ligonier township supervisors regular meeting september 13 ... · a motion was made by paul knupp...

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Ligonier Township Supervisors

Regular Meeting

September 13, 2016

The Ligonier Township Supervisors met in regular session at 7:00 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance opening

the meeting. Secretary Bruce Robinson took roll call. Present were D. Scott Matson; Bruce Robinson; and Gary

Thistlethwaite; Chairman, Wade Thomas; and Vice Chairman Paul Knupp

Public Comment

1. Christine Getto, 739 Two-Mile Run Rd.– Deferred her time to her father, Mike Getto.

2. Mike Getto, 739 Two-Mile Run Rd. – family owned property since 1930’s wants to support and

encourage Property/Maintenance/Nuisance ordinance. He has a personal interest as he has been for a

number of years asking township officials past and present to address an unsafe property on Cherokee

Drive. His neighbor’s property caught on fire April 2016 and it spread to his property burning his shed

along with the equipment and contents. Christine Getto handed out packet of photos showing the

deplorable conditions to the board. Encourage registering non-conforming properties.

A motion was made by Gary Thistlethwaite and seconded by Bruce Robinson to approve the minutes of

the August 9, 2016 meeting. Motion carried with Paul Knupp abstaining

Supervisor Comments


Staff Report

Manager’s Report – Terry Carcella reported the verbal request to assist the Borough for Fort Days.

The comprehensive plan contract with EADS Group needs updated.

A Motion was made by Paul Knupp and seconded by Bruce Robinson to approve the update to the EADS

Group comprehensive plan contract. Motion carried.

The township now has leave and twig recycling here at the Municipal Complex. A budget workshop is

set for September 27, 2016 work session. Terry requested a motion be made to approve him to sale the

equipment we have listed on Municibid at the end of the auction.

A Motion was made by Gary Thistlethwaite and seconded by Scott Matson to permit Township

Manager, Terry Carcella to sale the listed equipment on Municibid at end of auction. Motion carried.

Terry requested to attend a Pal conference on October 14, 2016 in the amount of $120.00.

A Motion was made by Bruce Robinson and seconded by Paul Knupp to approve Township Manager,

Terry Carcella to attend the Pal October 14, 2016 conference at the cost of $120.00. Motion carried.

Police Report – Chief Michael Matrunics reported:

Miles Driven 6.785 Total Street Hours 1,222 Court Hearings 31 Drug Task Force Hours 14 Training Hours (K-9) 32 Vehicle Accidents Report 5 Vehicle Accidents Non-Report 1 Total Incidents 475 Simple Assault 2 Aggravated Assault 2 Conducted a DUI Checkpoint Child Endangerment 1 on 9-10-2016. 4 DUI’s Harassment (Neighbor Dispute) 2 DUI 2 52 Hours of DUI Taskforce ACT 64 (Drug Possession) 1 Operations and Aggressive Access Device Fraud 1 Driving Enforcement Warrant Services 2 (All Reimbursed Hours) Vehicle Code Citations 47 Criminal Arrests 6 Assist Other Agencies 11 Domestic Disturbance 10 Wrong Way Drivers on RT 30 1 Fines and Restitution

January 2016 - $ 1,634.67

February 2016 - $ 944.22

March 2016 - $ 1,720.96

April 2016 - $ 1,146.40

May 2016 - $ 1,521.30

June 2016 - $ 3,222.30

July 2016 - $ 4,426.89

August 2016 - $ 1,603.28

September 2016 - $ 1,297.64

TOTAL - $ 17,517.66

Chief Michael Matrunics reported that on October 8, 2016 there is a bridge dedication for Lt. Eric Eslary under Senator Kim Ward’s Bill along with support from representative Reese. Please attend as it is open to the public, it is the bridge on Wilpen Road directly off of Route 711.

Public Works – Russ Morgan reported that they have completed the seal and chipping of the roads for

this year. Closure of the Zion Church Road Bridge has been done to allow them to prep for the new

bridge. By end of the week should have a handle on the timeframe will be to complete the project.

Engineer’s Report- Dorothy provided an update on the MS4 program that a letter requesting removal

from the program was sent to the DEP on August 18, 2016 and they have not submitted the list to the

EPA yet and even though it could be promising for the township to be removed they suggest that we

move as if we were going to have to comply with the MS 4 program. Our next step is to apply for an

advance waiver request and the deadline to file is December 21, 2016 and we do not want to miss this

deadline. She asked for approval to proceed with the filing of the advance waiver request. The

township is doing a lot already in compiling with the MS 4 program and there is always room for


A Motion was made and Paul Knupp and seconded by Bruce Robinson to approve Dorothy with The

Markosky Engineering Group to proceed with filing for the Advance Waiver Request. Motion carried.

Solicitor’s Report – Michael Korns reported that he is looking for Supervisors feedback on the

Nuisance/Property ordinance. They have been working with the Planning Commission and to proceed

with a recommendation to the board they would like their feedback. Bruce Robinson and Wade Thomas

agreed that the pictures provided are deplorable and that they are in favor of the ordinance and it needs

to be fair and not rush into it and get it right per Wade Thomas. Paul Knupp is in support of it. Gary

Thistlethwaite has been to some of the Planning Commission meetings and he feels this is something

that we need to have

Zoning/Code Enforcement Report – Richard Bell reported:

Total Income from (11) Lein Letter Requests - $325.00

Building Permits Issued Income

2 $6,359.00

Demolition Permits Issued

1 $50.00

Sewage Permits

4 $860.00

Zoning Permits

6 $1,643.00

Sign Permits

6 $ 75.00

Total Income Generated $ 9,312.00

My office received three (3) nuisance complaints during this reporting period.

Two complaints were in reference to blighted/abandoned properties.

One complaint was in reference to completing construction without proper permitting. This office is


Rescued two small dogs and one cat. Returned dogs to owners and gave cat to rescue shelter.

Planning Commission

Planning Commission met on August 25, 2016. Minutes are located on the back table for anyone

wishing a copy.

Discussed the Comprehensive Plan and the nuisance/property maintenance ordinance.

Zoning Hearing Board

There was no Zoning Hearing Board in July due to a lack of agenda.

Correspondence - None

Treasurer’s Report-Terry Carcella stated that the General Fund account balance is $617,561.27 the Act 13

account balance is $78,902.25, the K-9 account balance is $48,848.71, the Liquid Fuels account balance is

$108,568.98 the Developer’s account balance is $12,548.00, Liquid Fuels Investment Account is $9,866.73, the

Equipment Fund $12,720.98, and the Capital Reserve CD’s $415,041.06 for a total of $1,304,057.98. No action


A motion was made by Bruce Robinson and seconded by Scott Matson to approve the bill payments of

August 22, 2016 and September 12, 2016 bill payment lists. Motion carried.

Old Business - None

The supervisors went into executive session prior to this evenings meeting and on August 30, 2016.

Solicitor, Michael Korns verified that he attended both executive sessions and the topics discussed were

related to litigation and personnel matter and in compliance with the Pennsylvania Sunshine Act.

New Business

A motion was made by Paul Knupp and seconded by Wade Thomas to approve Penn Fencing security

fence and gate quote for the township complex. Motion did not carry with a roll call vote 4-1

A motion was made by Bruce Robinson and seconded by Wade Thomas to approve Selective Insurance

quote of $42,594.00 for 2016-2017 year. Motion carried with a roll call vote 4-4 with Paul Knupp


A motion was made by Paul Knupp and seconded by Gary Thistlethwaite to approve Resolution #14-

2016 Supporting Township Healthcare stipends of $4,000.00 per quarter. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Paul Knupp and seconded by Gary Thistlethwaite to approve renewal of Police

Chief 3-year contract paying $56,780.00 retro to August 1, 2016 with yearly increases of 5%. Motion


A motion was made by Bruce Robinson and seconded by Paul Knupp to approve renewal of Police

Lieutenant 3-year contract paying $50,232.00 retro to August 1, 2016 with yearly increases of 5%.

Motion carried.

A motion was made by Paul Knupp and seconded by Scott Matson to approve Dumpster Day event for

October 22, 2016 for Township and Borough residents. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Bruce Robinson and seconded by Paul Knupp to approve Sewage Planning

Module for Laurel Mountain Christian Camp. Motion carried.

A Motion was made by Bruce Robinson and seconded by Paul Knupp to approve the minor Monsour

subdivision approved by the county contingent on a maintenance agreement resolution with the

township and compliance signoff by the Township Sewage Officer. Motion carried.

A Motion was made by Paul Knupp and seconded by Scott Matson to approve the minor Kanaga

subdivision approved by the county. Motion carried.

A Motion was made by Paul Knupp and seconded by Scott Matson to approve the minor Chapin

subdivision approved by the county. Motion carried.

A Motion was made by Bruce Robinson and seconded by Paul Knupp to approve the minor Crowe

subdivision approved by the county. Motion carried.

Supervisors Comments

Supervisor Scott Matson – Questioned how a resident years ago was able to build a house in the wetlands.

Made a motion to have Public Works crew do litter pick-up on rainy days and Gary Thistlethwaite seconded


Supervisor Paul Knupp – Spoke to all the Fire Chiefs, then called Hempfield, Derry sends out bills like us,

and Unity raise their mills, so he thinks we should remove the hydrants fees

Supervisor Bruce Robinson – Ask Supervisor Matson to withdraw his motion until the committee

discusses and can make a recommendation. All residents do not benefit and we should continue with the

hydrant fee with a maximum of $7.50.

Supervisor Gary Thistlethwaite – No Comment.

Supervisor Wade Thomas – For Dorothy to get started on a bridge now for a bridge replacement next year.

A motion was made by Paul Knupp and seconded by Gary Thistlethwaite to adjourn the meeting at 8:47 PM.

Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Roxanne Shadron

Assistant Secretary/Treasurer

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