leader’s guide for episode 1 - vision video · lk g dd jovis bon-hovis and the creation crew:...

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Leader’s Guide for Episode 1

Leader’’s guide for

Jovis Bon-Hovis and the Creation Crew

Welcome to the fun-filled world of Jovis Bon-Hovis and the Creation Crew!

We are so happy you have decided to share the good

times with us! We created this DVD and teaching

series to plant and nurture the seeds of a relationship

with God that children can relate to, using fun, com-

edy, drama, songs, and arts and crafts to reveal

God’s truth and goodness to kids in relevant scenar-

ios they can make sense of.

Within these programs you will find a treasure trove

of helpful teaching, especially created to enable chil-

dren to connect with the Christian faith and

understand it in the context of their everyday lives.

Inside this guide you will find a range of fun and helpful activities, engaging questions,

and leader’s notes to help you and your kids get the most out of the time you spend with

Jovis Bon-Hovis and the Creation Crew!

These resources are geared for children 3-7 years old, but you may feel they are suitable

for older children, too.

FFun and Faith, Hand in Handun and Faith, Hand in Hand !!

Shorter or longer SeSSionS:

We’ve created these lessons to be flexible and easy to use, with minimal preparation

required. Just check the ‘Preparation’ section in advance, and you’ll find delivering

these sessions straightforward and enjoyable, with all the hard work done for you!

Each guide will contain various elements which will amount to well over 90 minutes

worth of material, allowing you to select and tailor your sessions to fit your time slot,

teaching preferences, and group requirements.

Apart from the DVD, which will take up about half an hour of group time, all of the ele-

ments of this study guide can be expanded and contracted, and used or discarded as


Leader’s Guide to accompany the DVD Jovis Bon-Hovis and the Creation Crew: Episode 1

Episode 1: I Don’t Need Instructions! 2

Episode 1:I don’’t need instructions!

theme: Mr. Bon-Hovis doesn’t see the value of learning. Why should he? He knows

it all already!

learning outcomeS:

1. It’s important to listen to the teacher; it’s helpful to know the rules. Listening to

what we are told means we can do things properly. God says knowing things is

like having treasure!

2. Learning gives us a better chance of success. Trying hard to learn means we will

be able to have more fun, and we can be more helpful! God says learning is bet-

ter than rubies!

3. It’s important to understand the value of education, that it has life-enhancing and

practical applications and that the Bible states quite clearly that wisdom is very

precious. Without good understanding we are at a major disadvantage, and with

wisdom comes blessing. We should pay attention to what we are taught.

PreParation: Copy any drawings you require for coloring. Have ready crayons,

colored pencils, or pens; scissors; sticky tape; copier paper (approximately three sheets

per child); glue sticks or paste (optional); glitter and beads (optional); and two discs of

approximately 4" and 6" for drawing around (jar lids or cups work well). If you want to

spend less time on the craft, trace and cut out the required shapes for the children in


*TOP TIP* Get ready to pause the show at the right spots which are clearly listed as

you work through the notes to engage with your group about what they have seen.

SectionS/elementS for thiS ePiSode:


• GuIDED DIsCussIon quEsTIons

• oPEn DIsCussIon quEsTIons




• CoLorInG froM sTory TIME

• ACTIVITy: DEsIGn your oWn TrEE HousE


*TOP TIP* The tree house activity might make an ideal pre-DVD lead in! Consider

doing this together first!

Leader’s Guide to accompany the DVD Jovis Bon-Hovis and the Creation Crew: Episode 1

Episode 1: I Don’t Need Instructions! 3

dVd Viewing

introduction to today’s show: Explain to the children that Mr. Bon-Hovis has a bit of

a problem, but you’re not going to tell them exactly what it is! Tell the children that

when they have watched the first part of the show, you will be stopping it to have a chat

about what they’ve seen. Ask the children to pay close attention and see if they can

work out where Mr. Bon-Hovis is going wrong today!

Play the dVd until 9:38, just as the ‘Story time’ writing appears, when mr. Bon-

hovis picks up the book.

guided diScuSSion QueStionS

Lead the children into a guided discussion using open questions which will get them

thinking. Avoid too many questions with yes/no answers. share these types of questions

for a few minutes:

• What was Booky Worm doing with Mr. Bon-Hovis at the start of the show?

• Why do you think he kept getting the answers wrong?

• Why did Jovis Bon-Hovis want to go and look ‘Through the Window’?

• Why do you think Jovis wants to get Mrs. Bosanti-Crayco involved?

• What did Booky Worm want help with?

• What did Mr. Bon-Hovis make?

• Why couldn’t Mr. Bon-Hovis make the right thing for Booky Worm?

• Why did the Creation Crew Kids play together nicely?

• Why does Mr. Bon-Hovis think he’s so clever?

• What might the instructions have told him?

Please note, these questions are only suggestions. feel free to explore the show in your

own way and with your own style.

*TOP TIP* Check back to the learning outcomes to ensure a positive, relevant learning


Play the dVd until 21:58, when the ‘arty-crafty time’ stars appear on screen.

Story time: captain del-Ventura and the Pony club girls

Teacher’s notes: This story illustrates a positive practical consequence of having taken

care to learn and understand something. Because the girls were careful to understand the

rules and play the game to the best of their ability, they were in a position to make

improvements which made the game more fun for everybody. It meant they could help.

Leader’s Guide to accompany the DVD Jovis Bon-Hovis and the Creation Crew: Episode 1

Episode 1: I Don’t Need Instructions! 4

guided diScuSSion QueStionS

• Would you like go in that tree house? Why?

• Why do you think Twinkles, Mitsy, and Pom-Pom enjoyed the ‘Pony Club Girls’


• What was the problem with it?

• Why were they able to spot the problem?

• How did they get it sorted out?

• Why were they good at the game?

• Is it helpful to learn the rules, and did this give them more fun?

• Did you like their tree house? Why or why not?

• If you had a tree house like that, what would you put in it?

• What games would you put in it? Are you good at those games? Explain why.

• Can you think of a time when you’ve succeeded because you knew how to do

something properly? (Think of making a sandwich, homework, tidying, playing

a game. Imagine if you had real animals to look after, talk about that...)

• Why do you think Captain Del-Ventura read the letter carefully?

• What happened as a result?

• Does this kind of thing happen in real life? When? (Maybe promotion in a sports

team, maybe being able to help more people if you’re a better doctor, maybe an

engineer could see a danger and get it fixed on a bridge/train/building...)

Play the dVd until the end.

oPen diScuSSion QueStionS

After you have watched the entire show, try to lead a more open discussion about the

general topics covered in today’s show.

*TOP TIP* Why not mix it up a bit? It might be fun to follow some of the activities

before you have another discussion time.

• What lessons can we take from the show today?

• How does it help us understand God and who He wants us to be?

• What do you want to do when you grow up?

• What do your parents or caretakers do?

• Could we use the Bible as our guidebook?

• How would playing together be different if we didn’t know the rules?

• Is it important to be your best?

Leader’s Guide to accompany the DVD Jovis Bon-Hovis and the Creation Crew: Episode 1

Episode 1: I Don’t Need Instructions! 5

Leader’s Guide to accompany the DVD Jovis Bon-Hovis and the Creation Crew: Episode 1

Episode 1: I Don’t Need Instructions! 6

arty crafty time actiVity

Explain to the children that they will be making the homework trophy

we’ve just seen Jovis Bon-Hovis making. for younger children, this

could be a ‘Good Work’ trophy. This is a very empowering exercise.

Explain to the children that they get to choose when to put a star

on and decide whether they’ve done good work.

*TOP TIP* older groups, or those doing a longer session, might enjoy more advanced

decoration. Try pasting sparkles or beads to your trophies, or making name plaques to

stick to them!

you may want to go back to the start of the activity and play/pause as you work along-

side Jovis Bon-Hovis with your children. All the activities are very simple and easy to


Song time with dance actiVity

cue the dVd back to 15:28, the beginning of Song time.

following the leader (you!) as they do the actions is great fun for the kids. Just play the

song and read along below, doing the actions as they are written. Ask the kids to copy

you! Don’t worry about looking silly! Kids just love to dance and move about. They

will just think it’s great fun and will respond much better if you lead with energy.

Why not consider practicing the song over a few sessions and doing a performance at

the front of your church?

younger children can follow the dancing; older children may enjoy following the words

on-screen and singing along.

*TOP TIP* Kids love repetition. you might find that going through the song a second or

even a third time is much more fun, and everyone will be a little better at it, including


Leader’s Guide to accompany the DVD Jovis Bon-Hovis and the Creation Crew: Episode 1

Episode 1: I Don’t Need Instructions! 7

here are the lyrics with actions and performance suggestions so that you can face

the group:

Poetry, physiology, psychology, biology (open a book, throw it away, repeat in time)

There’s artistry like tapestry mosaics and marquetry, (wave your paintbrush around)

There’s plenty to learn for me, (everybody sit down)

I’d better have a cup of tea (pour a cup of tea and drink)

or I’ll never fit all that inside my head! (tap your head and look confused)

you’d better pay attention here, (wag your finger, scolding)

Education’s nothing to fear, (open a book and smile)

Just let it pour in your ear, (tip a bottle in your ear)

But don’t let it out the other ear! (tilt your head the other way and put your finger in your ear)

When you’re struggling to get the gen...eral knowledge, (shrug your shoulders)

Just go around and try again, (spin around)

1-2-3-4 more times and then, (count on your fingers)

you’ll see that it starts to make sense! (two big thumbs up)

Mathematics, statistics, politics, logistics, (open a book, throw it away, and repeat in time)

There’s all kinds of scary things to learn, (bite your nails and look around scared)

But if I learn how to learn, (reading with big smiles)

Then learning can be fun, (roll on the floor laughing)

or I’ll never fit all that inside my head! (sit up quick, shake your head and tap your temple)

you’d better pay attention here, (wag your finger, scolding)

Education’s nothing to fear, (open a book and smile)

Just let it pour in your ear, (tip a bottle in your ear)

But don’t let it out the other ear! (tilt your head the other way and put your finger in your ear)

When you’re struggling to get the gen...eral knowledge, (shrug your shoulders)

Just go around and try again, (spin around)

1-2-3-4 more times and then, (count on your fingers)

you’ll see that it starts to make sense! (two big thumbs up)

so I’d better pay attention here, (wag your finger, scolding)

Education’s nothing to fear, (open a book and smile)

Just let it pour in my ear, (tip a bottle in your ear)

But don’t let it out my other ear! (tilt your head the other way and put your finger in your ear)

When I’m struggling to get the gen...eral knowledge, (shrug your shoulders)

Just go around and try again, (spin around)

1-2-3-4 more times and then, (count on your fingers)

I’ll see that it starts to make sense! (two big thumbs up)

Leader’s Guide to accompany the DVD Jovis Bon-Hovis and the Creation Crew: Episode 1

Episode 1: I Don’t Need Instructions! 8

ScriPture time Shared Study

remind the children that Mr. Bon-Hovis opened his Bible up, and suggest it might be

exciting to see just what Mr. Bon-Hovis saw! Below are the passages used in the show,

along with some others for an extended study if you have a longer session.

*TOP TIP* now would be an ideal time to introduce prayer into the proceedings, by

asking God to help you understand what you are reading.

Proverbs 3 13 “Blessed are those who find wisdom,

those who gain understanding,14 for she is more profitable than silver

and yields better returns than gold.15 she is more precious than rubies;

nothing you desire can compare with her.16 Long life is in her right hand;

in her left hand are riches and honor.17 Her ways are pleasant ways,

and all her paths are peace.18 she is a tree of life to those who take hold of her;

those who hold her fast will be blessed.”

extra referenceS for longer Study:

Proverbs 13:10

“Through presumption comes nothing but strife,

But with those who receive counsel is wisdom.”

explanation for little ones: Guessing can get you in a mess, just like Jovis Bon-Hovis!

But listening to what people teach you is very sensible.

James 1:5

“But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all men generously

and without reproach, and it will be given to him.”

explanation for little ones: If you don’t think you understand everything, ask God to

make you wise. God is very kind, and He will give you wisdom if you ask.

Leader’s Guide to accompany the DVD Jovis Bon-Hovis and the Creation Crew: Episode 1

Episode 1: I Don’t Need Instructions! 9

Scripture time Questions for discussion:

• Is wisdom a person?

• What do you think wisdom is?

• How do you think we get it?

• Why is it important to listen and learn?

• Can we have more fun if we listen and learn? In what ways?

• Why is it good to be wise?

• How might it be bad for us if we don’t bother?

• How can we be better people if we value wisdom?

• Is wisdom good for helping others? How?

• How can wisdom be more valuable than rubies?

• Would you rather have wisdom or a million dollars? Why?

• Will God use us better if we are able to listen to and understand him?

coloring from Story timeselect from the line drawings provided at the back of this guide and reproduce

as needed. Ask the children to be adventurous and use different colors from the

ones on the show! Don’t forget to post your coloring on our facebook page!

actiVity: deSign your own tree houSeThis is a great ‘just for fun’ activity, offering a bit of no-pressure light relief. Give the children

some pens and paper and ask them to do a drawing design of their ideal tree house.

The only limits are their imaginations, and anything goes! They can have anything they

want in their very own tree house world. What would the perfect tree house look like?

*TOP TIP* Perhaps everybody will get their first ‘Good Work’ star on their trophies!

note, this could be a little intimidating, so share some ideas as guidance for those who

need it:

Could it be made of flowers? Wood? Candy? Even clouds?

Where is it? In a forest? In a garden? on a mountain?

What’s inside? your favorite doll? racing cars? Even a pool?

What food is set on the table? or does the tree house have a conveyor belt coming

from a chocolate factory?

Let those with less imagination be inspired by your thoughts.

Why not break the children into groups, or even one large group, and make a large ban-

ner design? Ask everyone to share their ideas and work together to create the perfect

tree-top den!

Leader’s Guide to accompany the DVD Jovis Bon-Hovis and the Creation Crew: Episode 1

Episode 1: I Don’t Need Instructions! 10

game-time actiVity: red light! green light!

Is everybody ready for a bit of fun? This is a simple, classic game where the kids get to

call the shots!

one child is the traffic light, and the other children are the traffic. They stand in a group

at the opposite end of the room to the traffic light.

The traffic light turns his/her back on the traffic, and calls out ‘green light!’ at which

point the traffic take heel-to-toe steps towards the light.

The traffic light chooses how long to allow them to walk, before calling ‘red light’ and

then immediately turning round after calling out. Anybody spotted moving or wobbling

goes to the back.

This is repeated until a winner is able to reach out and touch the traffic light. Winners

then take a turn being the traffic light themselves.

*TOP TIP* Here is a game bound to cause the odd tear amongst younger ones. Take the

opportunity to offer ‘Good Work’ stars for playing well for those who don’t ‘win.’

in conclusion:

listening and learning will make you happy and helpful!

Pray together to finish:

Lord Jesus, we thank you that you have given us powerful and strong minds to use to

serve you. We pray today that you would help us to remember how important it is to lis-

ten and learn, so that we can be the best we can be for you! Amen.

We would really enjoy seeing your photos and videos of your groups at work. Why not

follow Jovis Bon-Hovis on facebook? you’ll find lots more regular games and activities

to share with your kids, and it’s a great place to join together with other Christian teach-

ers, caretakers, parents, and leaders who are raising children in the Christian faith.

http://www.facebook.com/jovis.bonhovis or search facebook for Jovis Bon-Hovis.

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