le piattaforme del set-plan - apre · le piattaforme del set-plan ... research centres, safety...

Post on 08-Sep-2018






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Le piattaforme del SET-PLAN

The ten key actions of the integrated SET-Plan

1. Develop performant renewable technologies integrated in the energy system

2. Reduce the cost of key renewable technologies

3. Create new technologies and services for consumers

4. Increase the resilience and security of the energy system

5. Develop energy efficient materials and technologies for buildings

6. Improve energy efficiency for industry

7. Become competitive in the global battery sector (e-mobility)

8. Strengthen market take-up of renewable fuels

9. Drive ambition in carbon capture and storage/use deployment

10.Increase safety in the use of nuclear energy


Key Action 10 Implementation Plan:Nuclear Fission and Fusion

January 2018


SET Plan strategic targets on nuclear energy of the Declaration of

Intent agreed by research and industry stakeholders, and approved

on 16 September 2016 by interested SET-Plan Member States

Targets 2020 2025 2030

1. Safety Member State implementation of

EU/Euratom Nuclear Directives (safety,

waste and basic safety standards)

Follow-up actions on stress tests

Continuous advances in R&D available


Plant ageing, materials and

components and extended operation

Accident tolerant fuels, passive

systems, enhanced designs,

containment, etc.

2. Radioactive Waste


Operation of the first deep geological


World leading decommissioning

sector; advances on R&D in waste

characterisation, conditioning of


3. Efficiency and


Current technology Gen-II LTO and

Gen-III-III+ new-build

Innovative emerging technologies

Licensed SMR and / or (V)HTR designs


SMR and / or (V)HTR demo and at

least one Gen-IV demonstrator fast

reactor in operation, with fuel recycle


4. Fusion ITER construction and in operation with new baseline; DEMO design in line with the fusion roadmap

Key enabling


KEC/Action 1: Nuclear security and safeguards

KEC/Action 2: Stable and predictable investment conditions

KEC/Action 3: Harmonization of licensing rules, certification, and standards

KEC/Action 4: ETKM Education and Training

KEC/Action 5: Supporting Infrastructures

KEC/Action 6: INCO International cooperation


Budget 2018 su

Topics NFRP


Attività e programma EPJ1


▪ SNETP was set up in 2007 under the auspices of the European Commission, to gather stakeholders building a common vision: industry, research centres, safety organisations, universities, non-governmental organisations, SMEs, etc.

▪ SNETP’s official European Technology Platform label was renewed in 2013.

▪ The overall goal is to support technological development for enhancing safe and competitive nuclear fission in a sustainable energy mix, as part of the EU’s SET-Plan

▪ Low greenhouse gas emissions

▪ Security of energy supply for Europe

▪ Stable electricity prices

▪ R&D is necessary to further enhance the safety and sustainability of nuclear fission, and to open new markets

▪ SNETP has expressed its strategic orientations around three technological pillars, and launched task forces to implement them



• Sept 2007: SNETP launch with Commissioners for Research and

Energy, publication of Vision Report

• June 2009: Strategic Research Agenda

• May 2010: Deployment Strategy

• Nov 2010: Launch of ESNII

• Jan 2011: Education & Training Strategy

• Oct 2011: 100th member of SNETP ; launch of NC2I

• March 2012: Launch of NUGENIA

• Jan 2013: Publication of “Identification of Research Areas in

Response to the Fukushima Accident”

• Feb 2013: Updated Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda

• 2014-2015: NUGENIA Roadmap & Global Vision

• 2015: SNETP Deployment Strategy

• December 2017: NC2I Concept Paper

SNETP’s main milestones

Documents available for download on www.snetp.eu and prints upon request (secretariat@snetp.eu)


Vision: 3 strategic pillars

matching SET-Plan priorities

“Maintain competitiveness

in fission technologies,

together with long-term

waste management

solutions” *

“Complete the preparations for the

demonstration of a new generation

(Gen-IV) of fission reactors for

increased sustainability”*

“The first cogeneration

reactors could (…)

appear within the next

decade as demonstration

projects to test the

technology for coupling

with industrial processes”


SET Plan Objectives

(*) [COM/2007/0723 final]

(**) [COM/2009/0519 final]

NUGENIA Association


NUGENIA is an international non-profit association

founded under Belgian legislation in November 2011 and

launched in March 2012

Its mission is to be an integrated framework for safe,

reliable and competitive Gen II & III fission technologies,


– Fosters collaboration between industry, SMEs, RTOs,

academia and technical safety organisations

– Builds knowledge and expertise

– Generates results with added value

104 full members and 7 honorary members from 24

countries (as of January 2017)

NUGENIA portfolio








Il Trovator


T&M Cables





– SOTERIA (CEA): Safe LTO of LWR (Degradation of RPV

and RVI, follow-up project of FP7 projects PERFORM60 &


– Mc Safe (KIT): High-Performance Monte Carlo Methods

for SAFEty Demonstration – From Proof of Concept to

realistic Safety Analysis and to Industry-like Applications

– INCEFA+ (AMEC): INcreasing Safety in NPPs by Covering

gaps in Environmental Fatigue Assessment

– IVMR (UJV): Management Strategy of In-Vessel Melt

Retention in existing and future NPPs

– ATLAS + (VTT): Advanced Structural Integrity Assessment

Tools for Safe Long Term Operation

– MEACTOS (CIEMAT): Mitigating EAC Through

Optimisation of Surface condition

– ADVISE (EDF): Advanced Inspection of Complex


– NOMAD (IZFP): NDE System for the inspection of

operation-induced material degradation

– T&M CABLES (EDF): European Tools and Methodologies

for an efficient ageing management of nuclear power

plant cables

– Il Trovatore (SCK-CEN): Innovative cladding materials for

advanced accident-tolerant energy systems

– CORTEX (IRSN): Non-Intrusive Core Monitoring

Techniques Relying on Inherent Reactor Dynamics

– FASTNET (IRSN): Fast Accident Source Term tools for

Emergency Centers

– NARSIS (CEA): New Approach to Reactor Safety


13 H2020 Euratom ongoing projects

The projects have received funding from the European

Union`s Horizon 2020 research and innovation



ENEA partnership in NUGENIA

ENEA joined to NUGENIA in 2013 mainly involved in the following Technical Areas:

- TA1 (Safety and Risk of NPP)- TA2 (Severe Accident) - TA6 (Innovative Light Water Reactor Design)

• Participation in FP7 and H2020 completed and on going projects: SARNET (R&D on Severe Accident), NURESAFE (Simulation Platform for Nuclear Reactor Safety), ASAMPSA_E (Advanced Safety Assessment Methodology), CESAM (Code for European Severe Accident Management), IVMR (In-Vessel Melt Retention Severe Accident Management Strategy for Existing and Future Nuclear Power Plants), NARSIS (New Approach to Reactor Safety Improvements)

• Preparation of proposals for next H2020 EURATOM Call in:NFRP-2018-1: Safety assessments to improve accident management strategies for Generation II & III reactors and NFRP-2018-3: Research on the safety of Light Water Small Modular Reactors


Nuclear cogeneration


Contribute to clean and

competitive energy

beyond electricity by

facilitating deployment

of nuclear cogeneration


NC2I vision:

High temperature applications

Key target for 2030:

Commissioning in Europe the first High Temperature Gas-

cooled Reactor (HTGR) as heat source for industrial plant


Cooperate with EC & authorities in target countries to


• preparing an appropriate licensing framework

• defining the most suitable technical options

• selecting an appropriate site

• developing a robust business model

• building a team for the project & gather available


• developing international collaboration 18

• A H2020 Project: GEMINI +

• Purpose

– Provide a conceptual design for a HT nuclear

cogeneration system for supply of process steam to


– Provide a framework for the licensing and a Business

plan for a full scale demonstration

• Duration : 09/2017 – 08/2020

• Coordinated by: NCBJ


NC2I vision:

High temperature applications

ESNII – European Sustainable

Nuclear Industrial Initiative

• European Industrial Initiatives (EIIs) constitute key elements

of Europe's SET-Plan. ESNII was formally launched at the SET-

Plan Conference in Brussels on 15 November 2010

• ESNII addresses the need for demonstration of Gen-IV Fast

Neutron Reactor technologies, together with the supporting

research infrastructures, fuel facilities and R&D work.



Generation IV – SNE-TP Vision

Sodium Fast Reactor Lead Fast Reactor

Molten Salt Reactor (fast?)

Gas Fast Reactor

Supercritical Water-cooled ReactorVery High Temperature Reactor


Third pillar of SNE-TP

Co-generationLong Term option

“NUGENIA”Long Term option

SNE-TP Annex

SNE-TP Deployment



peak of activity Integrated vision of SNETP Gen II III IV Co-generation - Best case scenario

T(y): objective achievement2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050

Plant life time management Long Term Operation NPPs age > 50 years in 2035

LWR new build in average 100 units in EUEuropean fleet decommissioning & dismantling NPP & fuel cycle facility

FUEL CYCLE open direct disposal of spent fuel

partially closed MOX fuel for mono recycling in LWR and deep geological repository

closed MOX fuel for Fast Neutron Prototype

MOX Multi recycling facility prototype for FNR

transmutation MA bearing fuel irradiation at lab scalebasic design & license MA bearing fuel facility - fabrication of MA fuel assembly

PROTOTYPESASTRID Basic Design/Lic Construction commissionning & operations

MYRRHA Concept/PreLicBasic Design/Lic Construction commissionning & operations

ALFRED Concept/PreLicensing Basic Design/Lic Construction commissionning & operations

ALLEGRO concept viability Concept/PreLic Basic Design/Lic Construction commissionning & operations

HTR - cogen Concept/PreLicensing Basic Design/Lic Construction commissionning & operations

steam production System design steam production unit coupling

harmonization of licensing process for new prototypes

METHODOLOGIES harmonization of licensing new build : LWR - FNR - other

small modular concept: construction techniques - safety approach

LWR -FNR-cogeneration Flexible operations for existing and next fleet- ensure stability of electricity generation with mix energy sources

enhanced safety in operation and by design: LWR- FNR- other

cross cutting issues Performance and ageing for long term operation of NPP:structural integrity - component ageing phenomena -instrumentation - on site monitoring & diagnosis


high reliability componentsLWR - FNR - co generation advanced manufacturing & assembly process - accident tolerant fuel - qualification & control - advanced material & surface engineering

Mutualization in: high reliability & optimized funcionalities of systems capabilities I&C - digital system - cyber security - system resiliency under severe conditions

methods & tools

innovative technology Research infrastructure - modelling & numerical simulation - transfer of knowledgetransfer of knowledge irradiation & hot lab - characterisation capabilities - physical modelling - multi physics & multi scale simulation - severe accident calculation code - education & training



SNETP evolution

Towards a legal entity


Task Force on SNETP Evolution


Current situation

NUGENIA: 111 members

SNETP: 69 members

46 members belong to both NUGENIA and SNETP

Type of Member in

the future


Current SNETP

fee Option (€)

Industry 3 000

RTO, TSOs 2 000

Academics 500

SMEs 1 000

Others 0

Type of Member in

the future



Fee Option (€)

Industry 5000

RTO, TSOs 1000

Academics 1000

SMEs 500

Others 0


Profile of the new

AssociationTotal new SNETP


Participation to


Participation to


Participation to NC2I

134 111 25 8

Membership repartition

Academia Industry Network NGO-EU


Legal & Finance ~ 15 k€

Meetings and


~ 40 k€

Communication ~ 30 k€

Website & IT ~ 15 k€

General support ~ 60 k€

Order of magnitude

Operating budget ~ 160 k€

Fee income ~ 220 k€


General Assembly


Management boardManagement board


Management board

Adhoc WG or advisory panel will be at the same level of the pillars

Core programme - technical expertise -

Governing Board15 members

3 yearsChair and Vice Chair

SecretariatGeneral secretary+ 3 (at least)3 years (6 months mp)

RepresentationPresident & Vice President3 yearsElected

Endorsed a list proposed by the GB and validated by the President

Breakdown Proposal


January 2018

- Review of the Statutes by ExCom and GBmembers

- Coordination on next steps with the NUGENIA

- Integration of all remarks

February 2018

- Submission for approbation to both ExCom and GB

- Submission for approbation to NUGENIA ExCom

- Translation of the Statutes to French

- Consultation of the lawyer on formal steps to proceedwith the change of Statutes

Proposed Timeline

March 2018

- Interactions with the lawyer and notary regarding the changes of the Statutes

- Diffusion of the new statutes to NUGENIA and SNETPmembers

April 2018

- SNETP General Assembly formal approval with the evolution towards the legal entity

- NUGENIA General Assembly formal approval with the evolution towards the legal entity

- Formal steps with the notary to create the new SNETP

Next SNETP Events

• 7th General Assembly and 10th Anniversary of

SNETP – Brussels – 22 February 2018

• Nuclear Days

– 10-12 April 2018 at the Hotel President, Prague

– Joint Participation of ESNII, NC2I, NUGENIA, EERA-JPNM

– Important Diversity of Keynote Speakers: IAEA, Czech

Ministry, Utilities (Framatome), EC

– Six Technical Sessions

– 4 project meetings: GEMINI +, SOTERIA, Team Cables,

Atlas +

– More information: http://www.snetp.eu/nuclear-days-



Thank you for attention

Massimo Sepielli






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