lifevantage presentation

Post on 07-Aug-2015






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  1. 1. The LifeVantage Opportunity
  2. 2. COMPANY
  3. 3. TRENDS
  4. 4. BABY BOOMERS 77% control Americas total net worth Own nearly $46 trillion of the nations wealth source: US News & World Report, June 2014
  5. 5. Grow Companies at a rate one- and a- half times the national average 92% of female entrepreneurs agree the stage is set for more women to launch their own businesses Source: Forbes , June 2012 & March 2014 WOMEN
  6. 6. Millennials 70% of 18-35 year olds see themselves working independently at some point, rather than being employed Source: Deloittle Millennial Survey, January 2014
  7. 7. PRODUCT
  8. 8. Retinol Facial Cream for 7 Days 6 to 7 layers with damaged and bloated cells & pyknotic nucleus (condensed chromatin) Nrf2 Facial Cream for 7 Days 6 to 7 cell layers with good morphology and organization denser dermis
  9. 9. MasterTrackProgram Master Track SYSTEM Proven Plan shows you how to build your business step by step Master Track education system trains you how to be proficient in this business. Those who attend our training events: - Increase their check sizes 4 times more than those who dont - Enroll prospects 19 times more than those who dont - Rank advance3 times more than those who dont The Proven Plan
  10. 10. TIMING There is no better time to get involved with this business opportunity Staying power and growth potential are key factors to join this company now
  11. 11. COMPENSATION Earn a steady and reliable long-term residual income One of the most generous and healthy compensation plans in the industry
  12. 12. How About You?
  13. 13. To Get Started Today: Patricia Brand- Independent Distributor of LifeVantage

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