legal and pedagogical aspects of · of e-education...

Post on 18-Oct-2020






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  • Legal and pedagogical aspects of e-education

    Igor VlasovMoscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)

    Aerospace Institute

    Department of Applied Informatics

    EnT-2020Engineering Technologies and Computer Science: Innovation & Application

    International Conference

  • Applications for e-learning

  • The objectives of the delivery of electronic educational content

    ✓Academic background

    ✓Vocational training


    ✓Family education (primary and secondary)

    ✓Info-communication tasks

    ✓Activity Sync

  • E-learning tools

    • Offline: email, file storage and forums

    • Offline + Online: electronic textbooks, tests and simulators

    • Online: video conferencing, audio and video meetings (consultations), webinars (lectures and seminars), interactive TV, chat rooms

  • The main reasons for the rare use of distance learning before the period of self-isolation

    ✓Most teaching methods focus on full-time classroom instruction

    ✓Specific requirements for qualifications of E-learning cources developers and teachers

    ✓Lack of funding for the creation of E-learning cources and educational IT-systems

    ✓Lack of funding for escort and educational IT-systems

    ✓No need to abandon the traditional educational process

  • Comparative analysis of pedagogical aspects of classroom and distance education












    Conditions ofeducation

    Zone of proximaldevelopment

    Study motivation Lack of fraud Skillsdevelopment

    Self control

    Classroom learning Distance learning online Distance learning offline

  • Technical problems of using Distance Learning (DL) in the period of self-isolation

    ❖Frequent lack of necessary software and hardware for students and teachers

    ❖Unstable communication channels with low bandwidth

    ❖Lack of a sufficient number of E-learning content and E-learning course for DL

    ❖Inability and fear of most teachers and students to work with the means of DL, to manage their PCs

  • Identified problems of using DL in the period of self-isolation

    ➢ Low attendance at interactive classes

    ➢A significant difference in the perception of E-learning content among different students

    ➢ Inability to take advantage of DL

    ➢Unsuitability of traditional methods for distance learning

    ➢ Ease of falsification by students of study assignments and results of remote testing

  • Comparative analysis of the psychological aspects of classroom and distance education












    Adaptation topersonality


    Attention span(focus)



    Perception oftime

    Empathic way ofcommunication



    Classroom learning Distance learning online Distance learning offline

  • • Subjectivity (an object stands out from the background more easily, but is alienated more due to the presentation on the screen)

    • Integrity (difficult due to artificial presentation)

    • Stability (in different environments, an object can be recognized in different ways)

    • Meaningfulness (only vision and hearing are involved in the perception of objects)

    • Selectivity (many ways to control student attention)

    • Structurality or generalization (often simplified or inadequate images of objects)

    Features of the perception of information in DL

  • • Computer work trains memory, attention and concentration, decision-making skills

    • Computer work stimulates operational (logical) thinking

    • Computer work stimulates the perception of information by the organs of vision and hearing

    • Computer work exacerbates cognitive personality traits

    Memory and Thinking in DL

  • • Autonomous students easily adapt to DL

    • Dependent students of the 1st group (not having ambitions) rarely fulfill the curriculum because of a reluctance to take on additional responsibility

    • Dependent students of 2 groups (inadequately assessing their abilities), despite their efforts, gradually lag behind the curriculum

    Effective self-organization of educational activities of students in DL

  • • Planning your learning activities is difficult

    • Fatigue during interactive classes

    • The process of studying educational material differs from the classroom

    • Combining PC management operations with learning materials online

    • Many temptations that interfere with the learning process

    Self-organization of educational activities of students in DL

  • Interpersonal Relations in DL: Challenges for Students

    • Difficulties in seeking help from teachers outside the schedule and reaching emotional contact with them

    • Difficulties with the formation of a sensory image of the studied object on the basis of its mental reflection

    • Difficult to participate in group interactions

    • It's hard to explain your thoughts using only words

  • • It is more difficult to motivate and also control student performance

    • It is necessary to administer DL and Elearningcources during online classes

    • Fatigue during interactive classes, it is more difficult to explain the training material

    • It is more difficult to achieve the necessary level of empathy with students, demonstrate their trust in them and organize their group interaction

    • In fact, DL is a kind of individual work with students

    Difficulties of teachers in the implementation of DL

  • Other factors affecting the quality of DL

    • University traditions

    • Effect of noise and visual factors on distance learning participants

    • Difficulties in students gaining practical skills

    • Work (study) under stress

    • Changes in the psychosomatic state of students and teachers when working on computers

  • Conclusions from the use of DL in the period of self-

    isolation• When using traditional methods

    of classroom teaching in distance learning, the effectiveness of classroom teaching is significantly higher than distance learning

    • When using special teaching methods in distance learning, one can expect a significant improvement in its effectiveness

    • When using specialized teaching methods in classroom and distance learning, higher training efficiency can be expected compared to classroom teaching

  • Comparison of legal aspects of classroom and distance learning












    Classroom learning

    Distance learning online

    Distance learning offline

  • Legal issues of creating electronic

    educational content

    • Formation of E-learning contents by means of a bunch of fragments copied from various sources (layout)

    • Creation of E-learning contents through the use of hyperlinks to copyright objects (dynamic insertions)

    • Formation of E-learning contents by paraphrasing other people's content

    • Creation of illegal electronic copies of copyright objects and their duplication

  • Aspects of e-learning requiring legal study

    • Legal protection of ownership of educational content and educational products (including webinars, radio and television broadcasts, educational videos, etc.)

    • Legal protection of teaching and didactic materials

    • Legal protection of teaching methods

    • Legal assessment of falsification by students of test results and other tasks

  • Civil aspects of DL

    • Legal assessment of activities to disrupt classes on the Internet, including the destruction or distortion of educational files, webinars, etc.

    • The lack of legal regulation of the use of technical training tools of different ownership in the preparation and conduct of distance learning

    • Lack of standardization of labor costs of distance learning participants

    • Lack of special IT-sytems and service personnel for the preparation and conduct of distance learning

  • Self-isolation e-education

    • Technical problems, problems of procurement and administration of technical training aids

    • Decreased motivation among “weak” students

    • Increase in the number of E-learning contents thefts and falsifications of knowledge test results

    • An increase in the neuropsychic load on students and teachers

    • Lack of medical recommendations for organizing distance learning

    • Legal framework required to regulate distance learning

  • Thanks for your attention!

    Igor, +7 (916) 659-9638

    EnT-2020Engineering Technologies and Computer Science: Innovation & Application

    International Conference

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