le corps humain

Post on 27-Jan-2016






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French body parts


LO: To be able to name the body parts.

Le nezLa bouche

Les yeuxLes cheveux

Les oreillesLa tête

Les bras Les jambes

Qu’est-ce que c’est?

Lesson planSession 1: We learn the body parts one by one. The teacher says the word and the pupils repeat.

Once we have been through the vocabulary, we display slide 10 and we recap all of them.

Game slide 11 to 15: Qu’est-ce qui manque? ( what is missing?). The teacher asks for each slide «  qu’est-ce qui manque? » and the pupils put their hand up if they have the answer.

Interactive game with their talking partner: They pair up, pupil 1 shows a body part on himself and asks « Qu’est-ce que c’est ? » ( what is it?) and pupil 2 answers the word in French and vice versa. The slide 10 is on the board so they have the vocabulary needed.

The activity lasts around 5 minutes, so the pupils have the time to recap all the vocabulary that have been learnt.

When the activity is finished, the teacher can ask to a few pupil to show their dialogue to the rest of the class.

Final game: Jacques a dit( Simon says) The teacher says « jacques a dit touchez + a body part » when he says « Jacques a dit » the children have to do it, when he doesn’t they don’t do it. The last one standing is the winner.

Example: «  Jacques a dit touchez le nez » (Simon says touch the nose).

Audio prononciation

Here is some help to pronounce the words with the right French accent.

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