leading for innovation by simon breakspear 2013

Post on 12-May-2015






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Simon Breakspear presentation to WRPPA schools 18 and 19 February, 2013.


Leadingthe Future of Learning

Sunday, 14 April 13

Innovation for Learning

Applying human ingenuity to the relentless pursuit of better

Better by being different.

Let’s take on the messy, complex problems together

Sunday, 14 April 13

INNOVATE‘Recipe Maker’


IMPLEMENT‘Cake Maker’Compliance


Sunday, 14 April 13

Be curious & Playful “Think Lifelong Kindergarten”

> Think by doing> Take risks + Be curious“I’ll tell you what it is when it’s finished.”

Sunday, 14 April 13


Models, Organisations and Systems of Learning

Better by being DIFFERENT

Sunday, 14 April 13


Sunday, 14 April 13

Global Demands on Learning

Sunday, 14 April 13

The FUTURE is not what it used to be

--> Accelerating WorldSunday, 14 April 13

21st Century Competencies

Sunday, 14 April 13

“Skills have become the currency of 21st century economies” Andreas Schleicher

But what knowledge and skills have value?

Sunday, 14 April 13


21st Century Skills: 3 Domains

National Research Council (2012). Education for Life and Work: Developing Transferable Knowledge and Skills in the 21st Century

Sunday, 14 April 13

Angela Duckworth, U PENN

“I’m convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance.”Steve Jobs

Sunday, 14 April 13

‘What’s required now is an entrepreneurial mindset. Whether you work for a ten-person company, a giant multinational corporation, a not-for-profit, a government agency, or any type of organisation in between – if you want to seize the new opportunities and meet the challenges of today’s fractured career landscapes, you need to think and act like you’re running a start-up: your career”

Sunday, 14 April 13

The Equity Imperative

Sunday, 14 April 13

We need everybody to become powerful

& resilient learners

Sunday, 14 April 13

Sunday, 14 April 13

You can’t deliver learning

(Dis) Engagement

Sunday, 14 April 13

“If you have a body you are an


Sunday, 14 April 13

“If you have a brain you are a


A moral imperative to


Sunday, 14 April 13

The Disruptive Potential of New Digital Technologies

Sunday, 14 April 13

Powerful new technologies

> Cloud

> Mobile

> Social

Game-changing opportunities for learning

Sunday, 14 April 13

This is just the beginning... not the end.

Sunday, 14 April 13

Moving beyond the limits of top-down reform

Sunday, 14 April 13

Limits of top-down reform menu.... beyond the flat-line

McKinsey & Co 2010

Poor to Fair! ! - Basics of literacy & numeracy

Fair to Good! ! - Getting foundations in place

Good to Great! ! - Shaping the professional

Great to Excellent - Improving through peers ! ! ! ! ! and innovation

Sunday, 14 April 13

“Great to excellent: the interventions of this stage move the locus of improvement from the centre to the schools themselves; the focus is on introducing peer-based learning through school-based and system-wide interaction, as well as supporting system-sponsored innovation and experimentation”. (p20)

Sunday, 14 April 13

The problem solving potential

of frontline innovation

Local solutions to local challenges.. taken to scale.

Sunday, 14 April 13

How do we solve the problem of variability within and between schools?

How do we overcome the influence of SES background on learning?

Sunday, 14 April 13

Pushed to Innovation by failure...

Sunday, 14 April 13

Pulled to Innovation by opportunity

Sunday, 14 April 13

S0 What?

School Improvement + Systemic Innovation

Step Reform

Leap Transform

Sunday, 14 April 13


We need a radical new vision for learning and teaching

1. Physical Learning Spaces2. Assessment3. Technology & pedagogy 4. Roles, identities, capabilities of the teacher5. Lesson time & sequence

Sunday, 14 April 13

Frontier agenda How might we design, prove and scale new models that ensure deep, personalised and effective learning for all?

Sunday, 14 April 13

Leading Learning Innovation

Sunday, 14 April 13

7 Strategies for leading

learning innovation

Sunday, 14 April 13



> Leadership MINDSETS> Organisational PROCESSES> PEOPLE and CULTURE

Sunday, 14 April 13

How might we.....?

Provocatively Question the Status Quo1

Set the innovationagenda

Sunday, 14 April 13

Embrace Pedagogy for Deep learning2

Sunday, 14 April 13

Harness Human-centred Design3

Embrace human-centred designDriven by Empathy

Sunday, 14 April 13

Give Permission through Conditions4

Culture Matters

Sunday, 14 April 13

Launch, learn, reiterate .... then scale5

Deploy Rapid prototyping

“A propensity towards action”Reid Hoffman

Sunday, 14 April 13

Build a network of lab schools6

Sunday, 14 April 13

Unashamedly Seek out Disruptive Innovations7

Quality + Equity + Cheap

Pace and scale of change

Harness game-

changing ideas

Sunday, 14 April 13

How might we.....?

Provocatively Question the Status Quo1

Set the innovationagenda

Sunday, 14 April 13

Stuck in same...

Tinkering towards Utopia

Sunday, 14 April 13

Be bold. Think big. Be unreasonable.

Become relentless and insistent on changing the status quo

“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man [and woman].” -George Bernard Shaw

10x’s Sunday, 14 April 13

What is the overarching story and the specific problems of focus?

Set the Innovation Ambition &


Sunday, 14 April 13

SkypeNiklas Zennstrom “Our goal is to be disruptive, but in the case of making the world a better place.”

Unite around a disruptive mission

Sunday, 14 April 13

Southwest Airlines“Democratise the Skies”

Sunday, 14 April 13

What is your compelling mission?

We exist to .....

Sunday, 14 April 13

Borders Blockbuster


Amazon NetflixiTunes

Good to Great to ..... Obsolete

Nothing fails like success

Sunday, 14 April 13

When we are doing well... we often ask delivery questions... rather than disruption questions.

Sunday, 14 April 13

problem solving potential of innovation

Local solutions to local challenges. Solve for x (x=learning)

Sunday, 14 April 13

> How could we design the school term for teacher sustainability?> How can we make high school a better experience that costs less?> How could we deliver education with minimal environmental impact?> How could we engage the disengaged without the use of technology?> How might our parents help us innovate assessment?> How can our CPD equip our staff to become more creative and divergent thinkers?

Sunday, 14 April 13

What is your learning design question?

How might we......?

Disrupt the status quo

Sunday, 14 April 13

Embrace Pedagogy for Deep learning2

Sunday, 14 April 13

Current paradigm of Learning +


Sunday, 14 April 13

Current paradigm of Learning +

TechnologyXSunday, 14 April 13

“What is clear is that no technology has an impact on learning in its own right; rather its impact depends upon

the way in which it is used.”

NESTA, 2012 “Decoding learning: The proof promise and potential of digital education.” p9

Sunday, 14 April 13

Learning from ExpertLearning with OthersLearning through MakingLearning through ExploringLearning through InquiryLearning through PractisingLearning from AssessmentLearning in and across Settings

8 Effective Learning Themes

NESTA, 2012 “Decoding learning: The proof promise and potential of digital education.” p9

Sunday, 14 April 13

30 years of school effectiveness research and 10 years of system

reform research. One major conclusion on what matters...

Sunday, 14 April 13

“An unrelenting focus on learning and teaching.”

(and the relationship between them)

Sunday, 14 April 13

Describe one of your most powerful and meaningful learning


Capture 5 of the key elements

Sunday, 14 April 13

BIG 5 for Learning

Sunday, 14 April 13








Sunday, 14 April 13

Engaging + Active

Pull rather than push students into learning.


Sunday, 14 April 13


Sunday, 14 April 13

Deep + Challenging + Stretching

Sunday, 14 April 13

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Finding flow

Sunday, 14 April 13

1. Find and leverage unique genius2. Treat diversity as a resource3. Provide coice and coaching4. Assets-based approach5. Encourage agency, responsibility and identify as a learner6. Regular, meaningful Feedback


Sunday, 14 April 13

> Enlist students as co-creators and designers of learning.

> Student Ownership of their learning


Sunday, 14 April 13

‘to put it simply, the core of this consensus is that people learn most effectively when they are mainly learning WITH others, and sometimes BY themselves, and less frequently when the are having things explained FOR them or knowledge delivered TO them. 

Increasingly, to make learning effective we need to design it as a WITH and BY activity, rather than something that’s about doing FOR and TO us.’

Charles LeadbeaterRethinking innovation in education: opening up the debate. (2011, CSE).

Sunday, 14 April 13

Applied + Authentic

Sunday, 14 April 13

Teacher as ActivatorMichael Fullan

The New Pedagogy

Sunday, 14 April 13


We need a radical new vision for learning and teaching

1. Physical Learning Spaces2. Assessment3. Technology & pedagogy 4. Roles, identities, capabilities of the teacher5. Lesson time & sequence

Sunday, 14 April 13

Kunskappskolan (Sweden)

> Personalisation> Responsibility

Sunday, 14 April 13


* Project-based learning> Public Exhibition

Sunday, 14 April 13

1. Who owns the learning? Who has agency? Who is responsible?2. What types of learning relationships and roles are present? 3. What type of motivation for learning?4. What is the role of teachers and technology?5. What is the role of new spaces for learning?

Big questions to ask:

Sunday, 14 April 13

Embrace Pedagogy for Deep learning2

Embrace human-centred design

Sunday, 14 April 13

Harness Human-centred Design3

Embrace human-centred designDriven by Empathy

Sunday, 14 April 13

Marc Koska K1 Auto-disposable Syringe

Sunday, 14 April 13


user NEEDS, motivations, aspirationsSunday, 14 April 13


Sunday, 14 April 13


Sunday, 14 April 13

Human-centred design-led innovation

(aka Design Thinking, & HCD)

Is so hot right now..

Sunday, 14 April 13


Sunday, 14 April 13

Process1. Inspiration 2. Ideation 3. Experimentation 4. Implementation

How to set up a team for innovation?

Sunday, 14 April 13


Sunday, 14 April 13

Harness Human-centred Design3

Embrace human-centred designDriven by Empathy

Sunday, 14 April 13

Give Permission through Conditions4

Culture Matters

Sunday, 14 April 13

ZAPPOSTony Hsiech “Delivering Happiness”

Give Permission Through Conditions

Sunday, 14 April 13

The Zappos Core Values are:

1. Deliver Wow Through Service2. Embrace and Drive Change3. Create Fun and a Little Weirdness4. Be Adventurous, Creative and Open-Minded5. Pursue Growth and Learning6. Build Open and Honest Relationships with Communication7. Build a Positive Team and Family Spirit8. Do More with Less9. Be Passionate and Determined10. Be Humble

Sunday, 14 April 13

Medici effect:Breakthrough insights come at the intersection of ideas, disciplines, perspectives, concepts and cultures.

Bring diversity to your greatest challenges

Multi-Generational Multi-disciplinaryMulti-role

Purposefully employ diversity.

Sunday, 14 April 13

Blow up the Silos

Curate productive collisionsSunday, 14 April 13

Give Permission through Conditions4

Culture Matters

Sunday, 14 April 13

Launch, learn, reiterate .... then scale5

Deploy Rapid prototyping

“A propensity towards action”Reid Hoffman

Sunday, 14 April 13


Inspired at conference

Start a committee

Write a detailed plan

Get a budget

Large-scale Implementation: )

: (

Sunday, 14 April 13


Inspired at conference

Start a committee

Write a detailed plan

Get a budget

Large-scale Implementation: )

: (

UNCERTAINTY!“we didn’t know that

would happen”

Sunday, 14 April 13

Clover food Lab

Sunday, 14 April 13



& Institutional Design)

Sunday, 14 April 13

Likelihood of successfully impacting student learning

Waste of change resources ($ + Time + People)

The HOW of leading innovation for learning

A model for practical R & D in Schools? Sunday, 14 April 13

MVP = Minimal viable product

“What is the minimum set of features that you need in order to begin the process of

feedback and discovery?”

It is smaller than you think

Rapid prototyping cycles Luis Gomez & Tony Bryk

Sunday, 14 April 13

What could be your MVP?

Make it as specific as possible

Sunday, 14 April 13

Reframe Failure

Fail fast! Fail forward! Accelerate


Sunday, 14 April 13

Sunday, 14 April 13

Success and failure are not polar opposites: you often need to endure the second to enjoy the first


Sunday, 14 April 13


Sunday, 14 April 13

“In Germany bankruptcy can end your business career ....in Silicon Valley it is almost a badge of honour.”

Sunday, 14 April 13

Simple challenges XSchools as....Complex


“We learn much more from failure than we do from success.” A.G. Lafley, ex-boss of Procter & Gamble

Sunday, 14 April 13


Sunday, 14 April 13

My first three actions would be...1. 2. 3.

Sunday, 14 April 13

1. How do we understand the problem(s) we seek to solve?

2. How do we understand the system(s) in which the problems are embedded? (All successful solutions must consider how they integrate within the larger social system).

3. What specifically are you trying to accomplish? This involves identifying specific measurable targets that will unite all efforts of the diverse participants.

4. What changes might we introduce, and what is the rationale for each? This refers to your overarching theory of change - what is the logic of your proposed solutions?

5. How will we know if the changes we introduced are actually an improvement?

Sunday, 14 April 13

Launch, learn, reiterate .... then scale5

Deploy Rapid prototyping

“A propensity towards action”Reid Hoffman

Sunday, 14 April 13

Build a network of lab schools6

Sunday, 14 April 13

Social Networks

Sunday, 14 April 13

Crowd Sourcing


Linux Crowd funding

Sunday, 14 April 13

Cooking Relationships

Core Activity

Co-designing Fusion Recipes

Teaching others how to cook

Sharing your recipes/resources

Know what other people are cooking

Want to be cooking better than others

Sunday, 14 April 13

Education Network Growth Trajectory

Level Name Core Activity

4 Creating Co-designing Innovation

3 Committed Capacity Building

2 OpenIdea


1 SocialPersonal


0 ClosedStagnant

CompetitivenessSunday, 14 April 13

Stagnant Competitiveness

Sunday, 14 April 13

Personal Awareness

Sunday, 14 April 13

Idea sharing

Sunday, 14 April 13

Capacity Building

Sunday, 14 April 13

Co-designing Innovation

Improvement & Innovation Learning Labs

Sunday, 14 April 13

Learning Futures Model


* See, for example the Whole Education Campaign (www.wholeeducation.org)










student engagement took place in schools which integrated all of the Learning Futures themes into their pedagogy’, and that ‘There is evidence of a positive relationship between these engagement outcome measures and student learning outcomes, as measured by National Curriculum attainment scores’.This finding has had a significant impact upon Learning Futures schools, inspiring them to revise structures and curricula to accommodate a more holistic plan for the next stage of the Learning Futures programme. Moreover, the Learning Futures programme has found that ‘engagement’ is not just something that

students experience. In 21st century conditions, it arises when schools themselves are engaged with their communities, with parents/carers, with the wider world, and with their own growth as learning organisations. Like learning itself, engagement is not something which is done to students but something done with them.The following four sections offer an in-depth look at each approach to school engagement, with examples from the work taking place at Learning Futures Schools (summarised on pages 38–40) and the voices of teachers and learners involved in the work.

Sunday, 14 April 13

Education Network Growth Trajectory

Level Name Core Activity Description Next step

4 CreatingCo-designing Innovation

3 CommittedCapacity Building

2 OpenIdea


1 SocialPersonal


0 ClosedStagnant

CompetitivenessSunday, 14 April 13

NYC iZone

Sunday, 14 April 13

Build a network of lab schools6

Sunday, 14 April 13

Unashamedly Seek out Disruptive Innovations7

Quality + Equity + Cheap

Pace and scale of change

Harness game-

changing ideas

Sunday, 14 April 13

Disrupting travel


Sunday, 14 April 13

Game-changing Opportunities for Learning

Data & Learning Analytics

Social(platform enabled)

Data & Learning Analytics

Mobile (cheap)


Free content

Sunday, 14 April 13

NEIL D’SOUZABring blended learning to the last mile

Sunday, 14 April 13

Our systems of learning should always be in

‘beta’ mode

embrace permanent beta mode

Zig-zig path to impact

Sunday, 14 April 13

“I used to think..” “Now I think..”

How has your thinking changed as a consequence of the work we have done together?

Visible thinking. Project Zero

Sunday, 14 April 13

"Simply by sailing in a new directionYou could enlarge the world." A. Curnow.

Push on the edge of educational change

Sunday, 14 April 13

Commit yourself

you need to lead it. Networked

Sunday, 14 April 13

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