liverpool catholic ramblers associationfo:r a l ong wal k t o mawd sloy when ou~ coa ch finally ca...

Post on 16-Jul-2020






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Hon. Secretary : Miss M. W. JONES,



S~COND SIG-qI ES no . 1 5.

fl!~-!l~li!l£i~_Q:lli~§ES.1_1\1~~±1liQ: .:.. .l~ bou·~ JG i1e mi dd l e o:: ' Octobe r we sb ' 11 h o l d our 21st Ann ua 1

General i.vlee't ing . 11b i s will b e a gre a t occ a sion in the his to ry o :L' the c l ub and i t i s a duty incumbe n t on eve:r ~r memb er to malrn t he i!leet i ng an ove:rw he l ming success. 'I1 l1i s may be a ct1ieved by ha ving a Y'eco"d a ·t; t end a nce to e l e ct a Commit-te e which 9 vv itr1 the uns;i;int od. s up p o:-e t o f members 9 v1ill serve the As sociation tiY'e lessl y d uring th e~ co 111i n:£ two 1 ve mon t hs.

bD I .L10 R. £~E§.QJl!~~:..

I am. sur e a ll me mbe r s will j o in wit h us in wisl1in0 L1an ~r y0~._ "Yls o f he ul t h, happiness and p:rospe:rit y to i'.'I J:>. 11 on y De vo y and Mi s s AGnes dcGove r n , a nd M~ . Gha r l o s Sm ith a nd ~ iss Bil ee n ° oc hG, who we-:ie ma:rr i e d :re cent l y.

~ us iness d utie s have re c entl y t aken Ll is s Ka thleen Goll ino t o ~H a sg ow 9 a nd a l t ho ugh s hG will b o awa y f o ~,, on l Jr a f G -, months vvr:; look f o rw a1"d to her s p o r:;d y re ttir n.

~~t1.~f-~IEQ: __ ~~.t~2±~.E.:.. .i1 hc:J B i :rthd av T( a ;nb l e t o i..I awd s l e v i;foss. ~. o mo 'J O o·~ mo ,.1 0 -r·JmblCP G ----- --·-----. .U..-·-· · ---·---·-- ·-----------U.-~----- -a tc onded ·che .A nnu a l I·.In ss a t ·tlle P:i-•o-G a t hedro l on l:- u 1 ~1 17t h 9 \7 c·nc ,_, s ho-r>t address of wolcomo 'Has g ive n 1J y Canon Do3rl e .

i-LC't o r t oa a nd co f f ee wo made ou r way ·co S t. ~;- o l1n 1 s l·' ~ L1 0 '._r h .Jn t ho b l ow f e ll - NO BUB ~ An hour l a t er we wo r e still ~a i t ing -like mo s t :no n o u -·, dr iver l1 a d g ot h i s 'd a t e s' mixe d - s o a fte~r i ~ ue de libo :ra ·Gi on rm went. b y s 0:rvic e bus to 'RUfford a nd wo r e p-•f;par in;~~ fo :r a l ong wa l k t o Mawd sloy wh e n ou~ co a ch fin all y c a ug ht up Wi th us .

i.·'i e ~N o ~ ~e e nt Gr t a ine d a ft e r t oa by J"o hn. i::fad g e a nd S t e ll a 9 n l1 c1 p l a yed th·.:: c haract ers in a n un,,,e hca :rs e d p l a ;y- .

It i s 1:>oc;:rcct abl o tho.t t ho occ as ion should have b e e n ma :r' ro d ·b;;· tho f a il uro of tho b us 9 b ut it s p eaks well fo r t h0 sp ~r it a nd g ood

VF il l t ha t .:1a du i t p oss ible f o :r the r ambl e rs ·c o onjoy Yl hn t ot 11 c l'.1wi sc mi~ ht ha ve b oo n a d i s oppointing d ay.

L .. ~2-~~~:~:~~..2..-~~:'. .2~:.Lj_~.~~~~-~..:~2.l:~!...~--~j£_..1:. .:.. In s hock ing vve a t her ~ 23 ha Pd y -~ u:rne d out ent h usi ast ic nll ~r fo r Bil l P obe Pts' -rr tmb1 e t o Gac r [Sw rle .. Desp i te n s omewhat · t a J-id y ' g et aw uy 1 f J'lom 11ive:rpool t l1ey n e v e rthe l ess p u ·~ s g oo Ci foo·t fo 1-..warad on :r'G ct c h ing Ji; he i :" st c ,.. ·til.1~; po i n t 9 e von t.o the .ext en t of igno ~~ins J o hn d i l10··-..3 p l a int 'G ~1 n-~ thr·: 1.·~1 a s fe a r- of hi s b l eed i nJ to d eo.·~h f 1"o :J h i s ""Cc Emt op _, ~a-~ ion. Hop e s h ad b ne n :r>a i s od by Di l l in YlGSDe c t of a i; s . 11c.s hin~ viow ;; f ~" o r· 1 t ;-i c ·top o f Hope 11.I ounta i n , b ut s s vfs inilit y WDs down to zerol' s u:ff' 2.cic ;1 )J wn s tho r.)() i ntinz out of Yv h c:d; §._~Qg1.Q bave been seen. .l l1e l"' 8 '.0.°'.Jlc-;

f o rge d on t o a s ucc e s s f ul con cl us ion 9 and i t i s c onsid G ~ea th~t d esp i -'1'o t:·w c l ements ·t; he t:?amb l e~(l s ' spi J"i°t p·"o v a ile d to mi:~.~ .J:' ·c[".!•,, 6 __ . ;_ qui te en joyabl e t o all who p articipat e d.

E?.1~X-M£~..t._§.ggd a;z_1 Oth_~.\:!8 . .9;§.·t. He have one momber of th o c1u-;J v,r Lo h a s i de a s about; l eading a l"' a rnb l e on a hot d a y - lfohn i:I iller ! 11 ~1 e p r og r a mme s t; a ·ted t ho de s t ina tion Has Rab y ,\1 e re , and v1hon v1 0 ~"'e a c h .:.; d we rr~ayed tho r e !

~~..:~.ll ..... d.££.2_.L.9.Q!l~i@e d l.!. 8 he et 2 • .After' dinner, the lake was vol'ed for and veriy soon"p;:;act'ic-

8.11 y every boat; was manned by various members of the club.. ·l'hG Girls wer0'anxicus to oavc tha boys from undue exertion an~ took their t~rn with the oars - in fact, Sadie and Ma y were so eager t he·y riowE)d t homse:L ve s to ti he bottom of the boat,,

J~fce1-'\war<ls$ we walke;.J :for a sho:rt G1istance,. ana in the shadG or so~o troes tenms 'were chosen fo~ what proved tb be ~ atronuous gam0 of bandb i:tl L ·

\1ie did not walk f'nr 9 the heat 1 being so opp:ros s ive 9 but in

spitG of this evo:ryono appreciatog what might bo tePmod a 1 uniq~o 1


~Q~~Q_.~[.Q.QQ _ _, __ §_~n_Q.Q .L.1.It h_~fil9-:§.t.:.A In t or·ptd we at her, but :romembc 1'.1 ... ing prov ~o us S·p:ringt j_mo GXCUT'Sion .to this de light ful spot~ somo h'.' o d o z on of' o IJ. r• w a 1 k ors g re e ·t o d · Ii' rank K i ng on co · ag a in • Ii' rank h ~1 ll l;u·nncd up on his b ike 9 and a s he had to ca-r:ry it OVCI' q L1it 0 s fe:;;·.' st iles i.t was considered rw has a fnir' handicap. l~S tho r::wiblo p·:'occcdG d Mark \\!a lsh Cl ocidod to C<)St 8. clout and 9 v\rit h t hr1GG othor strngglo:rs, wus not soon-until some ho~s l ater - somo clout~ Fronk L;d us thr•o ugh tho lovelies ·& p o rts of De n e \'/ ood 9 now 1"osploncJont L1 it s Surm110:.., gl0ry 9 until 9 pl.oasu11nblo duty accomplished, he lnn1dod ovc1~ ·co 1\Io:rk, wh o now · ;odoc·mcd himself by doliverinz us safely ut ~arb old.. \:Io· t ulate Kit. cy ,on su:rviving he r 1·!J c:p t i s11 of nottlosi und to Pra nk King 9 foJ.., an cxcollont :"c m':J1.09

\Ve ;JaJ ,;·i 1 l1ank you!.:• ,

;;~b2rni..Qit-:. l~=Pq,~~~§..9 ____ ~?.l2:n9..aJ.~Z0-J.l~.~-h L1fig.~=r~.'... . 11 '.-anspo r·~ ~ H'f i0cul ~ ~c 9 _ ...

nnd awkvu.udly situated ten-:t;)1accs did nothing to aot;er 2 ., ...; _ _; Ll.LD. t"u

o. nd non- Ylr 1 ul <-~·nn from act ompt ing a c ornpa rat i-rclY. 1 no'V 1 r (. nb le~ j_1 h J

cl n y VlDO ~l vc~(ly fine onc.9 but pcl'.'haps o. little too ·wa~rm ~fo-r'

extcnE:ive :riumbl).n~~·-· NevertheJ.ess 9 from. Ba~kfo1..,d Gapage ·best feot wo:r10. put fo:rv1ard for Dunham·-on-the -~ H i.11 and our 1st tea--pJa c e 9

somu of our party on: the wntr pacJdl ing in the T?. ivcr Gowey despite wo.:;-•nings ubout blir;ters to follow.,. 11 r10 O."'rray of arms nnd ant iquc c~ o t Ke ll y ' s '7o D,d House ;)rouood not o. 1 itt1 e interest ant:.1 i.mag inz1tion, J\ long t-rck f inal l y bTou.0ht :us to Great Sutton and s. cup of te2 9

whict·1 wa s ~1 11 ·che mope we lcome because H Wu s so l ate. Although t rio ·.amlJle had Ho c t·1urc .of -road-work thepe vvas 9 nevertheless , quttc e n u~p~c0ioble amount of footpa~h a nd l a ne wa l king; there would have ·bocn :norc hr :cJ no·c c ;:"ta in paths boon closed completel;sro Uur• leader "'Cg:riots.9 u1cJ ~1i;:wlofJ i E303 fo.r· 9 tt1e barbed wi~e a ccid·o nts! ! :

'I~~-I:4h.~~I9. ___ eEQ0 ~~ I, f'o:-c one!/ D.m un able to diffe:r•entiate between th(J" subtleties

o;f' t lw myri_ad colour .s at t'.hc d j_sposa l of the avera~e a rt j_st, lrnt I do app~ociate the possibilities present in ·s cones of dai l y a cqua int-a nce Gl t rnnlJler of Nat or spaiklin.g against a gay tr ay--cloth 9 or sunligi1t Gp linte:red into coloured pj_eces by a staine.d-zlass v.r indcu.,

l .ur mocJeI1 ·0. wu y of life is too often cons id orGd colou!'lcss;; but coloury o-r: go1d 9 is v1 hcre you find it - I sh ould say 9 po1..,h o.1J s 9 ' .. 1tw1.., c yo L1 car'e to look for itc ~l\ll too soldom do Yrn cast a glnnce o.t tho moPn in~~ o,,, sky, not evo n from our bus or tra·m, but I assurG you it is ofton vory beaut iful ~

fhc finest pictures, however, are those of lnnd 9 sea and sky co;nbined.9 and such a one was :p:resen:ted to us recently when gazing f-rofil the to:p of - ~hUT'staston Hill;

Fr>om OUT' view--poin·b of' red sand st one the eye swep·!i . over t 'ho Jand and soa of ·tho Dee .E stuary, shimmering and scint illnt ing in the sLm 1 s ~ a:r~.t1th and the sky's benevolence, to the blue-green cheque r-·:Vo:rk of tlie I'ToY·th Woloh Hi lls. In tho distant haze Snowdonia 1 s

seven. peaks reared aloft 1.n embat·tled bll.le-gre~r while far o_ut, . ~ising sheer out of the depths, lay the qreat Orme, a monster . sea lion on sentinel. As if purpusefully placed by QTeat Eana,. s ha:pe ly cot 't on-wool clo ua s complete a nature t s canvas Ill

Weather and the Be asons ao but alter the ~one, they n~ver destroy such a picturea One neeas not look fur o~ long fo ~ the work of the magic brush, but when fauna, pause, a s would the J.\:rt ist, and taJrn in of the ag o).oos and incompa·' ~1b l e · c 1-iaft mans hip ..


- -_:.:__·-----~-~·-t ~ t .hl :i if 1 9th~ - ----------.... -···--

II n 26tf1: -------....... --------.. ·-. ·--

RIV.AGRE V.1· Iil.J~Y"

HOLY\VELL11 ( Bened i(St ion)~

·B y p11 ~,vate blis~


SoGial ~

11 At Horne 11 ..

11 Ra~blers' Fun",

I.iead er; Miss G ~Devoy.

1,eaae1"\: M is E ~CJ o 11 ins

l ·eaoer: lVl ,... , li\ r e. ~rl o :r •

I J0 ad er: Mr • Ii' , K 1 ng ,

Host -HoS't -Host -Host

HOW 'J:O RUN A SOOIAL. 1'0..-f • .,.~ .. .,.--111 ...... --.-.1M ......... f .. ,.t'°"tt~ ...... .-"'1'f .........

Ivle et ~

1- i e:b Heaa 1 0 1 5 am.

Moot P ie:r HoEJ.d 1O .. ,1 5 am.

Meet ~t 11Johns l 1RD.G 10.15 am.

,Dc't a il s l ate T'n

M :ro. G. :.)onl ine ·t 011.

Mr" F. K i n.g ,

IvI !' . J im Dunc C1 n. ..

l\~ Y' 1 J. Li illo r',

·r o c o mp 1 et e my t r i logy we now c o me t () my 1 P. i e c G a o ve s i o 'b a n co 1

- running a sociaL - .i'here are some things in li:t"e th&t lool-c bard and are actually easyq Running socials does not come under thiG hGadingn 'l1 ho planning of them tal\:6S years. :b.,OllOW my s,OVi00 a nd you can cut it down to mere monthsq

Of course , you may be forttnato with the night allotted to you. fake Hallowo'en Night for instance, fhree ~a~sa baths ·filled with wator and six dozen blindfolded people milling ~rouna the floor can be good fun. On Guy Fawkes Night, ~oman Candles (not to bo burnt at both ends), ~ip-~aps 9 etG can be a howling sucoese w~th a fair

propor ion of ladies p:resent, a d should neithe of thes1t1: b e su~lic· ntly mi~th-p.ovoking, ho ·about a sing-eong around ~ oar in.;; bonfire 0 ·t olea and chair:s in the •. idd le or the fl "" ..

l'l1e tr-ad itional -p· .. oceedu"'r'e on 1..I ~and Hat ion l r~a is to il'l.~ ...._c , uee;9 the .A in tree :ravourite to the assembled co,.pany . ~ ilit t h is~ ~ good shire horse will do (apply to l., .s .. Goods Depot). .:but i.itlio iG kidts stuff! Let us get dO\n to the :real busin~ss - tho common o~ ~arden Friday Fig ht.

Gne way is not to tu-rn up, in which ca se M':". U++K 'f +LSH will probabl~y bad~e'l"ed into it for you. ·£hi s, I l" e..,; 'l"et ·to s a y·, is looked on t., s the cowa:rd' s way out nowadays. F a! we munt ·: .. f' t ce the fo.ots like a man and I' 11 tell you how to do it. l.l"i~ ut of all l" ig up ·tbe table tennis - this will _:; <t t ""id of a few of 'Gb.'e · su:""Plus male s, 'i'hcn make the interval araa out a s long as poss ible. .A good gag here is to got G+"R.'qY :P+ rL+NGl'+~J to "'Oad out tl1c notices. Admittedly, thc:r'e' 11 p obably be no Y' o.m.ble on tht) following Sunday because ho's ,..c ad thom out W'f\onnly , but ns ·t 11is ien't youp pidgeon you can do it with a n oasy coneaicnco . ~ hon ag ainJI Y~11E1{ can ulwuys be -r-oliod upon to o"'[!anise tho ·1wavod ·l'or'yn (·there's half an hou:r gone~) a na ma 'tr oven b e c..o nxo0 into giving a so16 i ' ~ ight-hand ltoalt~ Ol" somotl1ina •

.And thGn there D.1"0 g ames!

( &)

( b)

( c)

no useful must pe s o 1'.'voa I

oxcossivo heat must be cngondorea and n.umoY\ous casunlt ies suffer,od (only minor' ones, of coll~9 ::; -b!'okon limbs, simpl e f:r'actU'l"OS otc).

No p:r';izes must be givGn, tl1us lo aving t~.10 winno 'l"'t c amateur status untar'nishod; this s aves any bothor with t he A • A • A ,

. Ghl nnd if tho:ro s'hould bG any spare ·t; imo loft tho:rG' s always dancing ·- if absolutely necessary~-!.~

l .. _ . ' .. . ..

V!HEl~ i-1 RE XQ.!L


A 1?.kMBLE?


I '\"\ -t~r1; ..,~1 I ··~..>

... J.. __ ~~--··--·-----· i I

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