lesson 5 culture clashes

Post on 21-Jan-2017






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Persepolis, lesson 5:Culture clashes

L.O. Understanding Marji’s culture shock and changes as she settles into a new life

Starter• Discuss in pairs:• What would be the biggest problem /

culture shock you might face if you had to move from Kenya to Iran.

• How do your issues compare to what Marjane experiences in her first weeks in Austria?

Comparing frames of reference

• What does this conversation (page 158) tell you about each of the girls’ frames of reference?

• Can you connect it to problems Marjane will have later on in her time in Austria?

Clashing characters and friends• How would you describe

Marjane at this point in her life &

• How would you describe Shirin?

• Is it fair on Shirin that Marjane secretly calls her ‘Shirin the inane’ (p.160)?

• What makes Marjane connect to Lucia (p.174) and to some of her classmates after a while (p.169)?

Fitting in• Two concepts play an important

role in Marji’s attempts to fit into her new surroundings: food & reading.

• Look for examples of her using both food and reading, and describe how successful Marjane is using these ideas to fit in.

• Also, explain how she uses images, speech bubbles, emanata, voice over and facial expressions to clarify what is going on in the panels you picked as you evidence.

Rounding off• How successful is Marjane at fitting into her

new life?• What causes this?

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