letter from london rail

Post on 30-May-2018






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  • 8/14/2019 Letter from London Rail


    Transpo for LondonOur lRef: JD/644/bgYour Ref:

    liln A. rownanaglng Dfrector, London RailMs Tamom LangleyPPC Lewisham DeptfmcJl Transpo for Londoncio 8 Woodham Road 1 Bu er PlaceLondon SW HOPLondonSE62SD Phone oza 7126 168

    ax 010 7126 1749"NWW. .goll.tJ

    5 h October 2009

    Dear Tamoras.urrey Canal Road StationThank you for you r ,letter and for takingi the t,ime to come in 10 see myselfand Julie Dlxon recently.You have requested some further information, which I am happy to provide.We discussed the stakeholder engagementfo the TfLlL.lW Study into theSouth London [line and I can confirm that we wi I be extend'ng the 'nv,itatianto our meeting la,ter this month to Rai Users groups and other interestedgroups, i n c ~ u d i n g Kings College Hospital. We hav,e not set a date for themeetin9', but will ensure that you are also invited to the session,Regard ing the station improvements project tnat Tfl w"11 be undJerta ing nowthat we have taken over the Southern Stations. TfL wlil be undertaking sitesurveys over the coming weeks and work wiLII sta"rt soon after., I do not havedates for each station at the moment, but work willl be completed by the endof 20 O. For the OfT Access for all programme, the Lewisham stations amin the following Iranches; I1 have pmv'ded you with th e DfT date facompl'etion fo r each tranche:

    Stat10n Access for AllForest Hiill Tranche 2 by 2011New Cross i Tranche 2 by 2011New Cross Gate Tranche 2 :by 2011Bmckley Tranche 3 by 201 SHonor Oak Park Tranche 3 by 2015Sydenham NA


  • 8/14/2019 Letter from London Rail



    2 of 3The Tfl London Overground improvements will include

  • 8/14/2019 Letter from London Rail


    30f3,Regarding the withdrawal ,of t e East ondon Line bus replacement service,I would like to reassure you that TfL does not take these decisions lightly,however as we have seen a 40% decrease in passenger numbers.continuing the service simply did not offer good value for money. Weundertook passenger counts and this showed that for the ELC service. on,average there were 10 passengers per bus in the week, 8 on Saturdays and7 on Sundays. The morning peak average is 1,8 per bus and the eveningpeak average is 17 per bus. With respect to journey times I can offer thefollowing comparison. Travelling from New Cross Gate station to SurreyQuays using the bus replacement service currently takes approximately 15minutes. Taking the standard bus service from New Cross to Surrey Quaystakes 13 minutes, p us approximately 5 minutes to walk from New CrossGate to New Gross station.Finally I understand that you wanted a contact for Southern Services and 'Iwould suggest that you direct your queries to Yvonne Leslie StakeholderManager on 020 ,89298674 or email: Yvonne.leslie@sQuthemrailway.com.

    ope that this addresses all of your quest ons, howe,ver please don'thesitate la get in touch if you need any further information.Yours sincerely,d- f"-t'

    lan A ~ B r o w n

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