library newsletter- october - morell high school library

Post on 11-Feb-2022






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Top 10 Horror Stories

Brittany Murphy

Here are the top 10 Horror Novels as voted on

by readers in

Any additions to the list you might add?

10. The Silence of the Lambs (Hannibal Lector)

by Thomas Harris

9. I am Legend and Other Stories

by Richard Matheson

8. The Haunting of Hill House

by Shirley Jackson

7. The Exorcist

by William Peter Blatty

6. Misery

by Stephen King

5. Pet Semetary

by Stephen King

4. Dracula

by Bram Stoker

3. Salem’s Lot

by Stephen King

2. It

by Stephen King

And the #1 voted scariest horror novel of all

time …

1. The Shining

by Stephen King




Happy Halloween, Marlins!

Due to the fact that Halloween is right around the corner, this newsletter is

jam-packed with spooky themes. Be prepared to read about some extremely

haunting stories! Being our second edition of the library newsletter, ever, we

hope you find a story to help your scary spirit! As per usual, the creative

geniuses found in our very own library are who we have to thank. Don’t be

afraid to ask them any questions! Thank you for your support, Marlins! Enjoy!

The Editor

What’s In This Issue?

Top 10 Horror Stories

A Little Bit From Home

Spooky New Reads

Review: The Tell-Tale

Heart by Edgar Allan Poe

Book Club Update

Stud’s World Travels

Jon’s whatver






Stud’s World Adventures: Parisian Cuisine Holly Studzinski

Books are like different types of food. They always seem better on vacation. If you ever are lucky enough to travel to Paris on vacation you must make sure to schedule time among the glorious attractions to try these delicacies. I also believe that these dishes would be even better eaten after an afternoon of reading, dangling your feet over the edge of the Seine River. One of your meals while you are traveling has to be fruit, bread and cheese. French baguettes are picked up every day to be eaten for dinner late in the evening. Stores are always packed around suppertime but the baguettes are served warm and will probably provide you with the cheapest meal you will find in all of Europe. You must be prepared to try a new type of cheese when in Paris. All the names are in French and do not come close to resembling English names. They do however have an exceptional taste and are also found in many cafés melted on bread forming a divine grilled cheese.

Yes, that is escargot in the pictures. People who have a snail-phobia but want to travel to France have to start working on getting over their fears. Escargot was one of the tastiest French dishes I had and one of the quickest I’d want to have again. The small snail dressed in basil and other flavors was like a very vibrant mussel.

How could you go to France and not have fondue? Right, it’s impossible. Cheese fondue was marketed everywhere and surprisingly it was more common than the dessert counterpart, chocolate. The cheese is strong but makes a tasty topping for plain foods like bread, potatoes and meats. Hot chocolate, although simple, was welcomed after a rainy day of sight-seeing. It was also used as a hot drink for non-coffee drinkers at breakfast. Chocolate Mousse could be found in all different types of shops. Royal, a type of chocolate cake was unique to France. It was layers of different types, consistencies, and richness of chocolate. It was also pure heaven in dessert form. I’ve saved the best for last. Crêpes were eaten left, right and center. The most popular kinds we had were chocolate and sugar. They were made right in front of you in little produce stands and they were hard to resist. Crêpes definitely made it to the top of our most frequently consumed list and I one day it can be on yours too. Bon Appétit!

Review: The Tell-Tale Heart Caitlin Atkinson

The Tell-Tale Heart is one of my favourite Edgar Allan Poe stories. Why? In one word, crazy! Poe’s stories

are always a bit odd and morbid but that’s what I like about them. Poe’s stories always have a way of

making you really think.

The Tell-Tale Heart, for those who haven’t read it, is a story involving psychosis and the weird

uncertainty of death. The narrator of the story kills his elderly roommate because he just really doesn’t like

one of his eyes. The eye is depicted to be milky-white and vulture-like, but the appearance of one’s eye is

no reason for killing by any means.

Late at night, the “madman” creeps into the room of an old man, there he discovers the old man

sleeping and the “creepy” eye closed. So, the “madman” retreats, returning every night to wait in the

shadows. One night something changes, even if only slightly, and the “madman” does something about

the anger he has toward the elderly man. His acute sense of hering in the beginning s driven mad by the

beating of the murdered’s heart, which is incidentally, still beating (even if only metaphorically), and s

buried in the floorboards.

Poe’s fascination with the morbid caused him to not to necessarily blur the lines between life and

death but instead fuse the two until it became a grotesque combination of both. This is why any literature

by Poe, not just The Tell-Tale Heart is a great read.

“Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality.”

-Edgar Allan Poe

A Little Bit From Home Alyssa Mackinnon

Patti Larsen is an award-winning middle grade and young adult author with a passion for the paranormal. However she wants people to look at her like this: a storyteller who hears teenager’s voices so loud she has to write them down. She love sports, and she's been in everything from improv theatre film making and writing TV shows, singing in an all-girl band to running her own hair salon.

If you fell in love with JK Rowling, or even if you were drawn in by the suspense and horror wrapped in by Susanne Collins, Patti Larsen will satisfy all your needs for horror, suspense and keeping you on the edge of your seat.

The Diamond City Trilogy fits just that ticket. The first book, Fresco tells the story of seventeen-year-old Fresco Conte, who is an ordinary All-American kid from an upper middle-class family. He plays football. His girlfriend is a cheerleader. Life is good. Until unexplained things, scary things start to affect him. Like surviving an accident that should have killed him. Or hearing the thoughts of the people around him whether he wants to or not. When the men in the dark blue coveralls come for him, Fresco is forced into addiction to the blue joy known as Wasteland and set free on the street, with no answers and only his hunger to keep him company.

Patti Larsen is very well known, and her books are widely popular. You can find Patti Larsen in any book store, shelf or lover of the paranormals favorites list! Once you read Patti Larsen, you will look at the world in a new perspective, from questioning the people around you to every creek in your floorboards.

If you're looking for a treat and a few tricks this Halloween season, check out Patti Larsen this October! You won't be disappointed!

Spooky New Reads

Mrs. Pendergast

The MRHS Library has received lots of great books for us to share and read this year. Among the many titles

are some that will put a little tingle in your spine, especially as the season of Halloween is upon us. Here are

a few of the spookier recommendations:

Darren Shan aka “Master of Horror” has a few new titles on our shelves:

Place of the Damned Brothers to the Death are books 3 & 4 of the Saga of Larten Crepsley. We also have

received four novels from Shan’s new Zom-B series:

Zom- B

Zom- B Underground

Zom- B City

Zom-B Angels

Shadow and Bone by Leight Bardugo is a “Fast-pacced and unpredictable debut novel for readers who love

dark fantasy.” – School Library Journal, starred review.

We can’t forget about Stephen King, Master of horror. The library has just received a copy of King’s

Joyland an old-school, pulpy paperback ghost story set in North Carolina amusement park. Watch the

shelves for Kings new release Doctor Sleep – the sequel to his most famous novel The Shining.

Finally, for some short story reads check out Trucker Ghost Stories and Urban Legends for some

believe it or not spooky tales!

There are plenty books on the shelves guaranteed to put a chill in your spine. Just ask any library staff

and we will help you out.

The Shining Doctor Jon Anderson

Some of you may have heard of The Shining or maybe you have

seen the movie with Jack Nicolas but in the end most people have

some sort of an idea what this classic horror story is. In The Shining

we are introduced early off to everyone From Jack Torrance (a

recovering alcoholic), his son Danny who is blessed with the curse

of The Shining, and his wife Wendy Torrance. The Shining is the

ability to read other people emotions and in the more special cases

(Danny’s) to read thoughts and memories or know things that are

impossible to know. Jack in attempt to both save his marriage and

recover from his alcoholism takes a job at the beautiful overlook

hotel for an entire winter high in the Rocky Mountains in Colorado.

The problem with this is that in the winter the hotel gets blanketed

in snow so there is no way in or out and the only contact option is a

CB radio. This book is a King classic that even though written in

1977 still gives people the chills today. This book has been

reference in shows like Madman, Goodfellas, Friends, and was even

remade for an episode of the Simpsons Tree house of Horror. Some

of the things in the book and the movie are still used today in

modern culture. Ever seen somebody break down a door with axe?

My only response Here’s Johnny!


It is much harder to give a review of the second book in

the series know as Doctor Sleep without spoiling the first book.

The book follows the continued story of Danny Torrents after all of

the things that happened during the first book. To cope with the

things he has gone through Danny turns to the drink. Eventually

drawing likeness from the author Danny recovers from his

alcoholism to do better with his still present ability of The Shining

he sets out to help other people and ends up at a hospice where

using his ability is able to help people cope with death and slide

more easily into the void. This more recent book by the Bard of

Bangor in few eyes falls short and is praised. I would recommend

giving the first book a read because it is a classic but be warned it

just may keep you on the edge.

Book Club Update Carley Ross

As Halloween draws near, our book club has decided to celebrate with a spooky, paranormal book. The book we

chose is entitled Everafter, by Amy Hurley. In the novel, we follow a young spirit in the afterlife who tries to

reconnect with her previous life. By revisiting memories, the ghost pieces together her life to try to discover how

exactly she ended up in the afterlife. Book club is a great opportunity to explore different books, try new food and

of course make new friends. Our next meeting is Friday November 1st. New members are always welcome, feel

free to join!

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