l@fw2008 scott kveton

Post on 09-May-2015






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Scott Kveton's Love@ First Website Ignite presentation


Social Networking:How far have we come?

Scott Kveton, Vidoop

Father, husband, geek, gardener, pizza maker, bacon lover

What are people doing with social networking today?




(I’m addicted to Twitter - @kveton)

@saracuda + Twitter

Olympics & Elections as technology benchmarks

2004 – 2008 - 2012

State of the tech 2004

Facebook - 2/2004MySpace - 1/2004

YouTube - didn’t existGoogle - 8/2004 @ $75/share

Twitter - didn’t exist

Olympics 2004:NBC Coverage

“At the time, NBC's online coverage was restrictive by today's standards — mostly highlight clips and no live video, delayed until after the events aired on TV, and required a valid credit card to verify residency in the United States.” - Andy Baio, waxy.org

Elections 2004:

“In prior Presidential elections the Web served as little more than another channel for candidates to broadcast their positions and collect donations.” - Catherine Holahan - BusinessWeek

State of the tech 2008

Olympics 2008:NBC Coverage

“NBCOlympics.com may have streamed 72 million videos and racked up 1.2 billion pageviews, but Yahoo Sports still edged it out with an average of 4.7 million visitors a day versus 4.3 million” - Source: Nieisen Online

Elections 2008:

“Obama wasn't asking supporters to come to his Web site to give money. His campaign was bringing donation tools to sites where Web surfers already hung out: YouTube, Facebook, MySpace, blogs, and wherever else supporters could post Obama's campaign slogan and a bit of code. ” - Catherine Holahan - BusinessWeek

Real-time tracking of the debates

Elections +Mobile +Social Networking =Awesome

Phone Bank 2.0

Olympics: 2012

Elections: 2012

Thanks. Enjoy Today.Fin.


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