lga sem 5 reflection

Post on 14-Nov-2015






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Plays and Dramas for Young Learners


If our teaching is dramatic, our students get attracted, interested and affected. If they are affected and moved by what we taught, we will most likely leave an impact on them." (Educational Technology, 2015)I love acting and I love to portray good messages through my acting. And as a teacher, I want my acting is affected by the young learners, and make them remember each of every moment in my acting that would teach them about life or something. As been quoted above from a website called Educational Technology, the statement really conveys what I want to achieve in my dramatization with my group on Hansel, Gretel and Sackle at SK KLIA recently. Dramatization is one of the techniques to be used in teaching and learning process in order to make the lesson interesting. And based on the experiences of performing in SK KLIA before, there are many aspects need to take into account in making a successful drama performance for young learners. The major things need to be prepared for the performance is definitely the story and the script. For my group, the selection of the original Hansel and Gretel text is from the book we borrowed from the library. Then, we adapted the story and created the script that suit with the young learners. The story is interesting because we added Sackle as another sister of Hansel and Gretel. So, the story is just about Hansel, Gretel and Sackle who lived with their father with their mother died and went into the jungle which eventually met with the old witch. The language used is simple and there are many songs in order to attract their attention during performance. Based on the language aspect, as a teacher, the simple language should be used among the pupils because they are still learning. It will make them enjoy the play rather than making them confused and not paying attention just because the complex language have been used. As for me, I learnt that language is a tool of expressing the characters feeling, thought and idea. It makes the pupils know and thus creating a good bond between the characters and the pupils themselves.Furthermore, preparing props, costumes and backdrop are also a prior thing need to be done before performing the play. Using a suitable props, costumes and backdrop will portray the story well. It also gives good impression and makes the play interesting. Thank God, I am so happy and glad with the preparation of the costumes and all because my group members and I have done a very good work in making out of these become true and real. The candies house for instance, I could not believe we would draw and colour it by our own. As for the candies house and all other props, preparing it takes time but it was so perfect and worth it. The costumes also did not bother me much because my group members and I were using our own cloth that shockingly very suit with the characters in the story. As a teacher, maximising the usage of props, costumes and backdrops will make the play become real and interesting for the young learners.On top of that, the audition for the characters has been done before the performance and it was good. All of my group members played the characters that suit with them and their personality. We played our own characters and it turned out to be very good and awesome and the pupils love it. I myself played as both the Father and the Witch. I changed my voice into a man as I played the Father character and changed my voice into a wicked witch for the second character. Each character needs to be played and acted very well and luckily I think I have done that with good. One of the pupils in SK KLIA keep following and staring at me after the performance and I asked her why. Then she said she was frightened when I keep on laughing as a mean witch during the play and she wondered if I am really laughing like the old mean witch in real life. It was funny to remember but I learnt that, playing the character with passion and feeling in the play will touches pupils heart and make them remember in their lifetimes. As a teacher, teaching should be lively and enthusiastic because that is what teachers do and it is their character. Practicing the play is the key to make the play to be success. Although the play would not be hundred percent perfect but the effort of practicing will help. To be honest, my group members and I focused more on preparing the props, costumes, and backdrops. However, I was grateful the play turned to be good and excellent. All this while, we may not have time to practice together but we still have our personal time which even I myself took that time to practice my script alone. This kind of problem like time restrain should not be a huge obstacle in making the play a great success. As a teacher, time should be equally divided and do not waste the time with unimportant things. In a nut shell, the aspects should be done seriously in order to perform a great play. I would like to say a million thanks to Mr John for helping and guiding us during our practices. Mr John has helped us a lot in stage craft, blocking and all. My group will not be a complete succeed without him.

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