life purpose

Post on 26-Aug-2014



Self Improvement



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Simple guide to discovering your life purpose. Utilizing principles from Dharma, and other ancient wisdom. A number of famous quotes from famous people and a collection of inspirational painting done by myself. .



“The purpose of lives is to be happy” – Dalai Lama

3 Laws - Life Purpose

The 3 Laws of Dharma

Seek Your Higher Self

The first step is the make the decision to seek your higher self.

You come into this world to discover for yourself that your essential nature is spiritual.

The 3 Laws of Dharma

Finding your unique talent or gift

When you’re completely absorbed in expressing your talent, time seems to stand still.

The law says that there’s at least

one thing you can do better than anyone else on the entire planet.

The 3 Laws of Dharma

Unique Talents to Serve Humanity

When your creative expression helps your fellow human beings....

Quote from Vedic Sage

“I am the immeasurable potential of all that was, is, and will be, and my desires are like seeds left in the ground: they wait for the right season and then spontaneously manifest into beautiful flowers and mighty trees, into enchanted gardens and majestic forests.”

Top 10 Life Purpose

Top 10 Life Purpose

Share Your Love

If you truly follow this purpose, all the others will follow naturally!

Love everyone but start with those closest to you.

Top 10 Life Purpose

Give To Others

We are here to serve others, and not live wholly for ourselves.

Make a difference in the world.

Top 10 Life Purpose

Increase In Light

Our spirits and our bodies literally flow with light.

Increase your light bearing capacity by following the truth you know.

Top 10 Life Purpose

Learn Wisdom

Read the best books and learn all you can.

Pursue wisdom not as an end in itself, but to better serve others with your increased knowledge and talents

Top 10 Life Purpose

Accept Yourself

Flow with who you are. Your birth, your parents, and country all have a reason.

Accept your purpose and your inclinations. Feel and flow with your emotions.

Top 10 Life Purpose

Enjoy The Mastery

Wonder at the beauty of life. Don’t try to figure everything intellectually.

Accept the world as a child does.

Top 10 Life Purpose

Create Your Reality

In this sphere, you can choose what you want to do.

Be bold and decide what you really want. Move towards your dreams with vision and power.

Top 10 Life Purpose

Follow The Spirit

Trust the inner voice that leads and prompts you.

As you listen you will gain greater inspiration in all daily activities.

Top 10 Life Purpose

Revel In The Present

Find joy and engagement in every activity.

Recognise your point of power in present action!

Come to know the illusion of time.

Top 10 Life Purpose

Experience Joy

The ultimate purpose of life is happiness.

But happiness comes easiest when we pursued directly.

Write your own eulogy

How would you like to be remembered?

Write your own eulogy

In your own time, think about what you would like to be remembered for.

Consider, the most common regret in life is not doing things that were important. Taking no risks

Work out your 3 highest priorities in life

Top Three Priorities

These will be things that you like doing, you are naturally good at doing and give your life more purpose.

Reduce to one word each if possible

What is the most common highest priority?


Love of yourself, your partner, your family, your children are generally everyone's highest priority.

Only 2 more to go!What is the next most important?What couldn’t you do without

So you will end up with a list like this:

Example: Kendal’s top 3 priorities

1. Love

2. Learn

3. Communicate

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