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Post on 03-Jun-2022






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Microsoft Future Decoded

A practical guide to building a more accessible workplace


@neilmilliken @hminto

The 1bn

Digital transformation must increasingly represent the diverse population it aims to serve

=Disability Disability




Food for thought

If life expectancy continues to grow at the rate of two to three years every decade, as it has done over the last 150 years, then a child born in Japan in 2007 will have a more than 50% chance of living past the age of 107. Under the same assumptions, children born in that year in most of the advanced economies will have similar odds of living past their 100th birthday.1

Most Disabilities Are Acquired As People Age The Numbers Are Huge & Will Continue To Grow

▶ Accessibility helps people with disabilities it also benefits many people who are “situationally disabled” (unable to do something because of other circumstances).

▶ Think of dropped curbs in pavements, designed for wheel chair access they also benefit people with prams and delivery drivers.

▶ Accessibility delivers the digital equivalent. It makes stuff that is impossible for some easier for everyone.


Even if you don’t have a disability accessibility already directly positively impacts your life.

| Neil Milliken | © Atos Accessibility & Digital Inclusion 10

Is technology empowering us or disabling us?

Poor Usability & Accessibility

Changing Ways of Working

Constant learning


Constant & accelerating


More information leads to new


Technology Fragmentation

Multigenerational Workforce

New Interfaces

Employees & Customers

Technology impacts upon

PressureCreates Barriers

Technological barriers can be disabling for


Disability is a mismatch between a person & their environment that creates a barrier to them participating fully.

Inclusive User Experience


IUX applies an inclusive lens to a design thinking

approach & is enabling for everyone.

Icons by Gregor Cresnar licensed under a free for commercial use with attribution license.

Accessibility puts our customers, employees and you in control, sometimes for the 1st time ever.

Journey 2022 Addressing Digital Dilemmas

| Neil Milliken | © Atos UK&I | MS ESO | Accessibility & Digital Inclusion 14

Boundaries of acceptabilityUnderstanding “art of the possible” and “art of the permissible”

▶ The real-world, digital-world tensions cannot be avoided. However, businesses must operate within a boundary of acceptability that is determined by Ideals.

▶ Understanding the Ideals perspectives of all stakeholders in a business process will inform the “Could we? / Should we?” questions in relation to digital technology adoption.

| Neil Milliken | © Atos UK&I | MS ESO | Accessibility & Digital Inclusion

▶ Technology is becoming ever more integral, impactful and intrusive to our way of living. A new Digital Divide is emerging not just related to those unable to engage digitally, but to those who for various reasons choose not to.

▶ The speed and scale of impact that digital technologies have on business and society demand a new level of corporate responsibility that anticipates both long and short term implications of enterprise strategies.


Business models and societyDigital society

| Neil Milliken | © Atos UK&I | MS ESO | Accessibility & Digital Inclusion

Some of the most transformative and disruptive technology trends will relate to how humans interact with the digital world. New challenges will emerge in areas of health, wellbeing and ethics as the level of physical and technological integration increases.

▶ Human Machine Interaction is progressively using a wider range of our senses and connection mechanisms.

▶ Science and entertainment competencies combine to create new control and feedback mechanisms:

• Air gestures

• Haptics

• Dermal implants

• Neural interfaces

▶ Assistive technologies are often leading the way in adopting new forma of HMI.

▶ Individual behaviour patterns and biometrics:

• means of identity verification

• security concern and risk


How we interact is changing

| Neil Milliken | © Atos UK&I | MS ESO | Accessibility & Digital Inclusion 17

Journey 2022




Culture: Embedding In DNA of Microsoft

Real Estate and Facilities partnering with

vendors and employment agencies to

create job opportunities for people with

intellectual developmental disabilities.

Hiring individuals with Autism into

identified open roles across multiple

divisions in company. New methods of

recruiting, onboarding, training

individuals/ teams.

Continuous hiring of People with

Disabilities across Microsoft in all

different roles.


• Internal Microsoft Career site

• Ability Hiring Event 2x per year

“As a culture, we are moving from

a group of people who know it

all to a group of people who want to learn it all.”


Signing ceremony of the International Labour Organisation Global Business & Disability Network Charter Geneva October 2018 with Director General Guy Ryder

“An inaccessible hack is whack” –

Culture: Inclusive Design

| Neil Milliken | © Atos UK&I | MS ESO | Accessibility & Digital Inclusion











Inclusive Design ThinkingMaking User Experience Inclusive

▶ An Inclusive User Experience (IUX) delivers products and services that meet the needs of everyone.

▶ Marries the core principals of Accessibility & Usability.

▶ IUX is efficient and cost effective, driving down operational costs and increasing user satisfaction.

▶ Spending 10% of your development budget on usability should improve your conversion rate by 83%1

▶ IUX helps organizations meet their legal and CSR commitments.

▶ IUX helps win & retain valued customers & employees.

▶ Removing barriers is an innovation trigger solving the problems of impairment brings benefits for all.

1 Source Jacob Nielsen (NNG)

| Neil Milliken | © Atos UK&I | MS ESO | Accessibility & Digital Inclusion

Delivers valuable insights into how we

will all use technology.

Understanding challenges of users with

accessibility needs.

Drives early adoption &

creation of new technology


IUX - A learning engine for your organisation

IUXThinking About Users With

Complex Needs

▶ People with Disabilities are customers & colleagues:

– Up to 20% will directly benefit from improvements to accessibility.

– Many more benefit indirectly.

▶ Accessibility is a legal obligation - legislation in all EU territories and similar legislation across the globe.

▶ Friends & family magnify the spending / voting power.

1 5th Quadrant Analytics2 Gartner

Icons by Gregor Cresnar licensed under a free for commercial use with attribution license.

AI and Accessibility

Multiple AI channels

• Instant Text to Speech

• Face Recognition

• Handwriting Recognition

• Scene description (with pointing)

Seeing AI

Accessible Authoring

Accessibility brings business benefits

Over 75% of surveyed organizations agree that accessibility strategies help them

1. Build a more diverse workforce from a broader talent pool or retain employees who have become disabled

2. Increase productivity and efficiency among their entire workforce

3. Improve their overall customer experience

Accessibility is becoming mandatoryGovernments around the world are recognizing this societal trend and mandating web, app and document accessibility for public sector organizations

In 2016, new EU Procurement Directive became effective, requiring EU public sector entities to include in tenders, accessibility criteria established by the EN 301 549 standard

In 2018, UK Parliament recommended that the public sector and business leaders sign up to their Disability Confident scheme procure and report on the implementation of assistive technology

Mainstream Productivity

Accessibility for one, usability for many

Microsoft Stream

PowerPoint Designer

Learning Tools / Immersive Reader

Dyslexia My Journeys & AdventuresWith Technology

| Neil Milliken | © Atos UK&I | MS ESO | Accessibility & Digital Inclusion 43

Dyslexia Simulation

Whilst this simulation is not entirely accurate.

N.B. I don’t see pages like this.

It does enable people to grasp the difficulty people have absorbing information in written form.

| Neil Milliken | © Atos UK&I | MS ESO | Accessibility & Digital Inclusion

If Life Gives You Melons …Then Maybe You Have Dyslexia

| Neil Milliken | © Atos UK&I | MS ESO | Accessibility & Digital Inclusion

▶ Don’t make Assumptions:

– I have 2 Degrees one of which is English Literature

▶ Keep Language Simple & Clear

▶ Use clear fonts (preferably sans serif at a decent size)

▶ Left Justify


Myth: People With Dyslexia Can’t ReadWe Do Read It Just Takes Longer

| Neil Milliken | © Atos UK&I | MS ESO | Accessibility & Digital Inclusion 46

This Guy Has More Short Term Memory Than Me

Areas where this can affect me:

▶ Note taking

▶ Online meetings

▶ Following directions / instructions

▶ Using software

▶ Remembering the critically important thing I was doing before you pinged me on Skype

▶ If you want to make me nervous ask me to take meeting minutes

| Neil Milliken | © Atos UK&I | MS ESO | Accessibility & Digital Inclusion

Adventures With DyslexiaI Often Find Myself Lost

| Neil Milliken | © Atos UK&I | MS ESO | Accessibility & Digital Inclusion

▶ Even if I use something every day I can struggle with navigation and recall.

▶ Often it’s a case of continuous discovery trial and error.

▶ Make my life easier by making stuff obvious.


Some User Interfaces Confound Me

| Neil Milliken | © Atos UK&I | MS ESO | Accessibility & Digital Inclusion 49

This Guy Has Better Sense Of Time Than Me

Dyslexia affects time keeping:

▶ Poor sense of time & dates –hyper focus means I lose track of time frequently.

▶ I misread meeting times.

▶ I get the day or even week wrong.

▶ It is not uncommon for me to book a meeting in the past or on a weekend.

▶ I am reliant on tasks, calendars and reminders and when they fail I do too.

Dyslexia Solutions today – all built in

Windows Hello

Dictate in Office 365

Read Aloud everywhere

Spellchecker plus

Cortana reminders/My Analytics

Office Lens

Enterprise Support

Run the Accessibility

Checker to find and fix


AaBbCcHeading 1

Use built-in styles and

templates, with fonts and

colors that are easy to see

Make content easy to navigate:

include section headings, slide

titles, sheet names


Give hyperlinks descriptive

and meaningful display


Describe visual objects

such as photos with

alternative text

Avoid using color as the

sole means of representing

important information

Free technical support for Windows and Office

to any customer with a disability or person

asking a question related to accessibility.

Languages: English, Spanish, French, and

American Sign Language (US Only)

Training for support representatives: Core

Product training + 3rd party Assistive Technical

Training + Disability Etiquette

Enterprise Disability Answer Desk also available!

Session Feedback

Please rate this session in the Future Decoded app!

Microsoft UK AI Research Report

Download the AI Report at

Azure Marketplace Consulting Services

Find Microsoft partners to help at

Enhance your Digital Skills

Find great guidance and resources at

Things to do next

2016 2017 2018 (Jan-Sept) Q4‘18 or later





Content Accessibility

Eye Control

Learning ToolsLine Focus


Color filters

New accessible navigation experience in OneNote

Automatic, real-time subtitles

Automatic, searchable video transcripts

Automatic Alt-Text for images

adding closed captions in PowerPoint Sway


Picture dictionary Adverb highlighting and additional color choices for page themes

Immersive Reader

for ePub and Reading view in Edge


New Ease of Access Settings in Windows 10


Large text support

Automatic captions for recorded meetingseditable with Microsoft Stream

Recommended Actions Menu

Simplified Ribbon

Automatic captions for Live Events

Automatic transcription for audio and video in OneDrive/SharePoint

Prefer accessible content MailTip

Tell Me


Learning Tools

Editor context menu

Word Excel PowerPointOutlook Sway SharePointmore Office 365 apps

Frame guide in Office Lens iOS

playing back closed captions in PowerPoint

Accessible Templates

Save as tagged PDF

Prefer accessible content MailTip

Thank You

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