living an above & beyond lifestyle - going the second mile

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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If you think about it, regardless of your theological position, all your views as a Christian

are counter-cultural and always will be.

If your views are cultural, you’re probably not reading

the scriptures closely enough. To be a follower of Christ in the

modern world is like being a fish trying to swim upstream.

May God help us be the fish that swim hard against the

current or better yet, men and women have the courage

to be counter-cultural. (Carey Nieuwhof)



You have heard that men were told long ago, “You must not

kill another person.”(Matthew 5:21 – New Life Version)

You have heard that it was said long ago, “You must not

commit adultery” (Matthew 5:27 – New Life Version)

You have heard that it was said long ago, “You must not make

a promise you cannot keep” (Matthew 5:33 – New Life Version)

You have heard that it has been said, “An eye for an eye and

a tooth for a tooth.” (Matthew 5:38 – New Life Version)

You have heard that it has been said, “You must love your neighbor

and hate those who hate you.” (Matthew 5:43 – New Life Version)

Five times in Matthew 5 Jesus uses the phrase “You have

heard . . . “. This phrase is a reference to the conventional

wisdom and prevailing mindset of the day.

In other words, Jesus was referring to the tendency to

live according to what is normally expected.

A “one mile” mindset leads us to do just enough to get by

Don’t let the world around you squeeze you into it’s own mold, but let God re-mold your minds

from within . . . (Romans 12:2 – Phillips)



YOU . . .”

How does one go about living like Jesus on a daily basis?

Among the many grand and glorious principles taught by

Jesus Christ,

the principle of “the second mile” completely showcases the

dynamics of true discipleship. The first mile is the trial mile and the second mile is the smile mile.

Can you imagine how the Jews felt when Jesus said,

“Go the second mile?” No doubt, the audience said, “He’s got to be kidding me.”

“Does he really expect us to do more than the law requires us to do?” What is the principle

of the second mile?

In essence, Jesus was saying that his disciples need to go above

and beyond. It is to do more than is required or expected of us.

Jesus is saying that any person can go one mile because they

have to, but Christians should go the second mile because they

want to. The first mile is to love those who love us.

The second mile is to love those who do not love us.

The first mile is the “have to” mile, but the second mile

is the “want to” mile. (Bill Bright)

This letter comes, written with the confidence that you will not only do what I ask, but will also go beyond

all I have asked. (Philemon 21 – The Voice)

“The law of Moses says, ‘If a man gouges out another’s eye, he must

pay with his own eye. If a tooth gets knocked out, knock out the tooth of the one who did it.’ But I say to you:

If you are slapped on one cheek, turn the other too. If you are

ordered to court, and your shirt is taken from you, give your coat too…

If the military demand that you carry their gear for a mile,

carry it two.

Give to those who ask, and don’t turn away from those who want to

borrow. “There is a saying, ‘Love your friends and hate your enemies.’

But I say: Love your enemies!Pray for those who persecute you!

In that way you will be acting as true children of your

Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:38-45– Living Bible)

Going the “second mile” develops our


Going the “second mile” expresses our


Going the “second mile” validates our


Going the “second mile” honors our




Before we dismiss the ethic of the second mile as "ideal" or "unworkable" we should remember how close it is

to the gospel.

Jesus Himself went above and beyond – going much

farther than the second mile for you — He went as far as

anyone could go.

Now stay focused on Jesus, who designed and perfected our faith. He endured the cross and ignored the shame of that death because He focused on the joy that was

set before Him;

and now He is seated beside God on the throne, a place of honor. Consider the life of the One who

endured such personal attacks and hostility from sinners so that you will not grow weary or lose heart.

(Hebrews 12:2-3 – The Voice)

You are never more like Jesus than when you go the “second


Let’s Pray

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