lms holiday giving tree - lamberton middle school · the 2016-2017 annual geography bee will be...

Post on 28-Sep-2020






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The LMS Holiday Giving Tree

It is a Lamberton tradition to collect items around our Giving

Tree to help others during the holiday season. Each

donation means an ornament with the giver’s name on it is

added to our tree. This year, we will be collecting new,

unwrapped toys in the large boxes provided by the Marines

to be distributed to the children of local families ages

preschool to 12. The Toys for Tots boxes are filled and then

taken to be readied for distribution the second week of

December, so start thinking about making a donation early.

We are also working with the Salvation Army to provide

personal hygiene items for the many folks in our community

who need assistance. Please consider bringing the

following items before December 22: deodorant-men and

women, razors - men and women, shaving cream - men and

women, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, conditioner,

hand sanitizer, socks -men and women, underwear - men

LMS Holiday Giving Tree

American Education Week Essay Contest Winner

Congratulations to Ruby Frazier of 6W and Carmen Hershey of 8W for their award-winning essays

for American Education Week! Every year, CASD recognizes students for outstanding essays writ-

ten in honor of American Education Week. Both Ruby and Carmen were honored at a special re-

ception recognizing their achievements as well as Carlisle Area School District’s 180 th anniversary;

it was held at Carlisle High School. Congratulations to Carmen and Ruby!

December 2016-February 2017

Keith Colestock, Principal

717-240-6800 ext. 15802


Michael Gogoj, Assistant Principal

717-240-6800, ext. 15812



Parent Association News

Veterans Day was a great celebration at our school! Student performances and volunteer involve-ment made it a great tribute to our veterans. A special thanks to Rockie Robinson and Mrs. Williams for organizing this event.

Great job Lamberton students! You earned over $700.00 for your school during the first box-top competition. 7G collected the most box tops, over 2,200 and winning a pizza party. Congratulations to all of you and thank you for helping to earn money for your school! Remember to collect box tops over the Christmas holidays to prepare for the next Box Top competition, which ends on February 24th.

December is a great month at Lamberton Middle School. The Winter Concert is December 13th and our very special Giving Tree makes the holidays more meaningful. Consider sending in donations of hats, gloves, scarves, canned goods, and Toys for Tots.

The Valentine's Day Social is on Wednesday, February 15th from 2:45-4:00 p.m. There will be a DJ, food and an open gym. Thank you to everyone who volunteered to donate food or chaperone.

Thank you so much for the continued support!! The next Parent Association meeting is Monday, January 9, 2017 at 7 pm in the library.

December/January Calendar Pg. 2

February Calendar Pg. 3

Notes From the Nurse

GeoBee News Pg. 4

Yearbook News

Homework Help News

8th Grade Parent News

CASAC Science Fair News

Dr. Martin Luther King Celebration

Quiz Bowl

Career Café

Musical Auditions

Foreign Language News Pg. 5




Gifted Support

In the Art Room

LMS Music News

Orchestra News Pg. 6

Intramural News

Intramural Cross Country

Middle School Ski & Snowboard Club

Rotary Student of the Month

News From the Library Pg. 7

LMS to Continue to Participate in

the Air Quality Flag Program

Looking Ahead

Musical News

Spring Pictures



and women.

December 2016

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3

7 5

Interims Emailed



LMS-Musical Audi-

tions 2:45-4:30pm



LMS-Musical Audi-

tions 2:45-4:30pm

9 10

11 12


LMS-Holiday Con-

cert 7-8:30pm

14 15

16 17

18 19

20 21



Winter Break—No



25 26

Winter Break—No



Winter Break-No



Winter Break-No



Winter Break-No



Winter Break-No



January 2017

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2

Winter Break-No


snow make-up day


School Resumes


Geo Bee 7:00pm

5 6


Ski Club

8 9

Parent Association

Mtg. 7pm

10 11


End of MP 2

Ski Club

13 14

15 16

MLK Jr. Day-No


Snow makeup day


18 19 20


Ski Club

22 23 24

Report Cards

Emailed Home

25 26

Ski Club

27 CASAC Science

Fair Registration


28 CASAC Science

Fair 1-6PM

29 CASAC Science

Fair 1-3pm

30 31


Schedule of Events


12/13—Winter Concert at 7:00 p.m.

12/23-1/2—Winter Recess


-1/3 School resumes

-1/4 7pm—Geography Bee

-1/9 7pm—Parent Association Meeting

-1/28—CASAC Science Fair begins at Yellow Breeches Middle School (Boiling Springs)

-1/24—Report Cards emailed


-2/6 Spring Portraits

-2/15—Valentines Day Social (2:45-4:00) Admission

is 2 cans of food for Project SHARE

-2/16, 17—No School

-2/20—Presidents Day-No School

-2/24—Interims Emailed

-2/24—Box Tops for Education Due today

Notes from the Nurse

6th Grade Physical Exams

Physical exam forms for 6th grade students

are now overdue. Please be aware that if the

attached physical form is not completed by

your child’s primary medical provider and

returned, your child will be unable to partici-

pate in activities such as the school musical

or field trips. School physical exams will be

held in January of 2017.

7th Grade Dental Exams

Dental exam forms for 7th grade students are

now overdue. School dental exams will be

held in February of 2017. Please note this is

only a screening exam done in the nurse’s

office. If your child is found to be in need of

dental work, a referral will be made to a pri-

vate dentist or dental clinic of your choosing.

7th Grade Scoliosis Checks

Students in the 7th grade will be examined for

scoliosis by the school nurse in May. This is a

screening exam to determine if your child

needs to be seen by his or her physician.

During the exam the students will line up in

the nurse’s office in their PE clothing so that

the nurse can measure the angle of any cur-

vature in their spine. Please let me know if

you do not wish for your child to receive this

screening by contacting Mrs. Hume or Mrs.

Ledgett at 717-240-6800 ext. 15807.


All students are required to have the following

immunizations by April 21, 2017 or they will

not be permitted to attend school on April 24,


This year’s 7th graders must have a 2nd

varicella vaccine (VZV) or history of Chicken

Pox on file, the tetanus booster (Tdap), and

the meningitis vaccine (MCV) by April 21,


Notices will soon be sent out with immuniza-

tion deficiencies. If you do not receive a no-

tice from the school nurse, your child does not

need any vaccines this year and will be per-

mitted to attend school on April 24, 2017.

Please note that this rule will be enforced for

the appropriate grades from now on. For ex-

ample, if your child is a 6th grader this year,

he or she will need the 7th grade series of

vaccines for next year as noted above.

If you have any questions or concerns about

any of these state requirements or if you need

assistance in obtaining these immunizations

or examinations, please feel free to contact

Mrs. Hume or Mrs. Ledgett at (717) 240-6800,

extension 15807.


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4

Ski Club

5 6

Spring Portraits






12 13 14 15

Valentine‘s Day

Social 2:45-4PM


In Service –No



In Service-No



19 20

Presidents Day– No


Snow Make-up Day


22 23 24

Interims Emailed

Box Tops Due


Quiz Bowl (8am-


26 27 28


Geography Bee

The 2016-2017 annual Geography

Bee will be held on Wednesday,

January 4th at 7 p.m. in the LGI at

Lamberton Middle School. The Ge-

ography Bee is an oral competition

involving ten qualifiers from sixth,

seventh, and eighth grades. Friends

and families are encouraged to at-

tend and support the students as

they compete to become the Geog-

raphy Bee Champion of Lamberton

Middle School.

It’s Time to Buy Your Year-


Yearbooks are now available for sale

on the Balfour website. Order now

at www.balfour.com. The online

early bird price is $20.00 plus tax.

Don‘t miss out on all of the lasting

memories from LMS in full color! If

you have difficulty ordering online,

you may send in a check made out to

―CASD‖ for $21.20, which includes

tax. Please put your child‘s name

and team on the message line of the

check and the envelope and deliver it

to the main office at LMS. Orders

will be taken until the pre-ordered

books are sold. Early bird pricing is

in effect until December 31. The

price is $25.00 starting January 1

until all pre-ordered books are sold.


Lamberton Mathcounts Club is up

and running. We have had several

after school sessions and students

are enjoying working together on

challenging math problems. We are

working hard to prepare for the

state competition which will be held

at Penn State Harrisburg on February

4th. The club meets almost every

Wednesday after school until 4:00

p.m. in Mrs. Greenbaum‘s room.

We also play some math games and

learn about different strategies for

the competition. Mrs. Greenbaum

and Ms. Brent are the Mathcounts

coaches and are excited to take this

exceptional group to the competi-


Homework Help

Homework Help is available for

students from 2:30-3:30 Monday and

Wednesday in Lamberton‘s library.

Please encourage your student to

attend for tutoring, help with organi-

zation, or supervised homework

time. Dickinson College tutors as

well as staff are present to support

your student/s. Students may attend

one day a week or every day that it

is offered. If they need to leave prior

to 3:30pm please send them with a

note indicating this, so that they may

be safely dismissed. For more infor-


feel free to contact Mike Gogoj,

Assistant Principal at


Amanda Burger, Counselor at


or Erin Hughes, Counselor at


Attention parents/

guardians of 8th graders:

Course selection is a process starting

in December that helps inform you

and your students about high school

class options and scheduling. Here is

a list of activities to take place this

school year for Course Selection:

12/15: School Music Electives info.

1/17: 8th grade students tour high

school and receive different program


1/17-1/20: Ms. Hughes meets with

students about course selection,

hands out needed scheduling book

(EPG) and scheduling card

1/23: Parent night for future 9th grad-

ers at McGowan Auditorium at


2/1: Course selection due

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


The Dr. Martin Luther King Com-

memoration Celebration will be held

on Sunday, January 15th. Beginning at

2:45PM at the First Presbyterian

Church on the square, a march will

progress to the Old Courthouse. A

brief ceremony will occur at the

courthouse and then return to the

church for the Commemoration

Service, which begins at 4pm

Lamberton Musical Audi-


We are excited to begin auditions

for Lamberton Middle School‗s an-

nual musical production. Rehearsals

will begin in January and the musical

will be on March 9 and 10, 2017. All

students are encouraged to try out

and everyone who auditions will

have a part in the show. Students

should choose to come either on

Tuesday, December 6 or Thursday,

December 8 and be prepared to

learn a short dance routine and sing.

Please prepare to sing a few lines of

Happy Birthday, God Bless America

or Rudolf. Auditions should end by

4:30 P.M. If you have any questions,

please contact Mrs. Williams by

email williaml@carlisleschools.org or

call 240-6800, ext 15904.

CASAC Science Fair

The annual Carlisle Area Science

Advisory Committee Science Fair

will be held January 28 and 29 at

Yellow Breeches Middle School,

South Middleton School District, 4

Forge Road, Boiling Spring, It is

open to the public from 1-6pm on

Saturday, January 28 and1-3pm on

Sunday, January 29. Registration is

Friday, January 27, 2017 between

4:00-5:45pm. No Early Check In.

Science Fair rules Available at:

www.casac.us. Grades 4-12 Eligible.

Applications available online. Apply

online at: www.casac.us. Projects

may be picked up Sunday, January 29,

2017 3:00-4:30pm.

Middle School Quiz Bowl

Lamberton will once again be hosting

an exciting day of academic competi-

t ion on Saturday, February

25th. Teams from Lamberton, Wil-

son,, Mechanicsburg Middle School,

Yellow Breeches Middle School,

Shippensburg Middle School, Saint

Patrick School, and several other

schools will be participating in this

awesome annual event. Every year

an incredible slate of volunteer mod-

erators and judges from the U.S.

Army War College, the Carlisle Area

School District, and other commu-

nity organizations are impressed with

the vast knowledge of this very tal-

ented group of student competi-

tors. Plan to drop by for awhile to

enjoy the competition and support

the Lamberton teams. Another way

to support this event is to place an

ad in the program. If you would like

to show your support for the Lam-

berton teams or if you have a busi-

ness that you‘d like to advertise in

the program, please email Laurie

Smith (Middle School Quiz Bowl

D i r e c t o r ) a t

smithl@carlisleschools.org. Ads cost

$25 for ½ page and $50 for a full

page. All ads must be received by

February 7.

Career Cafe

Don‘t miss your opportunity to join

Career Café here at Lamberton!

Every Wednesday from December

to May, professionals and celebrities

from the Central PA area will come

to briefly discuss their chosen pro-

fession. Sign-ups will occur during

school lunches; you must be signed

up to attend! Listen for announce-

ments and further instructions during

lunchtimes! December‘s speakers

will include: Amanda St. Hillaire,

journalist from ABC 27; Linda Mor-

ris, Public Relations Consultant;

Randi Soward, Auditor for PA State

Auditor General‘s Office.


Foreign Language News


Bonjour! French I students are busy

learning new vocabulary about their

favorite activities to do. They are learn-

ing how to express likes/dislikes and we

have just started learning how to put

verbs into a sentence. This is our first

major grammar unit and it can be chal-

lenging at first. Now that we know verbs,

we are going to learn about adverb

placement, expressing preferences and

how to make sentences negative. Stu-

dents‘ ability to express themselves will

be growing by leaps and bounds. In our

culture units, we will learn about why

French is spoken at the Olympic Games

and about what sports and games are

played in French speaking countries.

Students will start having more frequent

quizzes starting in this unit. As we start

learning new concepts, if your student is

struggling, please have them see me as

soon as possible so that a small problem

doesn‘t turn into a large one. Home-

work and quizzes will continue to be

posted on my website: http://



Guten Tag! Students have learned vo-

cabulary pertaining to families, free time,

and school. Students have used these

topics in a variety of ways. For the family

unit, students created family trees and

described their real (or made up) families

to the class. During the free time and

hobby unit, students learned about what

Germans their age like to do in their free

time. They also mapped out a week and

created an activity schedule for them-

selves. Students then

used this schedule for

a speaking activity in

which they had to ask

each other what they

were doing on cer-

tain days of the week.

Using school vocabu-

lary, students will

eventually create a

class schedule in

which they will state

who their teacher is,

what school supplies

they need for each

class, and what their

favorite subject is.

Students are also practicing vocabu-

lary through a variety of in class

activities in which they must incorpo-

rate listening, speaking, reading, and

writing. If you get a chance, ask your

child what they like to do in their

free time, or what their favorite

school subject is!

Just a friendly reminder that I post

daily homework assignments on my

website: http://


strohln/ . Feel free to e-mail me at

strohln@carlisleschools.org if you

have any questions.


Students have been working on de-

scribing themselves and others. They

concluded this unit with a project

describing themselves and what they

like and don‘t like to do. Students

are now learning about schools and

will complete a variety of listening,

speaking, reading, and writing activi-

ties about school related vocabulary.

The unit will conclude with the stu-

dents‘ first speaking assessment!

Gifted Enrichment

Gifted Enrichment offers opportuni-

ties for all students. Trivia lunch,

held on day 1, is a chance for stu-

dents to eat in a small group setting

while answering random trivia ques-

tions. This lunch is open to students

wanting to hone their quiz bowl

skills, and those just wanting to learn

more trivia facts. History Day and

Science Fair help is also available

to any student during resource peri-

ods on days 3, and 5. This year's

history day theme is Taking a Stand.

Gifted Enrichment pull-out class

expands upon core subjects giving

students a chance to study topics in

more depth. An independent study

project connected to grade level

social studies units on a topic of

choice was the first project of the

year. Students had the freedom to

show their research in any fashion.

Some topics chosen were World

War II, Nelson Mandela, women of

the American Revolution, the Great

Barrier Reef, medical care in the

1700's, and more. Final projects

included movies, games, songs,

power points, journals, etc...

Currently, students are refining their

creative writing skills as part of the

English Unit. Seventh and eight grad-

ers are working on pieces for sub-

mission to the Scholastic Writing

competition. Science will be covered

in the spring.

In The Art Room

Congratu l at ions to Danie l le

Fevola!! Her winning flag drawing

will represent Lamberton in this

year‘s Youth Art Month Flag Design

Contest! It was a very hard decision

but her realistic drawings and ex-

pression of the theme helped her

beat out the competition! All eighth

graders in 2-D Art participated in

this statewide drawing contest hon-

oring Youth Art Month which occurs

every March. The drawing contest

requires students to use their design

skills to create a flag design that fits a

specific theme and showcases the

state of Pennsylvania. This year‘s flag

design theme was ―United Through

Art.‖ Danielle‘s flag design will be

entered into the next round of the

statewide contest. GOOD LUCK!

SAVE THE DATE: January 4, 2017

South Central PA Scholastic Art &

Writing work due. If you have art

you would like to enter, see Mrs.

Pagel for more information or visit

t h e i r w e b -

site: www.artandwriting.org

Don‘t forget! DOODLE FOR

GOOGLE contest designs are due

December 2, if you are choosing to

participate! This drawing contest is

open for students in grades K-12.

Follow the Lamberton Art program

on Twitter! @LMSartSMART

LMS Music News

Winter Concert

Our Winter Concert will be on Tuesday,

December 13th. There will be a con-

cert at 1:30pm for the student body and

7pm for the parents. Specifics for this

event will be sent home with the stu-

dents in the near future. Both the 6th

grade band and the 7th & 8th grade band

will perform in this event. Just a re-

minder that concert dress is the same

for all performing groups: Black slacks

or skirts/white shirts/ dress shoes (if

possible). Boys may choose to wear a tie

and girls may choose to wear seasonal

accessories. Please note that it will be

very warm on stage, so don‘t overdress.

Students and staff are encouraged to

dress up this day to show support for

our music students.

Cumberland County Band Festival

Several LMS band students were chosen

to participate in the Cumberland county

Middle School Band. This festival will be

held at Messiah College on February 3rd

and 4th. These students will primarily be

8th grade students. Congratulations to

all these students and best of luck at the


Parade Band

Congratulations to all who participated

in this year‘s Parade Band and Color

Guard. This group performed in the

Carlisle and Mt. Holly Halloween Pa-


High School Marching Band-Drumline

and Color Guard-interested students are

invited to attend the winter rehearsals.

See Mr. Gray for the information and the

schedule. It‘s not to late to join.


Orchestra News

Mrs. Schmehl is excited to welcome back our

former orchestra members, and to welcome our

6th graders and new students to the orchestra

program. Our sixth grade classes during the first

marking period have been spent getting to know

each other, reviewing and refining book 1 skills,

and are now learning many new rhythms during

marking period 2. If they do not already have

their own copy of Essential Elements Books 2 (the

purple book) they should get a copy as soon as

possible. Seventh graders have been reviewing

the various finger patterns needed in a variety of

key signatures, and making the transition to single

fingered playing in order to begin working on

vibrato. During marking period 2 they will focus

on new times signatures such as 6/8 and cut

time. Eighth graders have been focusing on play-

ing in higher positions and shifting between higher

and lower positions. We are all working to apply

these new skills within the context of our concert

music and look forward to showing off the results

of our work at the Lamberton Holiday concert on

Tuesday, December 13th! Hope to see you then.

Special congratulations are in order for one of

our eighth graders: Keegan Krueger. Keegan is

participating as a member of the prestigious

―Festival Strings‖ group through the Hershey

Symphony. This group will be performing several

local concerts this year as well as traveling to

Atlantic City to perform as a featured student

group at the National Association for Music Edu-

cator‘s Conference in March! Keegan and three

students from Wilson Middle school are repre-

senting us well, and we‘re exceptionally proud of


Intramural News

Stay tuned for up-coming winter intramurals

events. If there is an intramural you are inter-

ested in seeing at Lamberton, please contact Miss

Knight via email, knighta@carlisleschools.org.

Students should listen to the morning announce-

ments and check the intramural bulletin board for

information on upcoming activities. Information

may also be found on the intramural website at

www.carlisleschools.org Click on Schools, Lam-

berton, Students, Intramural Activities

Intramural Cross Country

On Tuesday, November 8th, Lamberton Middle

School competed against Wilson Middle School

in the 33rd Annual Middle School Intramural

Cross Country Meet.

The Lamberton boys fell to the Wilson boys, 41

-23, with the low score being the winning score.

Despite falling short against a very strong Wil-

son boys‘ team, Lamberton had strong efforts

from 7th grader,Dylan Young, who took 2nd

place with a lightning speed time of 7:52. Mi-

chael Ginter (8:15), Kevin Shank (8:50), Ethan

Gable (9:17) and Henry Smith (9:18) rounded

out the top Lamberton finishers.

The Lamberton girls, comprised of many of

the key runners from the middle school girls‘

cross country team, were an unstoppable

force, claiming 1st, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th spots. and

decisive victory, with an overall score of 27-29.

Lamberton 8th grader Gretal Shank (8:58)

finished first overall, capping off an excellent

season with the middle school cross country

team. A pack of Lamberton girls were follow-

ing closely behind and were able to secure the

victory for the girls. 7th graders Alex Thumma

(10:01), Taylor VanAntwerp (10:04) and Pixie

Parker finished in 5th,6th, and 7th places. 8th

grader Sophie Salomone (10:14) finished 8th


Great job, runners!

Middle School Ski and Snowboard


Over 45 students have joined the Ski and

Snowboard Club this year. We are looking

forward to lots of fun in the snow, with six

trips to Roundtop Mountain Resort. If the

weather cooperates, we will go January 7, 12,

21, 26, and February 4 and 9. Possible make-

up dates are Feb. 11, 23, and 25. On Satur-

days, we leave LMS at 3:00 and return at 10:30.

On Thursdays, gear will be stored at school.

We will leave LMS as soon as the activity bus

brings the students from WMS and return at

9:30. Let it snow! If you have any questions,

please contact Dan Hoy at 240-6800, ext.


Rotary Student of the Month

Emilie Beals is an 8th grader at Lamberton Middle

School who was chosen as Rotary Student of the

Month for October. She is active in and out of

school. Emilie plays violin in the middle school

orchestra, and has taken private lessons. Emilie

has earned distinguished honor roll or honor roll

all throughout middle school. Emilie has partici-

pated in the gifted program since fifth grade, and

is currently studying French, accelerated algebra

II, and accelerated English. Last year Emilie cre-

ated a website for local History Day, and will be

competing in history day again this year. She

played midfield for the school field hockey team in

7th and 8th grade, and was a co-captain this

year. She took part in the middle school musical

in 6th grade, and is currently a member of Lam-

berton's Ski Club. Outside of school, Emilie plays

lacrosse with the YMCA. She is interested in

photography. Emilie is active in her church youth

group, and will be attending a mission trip to

Atlanta Georgia in the summer of 2017. Emilie's

excellence shows in her academics and her philan-

thropic deeds.


News From The Library

Students have already checked out over 4,000

books this year from the Lamberton li-

brary! The new facility makes the library a

great place to come read and work. The li-

brary has many resources available to students

in the library and online. Stop by Miss

Weimer‘s website at http://


weimers/. There are links to educational web-

sites, research databases, and fun sites for stu-

dents. Passwords are available in the library

for all of the school databases.

The Scholastic Book Fair will be taking place

December 12 – 16. It will be open the evening

of the Winter Concert, December 13. Get

your Christmas shopping done at school!

LMS to Continue to Participate in the

Air Quality Flag Program

How much pollution is in the air today? You

can now find out by looking at the LMS light

pole at the entrance to the school. Lamberton

has adopted the Air Quality Flag Program, and

Mrs. Greenbaum‘s Math 8 classes raise

brightly colored flags each day to show how

clean the air is. The flags correspond to the

colors of the Air Quality Index. Every school

day we fly a flag with one of the following


Green—good air quality

Yellow—moderate air quality

Orange—unhealthy for some people,

including children and teenagers

Red—Unhealthy for everyone

In cooperation with the Clean Air Board and

the Carlisle Regional Medical Center, The Sen-

tinel purchased and installed an air monitor at

their building on North Street. The monitor

gives hourly reports of the air quality in Car-

lisle. To determine which flag to fly the stu-

dents go to the website, http://

cumberlink.com/app/weather/air/ and view the

current air quality reading/graph for Carlisle.

The US Environmental Protection Agency is

promoting the Air Quality Flag Program to

schools in many US cities, and we are proud to

be involved. For more information on the Flag

Program, go to www.airnow.gov/flag

Looking Ahead

Musical News

Did your child try out for this year‘s Musi-

cal? All students who tried out will be in our

show and we start rehearsing after the Winter

Break. The first REQUIRED rehearsal will be

Thursday, January 7th after school until

4:15. Students will receive very important

information including the rehearsal schedule

and the songs they are in. Any ques-

tions? Contact Lisa Williams at wil-


Spring Pictures

Our spring picture day has been resched-uled to Monday, February 9. All students will have their picture taken and you will receive a picture package to preview the pictures. Then you can decide whether to return the pictures or pay for them.


PSSA dates have been posted. Please mark

your calendar to be sure your child will attend

school these days

-—April 3-7, 2017 English/LA PSSA (6,7,8)

-—April 24-28, 2017 Math PSSA (6,7,8)

-—May 8-12, 2017 Science PSSA (8th gr. only)

Most Important Cafeteria Manners


1) Enter the cafeteria in a quiet and orderly

manner and take your seat.

2) Enter the lunch line when called by grade.

3) Remain seated during lunch, and keep the

same seat all period.

4) Help keep the tables and floor clean.

5) Wait to be dismissed.

Please Help Avoid Unexcused Ab-


When students have been absent from

school, it is required that a written excuse

be submitted to the office within three days

of the student’s return to school. There

have been increased numbers of unex-

cused absences because students have

not been handing in their notes. Please

follow this procedure:

(1) for any absence, call 240-6800 ext.

15815 on the day of the absence to report

the absence.

(2) Write a note on the day the child is re-

turning to school.

(3) When children get home following their

return to school ask, "Did you hand in your

excuse to the office?" The call itself is not

enough. A written excuse is always re-

quired for the absence to be considered



Lamberton Middle School

Strength in Relationships, Strives fro Excellence

623 W. Penn Street Phone Numbers:

Carlisle, PA 17013 Office: 240-6800, ext. 15805

Attendance: 240-6800, ext. 15815

Guidance: 240-6800, ext. 15825

Fax: 717-240-3261

The Carlisle Area School District is an equal opportunity education institution and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin,

age, sex, sexual orientation, genetic information, religion or handicap in its activities, programs or employment practices as required by applicable


No person shall on the grounds of race, color, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, genetic information, religion or handicap be excluded

from participation in or be subject to discrimination in any program or activity funded, in whole or in part, by federal funds. For information re-

garding civil rights and grievance procedures, contact Ms. Christina M. Spielbauer, Title IX Coordinator, Section 504 Coordinator, at 623 West

Penn Street, Carlisle, PA 17013-2298. (717) 240-6800. For information regarding services, activities, and facilities that are accessible to and usable

by handicapped persons, contact Ms. Christina M. Spielbauer, Title IX Coordinator, Section 504 Coordinator.

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