lecture note bond & stock

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  • 5/20/2018 Lecture Note Bond & Stock


    Debt Valuationand Interest

  • 5/20/2018 Lecture Note Bond & Stock

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    Learning Objectives

    1. Identi!y the "ey !eatures o! #onds anddescri#e the di!!erence #et$een private andpu#lic de#t %ar"ets.

    2. Calculate the value o! a #ond and relate itto the yield to %aturity on the #ond.

    &. 'escri#e the !our "ey #ond valuationrelationships.

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    Learning Objectives (cont.)

    4. Identi!y the %a(or types o! corporate#onds.

    ). E*plain the e!!ects o! in!lation on interest

    rates and descri#e the term structure ofinterest rates.

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    OR!OR"#E DE$#

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    or%orate $orro&ings

    + here are t$o %ain sources o! #orro$ing !ora corporation-

    1. oan !ro% a !inancial institution /"no$n as%rivate debt since it involves only t$o parties

    2. onds /"no$n as %ublic debt since they can #e

    traded in the pu#lic !inancial %ar"ets

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    $orro&ing 'one in te !rivateFinancial 'ar*et

    Financial Institutions provide loans to!inance !ir%3s daytoday operations /&or*ingca%ital loans or it %ight #e used !or thepurchase o! euip%ent or property/transaction loans. oans %ay or %ay not#e secured #y a collateral.

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    $orro&ing 'one in te !rivateFinancial 'ar*et (cont.)

    + "dvantageso! Private 'e#t Place%ent6 7peed

    6 8educed costs

    6 inancing !le*i#ility

    + Disadvantageso! Private 'e#t Place%ent

    6 Interest costs

    6 8estrictive covenants

    6 he possi#ility o! !uture 7EC registration

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    Floating+Rate Loans

    In the private !inancial %ar"et, loans aretypically ,loating rate loans i.e. the interestrate is ad(usted #ased on a speci!ic#ench%ar" rate. he %ost popular #ench%ar"rate is the London Interban* O,,ered Rate(LI$OR), rate at $hich #an"s o!!er to lend inthe ondon $holesale or inter#an" %ar"et

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    #able 9+1 #%es o, $an* Debt

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    $orro&ing 'one in te !ublicFinancial 'ar*et

    Corporations engage the services o! aninvest-ent ban*er $hile raising longter%!unds in the pu#lic !inancial %ar"et. heinvest%ent #an"er per!or%s three #asic !unctions-

    6 nder&riting- assu%ing ris" o! selling asecurity issued. he client is given the %oney#e!ore the securities are sold to the pu#lic.

    6 Distributing

    6 "dvising

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    or%orate $onds

    + or%orate bond is a de#t security issued#y corporation that has pro%ised !uturepay%ents and a %aturity date.

    + I! the !ir% !ails to pay the pro%ised !uturepay%ents o! interest and principal, the #ondtrustee can classi!y the !ir% as insolvent and

    !orce the !ir% into #an"ruptcy.

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    $asic $ond Features

    + he #asic !eatures o! a #ond include the!ollo$ing-

    6 ond indenture

    6 Clai%s on assets and inco%e

    6 Par or !ace value

    6 Coupon interest rate

    6 ;aturity and repay%ent o! principal

    6 Call provision and conversion !eatures

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    $ond Ratings and De,ault Ris*

    $ond ratings indicate the de!ault ris" i.e. thepro#a#ility that the !ir% $ill %a"e the #ond3spro%ised pay%ents. 8ating agencies use#orro$er3s !inancial state%ents, !inancing %i*,pro!ita#ility, varia#ility o! past pro!its, and%a"e (udg%ents a#out the uality o! the!ir%3s %anage%ent in order to deter%ine


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    #able 9./ Inter%reting $ond Ratings

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    9.0 V"LI2 OR!OR"#EDE$#

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    Valuing or%orate Debt

    he value o! corporate de#t is eual to thepresent value o! the contractually pro%isedprincipal and interest pay%ents /the cash!lo$s discounted #ac" to the present usingthe %ar"et3s reuired yield to %aturity onsi%ilar ris".

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    #able 9.0 $ond #er-inolog

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    Valuing $onds b Discounting Futureas Flo&s

    7tep 1- 'eter%ine #ondholder cash !lo$s,$hich are the the a%ount and ti%ing o! the#ond3s pro%ised interest and principalpay%ents to the #ondholders.

    +Annual Interest < Par value = coupon rate

    +E*a%ple 9.1- he annual interest !or a 10year #ond$ith coupon interest rate o! 5> and a par value o!?1,000 is eual to ?50, /.05 = ?1,000 < ?50. his#ond $ill pay ?50 every year and ?1,000 at the end o!10years.

    l i d b i i

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    Valuing $onds b DiscountingFuture as Flo&s (cont.)

    7tep 2- Esti%ate the appropriate discount rateon a #ond o! si%ilar ris". 'iscount rate is thereturn the #ond $ill yield i! it is held to%aturity and all #ond pay%ents are %ade.

    V l i $ d b Di i

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    Valuing $onds b DiscountingFuture as Flo&s (cont.)

    7tep &- Calculate the present value o! the#ond3s interest and principal pay%ents !ro%7tep 1 using the discount rate in step 2.

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    alculating a $ond3s 4ield to'aturit (4#')

    @e can thin" o! ; as the discount rate that%a"es the present value o! the #ond3spro%ised interest and principal eual to the#ond3s o#served %ar"et price.

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    5E6!OI# 9.07


    alculating te 4ield to 'aturit on aor%orate $ond

    Calculate the ; on the ord #ond $here the#ond price rises to ?900 /holding all other things


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    8te% 17 !icture te !roble-


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    8te% 07 Decide on a 8olution8trateg

    @e can use euation 92a to !ind ;. ; isthe rate that %a"es the present value o! all!uture e*pected cash !lo$s eual to thecurrent %ar"et price. @e can also solve !or

    ; using a calculator and a spreadsheet.

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    8te% /7 8olve

    Dsing a ;athe%atical Euation

    +It is cu%#erso%e to solve !or ; #y handusing the euation. It is %ore practical to usethe !inancial calculator or the spread sheet.

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    8te% /7 8olve (cont.)

    Dsing a inancialCalculator

    < 11IF < .:9

    PG < 900

    P; < )

    G < 1,000

    Dsing an E*cel7preadsheet

    < 8AE/nper,p%t,pv,!v

    < 8AE /11,),900,1000

    < .:9;

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    sing 'ar*et+4ield+to+'aturit Data

    ;ar"etyieldto%aturity data is regularlyreported #y a nu%#er o! investor services andis uoted in ter%s o! credit s%reads ors%reads to #reasur bonds. a#le 94

    contains so%e e*a%ples o! spreads.

    # bl 9 < t $ d 8 d

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    #able 9+< or%orate $ond 8%read#ables

    i ' * t 4i ld t ' t it D t

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    sing 'ar*et 4ield to 'aturit Data(cont.)

    + he spread values reported in ta#le 94represent #asis points over a D7 reasurysecurity o! the sa%e %aturity as thecorporate #ond.

    + or e*a%ple, a &0year a1FH corporate#ond has a spread o! 25) #asis points over asi%ilar &0year D7 reasury #ond.

    + hus this corporate #ond should earn 2.5)>over the 4.)> earned on treasury yield or5.&1>.

    ! i d

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    !ro-ised versusE>%ected 4ield to 'aturit

    he yield to %aturity calculation assumesthatthe #ond per!or%s according to the ter%s o!the #ond contract or indenture. 7incecorporate #onds are su#(ect to ris" o! de!ault,

    thepromisedyield to %aturity %ay not #eeual to expectedyield to %aturity.

    ! i d E t d 4i ld t

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    !ro-ised versus E>%ected 4ield to'aturit (cont.)

    + E*a%ple Consider a oneyear #ond thatpro%ises a coupon rate o! :> and has aprincipal /par value o! ?1,000. urtherassu%e the #ond is currently trading !or

    ?:)0. @hat is the pro%ised yield to%aturityB

    ! i d E t d 4i ld t

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    !ro-ised versus E>%ected 4ield to'aturit (cont.)

    Pro%ised ;

    < /Interestyear 1 H Principal J /ond GalueK 6 1

    < /?:0H?1,000 J /?:)0K 6 1

    < 0.?@;

    !ro-ised ers s E %ected 4ield to

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    !ro-ised versus E>%ected 4ield to'aturit (cont.)

    he yield o! 25.0> is #ased on theassu%ption o! no de!ault. Assu%e there is a40> pro#a#ility o! de!ault on this #ond and i!the #ond de!aults, the #ondholders $ill receive

    only 0> o! the principal and interest o$ed.@hat is the e*pected ; on this #ondB

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    Valuing a $ond Issue

    Calculate the present value o! the AL

    #ond should the yield to %aturity !orco%para#le ris" #onds rise to 9> /holding

    all other things eual.

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    8te% 17 !icture te !roble-

    i< 9>


    Cash !lo$s ?:) ?:) ?:) ?1,0:)

    0 1 2 & 20

    PG o! allCash !lo$s

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    8te% 07 Decide on a 8olution8trateg

    + Mere $e "no$ the !ollo$ing-6 Annual interest pay%ents < ?:)

    6 Principal a%ount or par value < ?1,000

    6 i%e < 20 years

    6 ; or discount rate < 9>

    + @e can use the a#ove in!or%ation todeter%ine the value o! the #ond #y

    discounting !uture interest and principalpay%ent to the present.

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    8te% /7 8olve

    Dsing a ;athe%atical or%ula

    < ? :)N1/1F/1.0920O J /.20K H?1,000F/1.0920

    < ?:) /9.12: H ?15:.4& < A9B

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    8te% /7 8olve (cont.)

    Dsing a inancialCalculator

    6 < 20

    6 1Fy < 9.0

    6 P; < :)

    6 G < 1000

    6 PG < 9B

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    8te% .

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    8e-iannual Interest !a-ents

    Corporate #onds typically pay interest to#ondholders se%iannually. @e can adaptEuation /92a !ro% annual to se%iannualpay%ents as !ollo$s-

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    5E6!OI# 9. /holding all other things eual.

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    8te% 17 !icture te !roble-

    i< 9>


    Cash !lo$

    ?42.) ?42.) ?42.) ?1,042.)0

    0 1 2 & 40


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    8te% 07 Decide on a 8olution8trateg

    + Mere $e "no$ the !ollo$ing-6 7e%iannual interest pay%ents < ?42.)0

    6 Principal a%ount or par value < ?1,000

    6 i%e < 20 years or 40 periods

    6 ; or discount rate < 9> or 4.)> !or %onths

    + @e can use the a#ove in!or%ation todeter%ine the value o! the #ond #y

    discounting !uture interest and principalpay%ent to the present.

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    8te% /7 8olve

    Dsing a ;athe%atical or%ula

    < ? 42.)N1/1F/1.04)40O J /.20K H?1,000F/1.04)40

    < ?42.) /1:.40 H ?151.9&< A9B

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    8te% /7 8olve (cont.)

    Dsing a inancialCalculator

    6 < 40

    6 1Fy < 4.)0

    6 P; < 42.)0

    6 G < 1000

    6 PG < 9B.

    o--on 8toc* aracteristics

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    Agency Costs and Co%%on 7toc"7hareholders elect the #oard. In reality,#oard %e%#ers are no%inated #y the

    %anage%ent. As a result, %anage%ente!!ectively elects the #oard. his %aylead to agency pro#le%s.

    Valuing o--on 8toc* sing te

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    Discounted Dividend 'odel

    i"e #onds, co%%on stoc"3s value is eual tothe present value o! all !uture cash !lo$s thatthe stoc"holder e*pects to receive !ro%o$ning the shares o! stoc". Mo$ever, unli"e

    #onds, the !uture cash !lo$s in the !or% o!dividends are not !i*ed and there is no%aturity date.

    #ree 8te% !rocedure ,or Valuing

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    o--on 8toc*

    7tep 1- Esti%ate the a%ount and ti%ing o! thereceipt o! the !uture cash !lo$s the co%%onstoc" is expectedto provide.

    7tep 2- Evaluate the ris"iness o! the co%%onstoc"3s !uture dividends to deter%ine thestoc"3s reuired rate o! return.

    #ree 8te% !rocedure ,or Valuing

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    o--on 8toc* (cont.)

    7tep &- Calculate the present value o! thee*pected dividends #y discounting the% #ac"to the present at the stoc"3s reuired rate o!return.

    +he three steps sho$ that the value o! aco%%on stoc" is eual to the present value o!

    all !uture dividends.

    #e onstant Dividend 2ro&t Rate

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    I! a !ir%3s cash dividend gro$ #y a constantrate, then the co%%on stoc" can #e valued as!ollo$s-

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    Valuing o--on 8toc*

    #e !roble-

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    #e !roble-

    @hat is the value o! a share o! co%%on stoc"that paid ? dividend at the end o! last yearand is e*pected to pay a cash dividend everyyear !ro% no$ to in!inity, $ith that dividend

    gro$ing at a rate o! ) percent per year, i! theinvestor3s reuired rate o! return is 12> onthat stoc"B

    8te% 17 !icture te !roble-

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    8te% 17 !icture te !roble-

    @ith a perpetuity, a ti%eline goes on !orever $ith the gro$ing cash !lo$ occurringevery period.



    Cash !lo$s ? ?/1.0)?/1.0)2

    0 1 2

    Galue o! co%%onstoc" < Present

    Galue o! E*pected'ividends. he gro$ing

    dividends go on!orever

    8te% 07 Decide on a 8olution

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    + he value o! a share o! stoc" can #e vie$edas a the present value o! a gro$ingperpetuity.

    + Mere $e "no$ the e*pected dividends, the

    gro$th rate, and investor3s reuired rate o!return.

    + @e can use euation 102 to deter%ine the

    value o! a share o! co%%on stoc".

    8te% /7 8olve

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    8te% /7 8olve

    + @e need to !irst deter%ine '1,the dividendne*t period.

    + 7ince dividends at the end o! last year $as? and dividends are e*pected to gro$ at a

    rate o! )>, dividends !or ne*t period $ill #e-

    + '1< '0/1Hg < ? /1.0) < ?.&0

    8te% /7 8olve (cont )

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    8te% /7 8olve (cont.)

    + Gcs < ?.&0 J /0.120.0) < ?.&0 J 0.05< A9?


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    and Do&n

    Euation 102 indicates that there are threevaria#les that drive share value-

    6 he %ost recent dividend /'0,

    6 Investor3s reuired rate o! return /rcs , and

    6 E*pected rate o! gro$th in !uture dividends /g.

    Wat auses 8toc* !rices to 2o %d ( )

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    and Do&n (cont.)

    7ince %ost recent dividend /'0 has already#een paid, it cannot a!!ect price. hus theother t$o varia#les, rcsand g, can vary and

    lead to changes in stoc" prices.

    Deter-inants o, te Investor3sR i d R , R

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    Reuired Rate o, Return

    he investor3s reuired rate o! return isdeter%ined #y t$o "ey !actors-

    1.he level o! interest rates in the econo%yR

    2.he ris" o! the !ir%3s stoc".

    Deter-inants o, te Investor3sR i d R t , R t ( t )

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    Reuired Rate o, Return (cont.)

    CAP; suggests that i! ris"!ree rate andForsyste%atic ris" /#eta rises, the investor3sreuired rate o! return $ill rise and the stoc"price $ill !all.

    Deter-inants o, te 2ro&t Rate o,F t Di id d

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    Future Dividends

    he gro$th rate o! !uture dividends /g canalso change and lead to a change in the stoc"price. he t$o "ey deter%inants o! a !ir%3sgro$th opportunities relate to-

    6 the return on euity /8SE, and

    6 the retention ratio /#

    Deter-inants o, 2ro&t Rate o,F t Di id d ( t )

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    Future Dividends (cont.)

    he gro$th rate is !or%ally e*pressed as!ollo$s-

    +g < the e*pected rate o! gro$th o! dividends

    +'1FE1< the dividend payout ratio

    +# < the proportion o! !ir%3s earnings that are

    retained and reinvested in the !ir%.+8SE < the return on euity earned $hen the !ir%reinvests a portion o! its earning #ac" into the !ir%.

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    1?.0 #5E O'!"R"$LE8"!!RO"5 #O V"LI2

    O''O 8#O6

    #e o-%arables "%%roac toV l i 8t *

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    Valuing o--on 8toc*

    his %ethod esti%ates the value o! the !ir%3sstoc" as a %ultiple o! so%e %easure o! !ir%3sper!or%ance. he %ost co%%on %etric isearnings per share. hus values are

    deter%ined !ro% the %rice+to+earnings ratioo! co%para#le !ir%s.

    De,ining te !GE Ratio Valuation' d l

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    +Gcs < the value o! co%%on stoc" o! the !ir%.

    +PFE1< the price earnings ratio !or the !ir%#ased on the current price per share divided#y earnings !or end o! year 1.

    +E1 < esti%ated earnings per share o!

    co%%on stoc" !or the end o! year 1.

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    Valuing o--on 8toc*

    sing te !GE Ratio

    #e !roble-

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    A!ter so%e care!ul analysis and re!lection onthe valuation o! the Meals3 shares theco%pany CS suggested that the earningspro(ection are too conservative and earnings

    !or the co%ing year could easily (u%p to?2.00. @hat does this do !or your esti%ate o!the value o! Meals3 sharesB

    8te% 17 !icture te !roble-

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    EP7< ?2.00



    8te% 07 Decide on a 8olution8trateg

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    + he co%%on stoc" value can #e co%puted#y %ultiplying the !ir%3s esti%ated earningsper share !or the co%ing year #y $hat theanalyst esti%ates to #e an appropriate PFE


    + @e can use euation 104 to esti%ate the

    value o! co%%on stoc".

    8te% /7 8olve

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    Gcs < 1:.20 = ?2< A/@.

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    + @e esti%ated the value o! Meales3 shares#ased on the PFE ratios o! three co%para#le!ir%s. Mo$ever, this esti%ate is contingenton the appropriateness o! the co%para#le

    set o! co%panies to the Meals 7hoeCo%pany.

    + urther%ore, i! the %ar"et conditionschange #y the ti%e the shares are sold inthe %ar"et, the price esti%ate $ill not #eappropriate.

    Wat Deter-ines te !GE Ratio ,or a8toc*

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    Dsing Euation 10)a and 10)#, there aret$o !unda%ental deter%inants o! a !ir%3s PFEratio-

    1. 2ro&t Rate in Dividends /higher the

    gro$th rate, higher the PFE ratio, and

    0. Investor+Reuired Rates o, Return/higher the reuired rate, lo$er the PFE


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    1?./ !REFERRED 8#O6

    Features o, !re,erred 8toc*

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    + Dividend- In general, siTe o! pre!erredstoc" dividend is fixed, and it is either statedas a dollar a%ount or as a percentage o! thepre!erred stoc"3s par value.

    + 'ulti%le lasses- A co%pany can issue%ore than one class o! pre!erred stoc", andeach class can have di!!erent characteristics.

    Features o, !re,erred 8toc* (cont.)

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    + lai-s on "ssets and Inco-e7 Pre!erredstoc"holders have priority over those o!co%%on stoc"holders !or pay%ent o!dividends and in settle%ent o! clai%s at

    #an"ruptcy. ;ost pre!erred stoc" carry acu-ulative ,eaturei.e. all past unpaiddividends %ust #e paid #e!ore any co%%onstoc" dividends can #e declared.

    Features o, !re,erred 8toc* (cont.)

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    !re,erred 8toc* as a 5brid 8ecurit76 i"e co%%on stoc"s, pre!erred stoc"s do not

    have a !i*ed %aturity date. Also, li"e co%%onstoc"s, nonpay%ent o! dividends does not #ring

    on #an"ruptcy, and dividends are not deducti#le!or ta* purposes.

    6 i"e de#t, pre!erred stoc"s have a !i*ed dividend.Also, %ost pre!erred stoc"s are periodicallyretired even though there is no stated %aturitydate.

    Valuing !re,erred 8toc*

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    ecause pre!erred stoc"s are perpetuities/non%aturing, and #ecause the cashdividend is the sa%e every period, they can#e valued using the present value o!

    perpetuity euation introduced in chapter /euation ).

    Valuing !re,erred 8toc* (cont.)

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    +Gps < the value o! a share o! pre!erred stoc"

    +'ps< the annual pre!erred stoc" dividend+rps< the %ar"et yield or the rate o! return on

    the pre!erred stoc"3s pro%ised dividend

    Esti-ating te 'ar*et3s Reuired4ield

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    Esti%ating the 'ar*et 4ield- @e can useeuation 10 to solve !or the %ar"et3sreuired yield.

    rps < 'ps JGps

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    Valuing !re,erred 8toc*

    @hat is the present value o! a share o!

    pre!erred stoc" that pays a dividend o!?12 per share i! the %ar"et3s yield on

    si%ilar issues o! pre!erred stoc" is :>B

    8te% 17 !icture te !roble-

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    Pre!erred stoc"s are constant !or all yearsand !or% a level perpetuity.



    'ividends ?12 ?12 ?12 ?12

    0 1 2 &

    Galue o! Pre!erred7toc" < Present

    Galue o! pro%iseddividends. he annual?12 dividends

    go on!orever.

    8te% 07 Decide on a 8olution8trateg

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    8trateg8te% /7 8olve

    @e can deter%ine the present value o! shareo! pre!erred stoc" using euation 10.

    Gps < ?12 J 0.0: < A1B?


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    7ince pre!erred stoc" is a level perpetuity, itsvalue on any !uture date $ill #e the sa%e asits present value today as long as thepro%ised rate o! return on the share re%ains

    the sa%e.

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    1?.< #5E 8#O6 '"R6E#

    #e 8toc* 'ar*et

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    As discussed in chapter 2, ne$ securities tradein the %ri-ar -ar*et $hile currentlyoutstanding securities trade in the secondar-ar*et. here are t$o types o! secondary

    %ar"ets- organiTed e*changes and overthecounter %ar"ets.

    Organi=ed E>canges

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    #e e& 4or* 8toc* E>cange (48E),also called the Uig oard,V is the oldest o! allorganiTed e*changes. @hile the 7Eisconsidered an organiTed e*change #ecause o!

    its physical location, the %a(ority o! its tradesare done electronically $ithout a !aceto!ace%eeting o! traders.

    Organi=ed E>canges (cont.)

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    + o #e listed on the 7E, a !ir% %ust %eetstrict reuire%ents dealing $ith pro!ita#ilityand %ar"et value, and #e $idely o$ned.

    + ;uch o! the trading on the 7E is %ade upo! bloc* trades i.e. transactions involving10,000 shares or %ore #y a single individual

    or institution.

    Organi=ed E>canges (cont.)

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    + he "-erican 8toc* E>cange /A;EW isthe nation3s second largest, !loor#asede*change. Mo$ever, in ter%s o! tradingvolu%e, the A;EW is a distant nu%#er t$o

    $ith less than &> o! that on the 7E.+ Although A;EW %erged $ith A7'A in

    199: it continues to operate as a separateentity.

    Over+te+ounter (O#) 'ar*et

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    he over+te+counter -ar*et is a net$or"o! dealers that has no listing or %e%#ershipreuire%ents. oday, the SC %ar"et iselectronic rather than personal, $ith asda

    leading the $ay. It is also the pri%ary %ar"et!or #onds.

    Over+te+ounter (O#) 'ar*et(cont.)

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    + asdade#uted in 1951 and $as the$orld3s !irst electronic stoc" %ar"et. @hileasda lists %ore co%panies than the7E, they are relatively s%aller co%panies

    /$ith a !e$ e*ceptions+ here are a#out 1,000 %ar"et participants,

    in general trading !ir%s that are lin"edelectronically, $ith price and tradingin!or%ation #roadcast to over &)0,000ter%inals $orld$ide.

    Over+te+ounter (O#) 'ar*et(cont.)

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    he asda stoc" %ar"et has t$o tiers o!listed co%panies-

    6 asda ational ;ar"ets, %ade up o! around

    4,000 co%panies li"e 'ell /', Intel /ICR and

    6 asda 7%allcap ;ar"et, $hich includes over1,000 s%aller e%erging gro$th co%panies.

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