learn creative coding: begin programming with the processing language

Post on 15-Jul-2015






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Learn Creative Coding

Begin Programming with the Processing Language

W. Michelle HarrisRochester Institute of Technologyhttp://people.rit.edu/wmhicsLong Beach Indie Digital Edutainment Conference 8.30.14

How do you communicate a design?

Imagine you opened your favorite drawing app, created a new document, and drew a straight line and a circle.

How would you type out completeinstructions for re-creating your drawing (no illustrations allowed)?

Take a few minutes to ponder this…

Do they need to know:

1. Drawing app choice

2. Dimensions of canvas

3. Canvas color

4. Line drawing tool

5. Line stroke color, thickness

6. Line drag start and stop coordinates

7. Circle drawing tool

8. Circle stroke color, thickness

9. Circle fill color and pattern

10. Circle bounding box drag start and stop coordinates

-or- Circle center coordinate and radius

11. ?

Line + circle in drawing app, then in Processing code

Prepare the Canvas

1. Drawing app choice: new Processing sketch!

2. Dimensions of canvas

3. Canvas color

Processing environment

A program written in Processing is called a sketch.

Type your sketch in this space. Text is colored automatically according to its purpose.

Status feedback area

Console area for text output and too-detailed error messages.

Current cursor line number in this sketch.

A warning before we code:Processing is as picky as your 8th grade Language Arts teacher

Order, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation matter. Mistake => won’t go at all, or goes wonky.

point(30, 75);// point() parameters: x, y

Function name, then parentheses with any parameters inside separated by commas. End with a semicolon.

Each instruction can start and be interspersed with spaces, tabs, and even line breaks for readability.

Entire lines can be blank for readability, too.

Prepare the Canvas/* When you make this new canvas, size it 300 pixels wide, and 250 pixels tall. */size(300, 250);

/* Set the canvas background color to white. */


size(widthPix, heightPix); // in pixels background(grayValue); // 0.0 – 255.0// Alternatively, background(red, green, blue);

Prepare settings for the Line

4. Line drawing tool? There is only one choice ;)

5. Line stroke color, thickness

Prepare settings for the Line

/* Set the drawing stroke color to blue */

stroke(128, 119, 251);

/* Set the drawing stroke thickness to 5 pixels */


stroke(redVal, blueVal, greenVal); //0.0 – 255


Draw the Line

6. Line drag start and stop coordinates

Draw the Line

/* Start line at coordinates x:135, y:213, and end the line at coordinates x:287, y:66. */

line(135, 213, 287, 66);

line(x1, y1, x2, y2);

Save and Run your sketch.

Prepare settings for the Circle

7. Circle drawing tool: Choose drawing mode –corner-to-corner? Start coordinates & width & height (default mode in Processing)?

8. Circle stroke color, thickness

9. Circle fill color and pattern

Prepare settings for the Circle/* Set the drawing fill color to black */fill(0);

/* We don’t want any drawing stroke */noStroke();

fill(grayValue); //0–255fill(red, blue, green);noStroke();

Draw the Circle

10.From circle center drag out width and height

Draw the Circle

/* Center ellipse at coordinates x:110, y:110, and make width 100, height 100. */

ellipse(110, 110, 100, 100);

ellipse(x, y, width, height);

Save and Run your sketch.

One question you might have

Sometimes, we gave Processing a single grayscale color value, and sometimes we gave it three RGB color values. Can both be right?

stroke(): 6 ways to color

stroke(gray);stroke(red, green, blue);stroke(#RRGGBB);stroke(gray, alpha);stroke(red, green, blue, alpha);stroke(#RRGGBB, alpha);

Processing knows which version of the function you want by the number and type of parameters within its parentheses.Many of the built-in functions work this way.

Start exploring(the Processing Reference too)

Some primitive 2D shapes:

line(), triangle(), quad(), rect(), ellipse(), arc()

Setting shape attributes:

fill(), noFill()

stroke(), noStroke()

strokeWeight(), strokeCap()

ellipseMode(), rectMode()

Section goals

1. If I design a composition with simple shapes, I can remake it in Processing.

2. I know how to use different kinds of color parameters to make those shapes.

3. I know how to use the Processing Reference to find out details about functions.

Helpful hints

Pay attention when auto-coloring does NOT do what you expected.

Get familiar with what kinds of errors cause which messages and where (make mistakes on purpose to check).

Processing will stop compiling your code at the first syntax error it encounters. Watch the cursor for where it thinks that error occurred.

Next: Five Things

1. /* Comments */ and //Comments

2. Math expressions

3. Code blocks for animation

4. Tracking the mouse

1. Which would you rather troubleshoot?size(300, 250);background(255);

stroke(128, 119, 251);strokeWeight(5);line(135, 213, 287, 66);

fill(0);noStroke();ellipseMode(CORNERS);ellipse(59, 60, 159, 160);

/* Canvas prep */size(300, 250);background(255); // white bg

/* Line prep */stroke(128, 119, 251); // blue linestrokeWeight(5);/* Make the line */line(135, 213, 287, 66);

/* Circle prep */fill(0); // black fillnoStroke();/* Make the circle */ellipse(110, 110, 100, 100);

1. Comments, 2 ways

//Single line comment

/* Multiline comments can take up all the space

you need as long as they end with… */

/* Canvas prep */

size(300, 250);

background(255); // white

/* Line prep */

stroke(128, 119, 251); // blue


// Make the line

line(135, 213, 287, 66);

2. How many little equations would you need to figure to position all the shapes?

An alternative: substitute a math expression for a person-calculated value.

2. Math expressions as function parameters. Code before...

+ plus

- minus

* multiplied by

/ divided by

% modulo remainder

size(400, 300);

// head

ellipse(200, 150, 100, 100);


ellipse(180, 150, 20, 30);

ellipse(220, 150, 20, 30);

2. Math expressions as function parameters. Code lazier.

+ plus

- minus

* multiplied by

/ divided by

% modulo remainder

size(400, 300);

// head

ellipse(200, 150, 100, 100);


ellipse(200 - 20, 150, 20, 30);

ellipse(200 + 20, 150, 20, 30);

2. Math expressions as function parameters. Code laziest.

+ plus

- minus

* multiplied by

/ divided by

% modulo remainder

Helpful built-in property variables:

width //canvas width

height //canvas height

size(400, 300);

// head – centered on canvas

ellipse(width/2, height/2,

100, 100);


ellipse((width/2 – 20), height/2,

20, 30);

ellipse((width/2 + 20), height/2,

20, 30);

3. An analogy: running


3. To animate runners

One-time Setup steps:1. Size the canvas

2. Set the desired frame update rate

Perpetually loop these Draw steps:1. Color the canvas (to erase the prior frame)

2. Draw scenery elements

3. Draw next sprite in cycle of runner #1

4. Draw next sprite in cycle of runner #2

5. Render pixels from 1-4.

3. Blocks: grouping/herding codeA block of code is any code enclosed in { }. One useful feature of blocks: they can be nested within each other.

block1 { // a block of code opensstatement;block2 { // a nested block of code opens


} // end of block2 statement;

} // end of block1block3 { // a block of code opens

statement;} // end of block3

3. To animate in Processingvoid setup() { // Initialization code goes here

size(400, 3oo);frameRate(24); // Frames per second. Default max is 60.


void draw() { // Code to run forever - animate - goes herebackground(255);drawScenery(); // this function doesn’t existdrawNextRunner1(); // this function doesn’t existdrawNextRunner2(); // this function doesn’t exist/* At the end of draw(), Processing renders

the new pixels produced in this block. */}

3. Try this in Processing// Pointy sketch

size(400, 300); strokeWeight(5);



point(200, 150);

// Pointy sketch

void setup() {

size(400, 300); strokeWeight(5);



void draw() { // animate!


point(200, 150);


4. Now edit it}

void draw() { // animate!


point(200, 150);



void draw() { // animate!


//point(200, 150);

point(mouseX, mouseY);


mouseX and mouseY are built-in property variables of the sketch like height and width (in the same way that point() is a built-in function).

4. What’s the difference?void setup() {

size(400, 3oo); strokeWeight(5);stroke(0);


void draw() { // animate!background(255);point(mouseX,


void setup() {size(400, 3oo); strokeWeight(5);stroke(0);background(255);


void draw() { // animate!// background(255);point(mouseX, mouseY);


4. Edit for variation with pmouseX and pmouseY

void draw() { // animate!

// background(255);

point(mouseX, mouseY);


void draw() { // animate!

// background(255);

// point(mouseX, mouseY);

line(pmouseX, pmouseY,

mouseX, mouseY);


pmouseX and pmouseY are built-in property variables for the position

of the mouse in the frame draw()n just prior to the current one.

3 Things you’re doing now

1. draw() {} code blocks for animation

2. Math expressions with built-in property variables

3. Mouse property variables for interaction

Data types

In Processing, data are categorized by type.

Three useful data types:

int whole numbers (-230548, 0, 45)

float decimal numbers (-4.3, 30984.349)

String sequence of characters ("Hi, Ebony!")

Making our own Variables

What if I want to use that hard-calculated value again?

The answer: Let's create our own variable and store it there.

VariablesContainer for storing some piece of data. A

variable is a way for the program to remember.

Each variable has a name

We make up almost any name we want within the rules (but it should make sense!)

We can use the name to refer to that piece of data

The value might change during the execution of the program. Hence, “variable.”

The variable actually points to a specific physical memory location in RAM.

Some redundancies here...void setup() {size(400, 300);frameRate(5);colorMode(HSB);


void draw() {fill(frameCount % 256, 255, 255);triangle(0, 0, mouseX, mouseY,dist(pmouseX, pmouseY, mouseX, mouseY),dist(pmouseX, pmouseY, mouseX, mouseY));


float mdistance; // Declare the variable type and name

void setup() {size(400, 300);frameRate(5);colorMode(HSB);


void draw() {/* Assign mdistance to store the distance between

the latest and just-previous mouse positions.*/mdistance = dist(pmouseX, pmouseY,

mouseX, mouseY);

fill(frameCount % 256, 255, 255);triangle(0, 0, mouseX, mouseY, mdistance, mdistance);


float mdistance; // Declare the variable type and name

void setup() {size(400, 300);frameRate(5);colorMode(HSB);


void draw() {/* Assign mdistance to store the distance between

the latest and just-previous mouse positions.*/mdistance = dist(pmouseX, pmouseY,

mouseX, mouseY);

fill(frameCount % 256, 255, 255);triangle(0, 0, mouseX, mouseY, mdistance, mdistance);


Before we use a variable, we need to declareit.To declare it, use the keyword for the type of data it will hold:

String instructions;

int shapeNumber;

At this point, the variable exists, but doesn’t hold a value yet. We’ve simply informed the computer that we intend to use a variable by that name and of that data type.

float mdistance; // Declare the variable type and name

void setup() {size(400, 300);frameRate(5);colorMode(HSB);


void draw() {/* Assign mdistance to store the distance between

the latest and just-previous mouse positions.*/mdistance = dist(pmouseX, pmouseY,

mouseX, mouseY);

fill(frameCount % 256, 255, 255);triangle(0, 0, 0, height, mdistance, mdistance);


Why is this variable declared as type float?Why not type int?

void draw() {/* Assign mdistance to store the distance between

the latest and just-previous mouse positions.*/mdistance = dist(pmouseX, pmouseY,

mouseX, mouseY);

fill(frameCount % 256, 255, 255);triangle(0, 0, 0, height, mdistance, mdistance);triangle(width, height, width, 0, mdistance, mdistance);


Give a variable a value with an assignment statement – it uses an equal sign.

shapeNumber = frameCount - 1;

The action goes right to left: the value (frameCount – 1) replaces any current value in the variable shapeNumber.

float mdistance; // Declare the variable type and name

void setup() {size(400, 300);frameRate(5);colorMode(HSB);


void draw() {/* Assign mdistance to store the distance between

the latest and just-previous mouse positions.*/mdistance = dist(pmouseX, pmouseY,

mouseX, mouseY);

fill(frameCount % 256, 255, 255);triangle(0, 0, mouseX, mouseY, mdistance, mdistance);


Once the variable is declared and a value assigned, we can use the variable anywhere we would have used the value:

point(shapeNumber, height/2);

float mdistance; // Declare the variable type and name

void setup() {size(400, 300);frameRate(5);colorMode(HSB);


void draw() {/* Assign mdistance to store the distance between

the latest and just-previous mouse positions.*/mdistance = dist(pmouseX, pmouseY,

mouseX, mouseY);

fill(frameCount % 256, 255, 255);triangle(0, 0, mouseX, mouseY, mdistance, mdistance);


Rules for variable names

Must start with a letter

May NOT contain spaces (only one “word”)

May contain numbers and _underscores_

camelCase Start with lower case letter

Opt: next words start with upper case (easier to read)

Tip: Longer is often better for future comprehension selectedCar instead of sc or selCar or selectCar

You can declare and assign an initial value in one statement// Circles along the diagonalint shapeNumber;int randomSize;

void setup() {size(200, 200);ellipseMode(CENTER);shapeNumber = 1;


void draw() {randomSize = int (random(5, 50));ellipse(shapeNumber,

shapeNumber, randomSize,randomSize);

shapeNumber = shapeNumber + 1;}

// Circles along the diagonalint shapeNumber = 1;int randomSize;

void setup() {size(200, 200);ellipseMode(CENTER);


void draw() {

Statement review

String instructions;

void setup() {size(200, 500);instructions = "Swoosh your mouse";

}void draw() { // points follow mouse

point(mouseX, mouseY);}/* On click, instructions print in console */void mousePressed() {


1. Variable declaration

2. Code block

3. Function call

4. Assignment statement


and now 6...

If-else [conditional] blocks

Instead of always following one path, let the computer make a choice based on the current outcome of some condition.

Decisions in computerese

Carbon-based life

If it is raining hard enough to bother me outside, maybe I'll put on a hat or carry an umbrella – depends on my mood.

Silicon-based machines

rainIntensity = calcIntensity();

if (rainIntensity > 3) {




Decisions in computerese

Carbon-based life

If it is raining hard enough to bother me outside, maybe I'll put on a hat or carry an umbrella – depends on my mood.

Otherwise, I'm wearing my new shades.

Silicon-based machines

rainIntensity = calcIntensity();

if (rainIntensity > 3) {


} else {



If-else block

if (rainIntensity > 3) { // do this if true


} else { // otherwise do this



Expression that can evaluate to true or false

rain sun

If-else block

if (Boolean expression) { // do this if true



} else { // otherwise do this (opt)





Expression that can evaluate to true or false

Start with creeping circle...

int x = -20;

void setup() {



void draw() {

ellipse(x, height/2, 20, 20);

x = x + 1;


After the circle gets beyond the right edge, we will never see it again.

Let's change that.

Proceed with cycling circle… }

void draw() {

ellipse(x, height/2, 20, 20);

x = x + 1;

// If circle gets too far…

if (x > (width + 20)) { //cycle!

x = -20;



… }

void draw() {

ellipse(x, height/2, 20, 20);

x = x + 1;

/* When circle goes off

right edge, start it back

at left edge again.



Boolean expressions with comparison operators


45 == 45

10 < 100

10 > -3

99 <= 100

99 >= 98

100 != 88

Do block


45 == 30

10 < -3

10 > 88

99 <= 30

99 >= 100

100 != 100

Skip block

Reserved word representing a logical value.




Less or equal?

Greater or equal?

Not equal?

Points, black circles, and red rects depending on conditional expressions.

void setup() {ellipseMode(CENTER);rectMode(CENTER);


void draw() {if (mouseX < 10) { // far leftellipse (width/2, mouseY, 20, 20);


if (mouseX < width/2) { // left sidestroke(0); // black stroke

} else { // right sidestroke(255,0,0); //red stroke

}point(mouseX, mouseY);

if (mouseX >= width - 10) { // far rightrect (width/2, mouseY, 20, 20);


Boolean variablesboolean isFirstClick = true;

void setup() {ellipseMode(CENTER);


void draw() {if (isFirstClick) {ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 20, 20);

} else {point(mouseX, mouseY);


void mousePressed() {isFirstClick = false;strokeWeight(4);stroke(150, 0, 150); //purple


More complex expressions

Logical operators:

a || b || c // or

if any is true

a && b && c // and

only if all true

!a // not

if not true

boolean myTest;

myTest = (mouseY < 0) ||

(mouseY > height);

// mousePressed and keyPressed

// are built-in boolean variables.

myTest = mousePressed &&


// key (built-in char variable) returns

// most recent keyboard key value

myTest = !((key == 'q') || (key == 'Q'));

More complex expressions

Assume height=200

mouseY myTest

-10 true

0 false

50 false

200 false

201 true

boolean myTest;

myTest = (mouseY < 0) ||

(mouseY > height);

// Would otherTest ever be true?

boolean otherTest;

otherTest = (mouseY < 0) &&

(mouseY > height);

More complex expressions

boolean myTest;

// mousePressed and keyPressed

// are built-in boolean variables.

myTest = mousePressed &&


// What's the difference?

boolean otherTest;

otherTest = mousePressed ||


keyPressed mousePressed myTest

true true true

true false false

false true false

false false false

More complex if-else block useboolean isFirstClick = true;

void setup() {ellipseMode(CENTER);


void draw() {if (isFirstClick) {ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 20, 20);

} else if (mousePressed) {line(pmouseX, pmouseY,

mouseX, mouseY);} else {

point(mouseX, mouseY);}



line point

More complex if-else block useboolean isFirstClick = true;

void setup() {ellipseMode(CENTER);


void draw() {if (isFirstClick) {ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 20, 20);

} else if (mousePressed) {line(pmouseX, pmouseY,

mouseX, mouseY);} else {

point(mouseX, mouseY);}


void mousePressed() {isFirstClick = false;strokeWeight(4);stroke(150, 0, 150); //purple


void keyPressed() {if (key =='c' || key == 'C') {background(200); //clear bg

}if (key =='q' || key == 'Q') {exit(); //quit


Two things

1. Global vs Local variables

2. Iteration with while loops

1. Global (what we've been doing) versus Local variables

variable scope

1. Global variables (used so far)

Declare outside/beyond any blockKnown throughout allPersists from declaration throughout run of app

float mdistance;

void setup() {size(400, 300);frameRate(5);colorMode(HSB);mdistance = 10;


void draw() {mdistance = dist(pmouseX, pmouseY,

mouseX, mouseY);

fill(frameCount % 256, 255, 255);triangle(0, 0, 0, height,

mdistance, mdistance);triangle(width, height, width, 0,

mdistance, mdistance);}

// no mdistance exists

void setup() {size(400, 300);frameRate(5);colorMode(HSB);// no mdistance exists


void draw() {int mdistance = dist(pmouseX, pmouseY,

mouseX, mouseY);

fill(frameCount % 256, 255, 255);triangle(0, 0, 0, height,

mdistance, mdistance);triangle(width, height, width, 0,

mdistance, mdistance);} // no mdistance exists

Declare inside a blockExists only inside the blockPersists from declaration to end of current run of

the block

1. Local variables

1. What's the difference?// Global "count"

int count = 0;

void setup() {



void draw() {

count = count + 1;




// Local "count"

void setup() {



void draw() {

int count = 0;

count = count + 1;




1. What's the difference?// Global "count"

int count = 0;

void setup() {



void draw() {

count = count + 1;




// Local "count"

void setup() {



void draw() {

int count = 0;

count = count + 1;




1. Is count local or global? Would this declaration work?

void setup() {size(200,200);int count = 0;

}void draw() {count = count + 1; background(count);println(count);


1. When should you use local vs. global?

void mousePressed() {

int count = frameCount % 255;

background(count, 255, 255);


void draw() {

int count = mouseX + 40;


triangle(0, 0, width, height,

0, height);


Global if…

Need to use in multiple blocks.

Need to persist beyond a single run of a block.

Local if…

Alright/need to re-birth each run of a block (like both cases in this example)

2. Iteration with while loops

Doing it and doing it and doing it well.

2. Conditional to Iteration

locationX = 0;

if (locationX < width) {

point(locationX, 40);

// move point

locationX = locationX + 1;


// do more stuff

Draw & move pt

2. Conditional to Iteration

locationX = 0;

while (locationX < width) {

point(locationX, 40);

// move point

locationX = locationX + 1;

} // exit loop only if condition false

// do more stuff

Draw & move pt

2. Conditional to Iteration

Three keys to this loop:1. Prepare variable


2. Test condition with variable

3. Change variable during repetition

locationX = 0;

while (locationX < width) {

point(locationX, 40);

// move point

locationX = locationX + 1;

} // exit loop if condition false

// do more stuff

If you don't ensure the while condition will at some point become true, the

program won't ever escape the loop (until you kill it :O).

2. Iterating legs//Prep to draw legs - vertical lines 100px longstrokeWeight(4);// First leg just beyond left edge of body (100).// Draw legs spaced every 15px until// beyond right edge of body, which is at 300.line(110, 100, 110, 200);//place next leg, 2line(125, 100, 125, 200);//place next leg, 3line(140, 100, 140, 200);

//place next leg, 13line(290, 100, 290, 200);

size(400, 300);stroke(0);strokeWeight(1);fill(0);

//draw body as rectanglerectMode(CORNER);rect(100, 130, 200, 40);

//draw head as ellipseellipseMode(CENTER);ellipse(80, 150, 50, 30);

What changes

and what stays

the same? Is

there a pattern

to the change?

Can we use a

variable to


2. Iterating legs//Prep to draw legs - vertical lines 100px longstrokeWeight(4);// First leg just beyond left edge of body (100).// Draw legs spaced every 15px until// beyond right edge of body, which is at 300.legX = 110;

line(legX, 100, legX, 200);//place next leg, 2legX = legX + 15;line(legX, 100, legX, 200);

//place next leg, 13legX = legX + 15;line(legX, 100, legX, 200);

int legX; //x position of leg

size(400, 300);stroke(0);strokeWeight(1);fill(0);

//draw body as rectanglerectMode(CORNER);rect(100, 130, 200, 40);

//draw head as ellipseellipseMode(CENTER);ellipse(80, 150, 50, 30);

2. Iterating legs//Prep to draw legs - vertical lines 100px longstrokeWeight(4);// First leg just beyond left edge of body (100).// Draw legs spaced every 15px until// beyond right edge of body, which is at 300.legX = 110;

line(legX, 100, legX, 200);//place next leg, 2legX = legX + 15;line(legX, 100, legX, 200);

//place next leg, 13legX = legX + 15;line(legX, 100, legX, 200);

int legX; //x position of leg

size(400, 300);stroke(0);strokeWeight(1);fill(0);

//draw body as rectanglerectMode(CORNER);rect(100, 130, 200, 40);

//draw head as ellipseellipseMode(CENTER);ellipse(80, 150, 50, 30);

Repetitive code that

changes variable.

Prepared variable

2. Iterating legs// Prepare to draw legsstrokeWeight(4);// First leg just beyond left edge of body (100).legX = 110;

} // end setup

// Draw legs spaced every 15px until// beyond right edge of body, which is at 300.void draw() {if ( ??? ) { // within body?line(legX, 100, legX, 200);//place next leglegX = legX + 15;


int legX; //x position of leg

void setup() {size(400, 300);stroke(0);strokeWeight(1);fill(0);

//draw body as rectanglerectMode(CORNER);rect(100, 130, 200, 40);

//draw head as ellipseellipseMode(CENTER);ellipse(80, 150, 50, 30);



Repetitive code that

changes variable.

Prepared variable

2. Iterating legs// Prepare to draw legsstrokeWeight(4);// First leg just beyond left edge of body (100).legX = 110;

} // end setup

// Draw legs spaced every 15px until// beyond right edge of body, which is at 300.void draw() {if (legX < 300) { // within body?line(legX, 100, legX, 200);//place next leglegX = legX + 15;


int legX; //x position of leg

void setup() {size(400, 300);stroke(0);strokeWeight(1);fill(0);

//draw body as rectanglerectMode(CORNER);rect(100, 130, 200, 40);

//draw head as ellipseellipseMode(CENTER);ellipse(80, 150, 50, 30);



2. Iterating legs// Prepare to draw legsstrokeWeight(4);// First leg just beyond left edge of body (100).legX = 110;

// Draw legs spaced every 15px until// beyond right edge of body, which is at 300.while (legX < 300) { // within body?line(legX, 100, legX, 200);//place next leglegX = legX + 15;


noLoop(); //Don't need to do looping draw{}} // end setup

void setup() {int legX; //x position of leg

size(400, 300);stroke(0);strokeWeight(1);fill(0);

//draw body as rectanglerectMode(CORNER);rect(100, 130, 200, 40);

//draw head as ellipseellipseMode(CENTER);ellipse(80, 150, 50, 30);

What goes in the blanks?

size(200, 200);

int y = 0;

while ( _____ ) {

line ( ___, ___, ____, ___ );

y = ___________ ;


What goes in the blanks?

size(200, 200);


float w = ___ ;

while ( ______ ) {

fill( ___ );

ellipse( ___, ___, ___, ___ );

___ = ________ 20;



Why herd code into functions?


Smaller chunks are easier to read/manage/update


You can write a chunk once, and use from multiple places

How could we break up draw?

float xSpeed;float x, y;

void setup() {size(200, 200);ellipseMode(CENTER);rectMode(CORNER);xSpeed = 1; // behavior if -1?x = 10; // start inside left edgey = height/2; // stay at middle


void draw() {//fill canvas with translucent rectfill(255, 60);rect(-1, -1, width+1, height+1);

// draw the ballfill(255, 0, 0);ellipse(x, y, 20, 20);

//at edge? Bounce the ballif ((x > width - 10) || (x < 10)) { xSpeed = xSpeed * -1; //reverse


// move the ballx = x + xSpeed;


How could we break up draw?

float xSpeed;float x, y;

void setup() {size(200, 200);ellipseMode(CENTER);rectMode(CORNER);xSpeed = 1; // behavior if -1?x = 10; // start inside left edgey = height/2; // stay at middle


void draw() {//fill canvas with translucent rectfill(255, 60);rect(-1, -1, width+1, height+1);

// draw the ballfill(255, 0, 0);ellipse(x, y, 20, 20);

//at edge? Bounce the ballif ((x > width - 10) || (x < 10)) { xSpeed = xSpeed * -1; //reverse


// move the ballx = x + xSpeed;


How could we break up draw?

float xSpeed;float x, y;

void setup() {size(200, 200);ellipseMode(CENTER);rectMode(CORNER);xSpeed = 1; // behavior if -1?x = 10; // start inside left edgey = height/2; // stay at middle


void draw() {//fill canvas with translucent rectfill(255, 60);rect(-1, -1, width+1, height+1);

// draw the ballfill(255, 0, 0);ellipse(x, y, 20, 20);

//at edge? Bounce the ballif ((x > width - 10) || (x < 10)) { xSpeed = xSpeed * -1; //reverse


// move the ballx = x + xSpeed;






How could we break up draw?

// draw the ball

void drawBall() {

fill(255, 0, 0);

ellipse(x, y, 20, 20);


//at edge of canvas? Bounce the ball

void bounceBall() {

if ((x > width - 10) || (x < 10)) {

xSpeed = xSpeed * -1; //reverse



// move the ball by xSpeed

void moveBall() {

x = x + xSpeed;


void draw() {






//fill canvas with translucent rect

void screenCanvas() {

fill(255, 60);

rect(-1, -1, width+1, height+1);


Anatomy of function calls (review) and blocks (new)

void mousePressed() {

functionName(arg1, arg2, arg3);


void functionName(int param1, int param2, boolean param3) {

// Statements doing something like…

if (param3) {

point(param1, param2);



Arguments can

be passed to the

function to be

used as



Drawing faces flexibly

void setup() { size(500, 500); }

void draw() {

drawFace(mouseX, mouseY, 100);


void drawFace(int faceX, int faceY, int radius) {

ellipse(faceX, faceY, radius, radius);

ellipse((faceX - radius/5), faceY, radius/5, radius/3);

ellipse((faceX + radius/5), faceY, radius/5, radius/3);


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