literature list of afyon zone (+lycian nappes)

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Akal, C., Candan, O., Koralay, O.E., Oberhänslı, R and Chen, F., 2005a, Afyon Zonu

Metamagmatik Kayaları: Neo-Tetis Okyanusunun Başlangıç Evresine Yaklaşım. 58.

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Akal, C., Candan, O., Koralay, O.E., Oberhänslı, R and Chen, F., 2005b, Metavolcanic

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ortamları. YDABÇAG – 103Y011 nolu TÜBİTAK Projesi, 126s.

Akal, C., Candan O., Koralay, E., Okay, A., Oberhansli, R ve Chen, F., 2009, Afyonu

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