liners key election edition

Post on 26-Jul-2016






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Liners Key Election Edition

Phillipsburg Key Club’s

Choice 2016


Table of Contents

Farewell Letters from Your

2015-2016 Senior Officers…….3-5

Candidates’ Biographies…..6-14

Contact Information………......12

Key Club Pledge………...……..12


Dear Key Clubbers, Joining Key Club was one of the best decisions I have ever made, and looking back, now as a senior well into my second semester, I sometimes wish that I could spend more years in high school just to stay in such an amazing organization. Of course that seems ludicrous, but four years is just not enough! So to all the underclassmen who are already sick of high school, you do not know how lucky you are. You have so much time in your hands, time to finally volunteer at that shelter, time to start a new project—time to make a difference. Although my Key Club years are over, I hope to continue

serving others as I enter college. I am eternally grateful to Key Club for allow ing me to make new friends, to create lifelong memories, and most importantly, to give back to the community.

Your 2015-2016 Club Editor,

Christianna Pepingco

Farewell Letters from Your 2015-2016 Senior Officers

Key Club has taught me skill sets and values that I could never learn beyond the classroom. By giving back to the community and others, Key Club has shown me the true capabilities of us teenagers. We serve because we care, because it's our way of life. I 'm also very thankful that key club has honed my leadership skills and taught me the responsibilities that come with holding officer positions. I enjoyed myself at service events, RTCs, DCON, etc. Overall, I'm thankful that I got to spend all four years of my high school career being a part of this organization.

Your President,

Mandy Chan


To the new officers and the rest of my fellow Key Clubbers: If there’s anything I’ve learned during my short time as a

Key Club officer and person, it’s that when people stress the importance of setting goals, they’re only half right. You’ll never have a shortage of ideas, of things you should do and accomplish; the hard part is taking the time to make them happen. So my advice to you in the coming year is to avoid procrastination. (I’ve yet to find a way to follow this advice myself, but perhaps you’ll be more successful than I have been.) Regardless of whether your goals are related to Key Club (like participating in more service projects or recruiting more friends to join) or pertain to life in general (like mastering a new skill or becoming a kinder person), start as soon as possible and keep working on achieving them. The time w ill pass whether you make progress or not, so you might as well make the most of the time you’re given. You may even find that, once you gain a little momentum, you can achieve something greater than you had envisioned before you started.

It’s been a pleasure serving as your Vice President, and I wish you the best of luck in this service year and beyond.


Alex Mayo

This past service year has been an incredible experience for me. Altogether, we have accumulated nearly 2,400 volunteer hours so far.

Words cannot describe how proud I am to be a part of such an amazing club. I'd like to thank Mr. Babbitt and Mrs. Meissner for being

the best advisors a club could ever ask for. I'd also like to thank my other Key Club officers for all of their hard work and dedication. I am so incredibly blessed to be a part of such a wonderful Key Club team.

You guys are my family. I love you, and I'll miss you!


Hannah Wang


As the year slowly comes to an end, so does my time being apart of the Phillipsburg Key Club. Key Club was the very first club that I joined my freshman year. I had heard so many positive comments about it that I knew it would be the perfect club for me. From cooking and serving meals at Soup Kitchens to helping others at events like Thomas the Train, I have really enjoyed giving back to my community. I was able to work my way up to become the treasurer and have enjoyed fulfilling this role. I want to wish good luck to the future treasurer of the 2016-2017 school year. If I have any advice to give to you, it would be stay as organized as possible and to enjoy your time as treasurer because before you know it, your term will be already over! I appreciate everything that Key Club has taught me and look forward to continue caring for and serving others.


Sia Gabrilis

Best Wishes to the newly elected officers!


Candidates’ Biographies

Kendra Bayne

Kendra is a junior at PHS and an active member of Key Club. She

is currently the committee chair of the scrapbook committee,

and she was the former Editor of the Phillipsburg Key Club.

Kendra has participated in many events such as the William

Nixon Veteran’s Tribute, the haunted high school, the polar

express, and the cookie walk. Additionally, Kendra is very active

in other school activities. Kendra is a three-year member of the

varsity swim team. She also participates clubs including Student

Council, National Honor Society, and Mock Trial. Kendra is very

organized, she is a hard worker, and she cares a lot about Key

Club. Kendra is the best choice for President of the Phillipsburg

Key Club because all of these qualities will make her a

valuable asset to the other officers, as well as the fact that she

has already served as a Key Club officer. Kendra hopes to

continue to be an influential member of Key Club for the

upcoming year, and she hopes to make the 2016-2017 Key Club

school year very enjoyable.



Kirstin Heagy

Kirstin Heagy is running for Key Club president this year. She is

kind and respectful and puts her heart and soul into everything

she does. She is understanding and open to anything. She has

been in keyclub since freshmen year and has been a committee

head for one year. She believes that it is her time to step up and

shine. She will dedicate herself to this position as if it was a part

of her. She doesn't have much on her plate and this means that

she can be dedicated to making the club extravagant and

enjoyable for everyone. She wants to be president because she

wants to make a difference in the club and make it more known

to others. She wants people to be involved and come back to

every meeting and go to every event they can. She wants to

give people the ability to give back to the community as much as

possible. When she becomes president she will create a club that

makes people feel like they have a place to go to help the

community. She will make people come and participate in every

event they can. When she becomes president there will be

hundreds of people at every meeting anxious to give back. Vote

for Kirstin Heagy for Key Club president 2016-2017, and she will

make the difference that is needed.

President (continued)


Trisha Pakkala

Becoming an officer of such a prestigious club is an honor for

anyone. However, a person who is truly dedicated to the Key

Club would want to become an officer so that they can make a

stronger impact on the community. Also, an officer should be

responsible enough to handle the position, have good character,

and be a good leader. As Vice-President, one should be reliable

in case of an emergency, and someone that you can always

count on to be supportive and open to new ideas. They should

strive go beyond what the responsibilities of that position is. To

have a fantastic term, one should try to offer new perspectives

on existing ideas and should craft new ideas to give this Key

Club a little boost. It is especially important for a Vice-President

to step in whenever any of the members or officers need help.

Most importantly, they should have the passion to serve others

because that is what being a Key Club member is all about:


Vice President Michael Bai

Michael Bai is an organized, intelligent, and social person who

would be an ideal candidate for the position of Vice President. He

is an organized and intelligent individual who is more than

capable of leading a group. He regularly attends Math Matters

and; being a social person, gets along well with others. Michael’s

plan includes keeping everyone on the officer board connected

and updated, bringing new members in by reaching out to them,

and promoting new chances for leadership among the

underclassmen in Key Club.


Naa Quaye

Naa Quaye is running for vice president of the Key Club.

Currently she is the corresponding secretary, and she has done

an amazing job this service year. Naa has been in Key Club

since her freshman year, and she has been a very involved

member with ample amount of cumulated hours. Naa wants to

be the vice president because she wants to continue to exercise

her great leadership skills while implementing some new ideas

that will improve the function of the club. Two things she hopes

to bring to the club is making more use of the committees and

coming up with new events that have never been done.

Thank you as you consider Naa Quaye for vice president!

Aditya Rao

Aditya Rao, the current Webmaster, is a junior running for the

position of Vice President. During his term as Webmaster, Aditya

Rao has doubled our Key Club’s social media audience and

greatly expanded the functions and usage of the website. With

over 175 hours of service both in and out of Key Club, Aditya has

the commitment and drive for service required of a true leader.

Aditya also has the requisite leadership experience—not only as

current Webmaster, but also as Secretary of our school’s

Forensics Team and Vice President of the Technology Club. In his

new role of Vice President, Aditya plans to streamline and

regroup the committees; ensure that, unlike previous years,

people are able to actively work with the committees for which

they sign up at the beginning of the school year; expand

leadership opportunities for underclassmen through committee

chair positions; and plan a new community service project


Vice President (continued)


Recording Secretary Sophia Martinez

Sophia is a sophomore running for Recording Secretary because

she enjoys doing service to her community, and she wants to get

more involved in the Key Club. In middle school, she was the

Secretary of the National Junior Honor Society, so she already

has some specific experience in what the Recording Secretary

does. If she gets this position, Sophia is excited to bring her

dedication to service, her responsibility, and her organization to

Key Club.

Corresponding Secretary Gina Elsayed

Gina Elsayed, a junior, is running for the position of

corresponding secretary for the 2016-17 year. Gina believes that

her characteristics as a communicator as well as her active

participation in services qualifies for this position. During her

three years as a key club member, she has managed to engage

in events such as soup kitchens, the annual polar express, and

the veteran's tribute. Gina also takes part in activities as a

member of the National Junior Honor Society and a member of

the tennis team. In addition, she is involved with assistant tennis

coaching and training for youth. Gina hopes to excel her

opportunities as corresponding secretary with the ability to carry

out information and fulfill any duties regarding the club's goals.


Treasurer Audrey Boice

As an officer in Key Club one must want to lead others around

them. In particular, the treasurer position must be held by

someone well versed in numbers and finances. Additionally, the

treasurer should want to give input for future service

opportunities as well as have ideas on how the Key Club can be

improved. Next, the treasurer should have past experience with

holding an officer position in another club. Also, they should

have been fully involved with the Key Club attending every

meeting possible. In addition, they should have participated in

various service activities since they will need to as an officer next

year. Lastly, the treasurer should want to make the club have its

most successful year financially as well as in fundraisers. Also,

the treasurer should encourage the other members to exceed

goals throughout the year in order to attain the most productive

year possible. An important quality to posses as treasurer is

being trustworthy, someone who will get a job and go above and

beyond to complete it. All in all, the treasurer must fulfill this

leadership position by guiding their peers while assisting in

exceeding the Key Club's goals for next year.


Angela Chan

Angela Chan is a sophomore who is running for Treasurer. She is

very experienced in dealing with money since she has helped out

at her uncle’s restaurant since she was in third grade. The skills

she has developed during this time would be an asset to her as

treasurer as she oversees fundraisers and the collection of dues.

Additionally, she is very responsible and hardworking, as

evidenced by her dedication to her extracurricular activities and

her schoolwork. She hopes to bring new ideas to the club as well

as encourage many more members to join Key Club.

Treasurer (Continued)

Ebonie Corbett

Ebonie wants to be an officer because she wants to put her

leadership skills to good use and also, she is really crazy about

math. Ebonie is very responsible, she has leadership skills, very

hardworking, and she doesn’t rest until all her assignments and

projects are done. If she is elected treasurer, she will make sure

that all the funds that Key club makes will be counted for,

meaning no cent left behind. Also, she will make sure that the

money that key club makes will be smartly distributed. Vote

Ebonie for Treasurer!


Editor Andre Pepingco

In his sophomore year of high school, Andre Pepingco has served

Phillipsburg High School's Key Club for two years. During the two

years he spent as a member of Key Club, Andre participated in

many events not limited to only soup kitchens and fundraising

stands, but also in the concerts for Phillipsburg's veterans and

the celebration of Memorial Day. Like many other students,

Andre is involved in multiple clubs, and one of those being a

member of the school's marching band. In band, he holds a

small leadership position that helped him acquire traits that

make him versatile in assisting people. He loves to help people

out in any way, and he serves to make people happy. In

addition, he aspires to be like his sister, the current Editor, and

plans on continuing the production of the club's

newsletters. Andre looks forward to becoming the editor of Key

Club as he strives to take on a larger role in leadership and work

to improve Phillipsburg's Key Club.


Webmaster Caleb Frey

My name is Caleb Frey, and I am a Junior running for Phillipsburg

Key Club’s position of Webmaster, and I feel that I could be the

best one to date. To be honest, I was never formally taught how

to code HTML, aside from some introductory courses on

Code Academy. I’m almost entirely self-taught about website

design and management, and technology in general, but I am

widely regarded as the Tech guy at my church, in my family,

where my dad works, and in my classes. I am currently

President of my church’s youth group, and became the

obligatory webmaster there, where I set up a website and got a

domain for it,, and then set up email accounts

with the

address. (If you take a look at your inbox, I also sent this

document from I was also asked to

become a Youth Deacon at Church, where I also have been given

the task of sorting out computer issues. At this point, I realize

that it seems like bragging, but I was influenced by Marissa’s

Math tutoring, which I almost always attend, and started a free

computer help service at the library, with a special voicemail

inbox for it.

As webmaster for Key Club, I plan to make it easier to access

agendas and sign up for events online, as I can’t figure out how

to sign up online anymore. Ideally, I want to get a special

domain name for our website ( is available), so that

people don’t have to rely on Google searches to remember our

current address. I think that taking all of this into consideration,

I would make a great Key Club webmaster during my final year

here at PHS (In a New School!)



Contact Information

President: Mandy Chan

Vice President: Alex Mayo

Recording Secretary: Hannah Wang

Corresponding Secretary: Naa Quaye

Treasurer: Sia Gabrilis

Editor: Christianna Pepingco

Webmaster: Aditya Rao

Faculty Advisor: Mr. Greg Babbitt

Kiwanis Advisor: Mrs. Helene Meissner

Club Email;

Division 13 LTG: Julien Rosenbloom

Key Club Pledge: I pledge on my honor to uphold all objects

of Key Club International; to build my

home, school, and community, to serve my

nation and God, and to combat all forces

which tend to undermine these institutions.

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