living things

Post on 12-Aug-2015






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Living tings be classifide: The Monera Kindom The Protist Kindom The Fungus Kindom The Plant Kindom The Animal Kindom

The monera kindom are unicellular. Can be found on land,in the air,in water

and inside other living things. Bacteri belog to the Monera

Kingdom.Bacteria can be helpful or harmful

Protist Kingdom can be unicellular and multicellular.

Like bacteria,protist can be helpful or harmful.

Most protists are found in water. The amoeba is a unicellular protist. Algaeis a protist that can be unicellular

or multicellular.

Fungus Kingdom can be unicellular or multicellular.Mushrooms of multicellular organisms.Fungi can’t make their own food.They take the nutrients they need from

the remains of dead plants and animals.

Plant kingdom are multicellular organims.

They make their own food by taking energy from the Sun(photosynthesis)

Can move certain parts,and they can react to stimuli,such as light and water.

We can plants can be classify into two smaller grups:flowering and non-flowering plants

Animal kingdom are unicellular.They can’t make their own foodThe process of respirationWe can classify animals into two smalle

grups:Vertebrates andn inbertebrates

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