live_life document

Post on 22-Jan-2016






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How to live life.


This is not a real upload. Principal production of the show's pilot occurred in the Hamptons. However, other locations throughout Long Island were used, with Oheka Castle being the most prominent. Although actually located 60 miles to the west, in Huntington, Oheka served as the Hamptons home of Boris, the German nobleman who offers his guest house to Hank and Evan. In later episodes, exterior and aerial shots of Oheka are used to introduce scenes in the guest house.In one episode, a Long Beach drive-through convenience store, Dairy Barn, was used as a fictional hot dog stand;[citation needed] a sign can be seen in the opening of that scene. Also, several scenes were shot on the bay side of Point Lookout. Other places used as fictional Hamptons locations include Northport Village in the Town of Huntington, Old Westbury Gardens, Freeport's Nautical Mile, which served as the exterior and parking lot of Hampton Heritage Hospital (in one scene, Freeport's charter coat can be seen across the bay) Caumsett State Historic Park[citation needed] and Oyster Bay Town Hall, which was transformed into the entrance of the Hamptons Heritage Hospital emergency room. Catalina Beach Club in Atlantic Beach, New York was transformed for the pilot episode into the fictional Hampt Inn, the hotel Hank and Evan stayed in upon their arrival in the Hamptons. Downtown Locust Valley, another haunt of the wealthy on Long Island's Gold Coast, plays downtown East Hampton in at least one episode (where Evan and Paige go shopping), with interior shots in a store as well as street scenes.For several beach scenes, West Neck Beach (Huntington) was used and a food shopping scene was filmed in Southdown Market in Huntington. Huntington Hospital is now used for Hamptons Heritage Hospital.Two episodes of the second season take place in Cuba, but were filmed in Puerto Rico.[2]The next few days proved to very difficult ones for Harry. He found himself constantly second guessing himself and analysing every thought or action that he had. His blunt warning to his aunt and uncle that he was capably of Transfiguring them into pigs and selling them for bacon especially worried him, even though he firmly believed he would never have actually gone through with such an act in a million years. Even so, he was beginning to think that the whole conversation hed had with them was somewhat out of character for him, even if the end results had turned out to be exactly what hed desired. Perhaps this was what Tom had meant when hed told him that he had to start thinking more like a Slytherin. Vernon had agreed to his demands through a stick and carrot approach. The implied threat of what Harry might do once he came of age had been tempered by the promise of financial reward, and had worked perfectly. He had to admit, it was a more sensible approach then the raging anger with which hed addressed his problems over the last year. Feeling a little reassured, Harry had returned to his summer homework. As hed first thought, he wasnt suddenly able to access the vast wealth of magical knowledge that Voldemort had possessed. Instead, information seemed to come to him in dribs and drabs, normally requiring some form of trigger to enable it. This could take the form of a sentence or even a single word written in his school text books, or sometimes even a hazy memory was enough. Even so, he found that with four days of solid work he was able to complete all his summer assignments, and to a much higher standard than he would have normally have done. From here, he started to pour over his text books in detail. The Standard Book of Spells, Grades one to five, proved most enlightening. Spells that Harry would have sworn that hed never attempted to cast in his life seemed familiar to him, and reading about other spells often triggered memories of other, more complex ones. After spending another three days re-reading every book on magic he possessed, his head seemed to be positively humming with new information. His fingers itched to have a wand in them so he could practice his new-found knowledge, although he knew better than to try anything while still at Privet Drive. It was time, he believed, to get out of this hated place. Hed initially wanted to write immediately to Professor Dumbledore and demand that the old man present himself to him at once, but his new-found rationality urged him to show more caution. He soon realised that in his current mood a face-to-face meeting with the old wizard would probably end up resulting in something similar to his last one where hed nearly destroyed half the headmasters office. As tempted as he was to vent his rage at him, Harry knew he needed Dumbledore on his side. This also gave him cause for thought on how he should explain the sudden disappearance of the Horcrux within him. The idea that hed merged his soul with the most evil wizard of modern times was unlikely to sit well with the distinguished old wizard. In the end, Harry had decided to use exactly the same approach that Tom Riddle had used on him. He would admit that hed permitted their souls to merge, but that as Toms was just a tiny fragment, Harry had absorbed it without any harmful effects. Hed have to be careful in displaying his new found knowledge, however, and claim that his newly expanded repertoire of spells was a result of his improved work-ethic. In the end, it had also proved to be unnecessary to request a meeting with Dumbledore. The venerable wizard had actually written to him several days previously informing him that he would be arriving at the end of the week to escort him to the Burrow for the rest of the holidays. Harry had actually intended to leave it a little longer than that, but as it fit in perfectly with his plan he made no effort to postpone his leaving. In fact, the last week had been an incredibly busy one for Harry. Aside from all the studying he done, hed also cleaned up the pigsty of a room that hed been living in, and also started to look after himself a bit better. The Dursleys had been unhappy to see him making a regular appearance at the dinner table, but had grudgingly kept to their agreement. With Dudley still being ordered to lose weight, the meals Harry took could hardly be called a feast, but they were far better for him than his previous diet of crisps and Chocolate Frogs. Hed even taken up jogging in the mornings, and was pleased to discover that he wasnt a bad runner. No doubt all that practice fleeing from evil wizards and monsters had something to do with it, he surmised. It was almost with disappointment that the day of his departure from Privet drive arrived, such was his sense of accomplishment that he felt at what he had achieved in such a short space of time. His books were all packed away, along with virtually all his other possessions. His trunk, which hed taken the trouble to clear out, was ready and waiting upstairs in anticipation of his move to the Weasley household. First, however, he needed to have a good, long talk with his headmaster. As the hands on the clock sitting on the mantelpiece both reached twelve, there was a quiet knock on the front door. Harry had already positioned himself in the front room of the house, awaiting the old mans arrival. Smiling at Dumbledores precise timekeeping, Harry stood and hurried to the door. He opened it to reveal the man in question, wearing a long, billowing cloak and with a kindly expression on his face.Ah, good evening, Harry. It is most delightful to see you again, so soon, Dumbledore said by way of greeting.Good evening to you, too, sir. Please do come in, Harry responded politely. Thank you, my dear boy. I must say that Dumbledore began before he was interrupted by a gruff shout coming from half-way up the staircase. Who on earth is it calling at this time of night? Vernons voice called out irritably. Dont worry about it, Uncle, its for me, Harry replied calmly. Im being collected. Ill be leaving in a short while and you probably wont see me again.Thats not one of your type, is it? Vernon snarled. I wont haveUncle, go back to bed, Harry said firmly. When you get up in the morning, Ill be gone and no one will have even seen me leave. Ill arrange to send you the money I promised as soon as I get to the bank. Yes, well Vernon muttered. Just dont wake everyone up when you go, thats all. And with that scant farewell, Vernon headed back upstairs to bed. Hmm, I see your uncles attitude has not improved much, Dumbledore noted. Perhaps I should have a little chat with him before we depart. It wouldnt do any good, Harry disagreed. In a way, I dont really blame him for his hostility, either. Tell me, did you actually ever ask my aunt and uncle if they were okay with looking after me, or did you just drop me on their doorstep? They are your family, Harry. Even if they were reluctant to take you in, it was their responsibility as your last surviving relatives, the old man said firmly.Maybe, and maybe not. You could have at least asked them, Harry countered. Besides, they knew I was magical from the start and thats not an easy thing for Muggles like them to cope with, is it? Especially when the reason I was put with them in the first place was because my parents were killed by an evil wizard. Not much of an incentive for them, was it?Even so, they could have treated you better, Dumbledore pointed out. I guess I cant argue with that. Mind you, you could have checked up on me occasionally. Arranging for a half-mad old Squib to keep an eye on the place wasnt much of plan, was it? You do know Mrs Figg thinks her cats talk back to her, dont you? Harry said sharply. I must concede that point, Dumbledore admitted reluctantly. Poor Arabella had a hard time of it during the last war, and I am afraid the experience unsettled her more than I realised. I admit I stayed away because I knew that my presence generally upset the Dursleys, which perhaps should have given me a clue as how they would treat you. I fear it is another item on an increasingly long list of errors I have made concerning you, Harry, and I must once again beg your forgiveness.Oh, you dont know the half of it, sir, Harry replied resolutely. We need to talk. Can I suggest we go up to my bedroom? You can cast a Silencing Spell on the room so were not overheard.Harry, the night is passing and we have places we must go Dumbledore began.Headmaster, I guarantee you need to hear what I have to say, Harry interrupted. Trust me, this is something that wont wait.Very well, my boy, youve managed to pique my curiosity. Please, lead on, Dumbledore said with a cheerful smile. Harry led the old wizard up the stairs to his bedroom. He then firmly closed the door behind them and gestured for Dumbledore to take a seat on the only chair in the room, which was situated in front of his damaged desk. Harry then sat himself down on his bed.Well, Harry, what is it that you so urgently need to discuss with me? Dumbledore asked in a polite voice after the venerable wizard had cast the requested charms to ensure their privacy. Harry had given this moment a lot of thought. He had decided that a dramatic gesture would be the best way to convince his headmaster that things had completely changed. To achieve this, he pulled out a piece of A4 paper from his pocket and handed it to the old man.At first, Dumbledore regarded the creased piece of paper with indulgent amusement, before the smile gradually slid off his face. It was replaced by a look of complete and utter shock, an expression Harry had never seen on the old mans features before. Harry, how did you come by this information? Dumbledore demanded in a shaky voice. Would you believe it was all inside my head? Harry replied with smug amusement. Dumbledores expression clouded and his face became stern. This is a matter of the utmost seriousness, my boy, and I need you to give me a straight answer, he said in a firm voice. Were you aware that Horcruxes are sentient, sir? Harry asked, his voice as cold as ice. A genuine look of fear came into Dumbledores eyes and he began to reach into his robes, presumably for his wand. As he did so Harry noticed the mans hand was blackened and shrivelled, as if the flesh had been burnt away. Put your wand away, sir, I havent been possessed by Voldemort, Harry said sharply.Then how, may I ask, do you appear to know of the existence of his Horcruxes, and manage to write down the exact location of each one? Dumbledore demanded, waving the piece of paper in Harrys direction.Oh, not all of the Horcruxes Voldemort created are listed there, Harry replied casually. I didnt bother to mention the diary, for instance, as it has already been destroyed. Neither did I mention the Horcrux that was in my scar. Dumbledore flinched as if he had been physically struck. To drive home his point, Harry lifted his fringe to display his faded scar. How Dumbledore gasped.As I said; Horcruxes are sentient. The one inside me, once it heard the prophecy in full, began to realise its prospects didnt look too good. For Voldemort to be killed, I would have had to die, and it would have been destroyed along with me. Likewise, if Voldemort managed to kill me, it would perish, too. It quickly realised that its only chance of survival would be to merge with my soul. To aid my, and now his, chances of survival, he gave me this information about the Horcruxes. It seemed like a good trade-off to me, Harry explained. A good trade-off? Dumbledore repeated in horror. You allowed your soul to be merged with that of the most foul, evil being to walk this planet in centuries and you call that a good trade-off? Harry, do you realise what you have done?Evidently better than you do, sir, he growled. Remember, that piece of Voldemorts soul inside me was just a tiny splinter. It was miniscule compared to my own soul. Ive absorbed it completely, and its made very little difference to me. Oh, I guess Im a bit more cautious and rather less trusting than I was before. Of course, that might just be a result of discovering that the man I trusted and respected more than anyone else in the world was preparing to sacrifice me so Voldemort could be defeated.Dumbledores anger instantly vanished and his head drooped. He suddenly looked his age. His eyes were misty as he looked imploringly at Harry.I never wanted it to be that way, my boy, the old wizard explained in a broken voice. For years, I have sought out ways to remove that accursed soul fragment from you, but I found nothing. Neither can live while the other survives the prophecy said, and it seemed clear to me that if the Horcrux within you could only be destroyed by your death, then the power you had to vanquish Voldemort would be your own willingness to die for your friends. There did not seem to be any other way.When were you planning on telling me? Harry demanded harshly. At the last possible moment. It seemed the kindest thing to do, Dumbledore said sadly. Harry stood abruptly and walked over to the window. The streetlights outside cast an orangey glow about the darkened drive. Keeping his eyes firmly pointed into the blackness, Harry took a deep breath. I wanted to hate you, you know, Harry began softly, his temper rigidly in check. I wanted to rage and scream at you. Youve kept secrets hidden from me all my life. First, Sirius died because you didnt tell me about the prophecy, and then I learn that I was going to have to throw myself in front of Voldemorts wand if there was any chance of him being defeated. Tell me, sir, who made you god? Who said that it was your choice what information to give out, and to decide who had to die?The old wizard remained silent and made no effort to defend his actions. I was quite prepared to take my wand and try to curse you, Harry continued. But I see that you have made no such attempt, Dumbledore noted carefully. In truth, Harry, I would not blame you if you did, but, tell me; why are you so calm about this? Simple, I started asking myself what else you could have done. I assumed you didnt know of any way to safely remove the Horcrux, and you confirmed that a moment ago. Try as I might, in those circumstances I couldnt think of another course of action you could have taken. Oh, and you were right, by the way; I would have died to try and save my friends, Harry confirmed sadly. That is the one thing I was always sure about, Dumbledore confirmed despondently. You are a remarkably selfless boy, Harry, and you have proved you would risk your life for others many times.Harry turned and looked the old wizard in the eyes. So, how do we move forward from this? he demanded. Now you know that my death isnt a requirement to defeat Voldemort, what are you going to do?This invaluable list seems as good a place to start as anywhere, Dumbledore noted. I can vouch for its accuracy, too, as I have already dealt with Marvolo Gaunts ring. It was in the exact location described on this paper.A light went on in Harrys head. Your hand he began.Yes, I regret that I foolishly fell prey to one of the curses that Tom placed on the ring, he confirmed, gazing at his withered hand.How serious is it? Harry demanded in an uncompromising voice. Dumbledore looked up at him sharply, before sighing.The wound is fatal. I have a year at most, I suspect, he confirmed. Harry nodded, satisfied that Dumbledore, for once, had told him the truth. The fact that the old man had so little time left to live shocked deeply, but now was not the moment to dwell on it. Then we dont have any time to waste, Harry said firmly. We need to deal all the Horcruxes on the list, and I dont think that will be easy. The soul splinter was only guessing that Voldemorts pet snake had been turned into a Horcrux, for instance.No, I agree with that assessment. I came to the same conclusion, myself, Dumbledore interrupted.Thats good, Harry nodded, but the Horcruxes are only part of it. It will still have to be me that has to take down Voldemort, and if Im going to do that I need training. By that I dont just mean sitting in a classroom studying for my NEWT exams, I mean proper one-on-one training. Id want you to start teaching me everything you can think of that will help me in a duel with Voldemort. We might need to bring some others in, too. I was thinking Professor Moody would be a big help in preparing me.You are quite right, my boy. We need to start giving you some real help. I must confess that it is a bitter blow to me to realise that I could have been personally training you all this time and it might have made a real difference. Now, I have but a year to teach you all that I can. I agree that Alastor Moody will be a good choice to be involved, too. I shall contact him as soon as possible, Dumbledore confirmed.Excellent. I think I might have to change my timetable a bit, when we get back to Hogwarts. Divination and History of Magic arent going to help me much, are they? I was thinking of dropping Herbology, too, to free up more time, Harry pondered. Indeed, I think concentrating on Defence, Transfiguration and Charms would be a very wise move, although I would suggest you keep up your Potions studies. There are many useful things to be learnt in that field, Harry.If Professor Snape lets me back into his class, that is, Harry snorted.Ah, I think there might be some changes afoot in that department, Dumbledore smiled mysteriously, causing Harry to frown. More secrets?What do you mean, sir? Harry asked in cool tone. Is Professor Snape not returning to Hogwarts next term?Oh, no. Professor Snape will still be in attendance, but I rather hope that it will be in a different capacity than he is presently engaged in. In fact, I was rather hoping you could help with that, Harry, Dumbledore smiled.Please explain, Harry said firmly, irritated by the old wizards habit of providing as little information as possible. The look on Dumbledores face seemed to suggest that he had picked up on Harrys annoyance.Before taking you to the Burrow, I was planning on making a side-trip to visit an old colleague of mine, one Horace Slughorn. Horace has been retired for some time, but I am hoping to persuade him to return to teaching to fill a gap in our staff roster that current exists. While Horace is a fine fellow, he does rather have a liking for mentoring famous or influential pupils. I suspect the idea of teaching you would be a great incentive for him to return, Dumbledore explained cheerfully.So, this Slughorn bloke teaches Defence Against the Dark Arts, does he? Harry pressed, thinking that this was the only reaching position not filled.Ah, no. Horace is in fact a highly skilled Potions Master, the Headmaster replied.Harry frowned. Why would Dumbledore need another Potions Master unlessOh, bloody hell, no! Harry exclaimed. No way in hell! Im sorry? Dumbledore said in alarm, clearly surprised by Harrys sudden outburst.You want to give Snape the Defence position, dont you? Harry nearly spat. Theres no way that Im going to do anything to help you do that.Dumbledore sighed. Harry, I know that you and Professor Snape have never been on good terms, butThis isnt about me! Harry interrupted. Dont you understand? Voldemort is back and now everybody is in danger. The Defence classes have never been more important and that means you have to have the most competent teacher in that position that you can find.I assure you, no one knows more about the Dark Arts then Severus Snape, Dumbledore responded, a touch of irritation in his voice.Bully for him! Harry snorted angrily. Only that wasnt my point. I said we needed a competent teacher. That is the last thing that Snape is. He cant teach for toffee! He might know how to make every potion there is, or even know how to defeat every Dark curse out there, but thats useless unless he can impart that knowledge onto others, and he cant! Hell just do what he always does; write a few lines on a blackboard, sneer at anyone who doesnt instantly understand what he means, and be blatantly bias in favour of his Slytherins. War is coming, sir, and if you put Severus Snape in charge of teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts, you will be putting the life of every boy and girl in that class at risk.Harry, you are exaggerating, Dumbledore began again.No, Im not! Harry cut him off. Have you ever watched Snape teach a class? Its pathetic! He never gives any help or support, he never explains anything properly, and hes just bloody mean to everyone. He clearly hates all children, not just me, so why he ever became a teacher is beyond me! Dumbledore sighed. That was my doing, Im afraid. Severus needed a job after Voldemort was defeated the first time, and I wanted to keep him close at hand as I knew I would need his talents again one day. While I know he can be unpopular, I would ask you to reconsider, Harry. Professor Snape has a veritable goldmine of information he can dispense regarding the Dark Arts, and I promise to talk to him about his teaching methods. Besides, we do need Horace at Hogwarts. He has vital information that will aid us to defeat Voldemort.What information? Harry demanded, not now prepared to take anything Dumbledore said at face value. He was one of Tom Riddles professors and it is my belief that Dumbledore began, but then his voice trailed off. He stared at the A4 piece of paper in his hand. Now I come to think about it, maybe the information Horace possesses isnt of such importance, after all. Not now. Did he know about the Horcruxes? Harry asked in surprise. I believe so, Dumbledore confirmed. It is my understanding that Horace knew the exact number of the foul things that Voldemort created, but as he was inadvertently of help to Riddle in their making, his great shame led him to deny everything. I have to admit, Harry, that I had hoped to get Horace to confess what he knew, if only for his own sake. The poor man has carried around a great burden of guilt for many years, and finally admitting what he had done would help alleviate that. Horace wasnt the only person to be fooled by Tom, after all. Harry thought for a moment. If you want my help trying to get this Slughorn bloke to talk, then fair enough. But I stand by what I said; I wont do anything that will result in Professor Snape getting the Defence job. You need to get someone decent in that role, sir, an Auror, or something. I promise, this isnt just me saying this just because I dont like Snape. You can ask anyone who has had a Potions class with him. Anyone other than a Slytherin, of course.I can see your mind is made up, Harry, Dumbledore acknowledged. Let me give the whole matter more thought. I might still ask you to come and visit Horace with me at some point, anyway. Your mother was one of his favourite pupils and Im sure he could tell you many interesting tales about her.Then Id very much like to meet him, sir, Harry nodded in agreement. Excellent. Now, before we head to the Burrow, we have one more task that needs to be taken care of. Around a week ago, Siriuss will was discovered and it appears that he left you everything he owned.Oh, right, Harry replied, unable to think of anything to say. Although the pain of his godfathers loss had dulled somewhat, the mention of his name brought it surging back. In addition to adding a reasonable amount of gold to your vault at Gringotts, Sirius also left you 12 Grimmauld Place, Dumbledore explained. This, however, might prove problematical. In what way? Harry asked, not particularly caring for the idea of inheriting that gloomy old building. The Black family was most traditional in outlook, and it is quite possible that they would not want their property to fall into the hands of anyone not of pure blood. While Sirius made it quite clear he wanted you to inherit the house, it is possible that there are enchantments or spells to prevent you, a half-blood, from doing so. We have taken the liberty of vacating the building until ownership can be established. Our fear is that is you cannot have the place, ownership will pass to the next eldest of Siriuss relatives, which would be his cousin, Bellatrix Lestrange, the old wizard told him. The bitch that killed him? Sirius would turn in his grave! Harry spat.Quite. There is, fortunately, a simple test to establish ownership. In addition to inheriting the house, you have also inherited Kreacher, the Blacks house-elf. If Kreacher is prepared to accept orders from you, then it proves you are indeed the owner of Grimmauld Place. If I may, I would like to summon him here so we can test that theory, Dumbledore said.Harry gritted his teeth. Hed rather face one of Hagrids Blast-Ended Skrewts then see that horrid little vermin, but Dumbledore was right: the house was too useful to allow it to fall into the hands of Bellatrix. Grimly he nodded his approval, and Dumbledore flicked his wand. A loud crack signalled the arrival of the small elf, who immediately started wringing his hands and mumbling to himself. Kreacher wont obey the filthy Potter brat. Kreacher wants to belong to Miss Bellatrix, he does! Kreacher wont, wont, wont Kreacher, shut up! Harry snapped, his temper rising at the sight of the miserable traitor who had helped lead him into the trap at the Department of Mysteries. The elf was immediately silent, although he looked like he was choking with the effort of trying to speak.I rather think that clears up the matter, Dumbledore noted cheerful, but Harry wasnt finished.You know that you have to take orders from me now, dont you? he asked the elf in a cold voice.

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