ljmu lis students 2009

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Academic libraries

David Clay


12th November 2009

“A university is just a group of buildings gathered around a library.”

Shelby Foote

The Times They Are A-Changin‘

Bob Dylan dhammza. changes. http://www.flickr.com/photos/dhammza/2227347832/

“Turning more of the knowledge that is generated in UK universities into jobs and growth, especially by bringing businesses and universities together to collaborate.”

Lord Mandelson


“Universities have enjoyed a benign financial climate over recent years. Growth based so heavily on state funding cannot continue ....... “



“There will be a consumer revolution for students with each course labelled with key facts about their drop-out rates, students' future earnings and contact hours with senior tutors.”

Lord Mandelson


“The importance of curriculum design is prompting many institutions to rethink the processes, systems and procedures involved in planning, designing and administering programmes of study.”


“Literacy practices are changing. Writing has moved from a paper-based to a largely screen based medium. Associated searching and editing software has profoundly changed the way in which writing is typically constructed.”


Developing the REF: framework

Outputs Impact Environment

Quality of outputs: assessed through a combination of bibliometrics and expert review

Impact of research: assessed through a portfolio of evidence

Engagement with users and the public: assessed through

narrative and indicators

Quality and sustainability of the environment: assessed through narrative and indicators

Source:: Chaplin, H (2009) The Research Excellence Framework. AUA Annual Conference 2009. http://www.hefce.ac.uk/research/ref/resources/AUA_AnnConf.ppt

Source: Kyrillidou, Martha [2000]. Research library trends: ARL statistics. The Journal of Academic Librarianship 26(6): 427-436 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0099-1333(00)00177-4   

Serials costs are rising dramatically

The impact on open access on publishing and libraries

“ ........ more than any other area of academic life, libraries are being forced to respond to deep and disruptive changes in both what they do and how they do it.”

Gaynor Backhouse


“Librarians must have a vision for the future.”Peter Murray- Rust

2. Post all academic output publicly - IGNORE Copyright

3. Text mine everything4. Put 2nd year students in charge of

developing educational technology8. Close the library science building and

move to departments10. Publicly campaign for openness

Peter Murray-Rust, Internet Librarian 2009

“Let’s face it: the library, as a place, is dead ..... Kaput. Finito. And we need to move on to a new concept of what the academic library is.”

Suzanne Thorin, Dean of Libraries, Syracuse University


Take the librarians out of the library and into the lab

“To interact with one another — to talk, to collaborate, to think, to communicate, to be with one another,” he said. “Isn’t that what we do in our best libraries?”

Rick Luce, Director of University Libraries, Emory University


Information Commons at the University of Sheffield

Paolo Màrgari. empty brains in the information commons. http://www.flickr.com/photos/paolomargari/758421322/

“The traditional ways in which libraries and academics define the research environment for students is now being bypassed by most users, who regard tools such as reading lists as a back-up rather than a starting point.”

S. Hampton Reeves (2009) Students’ Use of Research Content in Teaching and Learning. Preston: UCLAN. http://www.jisc.ac.uk/media/documents/aboutus/workinggroups/studentsuseresearchcontent.pdf

“Users overwhelmingly use keyword searches”

Cellanr. OLPC at Kagugu Primary School, Kigali. http://www.flickr.com/photos/rorycellan/3933612995/in/photostream/

It used to be that the problem was finding relevant stuff ....

Paxsimius. library card catalog. http://www.flickr.com/photos/paxsimius/2235761852/

§“The biggest problem faced by users is the sheer volume of information available on most subjects.*”

Librarian by Day. The EEE vs The Mini 9. http://www.flickr.com/photos/librarianbyday/3686346119/

“Users expect to be able to access research content immediately and prefer

online access.”Brianjmatis. Day 166 - Let there be internet! http://www.flickr.com/photos/brianjmatis/3631670054/sizes/l/

The researchers of the future (and quite a few researching now) come from the born digital age and will use information differently, so what is information literacy?

Rachel Bruce (2009) “… to engage or not engage…” the choice for libraries. JISC DATA Environment Team Blog, http://infteam.jiscinvolve.org/2008/11/12/%E2%80%9C%E2%80%A6-to-engage-or-not-engage%E2%80%A6-the-choice-for-libraries/

“Users want more guidance and clarity on how to find research content and on how to assess its worth as well as its relevance.”

S. Hampton Reeves (2009) Students’ Use of Research Content in Teaching and Learning. Preston: UCLAN. http://www.jisc.ac.uk/media/documents/aboutus/workinggroups/studentsuseresearchcontent.pdf

“Information literacy needs to be broadened to include – or be supplemented with – communication and media literacies. It makes little sense to support information literacy’s in isolation from other communications and media practices. The agenda needs to be clearly formulated around informed and critical use of technology for learning.”

JISC (2009) Learning literacies in a digital age. http://www.jisc.ac.uk/whatwedo/projects/elearningllida.aspx

“If librarians invented Google – you’d need an hour’s training just to perform a keyword search.”



Library search tools need to be easy to use

“If you're a library that supports an educational institution, then your collection development policy should be "See course catalog.”

Rick Anderson, University of Utah

2 54 1061582102623141






Rank of Usage









Journals are online ..........

Sharp drop in print acquisitions

Kwerfeldein. Reading Jonee. http://www.flickr.com/photos/kwerfeldein/2166817992/

Ebooks first, where available

Much more user-driven acquisition

Much less librarian-driven acquisition

More focus on local/unique documents

Less focus on acquiring copies

145 articles downloaded per FTE user

82 e-book accesses per FTE student

40 book, journal or DVD issues per FTE student

Figures from the 2007/8 academic year

You don’t own e-resources, you license themChoconancy1. Rob Cottingham's Keynote capture. http://www.flickr.com/photos/choconancy/3299027020/

Worldwide support for students on Online programmes

Support for widening participation

Support for SME’s, knowledge transfer

Services to alumni

Libraries should support innovative scholarship. We’re now in a complex world where the web is a platform of “mass creativity” but offers real opportunities for innovative scholarship.

Rachel Bruce (2009) “… to engage or not engage…” the choice for libraries. JISC DATA Environment Team Blog, http://infteam.jiscinvolve.org/2008/11/12/%E2%80%9C%E2%80%A6-to-engage-or-not-engage%E2%80%A6-the-choice-for-libraries/

Licenses should allow text and data mining ... .. but most don’t

Alarch. Drift of Harrachov Mine. http://www.flickr.com/photos/alarch/308587800/


Digitisation projects

Systematic Review Support

Chickenlump. Stethoscope. http://www.flickr.com/photos/chickenlump/2038512161/sizes/o/

“We’ve been raised as experts at keeping our physical environment well ordered, but our homespun ways of maintaining order are going to break—they’re already breaking—in the digital world.”

David Weinberger, Everything is Miscellaneous

<<xs:complexContent mixed="true">−<xs:restriction base="xs:anyType">−<xs:sequence><xs:any processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="0"/></xs:sequence><xs:attribute ref="xml:lang" use="optional"/></xs:restriction></xs:complexContent></xs:complexType><xs:element name="any" type="SimpleLiteral" abstract="true"/><xs:element name="title" substitutionGroup="any"/><xs:element name="creator" substitutionGroup="any"/><xs:element name="subject" substitutionGroup="any"/><xs:element name="description" substitutionGroup="any"/><xs:element name="publisher" substitutionGroup="any"/><xs:element name="contributor" substitutionGroup="any"/><xs:element name="date" substitutionGroup="any"/><xs:element name="type" substitutionGroup="any"/><xs:element name="format" substitutionGroup="any"/><xs:element name="identifier" substitutionGroup="any"/><xs:element name="source" substitutionGroup="any"/><xs:element name="language" substitutionGroup="any"/><xs:element name="relation" substitutionGroup="any"/><xs:element name="coverage" substitutionGroup="any"/><xs:element name="rights" substitutionGroup="any"/>−<xs:group name="elementsGroup">−<xs:annotation>−<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">

This group is included as a convenience for schema authors who need to refer to all the elements in the http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/ namespace. </xs:documentation></xs:annotation>

Dublin Core, METS, ETD, LOM are as important as MARC, perhaps more so

IT Literacy is not enough

wili hybrid. Office: Research in Progress. http://www.flickr.com/photos/wili/242265276/


Libraries should be collecting, organizing, and providing access to the organizations knowledge.

Open access to research outputs

Mirko Macari. Login. http://www.flickr.com/photos/rattodisabina/2460905893/sizes/o/

Searchable worldwide access to publications

“Information is the fourth resource, alongside people, finance and property. It is therefore vital to invest in good management of information across the University and especially in electronic information as this is more vulnerable to loss or unauthorised access.”

UoL (2009) Digital Information Assets business case.


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