live online discussion groups and idis reloaded

Post on 22-Jan-2018






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What are Live Groups?An excellent methodology to get creative insight, fast.

• A group of respondents are invited to a synchronous online discussion

• Groups are typically 6-8 respondents, 1-2 moderators, up to hundreds of observers and last for 1.5-2 hours

• Stakeholders can be invited to watch the discussions and chat among themselves – also ask the moderator to probe on items of interest

• Fieldwork is typically very quick to implement – a very complex multi-country project can be completed in a few days with the right planning and recruitment partners.

Unique benefits of Live Online Discussions

• Run projects 5 x faster than any other methodology!

• Cover as much material as a dense 5-day bulletin board in just 1.5 hours

• Control discussion scope on-the-fly, and get the correct depth of insight

• Probe instantly after media is shown – get System1 responses to probes

• Get respondents AND clients into the ‘Flow’ (discussed later)

• Clients love watching and contributing to an intense and fast-paced insight discussion, live groups are a great relationship builder

Fast, Deep, Engaged!

Talk to us – we want to help you showcase the benefits of live online groups!

What can you do on a V+ Live Online Discussion?

Chat with respondents and show them anything, in a structured way.

• The researcher can plan and load discussion guide and any kind of stimulus beforehand;

Images and pictures


Full structured discussion guide

Collages and dynamic whiteboard

Snap polls

• If permitted, respondents can annotate images and create collages – and more!

• Respondents have special color codes so you can identify them in the report

• Everything is recorded (except private chat) – download immediately after a group finishes.

What can you do on a V+ Live Online Discussion?

Creative workshops, intense discussions, visual exercises, projective techniques.

Test advertising and creative media

Idea generation and validation

Consumer segmentation insight

Understand and probe opinions about any brand or product

Evaluate, discuss and select and improve concepts

Appropriate use of Live Online Discussions

When to use Live Online Discussions

Anything that requires engagement for opinion, ideation, test or open discussion, on-the-fly probing, emotional responses, projective techniques and SPEED.

When NOT to use Live Online Discussions

Anything that requires engagement over time – diaries/journals, user journeys, tasks. Anywhere you need longer, considered responses.

Talk to us – describe or send us your project brief, and we’ll be happy to give you some ideas!

Why Live?

Get into the ‘flow’…

What is ‘flow’?Get respondents “Into the zone” with Live Groups!

A state of concentration or complete absorption with the activity at hand and the situation. It is a state in which people are so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter.

The idea of flow is identical to the feeling of being in the zone or in the groove.

The flow state is an optimal state of intrinsic motivation,where the person is fully immersed in what he is doing.

This is a feeling everyone has at times, characterized by a feeling of great absorption, engagement, fulfillment, and skill—and during which temporal concerns (time, food, ego-self, etc.) are typically ignored.

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Why is ‘flow’ important?Creativity, truth and emotional engagement with Live Groups,_Fast_and_Slow

Control the types of responses you get – a balance between:

• System 1 (top-of mind/reactive/instinctive/emotional)


• System 2 (rational, considered, logical)

Compare this to asynchronous methods, where System 2 can be prevalent.

Using both timing and framing, a good moderator can drive a highly engaged group into creative and deep conversation, for better insight.

Daniel Kahneman

The V+ Portal

A wizard to help you organize and run all your groups…

Easily manage the end-to-end process

The Moderator Interface

Moderators lead the discussion

Respondents participate

Observers can watch and chat

The Moderator Interface

Polling respondents while running a discussion

The Respondent Interface

Respondents’ provide their input to the moderator’s discussion

The Observer Interface

Observer messaging Moderator while the discussion is running.

Reporting and Outputs


Collaborative Whiteboard

Client stories…

Success – Out of the Box!

…our focus group went very well. We were able to generate some interesting discussions among participants and kept them engaged for the full hour... Thank you very much again for your assistance on our first session – it was very helpful and much appreciated. Many thanks once again!

- JoannaHofman, ConsultantCoffey International Limited

Part of the Team

...our clients love it!” & “The help desk was just amazing – as always extra fast and helpful, it’s like they’re in the office down the hall, actually even better than that. You really are the best team to work with!

Andreea CocaGfK – Romania

Building the Right Partnership

VisionsLive has been a key partner since we launched online text-based qualitative... The company has not only facilitated our product development by providing the initial training required and enabling internal training for moderators, but it has actively supported our sales activity to help us convince our customers of the value of the product offering.

Neil Reynolds, DirectormedeConnect Healthcare Insight

What is the cost?

Focus Groups - Text-Chat £160 per hourTyped discussion, visual stimulus and interactive exercises with up to 10 respondents, 1 moderator, (optional) 1 co-pilot and up to 30 observers.

Focus Groups - Webcam £260 per hour (Inc project management and video recording) Webcam/Audio enabled online focus groups with up to 6 respondents, 1 moderator and up to 30 observers.

In Depth Interviews - Text-Chat £80 per hour (includes video and images)Online 1-1 typed discussion where moderator can display many kinds of stimulus to a respondent, and including annotation by respondent.

In Depth Interviews - Webcam £120 per hour (includes video and images)

Online 1-1 Webcam/Audio interview where moderator can display many kinds

of stimulus to a respondent, and including annotation by respondent.

Important note - Additional project management, recruitment,

moderation support can be packaged to ensure your project success.

…some additional information!







Get a Demo Account! Live Online Discussion Groups Reloaded with V+ Live

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