lette - cia.gov

Post on 27-Jun-2022






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t a IONS*.1 U.. i

itamb* !"' Wee NSA

&Iv lEtte awa.

4paratiotoV• atithOisoVarimirsi..•-tu.

OrtoWelso hvbsposo ups,* 17 ;totems, ta MP* IIPOS*-111

t DISmint$, IA Smoot WM

r11 .1.441. 11.1118.11aletnit

stowatioraars* aroma ora ovie grAst Mo miasma avais. eltattaa,w1.1 V* reispreed poperotety.



roe SekrearoP6 6. '• 10e Weave,* Pis.

*4 IP. Puellireff6,Pentrolli N.

Pf1.flliree6 se.

i; as SWIM kit ta asw% WNW emp • _diatom piposot tot--strtgletb 110011,14

) Miltaiting eavagotoi Olo palate avata44 ta paraerapie*al or.

4. rlow. *141Atet ow, hold 'MA 316jooi fortat lata reparlitac reetado- 0 S•P f4117 14%11 loo asleareeLsd,p or Wools WM. tisi Moo 411$4,7

14,mi tali r rtirwood144. low Pact ow* We moo at nes.oadiag rovtirodd cA'..8..mrsoroi, mod OrrIOW : 660 *SOO or

t i4,146,14 el M I. Oa AO itee• pelotas al Moto. sotto).• • • ;Also *loor Lift aiwee %I AA Wk.

• f

MA.14404,34 ahro" AMIS Iraliar001 3shj tot I ar.A"VsTo/76711777 1,:s.riske toot I. 41:411'1 be Olio to dos Poo• Itet

. ,. "o boom, rt •** v'; 01.1 U v IV/ with 1* 41106114, •Itaattog err 412,4 e.,'4 irt v, to 17 rearaary apots4 haa i.

• , tol% .:04% to tito Po40-4 qoptsalWiti 440040V01. 000400 w*I- (0)1.3.111 ?a h t*qttA M0144011.0t i, ong 4 Viiv as 13 /woo tO k

• IA* w4Ottai taosest, "*Pa c:1;0%4:44 tmpeietel met. Xt pittOwkent‘W 1-4i. It 11t4 h4. In 1460WVO*4 I000 i.)




SECRET, Pegs 1

Oessavati Floss* sots also iatedvach 11 et fasts4 report *44. 3 nicksLotortgrdeupaot was plowed by the added soaarity of the toestiag intwl :Aro apartment, bat abjesteCte having been ha4m4fti to the amattag in• :f:'-liottknaspd car. C. 21 ansaverad this eriticisa liubj■WctiAt. es taraa Noy Parra! Uaai /tight be aetterned, both ha and 5110 itwrro i.rl ossi, This *rawer .f mot a Was rafloatian I s a Sena*• opera ti e reurity , utriao he hod already roported to Slaw verballyart.,- a proviena mooting that PAjaat V111 Paso be anah aa lapartant mask

in Bavaria Llat it wi_11 rot be pea to nest bin pablislr aapahire in Huninh.rt rrflacte ratter on hie ability to think so his fest, and co Me lam-

14* of ova:labia atitsrmativia. Ms appeared hataat1y surprisod oboe lialortold tilt that he nisbt les • tAati tat each purpose*.



b:, aa o

ab•._...,1_,V4 ,...%rirnsiati ififtrintirrar.l eiaDatta.• Waste Witt I Whel SID i

.1rudisly, ar U. • *odor page toaz searitin atS cm/ for soma anspecified parsons who Wier* to aontaat hies latex.I V or, rtvi r7 19 ,74 . Li; tal oat ha,:t ot t began casslo• (L4 a °naiad ". raj: ortparagraph O. 7,dment is resoguiticn dovice is bellowed to he in ea

y the ?",, ive do met-Tr;ro .*Zether U I. custemay for ralaullIed prism:care to Cm'la treato eat, .-,• also Foragrapii Pa bales.) Wile riding es a train to

..un ‘4, , enatot eats asTroole, baktost met so. Josef USItaLIO, tanmpri; at Karl TryVAry (lawa reseire-t of 1.keet -cream, icur Ts haZ known oreiricroaly C4auati au.

eikta, :.a.naOLVT helped Sab:,-I ectaklish contact witbc= (,-er cartcctcrort 4 . 1, paravati:-h ) Thr tatp). he geed offices se,a-

Febranr, 1,0), vs *era able tu wrong* DA Litanies with halajeot 3 .

The *brae is literally Ell we knee to data Os this matter,e htTT.,taat doe oanaridartitg that %Oen le a L haat.! , 4scat Liked to tU .. in the raps oa, After this infatiaatt fm has been1-o‹.o...,e, vs rs;.‘11 persAA111,7 ovary Subject at certain airpeata of It

, tonlo 5V% . 1 !ftbleat had little to add to tme Leforviatia.-i',:•:141Cr.7"no impartant part a. the inesage 'is all Wly

." a'. :1r". Old ..531c .Vat *t, If ha sa v•tJ1iece• saga to the top'1. •- rrArt, t wo.ild orvotc41.11 rraet .x*, riot

I • p, td, , O. :.rd ":,sissavitAAll an au Unocal castor

rxt• t t>lect otos* fres (3T4 001 tAlair refirwta so. 1,. ?, oarttlycipta )

exemott, tiry a swIt..191,6 miasmal- like •PM eteald have Amnon • f armorITA• 5aO, • ct to carry solackg• sae a gooetiat to *tab seas tiara vats

"1" 01-90 t.".4 is eft inti 9.). rains*. rh. anover, it appears to be satt:nc tury , I. Sava trS sad fat%) erb, bath highly•edeao.ted persow vi tL; poi t

t•- 't oots, att.r:-•:./J T-avitstad tatert*Tior Lu cap Vuiseo It is also pla'.r,:KA Nee ky so toustsd !Object irltit. am Wise haploid tbe oali•or! e a

xra sag*, the star:NA e wat is at* beim to him.

r • w-.7*/ -011 pro va rod tda sal f r orlii tirot ace vtittg .rt th •): • t•• t nacos or rctiaPlcal ;irt rtz .... , tavart ad leaegli uaas tn. I) 0two°, • t , %a qua hi* .41 about teat, VW ..t nowt** No* the Not ' I

• SAP ■Inobirt Lea.. co re 0- ast bietoll4144 * lb If pahroaser, ...ccart;•ct t !iUrra' y rouspiratorial ...Writ, is Oatep laps, far the ;wpm* d eft• -t r ',tory mewl oval/ WA tip $1aseinot14.1. eagOala Ilia obi* ae .sgsr-7.a.



oat en =WO 14141001 ellititedso tivW

ailkeeseeeelie et *stain pantedporosimalitosi la lite *A Abele OW riall ad set si OO Otatittiarinalto Oosebbalorabia, Ma hai it oertoitt sT it vidaystenall sommatInside ON, Noof hat was peottiv, that MIN is it attest* eselLems owllord-hodlead tetiteideal ebe mead wee **Me in Wino 404attlstarelditeele.On 0 Febraary aloe anked tobjeot lbetbar be barn *etnova= (sea V31. opeimb bi). Scalttbst fteelted Us* be dig ekeiscabbed the stew bad .D eat IIONSIX bed lwledt4 get gam itaisege. 14a rlitanase end tba4 a Wks. bid1.eirai Is ObeSebjeoh, beelevert fie a* .erebsteer Mee eadb‘ewel betiores.Um got Was rot!~ wee Mutat. Om Imeitee• repent se, pesespipb Uses. Its pererreii las all ma. 3* tinIPPIPO

ieo tooritinoit to Stelertiben the *as c: _1

It ergab

ketbrow * ossiais eashat at sabitaion as Ibkileeill it a possible Flanraent th Carp Telma. Mealenr., Subjecti ve. tobawiers abet. •ortienad about the

:rT SRI low los mow C. 3 toisisitiv4y oar. C e beliethat 9abjee4 fteddestatir Water* MOM ta Lb* ttto

9. Iii 5i1tnitt lesbjeat daasifass the abjeatof a reara ..1-11HelltiallrlOTIG-111titte Oar, Le balm oar Is boreoutilme) Were Sellect e l essests its greoloit jsat eau taken teem the lobarmap by too mmo in sten/ft &lathes dad Okron to a villa abate be VIP interviewed

it sopereniit bigh-reiciag Ott Wiser, Tbe latter offered bia an saneatt laexebango toe Ma wrissa se it bylaw spat la Oessaat, M00% anAgedlyrejooted the attar, sating that be vaild be as realise the Job beefless *be blusheschaserer be %Lie • 110, la onebaags ter his troates, boom. be OFterad trsolagel *puma& tqr sair bereft Omeientsbe Obe eigbl 1aI lited Abamembrose in tremblewith tø tan. ehbjeat allogodit Oars meld beams istell omega infuture Um kir tato-rooter prebee3r eilLtered. a hesimese dld sib *War aahave eaueed.ble sir arembis. s her. detelled report as this SWANN io La

I1 eadltiam, Pobjeet it et the tailmeibg INFOOMB ebs %awe boas offered-eollabaretlas by the SW

4* fts_74 g e ems at tbe ergaaisoro e! WM emerwrietin 1,111 466 tile' Web*. trotter,. IA 199ge bellows Um**

tatsbetraWbooder deo Armpit tsar itudataaland. Is rof sr 203. =Wienreported Ss Subject it the SO bed triad to remelt bid a SW les."4"1He had el1egot4 reperted this beds as base% Ida lot% bat baa uteepeadother %sista teaks sires Ida er the $484 ibabladl40141044VV11 em the 1Nmi Id Masi meet seeempeAble S. Comesist emwersia, mad )41414# abet be /:fill roes beeves as txpertain pitishel flora la IN444re 011100". 404 4/414 /adJed that X eliISIA is ow wefts' top 00,011Claboo t011AWbee dreg.tnesomed at t4e SU eager. (bee 00164,4 intwort Sao 56144P107°94

•Osnmont. rousam sap erased V PCS in P1111.0111 4ød? February

1954. I. ea treea rattails sbeau

eat in ereld4h0 'Mad 9 P PSaima

MUw, 19544

Lc wowed tress is we also bee'sO Meta' ER inE- lrAppek so. 15 I dated JO Jakoasit Mt* bosergia4 be *Job beentered «uteri: %raw an 1$ b000rtber 1,15. la use ke ye I May Mbis terlyvyvary ferrerkr resided at Enameerll, ri, Mbar's*, sot acelino at ataten:ufetremse fb, btrabblete



I -) I -) f-) f-) I-) I-) f-) I -) 1 _


b• Lea * tor** doting win atm bSagest,

awl se iia as hiam (54m1 asstsat sqr aft to mowgraph U.)

' ee 110 torther details owe Aran yr Oohs--vimnir" -a-110114* ft 14a4 OW. eanteet Pmfaeh I.. to

piraino 3.3.)

4. ilhusers IMO*, **Us taro Otis br 1414•4,,

($0ee Ceim perfipie 114•

. repan4 ma. 1520 abed SO ,timaire- USietartidas 304=1111111. bans 11 Aagast VMS la Nati WS* entereddusters ammo, an 17 Sommimmr$00. Be ternmaly medidild 44 andliabo.gamma 6, Literal*** sod MNlives et Vabehetstriasse hp, Neredift.

a. ø1 JiU4i bjeet deasribes him es 4 44/abut/l1ma whms theati pr.,ii0.4 tie Taier t job laNasbera Ammar AM,*be e0410. be leetelto them, IhNeet Sees nut know akather 1UMA ittod his aseporatimaWith the St/ van his serrivai in Germany, (hoe . tmataet desert MOD topartospb 164

NOB has aa idantiltable trawls. wargeadthht beictstaMith Pates‘tossi OLLALAN. hers 6 Zane MO ia Io,ap,ohoectnterod Oormany ma 1, Ptweaber1,955. lie isameruhaattfcreaidast Pima. add Ave livit! at Mohan/oho $3 ahmmit4c.Neap's C7 ;Xelpart ma. 3i dated 20 January

104 jahart 011/aXata Whom edged On nentian-posseas suitably missed and wellmotivated la scia as AlIA0 spottore, **eat wastland Albert OAMOR layrestil

-(eam IGLite31)82) ts whoa we have hoot intorsetad beeaas, of his eammetien withC I aoicerens tie Subject* MOOR atU4b 0.7thttaqr.c J didnot mak Subject kvs be bad learemd shoat OAXACA, (Sas WAWA report am. esparagraph 12,)

U. Letrisg his Met /meting withi: s tabjest omphitaisedthat he ili ralW-t* become a peid agent the het wanted on/y ta *akaI1Ieutvericteate available as a onstribetien to the neat modest ilsenasias„ Dar-t% the second ansiaisg, Selieue retrested sesestat tram this rAmItisa t NIA moveaertkta indinatiass tlat he niat swept recruitment, c: lug Was Nike P*411.*tins throsighout hia aantaot with OOP's, %hat be hbasolt awe/vents as implants.organisation* sad that while Ware ave.'s/Jain astsimms WA WI sight id* 0.b-'c to •rfers for ht., he rasogoisea that ilabjeet ts smetexli pvtantialitiss't Lb. riog, ,,en canoe lie in the field at prnysbataelimi tottopov This tootle boul.,rvei1 to keep JuOmot Interested, end ct thi NIN• tlee peOlt :Itsit) •1{.11 J eet g tit), uposs4 &GOT. tatel3.ts** 1161111matille 10.•3401111"1.sds referred to is Ware* f Owe, was a 01400 to this Sieeebttel

"4ujeot 4t net appdar mese be giviss Wsis kind Mt Latemastios,o,! pluesco cen hsrdlg ha said tie bete benn aspersl. Am a Omen, AiPot-,

l ant :)14.1 4Pat a wee rem/raw end salted him to reseed rearm 06 the tLliewtiig;.411100, (a) 01. arall sitaattaa in the Odes (S) 4% 414040.t hIS OMpahtemeawith the A.41 (0) &wont:Vs plass for Oa Mori, sad tig

Onattemet adaromixo





tkiniod is the 084. (tee sett NW, mos 341 PAMPLOO 6) •

' cU5s5ws4 &Meet asa est faLl to see that timo oemetiefts *oat hisMere plena 04A relate mar to potable lateillstmee ealeasmiSWealith

rrae the map is whlab be asemerare this smolt* we Obemle be ableto fore a reliable imamate et his aettwatleas Le ter Okpetel le bevieslrat Subject the tope reearder. shwa UAW siresd to ibis Ists 469 osoempaaw for this wpm, it bad beet blo madis kotleultai 46,4 tbs eleeratftme to be Stem te the sas spertmen, aid be me wiportiMi 401Ammitimb-

slwowAr thet )C.' _1 hal stemb e peas*, to Woo ISHbistseam* se distisissiag a mei*, Va eta Oaf bee %bit $10,11.10001 11014be retained be me,


U. The paesibilipp that Su** be. aa 9111 steel* sea met be dtamissed1.4ht.4. There *an be prousead to be a flap apsimbilag fir $ts aoaete eases Umrrtaratua. Beth Widest 3G /C are r.44rmeee5 both mum selh.tme,

ueth had week the ease eatery Se toll. WO de wet Utak it tuogr, hingetothbt, both are '3t5 spate, their 'tartest toad to %Moves web ether la 'lasesc , urs tbqr Wat if she use sea are alm,a. osd fail to de es is Awes Whom theymIgiat if the, are heth afeets. This does sit =elude ths possibilitr that Soh.. 1 .11ct is or 4%4 &swat sod t: -1/i= =3, Le aloes, raaaratfaxt be semeeate em thispain road be ogovertatol,

aosidare Sealeet the seat totelltaliat ego be bee erer-letv ladhvz, no oodldonee is his us to bindle the saes, de the otreesth et

:pa •etinato se the sum, if he iA OA Ste agent he is a &aprons ma* Mat t5 has deka POMO TOOCAten omens sea 0 his aellber is Oddest free him ems

(wee paragraph d eases),

IA. In Ablest we her* s man of amewptissel abilities who is est soot/liftneoperate with the iTS., do has ask intieete knowledge of doseh pabllo affairs

0 1A5, agy4 a eoweohat lees Lealinete know/ode ef the ease miaow 1916.n , -OA r,f expected to have, or to *squire sem. a ease realise!** With affairs

1dg:11.1i:ea %Aston °emote Azalea, sad petite,e sevettmOft with lasobeSereas,,,omiroial re/attar in Bemis teesea48 to 41 16 waw ttebato he 14 tati*C.111,4datUut au evert LA the marxias

15. 5k4iI.4 suMewer to hi weft% in a wetter. It he is 441, he SkilledLa id debate as he slain, to be5 -hi eight owsmilwar be 1100011 is ssesssissiaporettonse More likely is the V that he ems be dirreldped OtAti a soiree .r.in ;en gin patties.

16. '4 latest to ratios tipetol fres the dose as ease 48 feasible ami eatati-L4t. s staff officer, probahOgr VAllgere vise will purees both MIL ame

■ Active*.

s*SECRET' 112)14101APasP 6

17, por U., owe lamedlett Mee% we are vemiedeg *Ober i% Maid belowth elAto te peed him te atassaisi beth far tbe poem el ellir dis*-.,e1 Alting SSD est polities ietditimeei matte as revirrecrivetesee

7s , the) AI3 in tble fLeadl. Preihrer00 sameente void be appreeiated.

13. f= Jtos net demo eeveitateadteg job et %seines Ibis SSW OWeeersonts to pestairepten Sc 6, esd 11 sbseles) TS satessetkiNtO *NM be statedtbrIc... _Ts origtaal iestruellees were *sir ble ieita debiata dUNK War: end

wet* sr Sweject o t lito Miner" ae meld te ter Iddsitftestialspove!„ Siam det$ost had already endereewa apri,e igtoreagt debrietiag both

L :Seed the Censulate OemeratiC_ ,;1 gate thatw

eerreet14:40,44maorim obtain.PSQ imforealtono in O earbotatien espies el the

be mts4t WfaklAble to ita, NOWertbiggeMp V, else ~pest %be t .c .7irsperewlyeed Wesel: k r tekiag tee attitude Wit the ease Le berme hie peeere.

)1pprored ar/

t tAoiteesteeeA. Mak= tow as pia Ids an3. =1,04201 &met SMJ6, =faC. liaaasep date& 0 ler gio gin

oiatribatieut3- WI my. es a4t

a at&:::icol (w/.1 irr IA ) - 114S gre ato


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