leaving certificate biology human digestive system 1 iquiz second press the f5 key to begin, then...

Post on 05-Jan-2016






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Leaving Certificate BiologyHuman Digestive System 1 iQuiz

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Digestion of food starts in the …

Pancreas Oesophagus

Stomach Mouth

In which of the following structures is an incisor found?

Jaws Small intestine

Liver Pancreas

During digestion carbohydrate is broken down to …

Cellulose Glucose

Amino acids Fatty acids

During digestion protein is broken down to …


Fatty acids Glucose

Amino acids

Villi are only found in the …

Appendix Stomach

Large intestine Small intestine

Bile helps in the digestion of …

Carbohydrates Starch

Fats Protein

Food is moved along the alimentary canal by what process?

Osmosis Peristalsis

Circulation Diffusion

Most digestion of food and absorption of nutrients takes place

in the …

Small intestine Large intestine

Stomach Liver

Which of the following secretions digests both carbohydrates and


Saliva Pancreatic juice

Gastric juice Bile

Fatty acids and glycerol are absorbed into the …

Capillaries Colon

Lacteals Stomach

Glycogen is stored in the …

Gall bladder Pancreas

Adipose tissue Liver

The process of converting simple nutrients (e.g. amino acids) into cellular / body components (e.g.

proteins) is known as …

Growth Respiration

Assimilation Absorption

What is the dental formula for an adult human?

2-1-3-2 2-1-2-3

1-2-3-4 1-2-2-3

Symbiotic bacteria in the intestine break down …

Protein Cellulose

Starch Fat

If carbohydrate levels in the body decrease the liver will provide a

supply a fuel source by …

Making more bile Emulsifying fats

Producing more lipase

Converting glycogen to glucose

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Human Digestive System 1 iQuiz

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