life velocity academy: think & grow rich class #1 - introduction

Post on 14-Jul-2015






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Presents: Think & Grow Rich Mastermind Table 30

Michael Tucker, Course Facilitator


House Keeping

• Please Sign in

• Bathrooms

• No class the 19th

• Dates for different locations

– 26 June

– 3rd & 10 of July

What is Life Velocity Academy?

• Life Velocity Academy is an education-based social enterprise dedicated to advancing human potential and increasing the economic standing of communities through the science of subconscious mastery, art of personal achievement, and power of collaboration.

Our Mission

• The mission of the Life Velocity Academy to outpace poverty in the Tucson Community by increasing the number of highly conscious, engaged and profitable leaders and citizens.

Our Definite Chief Aim

• Expose 10,000 Tucsonans (and others) to the power of subconscious mastery over the next 2 years.

Advisory Team

Keith Gordley Brent Kempton Audrey De La Rosa

Iviri Turner Maja Servé Steve Ortiz

Class Rules of Engagement

• This is a safe space

• What's said in class stays in class

• This is not just a class it’s a commitment to getting the life you deserve.

• Be early and participate 100%

• Join the Meetup

• Engage with us on Twitter, G+ & YouTube

• Donations are Welcome

Seeking Group Leaders for Table 30

• Lead a group of 7-10 over the next 9 week

• Responsible for Achieving personal results and supporting others

• Will lead group conversations after class

• Will lead 15-20 minute weekly phone call

• Will meet 30 minutes prior to class

• TOTAL Time Commitment = 2.5 hours/Week

Your Picture Goes Here

The Author

• America’s greatest personal achievement & success philosophers

• Freelance writer, survived 3 divorces a near assassination attempt, multiple business failures

• 1908 Encouraged by Andrew Carnegie to organize the world’s first philosophy of personal achievement

• 1928 Publishes Law of Success

• 1933-36 Presidential Advisor to FDR

• 1937 Publishes Think & Grow Rich

13 Areas of Mastery (TAGR)

• Desire • Faith • Auto-Suggestion • Specialized Knowledge • Imagination • Organized Planning• Decision • Persistence • Power of the Master Mind • The Mystery of Sex Transmutation • The Subconscious Mind • The Sixth Sense • How to Outwit the Six Ghosts of Fear

Why Study ?

Because you’ve decide that you need to!

How to Master the Mind

Let’s talk about the Brain & the Endocrine System

• The endocrine systemrefers to the collection of glands of an organism that secrete hormones directly into the circulatory system to be carried toward a distant target organ.

Peptides, Neural Dendrites,and Neural Nets

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