lewisham central focus febmar 2010

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  • 8/14/2019 Lewisham Central Focus FebMar 2010


    FocusLewisham Central & Hither Green

    tam@lewishamlibdems.org.uk Feb / March 2010

    Focus is paid for and delivered by Lib Dem volunteers at no cost to local taxpayers











    Lib Dems launch fair tax policy

    Tam Langley, local candidate for Parliament,says the Lib Dem tax plans will help ordinaryfamilies - Labour have helped the wealthiest.

    Liberal Democrat MPs Nick

    Clegg and Vince Cable have

    launched Britains fairest tax


    The Lib Dems plan to reduce

    tax bills for most workers by

    700 per year. No-one will payincome tax on the first 10,000

    they earn, so millions of low

    paid workers and pensioners will

    stop paying taxes altogether.

    The plans will be funded by

    closing tax loopholes for the

    very rich, and introducing a

    mansion tax. Under Labour,

    many of the richest people have

    paid a lower rate of tax than the

    rest of us, by using the capital

    gains tax system.

    The gap between rich and

    poor is now bigger than it was

    under Margaret Thatcher, more

    than twenty years ago.

    Labours unfair taxes dont

    stop at income tax; in Lewisham

    Labour have set the highestcouncil tax in inner London!

    Instead, Lewishams Lib Dems

    will freeze council tax for two


    Tam Langley, Lib Dem

    candidate for Parliament says,

    Our plans would help ordinary

    families and the low paid, while

    Labour have helped the

    wealthiest in society. Its time

    we made taxes fairer.

    INSIDELocal Labour councillor runs up huge

    taxi bill at taxpayers expense

    Hundreds sign our train petition

    Fair rents for pensioners campaign

    Meet Tam Langley - your next MP?

    REMEMBEROur next MP will be eitherLIB DEM or LABOUR - the

    others cant win here!







    LibDemsFairerTaxes LaboursTaxShame






    LewishamLabourhaveset thehighest






    Focus talks to rising star Tam Langley and finds outwhy she is running to be the local Liberal Democrat MP.

    It's easy to be cynical aboutpolitics, says the thirty four yearold Liberal Democrat candidate for

    Lewisham Deptford, Tam Langley.But actually, we can't affordcynicism any longer. We have tospeak up for a real change.

    And Tam Langley is the kind ofwoman who gets things done. She'sa tough minded campaigner withthe interests of local people atheart.

    Tam's already been a success in thebusiness world. As a Director incharge of many major campaigns,

    she has worked on new ways to cutcrime, and raised hundreds ofthousands of pounds for research

    to save honey bees.

    Campaigning matters to all of us,every day, she says. It's aboutwhat to do when you feel scaredwalking on your own down a darkstreet because there are too fewlights and you haven't seen a policeofficer in weeks. It's about trying toget a decent school place for yourchild. That's my kind of politics.

    Tam has recently been tipped a'rising star' by Company magazine.

    But she's keeping her feet on theground. Having a baby daughterlast year made me even more

    passionate about changing ourcountry for the better, Tam says,Whether it's fighting against cutsto trains services or protecting ourNational Health Service, it's greatto see the possibility of a fresh startfor Lewisham after 38 years ofLabour.

    Local residents have expressed

    astonishment that the Council are to

    spend 200,000 on "temporary

    landscaping" to replace a row of

    Victorian shops in Lewisham town


    After the Labour Mayor failed to

    regenerate Lewisham town centre,

    these shops, opposite the police

    station, were left to rot.

    Local Lib Dem campaigner Max

    Cal says, Labour promises of 200

    million of private investment to

    redevelop Lewisham town centre has

    been replaced by a 200,000 bill for

    the tax payer to get rid of what

    remains of a fine row of shops.

    Maybe the Council are trying to

    convince people that the town centre

    redevelopment has finally started,

    even though it may never happen,

    added Max.

    Council to spend 200,000on temporary landscaping

    New Countdown

    bus displaysTransport for Londonare consulting councils

    over where the new

    generation of

    countdown bus stop

    displays will be.

    However, a map of

    proposed locations for

    our borough show none are planned

    for Hither Green Lane. Local Lib Dem

    campaigners, Max Cal and James

    Jennings, will be making

    representations on behalf of local

    re si de nt s. S ee th e n ex t f or

    details of how you can have your say.

  • 8/14/2019 Lewisham Central Focus FebMar 2010



    By Chris MainesLiberal Democrat candidatefor Mayor of Lewisham

    Where thebuck stops

    Lewisham Council is different from most

    other councils - Lewisham has a directly

    elected mayor. Unlike other areas where

    the mayor is just symbolic, Lewisham's

    mayor has control over everything the

    council does. The buck stops with the


    In Lewisham, it's Labour's mayor who's

    responsible for the local housing chaos.

    20,000 people are on the waiting list and

    70% of council homes fail to meet the

    government's .

    Labour's mayor has given Lewisham the

    highest council tax in inner London.

    The council has a key role working with

    the police to make our area safer.However, under Lewisham's mayor

    violent crime has risen, particularly

    among young people.

    Lewisham's appalling recycling rate and a

    25% increase in landfill is due to the way

    the council runs its recycling - and

    Labour's mayor has done nothing to sort

    this out.

    A Liberal Democrat mayor would open

    up the council and share decision making

    with local residents. There would be a

    programme to build new council homes -

    the first for a decade.

    A Lib Dem mayor would freeze council

    tax for at least the next two years. Local

    police teams would be strengthened to

    ensure they work more closely with

    young people.

    Doubling recycling and reducing landfill

    would be priority for a Lib Dem Mayor of


    At the last mayoral election for

    Lewisham, the Liberal Democrats came a

    close second. This May the choice is

    clear - between the Liberal Democrats,

    wanting real change in Lewisham, or

    complacent Labour, who no longer care.

    Your localLib Dem team

    Max Cal8690 4242


    Cllr. Dave Edgerton8691 3052


    James Jennings07957 421919


    Cllr. Andrew Milton8698 5119



    REMEMBEROur next MP will be

    either LABOUR orLIB DEM - the

    Tories cant win here!

    Local Labour councillor

    runs up 1,300 taxi bill

    Lib Dem MayoralCandidate, Chris Maines(left) says the Lib Demswill continue to speakup for local rail users

    Fair rents for pensionersLocal Liberal Democrat councillor, David Edgerton,has been fighting for local pensioners who are

    being charged unreasonably high rents for theirhousing.

    Pensioners living in sheltered housing locally facerents of between 90 and 150 a week, but receivea basic pension of only 95 a week. Often a weeklyservice charge is added. The average charge forsimilar housing owned by councils is 60 a week.

    David, who has set up a petition athttp://campaigns.libdems.org.uk/FairRentsForPensioners,says, "Pensioners have worked hard all their livesand have saved towards a pension. This is nowbeing swallowed up by the high rents. I urge peopleto sign my petition for fair rents for pensioners."

    Councillor Dave Edgerton has launched acampaign calling for fair rents for

    pensioners in sheltered accommodation

    Lib Dem pledge for schools

    Lib Dem leader, Nick Clegg, says onlyproper funding for education will give allour children the fair start they deserve

    A Lewisham Labourcouncillor has spent1,300 on taxis in justone year - enough to geta black taxi toEdinburgh. This taxi billwas charged to council

    taxpayers.Labour councillors thenfailed to publish theseexpenses on the councilwebsite, despite thecouncil agreeing to publishall councillors expenses.

    After a petition by a localLib Dem campaigner, MaxCal, the expenses havenow been published on thecouncil website, and can befound athttp://bit.ly/56n6R1

    Labour councillors haveclaimed 3,400 for taxis inthe last year - compared tono claims at all byLewisham's 17 LiberalDemocrat councillors.

    Liberal Democrats do not

    claim for taxis for localduties because councillorsalready get an allowancefrom the council.

    This news comes asLewisham Councilconfirmed that in 2010/11it will keep the extra 2.5%put on council tax in2009/10, on top ofincreases in previous years.

    Train misery

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