lista de vocabulario 7b

Post on 14-Jun-2015






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7B Vocabulario

El cuello = neck

El estómago = stomach

El oído = inner ear

Los pies = feet

Los dedos = fingers

Un pasatiempo = a hobby

Un catarro = a cold (as in sick)

El frío = the cold (outside)

El peso = weight

La cabeza = head

La garganta = throat

*Las manos = hands

La salud = health

La grasa = fat

Bajar de peso = to lose weight

Buscar un pasatiempo = look for a hobby

Caminar = to walk

Dejar de (fumar)= to quit (smoking)

*Doler (ue) = to hurt

Estar aburrido(a)= to be bored

Estar cansado(a)= to be tired

Estar contento(a)= to be happy

Estar enfermo(a)= to be sick

Estar nervioso(a)= to be nervous

Estar triste = to be sad

Estar enojado(a) = to be mad

Hacer yoga = to do yoga

Seguir (i) una dieta sana = to follow a healthy diet

Subir de peso = to gain weight

Sentirse (contenta) = to feel (happy)

Tener frío = to be cold

Tener calor = to be hot

Tener miedo = to be afraid

Tener sueño = to be sleepy

No debes… You shouldn’t…Demasiado too muchTanto dulce so much sweetTanta grasa so much fatNi norTanto(a) so much

Es que…It’s just that…Me duele(n)

My____ hurtsTe veo mal.

You don’t look so well.

¿Qué te pasa? What’s wrong with you?

¿Qué tiene…? What’s the matter with ______?

¿Te duele algo? Does something hurt you?

Other verb phrases:

Dormir lo suficiente to get enough sleep

Para cuidarte la salud… to take care of your health

Para cuidarte mejor…to take better care of yourself…

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