legal medicine new

Post on 15-Feb-2018






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  • 7/23/2019 Legal Medicine New





  • 7/23/2019 Legal Medicine New


    Death or Physica I!"#ry ByLi$ht!i!$

    Li$ht!i!$ % A! eectrica char$e i! the at&os'here (hose

    'ace o) occ#rre!ce a!* i!te!sity are#!'re*icta+e,

    % Eectric c#rre!t o) a+o#t -./// &iio! 0ots or 1.///a&'eres (hich is ca'a+e o) 'ro*#ci!$ i!"#ry to h#&a!

    +o*y or e0e! DEATH,

  • 7/23/2019 Legal Medicine New


    Ee&e!ts o) Li$ht!i!$ that Pro*#ceI!"#ry

    -, Direct e2ect )ro& the eectrica char$e %In a direct hit, theelectrical chargestrikes the victim first. If the victim's skin resistanceis high

    enough, much of the current will flasharound the skin or clothing to the

    ground, resulting in a surprisingly benign outcome, if not, the outcome will be

    fatal.Few individuals experience the full energy of a lightning strike because only

    about 3-! of in"uries are from a direct strike.
  • 7/23/2019 Legal Medicine New


    Ee&e!ts o) Li$ht!i!$ thatPro*#ce I!"#ry

    1, Surface ash burns from thedischarge

    3, 4echa!ica E2ect

    # side flash $also called a side splash% occurs when lightning strikes a taller

    ob"ect near the victim and a portion of the current "umps from taller ob"ect to the

    victim. In essence, the person acts as a &short circuit for some of energy in the

    lightning discharge. (ide flashes generally occur when the victim is within a footor two of the ob"ect that is struck. )ost often, side flash victims have taken

    shelter under a tree to avoid rain or hail.

    *eside the acoustical effects of the lightning there are noticeable mechanical

    effects. It is noticed that strike can damage a part of some building $roof,

    chimney+%, destroy a tree or some wooden post but that is not all. It is noticed that

    some metal parts that conducted the lightning current were damaged and

    misshapen. It means that when we talk about the current of lightning we must pay

    attention to its mechanical effects that can be very important in certain


  • 7/23/2019 Legal Medicine New


    Mechanical Effect Of Lightning. It has been proved that a flash of lightningmust

    have struck a church - (t eorge's, eicester - with a force eual to more than

    twelve thousand horse power. # single horse power is eual to raising thirty-two

    thousand pounds one foot high in one minute. /he force of the lightning, therefore,

    was eual to three hundred and eighty-four million pounds raised one foot high in

    one minute.

    0. 1ompression effect
  • 7/23/2019 Legal Medicine New


    Poi!ts to Be Co!si*ere* i!4a5i!$ a Dia$!osis o) Death

    )ro& Li$ht!i!$-,History o) a th#!*erstor& that too5

    'ace i! the ocaity,

    1,E0i*e!ces o) the e2ect o) i$ht!i!$3,4etaic artices are )#se* a!*

    &a$!eti6e*7,8#sio! o) $ass &aterias o! acco#!t o)

    se0ere heat9,A+se!ce o) (o#!* a!* other i!"#ries

    i!*icati!$ s#ici*a or ho&ici*a *eath

    :,S5i! o)te! sho(s ar+oresce!t &ar5i!$;,B#r!s

  • 7/23/2019 Legal Medicine New


    Classes of Burns-, S#r)ace B#r!s < these ares#'er=cia +#r!s #s#ay see!

    #!*er &etaic o+"ects (or! orcarrie* +y the 0icti&s,

    1, Li!ear B#r!s < )o#!*(here areas o) the s5i!

    o2er ess resista!ce

    3, Ar+oresce!t or=i$ree +#r!s atio! o) the e!tire sc#ar syste&

    $, Hea*ache. *i66i!ess a!* !oise i! the earsh, I! se0ere cases. it &ay ea* to +i!*!ess.*ea)!ess a!* oss o) s'eech

  • 7/23/2019 Legal Medicine New



    1. Artificial respiration

    2. Air passage must bekept free

    3. Lumbar puncture to release the

    tension in the cerebrospinal fluid

    A lumbar puncture (also called a spinal tap)

    is a procedure to collect and look at the fluid

    (cerebrospinal fluid, or CSF) surrounding thebrain and spinal cord.

  • 7/23/2019 Legal Medicine New


    0. 2ectal hypnotic to combat delirium

    . /reatment to combat shock

    :, Treat&e!t to +#i* resista!ce o) the 0icti&

    (hock is a medical emergency in which the organs and tissues of the

    body are not receiving an adeuate flow of blood. /his deprives the organs

    and tissues of oxygen $carried in the blood% and allows the buildup of waste

    products. (hock can result in serious damage or even death.

  • 7/23/2019 Legal Medicine New


    Post%4orte& 8i!*i!$s-, E>ter!a

    % 4ar5e* teari!$ o) the (eari!$ a''are% B#r!s o) *i2ere!t *e$rees o! the s5i! s#r)ace% ?o#!*s o) a&ost a!y *escri'tio!% 4a$!eti6atio! o) &etas i! the (eari!$ a''are% 8#sio! o) &etas a!* $asses

    % Si!$ei!$ o) the hair o) the sca' a!* other 'arts o) the+o*y

    1, I!ter!a% 8ract#re o) +o!es% He&orrha$e *#e to the aceratio! or the r#'t#re o) or$a!s% Petechia he&orrha$es o) the #!$s. 'ericar*i#&. +rai!

    % R#'t#re o) the +oo* 0esses a!* the i!ter!a or$a!s

    4e*ico%Le$a As'ect% &ay +e #se)# to ei&i!ate the 'ossi+iity that *eath is

    *#e to the )eo!io#s act o) a!other 'erso!

  • 7/23/2019 Legal Medicine New



    The &ai! ca#se o) *eath i! eectricity is SHOC@,

    Or*i!ary *o&estic i!e is )ro& -// to 19/ 0ots s#cie!t to

    'ro*#ce *eath,

    Vota$e is !ot the o!y )actor ca#si!$ the i!"#ry rather it is thea&'era$e or i!te!sity o) the eectrica c#rre!t that is the'ri!ci'a )actor,

  • 7/23/2019 Legal Medicine New



    -, Perso!a I*iosy!cracy

    1, Disease

    3, A!tici'atio! o) a shoc5,

    7, See'

    9, Eectrica 0ota$e orte!sio!:, A&'era$e or i!te!sity o) eectric c#rre!t

    ;, De!sity o) the c#rre!t

    , Resista!ce o) the +o*y

    , Nat#re o) the c#rre!t

    -/, Earthi!$

    --, D#ratio! o) co!tact

    -1, @i!* o)

    eectro*es-3, Poi!t o) e!try

  • 7/23/2019 Legal Medicine New


    Nat#re o) Eectrica B#r!s

    Eectrica Necrosis. Eectric 4ar5s.C#rre!t 4ar5i!$s

    % 'ai!ess a!* sho( !o 0ita reactio!

    % a+se!ce o) &ar5 *oes !ot e>c#*e

    eectroc#tio! +#t the 'rese!ce raises astro!$ 'res#&'tio! o) *eath )ro&eectroc#tio!,


    -, S#r)ace o) the +o*y is co* a!*&oiste!e*1, Breath is stertoro#s

    3, P#se is ra'i*. =i)or& a!* &ay +e irre$#ar

    7, P#'is are *iate* a!* i!se!siti0e

    9, Pae )ace

  • 7/23/2019 Legal Medicine New


  • 7/23/2019 Legal Medicine New


    #rc or Flash *urns

    /his man was near a power box when an electrical

    explosion occurred. /hough he did not touch the box,

    electricity arced through the air and entered his body. /hecurrent was drawn to his armpits because perspiration is

    very conductive.

    /hermal 1ontact *urns

    1urrent exited this man at his knees, catching his

    clothing on fire and burning his upper leg.

  • 7/23/2019 Legal Medicine New


    Internal In"uries

    /his worker was shocked by a tool he was holding. /he

    entrance wound and thermal burns from the overheated

    tool are apparent

    (ame hand a few days later, when massive

    subcutaneous tissue damage had caused severe

    swelling $swelling usually peaks 80-98 hours afterelectrical shock%. /o relieve pressure which would

    have damaged nerves and blood vessels, the skin on

    the arm was cut open.

    Involuntary )uscle 1ontraction/his worker fell and grabbed a powerline to catch

    himself. /he resulting electric shock mummified his

    first two fingers, which had to be removed. /he

    acute angle of the wrist was caused by burning of

    the tendons, which contracted, drawing the hand

    with them.

  • 7/23/2019 Legal Medicine New


    Post%4orte& 8i!*i!$s

    %Eectrica ar+ori6atio!%B#r!s (ith &etai6atio!

    4etai6atio! % &eta o) the co!*#ctor is 0oatii6e* a!*'artices o) the &eta are *ri0e! i!to e'i*er&is ca#si!$ so&e 'artso) the +o*y to +e *ar5e!e*,

    %I!te!se 0asc#ar co!$estio! o) the *#ra &ater%Eyes co!$este* a!* '#'is *iate*%Trachea &ay +e co!$este*%L#!$s *ee'y e!$or$e* a!* e*e&ato#s%Co!$estio! o) 0iscera or$a!s

  • 7/23/2019 Legal Medicine New



    -, Re&o0e the 0icti& )ro& i0e (ire i!staatio!, Cose s(itch,1, Arti=cia res'iratio! (hich st co!ti!#e )or a+o#t a! ho#r3, Treat&e!t o) shoc5 or co&a,

    4EDICO LEGAL ASPECT% 4osty acci*e!ta,

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