legends and stories

Post on 20-Mar-2016






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eTwinning project stories


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Stories & legends


Class 6d

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These are stories written by Polish pupils and illustrated

by their project friends from France and Turkey

Shadow Monster ................................................................................ 4

Mysterious medalion ......................................................................... 6

Bad dream .......................................................................................... 8

Ben Nevis .......................................................................................... 10

Legend of beautiful mermaid ........................................................... 12

The legend of Smok Wawelski .......................................................... 14

Legend of the monster from loch Ness ............................................. 16

Kevin’s friend .................................................................................... 18

The dragon of the Wawel Hill ........................................................... 20

The legend of basilisk ........................................................................ 22

Illustrations ....................................................................................... 25

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A few weeks ago, in a large city known all over the world thanks to the

presence of Big Ben, lived a little red - haired girl with increadible

imagination. She went to school and she ate cereal for breakfast like other

children at her age, she had large parents and lazy dog. Freckles on her

nose looked like freckles on the

noses of other little girls, and

big, blue eyes reflected the

same picture as the eyes of

other people with the wide

open blue eyes. The girl,

however, was not the same as

the "amorphous" peers. She

had the secret, which she kept

very firmly. The secret, which

had no other child or people

with large, blue eyes. The girl

was afraid of the shadow.

She was afraid, because she knew that there were some unfriendly

creatures. Their main creature was continuously hungry. The girl was very

clever-she tried to solve the problem of hunger in many ways. She asked

the dog to lay down politely at the locker at the place where the sun does

not reach, even when she tried to make a tea, it around corners and

causing a rapid cooling dark drink. Unfortunately, the only effect of which

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she managed to reach this excess food products for cleaning and dog fur

in the corners, which you couldn’t see. The creature was still very hungry.

She bought a small, handy flashlight with a green pattern on the end part

of the luminous, which she saw on television. The girl tried to cut short

time of sleeping, which accounted for the creature of the shadows the

best opportunity to consume the girls. The parents were worried about

a strange behavior of the child and tried to find out the cause of her

obsessive avoiding of dark places. The little girl was getting more and

more scared. Her fear escalated in proportion to the hunger of the beast

waiting for her in each unsaturated corner and she knew she could not

tell anyone about it. She loved her parents and wanted them to be safe.

Some extremely dark and windy night, when the moon was new, the

unforeseen changes occured suddenly and violently. The lights around the

girl worked intensively, when suddenly the town was dark. The girl ran up

towards the cupboards, where there was the torch. After two minutes the

electricity was restored and all the lights over the girl’s bed shined

blinding glow. However, the bed was empty and lonely, and there was no

trace of the girl. On the floor there was a torch with a green pattern... .

No one knows what happened to the girl.

By Ania Jabłońska

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There was a young girl Ania, who moved one day with

her parents to a new house. She didn't have any friends so

she spent most of her time snooping around this old house.

One day she went upstairs to the attick. Where she

found an old chest, in which there was a diary. She decided

to read it.There was written a story of a girl from the diary,

she became Ania's best friend.The girl was named Lucy.

Lucy wrote about a mysterious medallion, when you slept

with that medallion, it transfered you into magical world.

Ania thought that her life was very lonely, so she

decided to look for it. To her amazement, that medallion was

hidden in her own room behind the mirror. She put it on and

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went to bed full of hope, that her dream would come true.

When she opened her eyes she saw the most wonderful

thing she could imagine - a magic forest full of fairies and

elves. From that moment, Ania was no longer lonely. Every

night she put on that medallion to move to another world.

She did that until she finally got a real friend.That friend

became a girl who also moved to that town with her family.

Ania did the same as Lucy, she wrote down her story and put

the medallion in that chest.

If another child moved into this house and felt lonely,

it would help them to feel better.

By Karolina Koper

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One night there was a disco. I decided to go to it. It lasted for about

one hour. The fun was wonderful. When I wanted to go home

a strange door caught my attention. I was certain that the door was not

in here before. Slowly, I moved towards the door. It proved to be

opened. Hesitantly I went inside. The room where I found myself was

about 15m wide and 20m long. At this time it seemed huge. Legs were

not waiting for the brain to just moved ahead. On the walls there were

painting and old tapestries of known families. For a long time I stood

looking at them. I really liked them. There was something that made

me looking, I could not tear my eyes. I moved on. I saw something

that made my breath collapsed. I could not take a step. I was delighted

with what I saw. In the end I went on. Suddenly I screamed shrilly.

I collided with a hard lead. I thought it was probably a monster,

beacuse after what I saw already I began to belive in ghosts and other

spooks. Tentatively I raised my head. I saw a big head with stucking

long teeth. I thought I was going to faint, but somehow I remained on

my feet. I took a step back, and I wanted to flee, but the monster had

replaced my way. Dangerous bogeyman leaned on me it looked like

it was trying to kill me with one bite of his huge jaws. My fate was

sealed. Then I woke up. Luckily it was only a bad dream ...

By Marysia Kutrowska

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Long time ago there

lived a little boy - Ben

Nevis. His dad was very

rich so he gave him lots

of presents. All his

friends liked him,

because he had money.

He wanted to be

appreciated not for

what he had but who he was. One day when he looked for his

toys he thought that he had lots of things to climb. He went

for the ticket to climb at the mountain. Ben wanted to climb

at the mountain which was 1344 meters high. It was small

but nobody could climb it.

The man with tickets said that Ben wasn't old enough and he

didn't sell him a ticket. At night Ben started to make a plan

of the climb. When he finished he ran to the stall with

tickets. He started to slink. When he was under

the mountain he took a lamp and started to climb.

He climbed, climbed and climbed. It was cold.

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After few minutes it started to rain. Ben was very cold and

he wanted to go at the top but it was still a lot of road

before him. He started to cry, but he continued climbing.

In the morning all the people could see a very courageous

boy at the top. In the newspaper, TV, in roads there were

photos of him. He became famous. Ben climbed down and his

father was waiting for him. He felt excited. His friend liked

him not for what he had but who he was. Now to remember

this boy the mountain is called Ben Nevis.

By Ola Wichowska

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of beautiful

mermaid... One day, there were two sisters: Sawa and Gloria. They were

half-women, half-fishes. There were beautiful young girls, with blond,

curly hair and big, blue eyes. There was nothing special on that

morning, but they decided to swim along the river and one of them

said to her sister:

- Here’s so nice! I want to stay there! Do you want to join me or

you want to find different place for your new place on earth?

- You know I love you sister… THIS MUCH! But I don’t really like

this place. If you are not disappointed I will visit you some

time... I hope that you will be happy there... Remember that

you are my beloved sister forever! See you soon.

And she swam along next river for about hundred kilometres

and when she saw unknown country she said to herself:

- Wow! I think that here’s awesome! I don’t want to move out

there… I think that I will meet somebody interesting there and

I will find new friends! Let’s see who lives there…

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And when she saw that there’s nobody in this lovely place she

wanted to change that and she sang with a beautiful voice on every

part of the world:

- Heeeey! People, children, girls, boys, come here and see how

excited there is! I promise that you will be glad of living here!

And, on the land, showed a man – he was so fascinated of her

voice and he wanted to know who sang like that. When he saw her,

her hair and her eyes, he said to himself:

- I’m in love with this mermaid… I don’t care about anything!

I really want to stay there and listen to her beautiful voice.

I want to have wonderful life in this place and with this


And he came to river and said everything what he thought

when he saw her. She was moved by these words… And she said

YES when he asked if she would marry him. And this is the

beginning of the story of WARSAW, because the man’s name was


They lived together, forever for hundred years… They built our

beautiful capital city!

By Szymek Brząkała

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The Legend of Smok Wawelski

Some centuries ago there lived in a cave at the foot of Wawel Hill

the most horrible fire-belching dragon, a monster that ravaged the

nearby meadows by devouring grazing cattle. In vain the bravest

knights tried to overcome the dragon. Even before they could draw

their swords the fire from the beast's mouth destroyed them, so that

one after another the best fell.

The king who reigned at the time sent out his heralds to announce

that whosoever could slay the dragon would as a reward marry his

daughter and sit on his throne after his death. Contenders

encouraged by such a handsome offer came in hosts, but they too

were destroyed. The king gave himself up to despair, while the king's

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daughter wrung her hands as she could not expect to ever be

married. The dragon-ravaged country became poorer and poorer.

Then a shoemaker named Krak decided to conquer the beast by

a unique strategy. After stuffing a fat ram with sulphur, he placed the

tasty tidbit at the cave's entrance. The dragon, being greedy as well

as stupid, swallowed the treacherous gift in one mouthful. Its throat

burned so that it ran to the nearby Vistula river, gulping down so

much water that it burst with a great bang, thus setting the town and

the surrounding countryside free from its grip of terror.

The shoemaker married the king's daughter, and after the monarch's

death, ascended to the throne. The town he rescued from the

clutches of Smok, the dragon of Wawel Hill, took its name from him,

and bears it to this day with great honour - the old capital of Poland -


By Dominika Panek

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Long, long time ago there lived three wizards:

Eli – clairvoyant, Tarjei – arsonist and Tengel – necromancer. They lived in small

house in Scotland and fought with million demons from Xansas dimension.

If it were not, everyone in the world would die.

On day appeared the dragon. He was very big and powerful. Wizards

were horrified.

They had a lost, but Tarjei had got a idea:

- We must create a shadow warrior – he said.

- It’s too dangerous! – said Eli.

- We have to try. – said Tengel.

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So, Tengel created a shadow warrior. Tarjei revived him. Now it was turn to Eli.

She used her power, merged all and redirected to the shadow.

The fight lasted a long time. Finally, wizards put the dragon in jail under the

lake. Eli hang all and redirected to their bodies. Then she fell dead. Only Tengel

coul help she. He banished shadow of death from her soul. We did it!

Eli survived.

- Thank you – She said.

- No problem – Said Tengel

- You saved my life

She smiled and fell asleep.

Eli slept for five days. When she woke up, the boys were talking about

something. They wanted to start the school for wizards. Eli agreed

immediately. Together they built it and learned magic in it. They lived for long

time and was very happy!


Now you know the true legend about Loch Ness monster. The monster can not

get free. For now... Ha ha ha ha !

by Ola Rasińska

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Long time ago there lived a small boy. He came from poor family, but he was

very happy. The boy was nice and friendly and he liked helping people. One day

Kevin heard strange sounds. He looked by the window and he saw big and

beautiful car. In this car there was an elegant man. Kevin’s father talked with

him. When they finished conversation his father walked into the house. He

hold a little brown dog. His dad told him that this elegant man gave him the

dog for one month to care. Kevin was so excited. He started to play with the

sweet little dog. At night Kevin sat on the bed. After few minutes he was

asleep. In his dream there was a big monster and a small boy, Mike.

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The monster was called Nessie. Everyone thought that Nessie was a dangerous

beast so they wanted to kill it. But the monster was Mike’s friend. So he

defended it. He was successful. The dream was finished at this.

In the morning Kevin wanted to be a friend of the monster called Nessie. So he

ate breakfast and he went to the lake, but he didn’t see anybody. Suddenly he

saw something under the water. It was a big monster and it wanted to eat

Kevin. The boy was very scared. He tried to run away, but he couldn’t.

The monster opened his jaws and suddenly it fell off under the water. His dog

saved his life. He ran home as fast as he could. Kevin told his dad what

happened near the lake. He kissed him and said that he had to wait for Mr.

Black , because he wanted to take his dog. Kevin started crying. When the big

car stopped next to house Kevin’s father went to welcome Mr. Black and he

asked that the dog would stay for more time. The elegant man agreed. Kevin

was very happy and his dad was happy too.

By Ola Wichowska

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The dragon of the Wawel Hill Many centuries ago, in a cave near the Vistula River lived an enormous

dragon. He was truly frightening and dangerous.

The story took place during the reign of Prince Krak - the legendary

founder of the city of Cracow. At this time, the young girls disappeared

constantly, and nobody in Cracow did not know what happened to them. One

day it turned out that it was already mentioned the terrible dragon. It caught

not only cattle, pigs, sheeps and others animals, but the most delicious,

however, were these young girls. Inhabitants were really intimidated.

The Prince Krak, therefore, declared:

– Whoever kills a dragon, gets half of the my kingdom and my daughter for

a wife.

Many brave knights came to fight the dragon. However, none of them did

not overcome him. Finally, a young, poor shoemaker had a great idea!

He showed his plans for the Prince Krak:

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– I will prepare a sheep skin stuffed with sulfur and I will put under the

dragon's cave. I hope that the hungry monster saw the delicious lamb and he

will not think long - devour it in one breath.

– My dear young man, I think that it is a brilliant idea, but you must be very

careful, because the dragon is really clever.

– Don't worry about me, I will manage with it.

The dragon was so greedy that he ate the sheep in one second.

Immediately afterwards he felt a burning sensation in his stomach. It has

an enormous powerful. Thirsty, the monster ran to the bank of the Vistula River,

and began drinking water from the river. He drank a sip, second, third, but still

could not quench his thirst. He was drinking more and more. Suddenly, he

broke up!

The city was liberated from the terrible dragon. Inhabitants were crying

for hapiness and the Prince Krak said:

– I can not find words to thank you. You are our hero!

– It was pleasure for me to help.

– I give you, of course, the promised reward.

In this way, the shoemaker married Prince's daughter and they lived

happily even after.

By Weronika Kornobis

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A long time ago in Warsaw lived an armourer named Melchior. Quality of his

armors was known throughout the country. It was said that he made the discs

so well polished that you could look at them, and during the battle they

reflected the sun blinding enemies.

His pride and joy were his two children - a boy and a girl. Once to the city some

artists arrived. Children begged his father to let them go to the market and

watch performances by jugglers. Father agreed but he warned them not

to draw near to the old house on Crooked Circle. People were saying that in the

basement haunted, and those who dared to go in never had come back.

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Market performances were great, the kids were like enchanted. After the

presentation, together with a host of jugglers they went to the inn where the

artists were staying. At some point, they realized that one of the acrobats

moved away from the crowd and disappeared inside an old abandoned

building. Children realized that they were on the Crooked Circle, a building the

father warned them not to come in. But curiosity won and the boy with the girl

followed in the footsteps of daredevill.

The basement was dark, but the kids saw a little light at the far wall located.

They saw how the light followed the man, and a moment later they heard him

scream and squawk a strange animal. Before the artist appeared little dragon

with the head of a rooster and a snake's tail. One look into the eyes of

a monster caused the man turned to stone. Feared children hid behind the

crates standing in the basement. There was no escape, because the monster

trotted nervously around the room.

It began to get dark. Melchior was increasingly concerned about the long

absence of their children. He decided to go to the market and look for them.

Along the way, he saw the crowd gathered in front of the apartment building

at Crooked Circle. He was getting more nervous and decided to see where this

crowd. Onlookers were talking about an artist who did not listen to the

warnings of locals and went to the basement in search of treasures. Some in

the audience had seen the children who followed in his footsteps.

Melchior knew in his heart that his beloved little children were seen there last.

He ran to his workshop. He put the best armour and grabbed the most

beautiful and shiny shield because they did not know what dangers, what

horrors were hidden in the cellar. He returned to the wheel and plunged curves

in the basement of an old house.

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When he was at the bottom he saw the flickering light against the wall. Sensed,

however, that there was a hidden danger, so approaching in that direction

obstructed his shield. When he jumped on the armorer basilisk, instead of the

victim he saw a shiny disc, and it reflected. Look terrible basilisk beast worked

immediately turning to stone. The monster was defeated by its own weapons.

Children watched the whole event. Seeing that the beast turned to stone they

jumped out and ran to his father, hugging him with joy. When the family

emerged from the underworld, people gathered at the house cheered loudly

because of Melchior courage. History about defeat of the basilisk quickly

spread throughout Warsaw and is told to this day.

By Magda Żołnierzak

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The illustrations we made for our friends’ stories

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