two bones of the forearm. the

c. Tne Ct::\~ S?°'-\ <:,, are the wr~ bones. List the proximal row of wrist bones from lateral to medial: ___ _

Swy,\.01d I u nc:t-\-c.. 5 ~~e-\-n_,lfYl ,V 1 :::,~\:qrrv> 7 J

List the distal raw of wrist bones from lateral to medial: ____________________ _

d. Tne me.13Qo.,~"::, form the palm of the nand. and the heads of these bones form the knudlles. I

e. A sin9le fin9er bone is called a J:'.'YJ0..\0..n )(, . Each hand has O finger bones. called ::pho.\Gl.qse.-S 2. Match ttle bor.e marking: in column B with !he demiptions in column A.

Column A Column&

F 1. depression in the scao ula ti&t amcula~: with the numerus a. acromion

K 2. surface on the radius :hat recei'lel. the head of the ulna b. capitulum

E> 3. lateral rounded knoo on the ai;;til humtrus C. coracoid process

\-\ 4, posmior depression ci, the distal MmeM d. coronoit:I fossa

E- 5. a roughenet:I area en t,~e iaieral humerus: deltoid attachment lite e. deltoid tuberosity

C, 6. nooklike proce-.s; biceps brachii anacnment site f. glenoid cavity

:I: 7. surface on the ulna that receives the head of the radi us 9 medial epicondyle

Oi 8. medial cond1·le of the humerus that articulates 1·~1h the ulna h. olec,anon fossa

A 9. lateral end of ti'.e spine of the :capula; davide articulation :ite radial notch

-s 10. small cump on the humerus. often ca led the · tunny bone· J. 1/0<hle~

\_) 11 . anterior depression. superior to the trochlea. that receives part of k. ulnar notch the ulna when ~ ding at the elbow


151 IIMW5tltet10

3• U~no items from tM list at the right, ldtntlfy the anatomical landmarl.'.s and regions of the scapula.

~(7l1 1 o< K~: __, 1.1a, I{ c. r , d / I , , u a, r""C\'-°' -, I"~ a. acromlon

b. coracold process

A c. ror'Y')1c{) c. glenold cavity

d. inferior angle

°"- \.e n o,d (1_.,,½ e. infraspinous f05sa

(cavity) f. lateral bOrder

g. media I border

h. spine

i. superior angle

LA -\-e rQ \ os-d€. t- j . superior borcler

k. supraspinous Iossa

4. Mateh the terms in the key with the appropriate leader lines on the photograph cl the humerus.

Jt,,_'=f---- p,=d = ~ ----\...e-.:o<-,-- ..... 1:,e...--c..le

---- \,;-re_r-\,.,.~"'-\o.r ~\c:..s..<.:s, 5u.r5ico..\

0;1_Q \ >;v,-1-~~--

\_...a.¥-~\&\\e.... V<'c.O


a. cap/tulum

b. cor011oid Iossa

C. deltoid tuberosity

d. greater tuberde

e. head

I. intertubercular sulcus

g. lateral epicondyle

h. lesser tuberde

media! eplcondyle

J. radial Iossa

k. surgical neck


Review Sheet 10 159

5. Ma.ch the terms in the k")' · h h • · · f - • ••ft d th . ' wn l e approl)nate ltadtr ~nes on t~e pho109rapns of tilt postenor s'lt!W o the rau1us on the~ an e lateral 11~ of the ulna on !ht right.

%e 1adi ~ -==11----0 \ecroricP Ke,c -+ :r,'f?£>-< ~y-, a. coronoid proctS:

'¥,o.d;o.. \ 140-'\ch

0 ~ -We l,\ \no.

o. head of tne radiu:

c. head of the ulna

d. nedc of the radiu:

e. oltcranon

f. radial notch of the ulna

9. radial ,;tyloio procez

h. radial tubtrO'..ity

trochltar notch

ulnar notch of the radius

k. ulnar styloid proc~

___ ttec:d 0 ~ u..\~

"--- LI \ r,c::.- t;,t--/ Io icl j?• Oc.e:ss

6. Match the tern» in the key with the appropriate leader lines on the phOtograph of the anterio, view of the hand.

Co..?' -\o.-\e, Ke,<

'-----?i '5 i Src,.-rn a. capr..ate

---f,-- iqu e -\n..(M b. distal phalanx

Ho.rro,,e c. hamate

d. lunate

\-,-\e-\o, CO-ryo..\ e. me~arpal

f . mi~phalanx

9 pi!.i!orm ·7,.-c,,c \~ \ h proximal pnalanx 71--A )o" )(


Hick\ \e j . trapezium y>\--C<,\o.<,'(

k. trapezOid

-p·,~a..\ triquttrum

?-=\ct" X.

160 Review Sheet 10

7. Name the two bone markings that form the proKlmal raaloolnar Joint.

8. Name the two bone markings that form the diltal radioulnar Joint.

U \nae no-\-c.h % Kc;.d_,u5.

Bones of the Pelvic Girdle and Lower Limb 9. Compare the pee.oral and pelvic girdles by ch~ng appropriate descriptive terms from the ke-;.

Key: a. f lexibility most important d. insecure axial and limb attachments b. massive e. secure axia l and limb attactlments C. lightweight f. wei9ht-bearin; most important

Pectoral: 6 £ --=-- _ ~ ___ Pelvic:_....:Ac...;_ ____ i)=---~ --~---

to. Distinguish between the true pel1-t and the false peMs. .-ui:. -~\.Ji S \-:> ':--5\on l /"\\ere.---b P:::'\/ic, tx- ·,m r-1:hic\ri -\ "::> enci n::.\e6 b'-/ \::x,ne.., \=q_\s<'::'.

1'e-\0,5 \5 o,_~o;: rned ,a..\ -to -+he ~¼, i 0'.) i), a c l;zone..S

11. Match the terms in the key with the appropriate leader lines on the photograph of the lawal view of the hip bOne.


a. acetabulum £:

anterior inferior iliac spine b.

c. anterior superior iMac spine

d. greater sciatic notch

\v\ C e. iliac crest

L f. inferior pubic ramus

B g. 1schial ramus '1)

h. ischlal spine A µ N ischial wberoslty

lesser sciatic notch

k. ooturator foramen

J: !=' posterior inferior iliac spine

m. posterior suptrior ilk,c spine

G K n. superior pubic ram u:

Review Sheet IO 161

12• thM aatch

the bone name, and mark ings in column B with the cesaiptiom on column A. The itemi in co lumn a may be used more nonce.

Column A

T_ \,<__ -------- ________ , and



1) Q,

1. fuse to form the hip bone

2. rough projection that supports body weight when :illing

3. point where the hip bone: ioin anteriorly

4. su_ceriormost marg in of the hip bone

5. deep socket in the hip bone that receil'es the head of t he thigh bone

6. Joint between axial skeleton and peMc gircle

7. longeR strongest bone in body

8. thin. latera l leg bone

9. permit~ passage of the sciatic nen•e

\-\ 10. notch located inferior to the iKhial ~pir,e --------___ x _____ 11 point W11ere tre patellar ligament anacr,es

___ Q~~--- 12 . kneecap

13. ,hinbose --------___ N _____ 14. med,~I anr.it pro,enior,

L 15 lateral ar11:/e projec~on ------___ b ______ 16. largest ta r'.al bone

__ V....:. ____ 17. ankle bones

____ Q=----- 18. bones forming the innep of ·,ne foot

·--p 19. opening in hip bone formed by the pubic and ischoal rami ------

S and \- 20. sites of musde attocnm!nt on ---- ---- -------- tne oroxlmal ferr Jr

___ \.,,\ _____ 21. tarsal bone that ·s~.s· on tne calcaneus

___ w _____ 22. weight-bearing bone of the leg

___ u _____ 23. tarsal bone that articu lates with tne tibia

Column 8

a. amabulum

b. calcaneus

C. femur

d. fibula

e. gluieal tuberosity

r. greater and lesser trochanter;

g. greater sciatic notch

h. iliac cre~t


). ischial rJberosity

k. ischium

lateral malleolul

m. 16str ~iatic noteh

n. medial malleolus

0 . metatarsals

p. obt'Uratcr foramen

Q. patella

pubic symphysis

s. pubi:

sacroiliac Joint

U, ta lu~

V. 1ar;al1

W. tibia

X, tibial tubero:11y

162 Review Sheet 1 o

13. Match the terms on the key , .. ilh the · · • appropnate leader on the photograph of the anterior vttw of the femur.

~\leC\ Ca.p , 4-\-S,

\-\ec>-d ~IL

L,e-.:,:x_.- -SC-.--ochCv'-\e.r

a. adductOrtu~rcle

b. fovea capitt

c. greater uocha nter

d. head

e. intertrocnan~c line

t. lateral condyle

g. lateral eplcond)'te

h. lesser trocnanter

medial condyle

J. ~dial epicond)'le

k. neck

pateDar surface

14. Maten the terms in the key with the app,opriate leader ines on t~,e phOtograph of the anterior view of the tibia.

~ --- \---\e.._\__,o..l C,_qr.d_~ \e,

f---- \,t,ICL\ \\.A.~e..-c,"5;~


a. anterior bOrder

b. lateral condyle

c. medial conayle

d. medial malleolus

e. tibial tuberosity

Review Sheet IO 1&3

I 5. Match the terms in tne key with the appropriate leader line, on tt:e phOtograpn of the po,tenor view of tile articulated tibia

and fibula. l n , _ _ ..l \ q,\,cu \C\\""' 5-,;..-.+'c..<e c..C \0-rc--rCcruY, c.r "i'ne_ \ ci.+e,Ci. l ---- •••• ,--~1 rerc.e..


c..c,n ci'f 1e 5--l~.;or---f.b,ofl,~


a. articular s.irface of the lateral con(fyle

b. head of the fibula

c. inferior tibiofibular joint

d. interconcylar emci ence

e. lateral maNeolus

f. medial ma/leOlus

9. shaft of the fibula

h. shaft of the tibia

superior tibiofibular joint

16. Are the bones of the /e9 saown above from tM 1,t1 or from t.'>e right le9' -~..,__,._'.,.:)+\--,-'-'-\'--· _ Le--::>_.-a~ -----Explain how you ca n tell wti ich ,ide of the body tr,ey are from. ~-'--O,S-"''-k...;;:...~,;.._::::if~-\...:.('l"q___::::,5Yrl"-+/-.:..~...:1..l\20,2:,,.:!...!.;I Cr=:::t..

\ ';:;> \ Gt.J.e..,rct I w,--e __ .~ jp:,C, ('S ou;-\'5 ;c:!c_ cA- \cq . -;::::, c5

164 Review Sl1ee1 10

17 · Match tn, t, rm: in the ke· witn . Y the appropnate leacer lin~ on the photograpn of the :uctrior 1iew of tht aniculated foot.

. I'{ ' -Ii· ,. \

. i --·- ... . .. '-,~-. •·

·-.,.,_ .. . ' -----

( _ ....

__ -:::::...._

,,, ~ \)\C,l.\.\C>,,_~

\ (·y\e.-rned io...\e C..U<"'e. , -\on·"


a. caJ::aner..s

b. cuboid

c. diml phalanx

d. interm edJate CJneiform

e. lateral cunetform

meci~I cuneiform

9. Metatar$al

n. miccle phalanx


pro1dmaJ p.;,a Janx

k. ial us

18. H FOOSH 1s an acr::m :,·m that :tand: for Fall on Otr.stretched Hano. Di::c1Js: pc:$jble 1ractJres ar.d d1:Jocations that might o:::cur wn., an iT'J J~ of tri: t,'pe.

C';;, 'ruo@..lc OCcr:p?-1 b:xt:> cf -\-he, v::,ln -s-1 Qrz rYJos.+

\,\4 \.q , J:)6 \ot..c-cl ,o-'5 C\.n''. .. COIY"l (Y'Ll'> .

19. D De!Ocrioe :ome of the feature: of tne 1e'Mle pel,~ :nat pro1•ide for compatibili!)· with l'!,lnal clrth. _______ _

(}~'~'i o+ d\::e ?,:\i0 h'.12 9f('JA.·kr-O\ o. C.~l -+hn-'-'t§h +\-e }?\01c

CC\T,l'.lC. l ±½, -b Ct\ ~O"'-) }??.:?5<\.~

rµ~ Id · 10. D YcJr X-ray ,xam re,·eal: :nat )'Ou nav, fracrur,c yo"r fibula. Your pny:iclan remarks. ·well. it": oene< than creaking your

ncia • Explain why a fracwr, of tn• tio,a would o, 1•1ors, t.oan a fractur, of tne fio cla. £ 'o-A \q :J?,o,hcle..'::::, \cJero.. (

w.c ".::;,-\c-. 1:,, 1t-\y :\9..- -rre I

\ I '?-e ~e -t, t,IC\.

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