limbotest (by bioftalmik) english

Post on 09-Dec-2014






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Limbotest: a definitive, non-invasive limbal deficiency diagnostic LIMBOTEST is a method of diagnosing limbic deficiency (LD) based on the detection of the mucine MUC5AC gene via real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) of the corneal epithelia. Occasionally, making a concrete decision about therapy can be affected by the bias of the consistency of the diagnostic procedure. In the case of Limbic Deficiency, this limitation was obvious, since the diagnostic was carried out with staining techniques, and the result depended on human interpretation and the relative limits of the sensitivity of the test As a result of our research, we at Bioftalmik have developed a Molecular Limbic Deficiency Diagnostic Method that is highly accurate and reliable. LIMBOTEST The great advance, when compared to former LD diagnostic techniques, is that of the specific detection of messenger RNA from the mucine MUC5AC in the corneal epithelia. The transcribed MUC5AC mRNA is specific to the goblet cells of the conjunctiva, and normally never appears in corneal tissue. The presence of the transcribed MUC5AC mRNA in corneal epithelia confirms the presence of goblet cells, and therefore, a positive identification of Limbic Deficiency. Limbotest detects the presence of goblet cells in the corneal epithelia very accurately and objectively thanks to the RT-PCR amplification of the genetic material from minimal concentrations in the sample. The analysis entails a series of positive and negative controls which allows the precise quantification of the total RNA in each sample from the start and which evaluate the reliability of the results obtained.


The definitive diagnosis………..….

for limbal deficiency


molecular diagnosis of Limbal Deficiency by RT-PCR

specific detection of mucin MUC5AC transcript

in cornea by

Real Time-PCR

unique & innovative

objective results

guarantiee of an impartial interpretation


highly sensitive & specific

avoiding current tecnichal limitations


“Real Time” PCR (RT-PCR)

Nucleics Acid Electroforesis

double analitical procedure

the newest technologies

provide guarantee for…

… the most rigorous quality control

… innovative systems

to analize the integrity

of the RNA samples

… and optimized protocols that makes things easier for ophthalmologists

… non-invasive sampling procedures


… the best diagnosis

is the best way

… to make the right decision

… trasplants

… surgical techniques

… adjuvant therapies

… contact lenses

… for more details visit our website

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