
Post on 09-Nov-2015






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Leadership Nuggets



LeadershipLeadership is influence. Nothing morenothing less - John MaxwellUnderstanding LeadershipSome Leadership FactsLeaders are made, not bornReal desire to lead is a pre-requisite for leadershipManagement is not leadershipPosition is not leadershipLeaders achieve results but also take responsibilities for failureLeadership has many facetsno simple definition

So what is Leadership?capacity to build strong and effective teams.

the process of using your influence to persuade and steer.

ability to inspire and encourage others to overcome challenges, accept continuous change, and achieve goals.

Who then is a Leader?one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. John Maxwell

Ingredients of a Successful LeaderCharacter Who they are Relationship Who they knowKnowledge What they knowIntuition What they feelExperience Where theyve beenAbility What they can do

Steps to Leadership1 Know Yourself Develop self-awareness

Self-knowledge is the basis for character Character is the root of integrityIntegrity provides the foundation for leadership. - Vince Lombardi

Know Yourself: Thinking Styles Defining thinking styles

StyleCharacteristicsQuestions askedTactical Accepts directionFocuses on how to achieve a goalPlans and thinks through actions logically How can we achieve the best result in the least time ?How can we organize the actions into a clear plan?What are the most important things to do or coordinate?OperationalSees opportunities for action and improvement Focuses on practical actions and implementation in complex situationsWhat actions can we take?What needs to be done?When can we start?StrategicThinks any problem out from first principlesRedefines problems and confidently challenges upwardsWhat if?Why have we ruled out these other courses of action?Why not do this instead?Who else needs to be involved?11Know Yourself: EI defined b. Apply Self Knowledge (EI)

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the ability to identify, discriminate between, and use one's own and others' feelings to guide your thoughts and actions. .

1Know Yourself : Applying Self-knowledge Recognize emotionsAccurately identify categorize your own feelings and that of others.Be aware, moment-by-moment, of what you are feeling.

Regulate emotionsRecognize that how you feel influences how you think.Know which of your moods are best for different situations.Dont let others manipulate your emotions

Use emotions correctlyUse deliberate approaches to make your feelings work for you.Harness emotions so that you can take positive actions.1Know Yourself : Applying Self-knowledge Empathize Recognize that emotions provide information others.See satiations from others point of view.NurtureGenuinely care about others.Show real appreciation for other peoples contributions.Have others best interest at heart.

2Build Character Character is who we are. Everyone has a character, but not all of us are of character.

Character isfounded on unchanging principles.our unspoken power.solid, resolute but does not blink.

2Build Character How do you build character?

examining your heroes - how you can be like them and why you want to be different.

seeking the truth - never tell people what you don't believe in, because they will know the truth, and you will know the truth and they will know you're deceiving them. Leaders must always be in search of the truth.

grindingand keeping the faith- human beings are spiritual in nature and we yearn for that which is universal unchanging and inclusive. It is important to find that connection. Look for ways to develop in faith.

2Build Character by practicing humility -humility is the quality of being unpretending, it is giving credit to where credit is due. Humility embodies truth and reinforces character. you can be proud and humble

by showing respect and compassion for others - " everybody can love somebody's strengths and their good looks. But can you like somebody's weaknesses? Can you accept him for his inabilities"

3Earn Your Stripes "No leader, however great, can last long unless he wins battles. The battle decides all."Vince Lombardi

Leaders must earn the right to lead by winning. Leaders manifest character and integrity and they get results.

3Earn Your Stripes But to get these results, Leaders must:Set out the visionBring together a winning teamOrganize themselves to winManage their timeManage their resourcesMake the right decisions Monitor progress

4Think Big Picture The big picture is your road map to the set vision, it cannotchangein response to minor set backs but it canchange when vital conditions change.

4Think Big Picture Leaders are navigators, and like all good navigators, good leadersalwayshavein mindthatpeople aredepending on them.They draw on pastexperienceThey examine conditions before making commitmentsThey basetheirconclusion and faith and factsThey borrow wisdom from others

5Learn, Learn, LearnLeadership is a process and every ingredient of leadership can be learned and be improved upon.There is no such things as "a born leader", only that some people take easily acquiring leadership skills faster than others.

5Learn, Learn, LearnLeadership is a process and every ingredient of leadership can be learned and be improved upon.There is no such things as "a born leader", only that some people take easily acquiring leadership skills faster than others.

5Learn, Learn, LearnCharacter Who they are Relationship Who they knowKnowledge What they knowIntuition What they feelExperience Where theyve beenAbility What they can do


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