leadership skills

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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Leadership Skills

Definition The action of leading a group of people or an

organization. The state or position of being a leader. Synonyms: Guidance, lead, direction, management,

command. Leadership is accomplishing tasks through others. Leadership means having the dominating power over

your people. Leadership is directed to change and a better journey. Leadership has been described as “a process of social

influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task“.

What are the qualities of good leadership? Confidence: A good leader must have the confidence to make

decisions and set a clear direction. Good leaders also instill confidence in others and encourages others to set up the lead.

Stress Management: During times of stress, good leaders will remain calm and stay on track while keeping emotions at bay. Others look to their leader for strength in time of stress.

Communication Skill: Good leadership requires good communication skills. Effective leaders can clearly communicate their vision and objectives to their team.

Responsibility: Leaders must take responsibility for their decisions and actions.

Decision Making: Leaders must be able to think on their feet and make prudent and quick decisions. Difficult problem needs quick solution.

How to become a leader: 7 InstructionStep 1: Learn decision making skills Great leaders have the ability and courage to make

decisions. Some people hold back from making unpopular decisions. In addition, other people fear making a wrong decision. However, a good leader realizes that he or she will sometimes make a wrong decision. Rather than dwell on a wrong choice, they learn from their mistakes and move forward.

Step 2: Motivate Persons who lead a team or organization can usually

motivate or up build others. In order to inspire someone else, leaders recognize the main objective or common goal, and wholeheartedly believe in a vision. In turn, they can motivate their team to action.

Step 3: Learn to listenA good leader will come up with useful ideas.

However, a great leader will also listen to his or her team and take their ideas and thoughts into consideration.

Step 4: Recognize personal short comings Great leaders make mistakes. Rather than feel that your

feelings and opinions are always right, take a candid look at your behaviour and traits. Identify your faults and accept constructive criticism.

Step 5: Improve oral communication skills Effective leaders can express their thoughts and visions

in a clear and understandable manner. Take public speaking courses, practice speaking aloud, slow down and think before you speak.

Step 6: Be a risk taker There are risk associated with every decision. Some

people avoid risky situations and always take the safe road. However, a great leader knows that certain risks are worth taking.

Step 7: Be Trustworthy We want leaders who are honourable, dependable

and responsible. To be a good leader, it is important to possess these traits. Others will recognize these fine qualities, and be inclined to respect your leadership role and achieve the overall goal.


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