l'[b[; com · kclvinator9 etc.) f'or their donation of two cathode-ray tubes and a 21...

Post on 27-Mar-2020






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A R�cJrd Jf the AchiLVLffiLnts of thL

J .i-\l'[B[; com: MLI!O�H,'1.1 HIGH SCHOOL; KOG��RAIJ.

\ I


Headmaster. Mr. W. Foster. M.A., 9 Dip. M. Lang. Deputy-Headmaster. Mr.· H•.J·. Namnett •· B:. Sc·, 9 Dip. Ed.

Administration Master. Mr. L. Rodgers. B.A. Sportsmaster. Mr. J. Morris. Dip, Ph. Ed. School Counsellor. Mr. J.onkins Careers Advisor. Mr. R. Allardyce·. School Treasurer. Mr. J. Coutman. B. Ee.

Department of English & History. Mr .• (;. Hunt. B.A. 9 B. Ee. 9 Dip. Ed. (Master) Mr. N. Little. M.A.

9 Dip� Ed. Mr. L. Holdn. B.A. 9 Dip. Ed. Mr. B. Brennon. B.A. 9 Dip. Ed. Mr. R. Twigg. B.A. 9 Dip. Ed. Mr. J. McDonald. B.A.

9 Dip. Ed.

Mr•. R. McDonald. B.A. 9 Dip. Ed. Mrs. M. Wright. Dip. H. Ee. Mr. Landy. B.A.(New York.University)

Department of Mathematics. Mr. G. Brown. B. Sc. (Master) Mr. A. Willis. B. Sc. 9 Dip. Ed. Mr. W. Laird. B.A. Mr. J. Hamnett. B. Sc• 9 Dip. Ed. MF. R. Allardyce •

..... .

Mr; fr. ;,,:-::,.rlerson.

\ Mrs. A. HacK,

I Mr. J. McKenzie,

Department of Science.

Mr, F. Fulker. A.S.T.C. (Sc.) Mr, H. JBygott B. Sc.

9 Dip. Ed. Mr. F. Aitken.


Mr. E.A. Papworth. Mi. R. Manning,

Department of Languages. Mr, T. Perrin. B.A. 9 Dip. Ed. VIiss M. Foster. Wiss P. Evans, B.A. 9 Dip. Ed.

)epartment of·coriunerce. lr. J. Coutman, B. Ee. tr. H. Croft, B.S.A. :r. J. Hemmings. B.A.

9 Dip. Ed. r. West.

partment of Manual Arts •.A. Newton. A.S.T.C.t A.F.R,Ae.s�

• L. Rodgers, B.A •• J. Gray •.• C. Hardinge •

. �. G. Hmvke • • A. Johnson. A.S •. T .. C •

..-ljr. G. Mitchell.


. '

3, .

Department _of }:anual_Arts __ (Continued)

Mr. L. Mr. M. Mr. F. Mr. J.


Patte�son. A:r.A�Aci.E: 9 M.T.�.M.E.Rawlin. · A.S.T.d.

' · · Street. Artisan s.Tech.C. Wells. Nelson. M.A. (��ihin�ton State.)·

. � � .

Department of General Activity, Mr. A. Clements. :Mr. J. Fuller. N!r. T. Lambert. Mr. J. P;hyte.

Department of Music. Fr. G. Reid.

De:2artment of Physical Education. Mr. J. Morris. Dip. Ph. Ed, Mr. L. Mason. B. Sc.

, . .

Mr. T. Burley. B. Sc. ,(Bristol) M.A.(Ohio)

Y.l§armaste rs. 1st Year - Mr. G. Brown.2nd Year - 1/Ir.O·Jlunt. 3rd Year - Mr.A.N0wton. Senior - Mr. L. Rodgers. B.A. Prefect Master. Mr. F. Fullrnr. A.S.T.C. (Sc).

School Captain. Grahame Humphrey. Vice-Captain. Anthony Sherlock, Prefects.

Steven Smith, Brian Clifton, John Markham, Graeme Watson, Murray Don, Geoffrey Nickols, David Gehrig, Len Davies, Andrew Wells, Kerry Osgood, John Gaylard, Ian Rayment, Barry Landa, David de Soza, Ray Olds, Ray Lenton, Grant'- Blatchford, A. Williams, Neville Hayes, Geoff. Dunn,.J·. Wi.11.iams .•

Prefect-Elects for 1960.N. Gregory, A. Little, s. Burtenshaw,�. Ward, E. Gaudzinski, I. Grant.

School Houses. Banks (Red)

J. Russell, R. Bergin,

Mr. A. Willis, Mrs. A, Hack. House Captain! G


Bolander. (Green) Mr. o. Hunt, Mr. T. Lambert, Mr. L.·Hokin. House Captain. W. Lees. Vice-Captain. G. Humphrey.

Tupia. (Yellovv) Mr. E.A. Papworth. House Captain. S. Smith Vice Captain. G. Sin&y.



School houses (Conti��e_Ql Hicks (Blue)

nr 0 Johnson (Master)

House C�ptaino Ao Gaudzinski. Vice Captain. J. Garlard.


The International Club is based on the ideal that a knowledge and an appreciation of the customs

9 problems and

aspirations of the peoples throughout the world are essential in the education of young peopleo

Our aim 9 th3refore, is to bring as many representatives of various countries to tho school to meet and talk with the boys as possible�

During the last two years we have had among our guests . the Indian Press A ttach6, Jl!:r c Sen Gupta and the native lecturer in French at Syd11ey TJnivers:i.ty 9 Mr,, Pierre Fontaney.

It is only with tho support of both parents and boys that .such distinguished visitors can be invited to James Cook.

We 9 therefore, urge parents of students in third 9 fourth and fifth year to encourage their boys to-attend these meetings 9

A. Sherlock.(Secretary)

. 11 Rid yourself of all personal ambition and work as one ambitious."

* *-)t-* *1� * ➔t-*-�f- ➔�-�- -:.<- ➔f- ➔f-* -�� ➔t- -;'- -H-· •+* *·H· ➔r- ➔t< � --* �:--3.� ➔�-➔� * - ➔r •* ➔t➔< -* �'- ➔� ➔� -;� ** ➔�-r- ➔t-**-** *->', ➔t--;� -�� * ➔f- �t' �-* ** * * * * * -* Th·e 1!7IRST PUNCTION to be held in the School ➔� * * * --- ** *; Audi toriui-1, which has just been con1Jleted, will be a :* ** * :lt CONC�RT 9 featuring thf N. S. 'i'f. POLICE CHOIR. ! * ---------------- * * *

=� This will be held on l'riday 4th. Dccenber, 1959. :;:: * * ! * * at 8jJ.TI. :lt t * * ! tr All Proceeds will go to the School'Hall Furnishing ! .,, - Fund * { * ➔�-* ➔ �-* -� *7� ** ➔f- - ; < -�� ➔�* �t.:.;- �f-�f-* ";t �f- -l, ➔f-*,t * 1t- �


t ��-� -:� -!�--;�-,'t- �f -��-* * �� ,'f �k ·* "';} -X- ,�- ��- -� �� -'X-.:,t-H- -��-�t-�� ➔� ** *:


Photographic Club. In June

9 1958 9 arrangements were made with Kodaks Ltd. 9

to deliver lectufles and show pictures a:fter school each month. The Club has proved very popular amongst the students.

-r -i .. -1--\/\/�" ,./V"' I I \

lVIATHENIATICS CLUB. ,./, . Tv-r r·-'· , Th\.; !fathcintics Club,foundJd by ffr.'V.L:::,,ird

.l."....I' � ..,h d ·t f'' t t 1"< ! � c.1, i s ·irs me'-' inc; in Jun-.,91959.


� Th'-- "..im oi the- Club is to ",WP.,kun pcoplL- to


r-� thi.: f7,ct th....,t lVi"..thL.lil"'..tics c:::n-1 b0 c., vury intor­-cstin_:; P.nd hL-1:pful subject c.,nd p2,stimc for all

J��'<J. Throughout th'-' short p0riod of its cxistcncL-

�JM- in this school topics such ::.s the principle of flicht,prim'-- nos. �nd th" ".,pplic�tion �nd discovi_;ry of the usL, of l,OGC-i't.tlms w:crc discussL.d.

Loctur'--s wc-ri.: �lso �ivcn on topics th�t will nffuct the boys this schoul in th-:, futur�,

9'-',C:• sp-:c" tr(7,v,.d.

Thv club ·1lso ·:.rr·:,11,;1,d visits to th,:: Sydney Obsi.:rv;:,tory, c.nd t B�nl{ of N.S.W. which proved VL.ry popul�r.

� .-· Nvxt-';y-...�r the club looks f orw0ird to biGGL.r �nd be ttvr me'-' tine

Gnd ,

,� vcr::11 intcr:_,stin{_; visits h".-V'-' �lrc :dy bd,n pl,mne:c1.


This year James Cook High presented its · first class o:f :fifth year students at the Leaving Certi:ficate· Examinations.

In the Academic :field a· number o:f the students hope to be awarded Teachers College and Commonwealth scholarship to enable them to continue specialised studies in Arts 9 Science and Commerce.

In the sporting :field great credit was brought to the school by Frank Hodson

9 captaining the school's Grade Gol:f Team 9

Norman Brooks as Captain of the First Grade Rugby League Team and Steve Smith as Captain of the Senior "A" Cricket side.

In Athletics 9 swimming 9 soccer 9 and tennis Fifth Year has also takon part.

The retiring President and Secretary of the James Cook International Club wish to thank Mr. Ron Willison 9 Mr, N. Little 9 members of the staff and members of the student-body for the assistance they received in the organisation o:f the various success:ful evenings at the school.

Finally Fifth Year combines in thanking Mr. Foster and his staff for tho interest and assistance afforded us during the last two years. Fifth Year Roll Call. Norman Brooks. Paul Brindle. Ian Brown. Brian Clifton. Murray Don. Ray Evans. Norman Fennell.

Frank Hod.son. Grahame Humphrey. Peter Lamb. John Markham. Anthony Sherlock. Harry Sinclair. Steve Smith.

19 A system has been throughou

Sp on uses o special 1

St especiall rules hav

Ma have been

DoMrSa Mr

1�,f i PaWalia

but SpGci In

this halfTb

thank you religiouE helps wit this gest


a target War Memor amount ro

De the Canto Foster

9 E

We havo alro is still

Tt 0epartmcr

Tt oqutpment

TI�physics E

Kelvinatc and a 21

Cc Associati physics E



to or-




md i:t



:am, 1

LIBRA_RY REPORT. _J_ 9 59_.!.

1959 has seen great changes in the James Cook Library. A system of borrowing based on main Public Library Procedure has been adopted o The Dewey System has been closely followed throughout o Each boy owns his O¥m borrowers card.

Special instruction on ho� to use the library and notes on uses of reference books have been recorded by each boy in a special library research bookc

Standing Lib�ary rules have been strictly followed especially the Goi'dc11 Ru:e of Silence, and as far as possible rules have been cnforcedo

Many beautifully j_llustrated and instructive new books have been bought and others donatedo

Donators deserving special mention are as follows; Mr o Hunt. Geography and other useful magazines. Sans Souci Church, Many Religious bookso Mrs �rioffit. (Headmistress of Sans Souci) 5 volumes of Winston Churchill. Paul Patterson. 2c 48 books. Walker 1Ero 12 oooks. IIany others donated books - too many to mention here 9

but special thanks goes out to allo In all 9 our 500 books have been placed on the shelves

this half-year - over 2,000 now o

The Report would not be complete without a special thank you from all the boys and Mrs Wright to Mrs Thomas 9 who religiously comes to the school every Thursday afternoon and helps with the typing of catalogue cards. We do appreciate this gesture Mrs Thomas o

Li brary __ ,App� a 1 o

Mrs o M. V.Jright. Librarian ..

The school launc 11.od an aDpeal early in November for a target of £5

9 000 9 to purchase books for the James Cook War Memorial Rcferenco Library

9 and up to late November the amount received is in excess of £1 9 500.

Donations were received from the P & C Association (£500) the Canteen suppliers 9 local Organisations approached by Mr. Foster

9 schoCJl pupil parent appeal9 and house to house collections.

We gratefully acknowledge those persons and organisations whc have already assisted us in this app8al and furth_er co-operation is still sought to achieve our ultimate goal of £5 9 000.

--- ------- ---·

SCILNCL DE )ARTMEJ'TT TEAlTKS. ------ ·- ---... -�---------- - ..... -

This ycBr has been very successful for the Science :Je1Jartment e

The laboratories have been re-organised and much new equipment has_been gained o

The Science teach:ng staff9

�nd especially the senior physics students would like to thankE.M.I. Ltd, 9 (H.M.V. 9

Kclvinator 9 etc.) f'or their donation of two cathode-ray tubes and a 21 inch television tube to the school.

Cordial thanks arc also extended to the P & C Association for their donation of £63 to purchase new atomic physics equipment which has proved of great value in the training and l<:nowleugo of physics st11donts 0

7 .


The departing Fifth Year's were given a farewell dinner

on Wednesday night 9 2nd. December at the school.

Chairman foi� the occo,s2ion was Hr. G.J3rown in place of the

Headmaster J'!Ir, W.Fostcr who was unavoidably absent owing to a

serious ilinoss in th2 family.

Othc:r apologiGr.; were from Mr.H.J.Hruimctt and Mr.T.Perrin,

owing to. a previous a1Jointi1cnt and an accident respectively.

During the dinner the school ca�1tain Grahame Hunphrey

presented on behalf of thQ Fifth Year who were all present at th�

dinner a much needed W'.111-cloek to adorn ths nain school corridor·.

Graham.e pro1Joscd a toast to the school 9 rcfL-rr,ing to ·their sense

of obli3ation to the staff who had assisted bach individual Fifth

Ya<lr student to the best of his ability at home as well as in the


_Mr.A.�illis,on behalf of the staff,indicatod that the

departing Fifth Yr.:Jars had placed an important and pro:-1incnt linl;:

in the evcrgrowing chain of Jane;s Cook tradition.

Nornan Brooks also proposed a toast e:ul thanked very

sincerely t·he ladies who had prepared the oxcc.;llent dinner.

Arithony_Shcrlock9thc school viee-c::i,ptain also spoke a.t the

' '

dinner emphasizing Fifth Year's feeling devotion and obligo,tion

to the school staff.

Mr.N.A.Little the Fifth Year patron and 3nglish teacher

for the past tv,o years L1ado an cxcelicmt sp0ach indicating the

va�ious personalities and aehiovcncnts of each individual Fifth

Y c2r ciho. spolrn on Fifth Yoo,r' s riar :�ic ipution ,_, r l leadership in and

of the. schools uost succussful International Club.

There re�nined the cutting of th� Good Luck Cake by

Grahauc Hunphrcy, and 8. finil spocch w1.s 2:1ad<:: by IJIR. J. Coutr.mn,

:E'.ift_h Yoar's Jc.,nonics ·•,nd Geography Tu2cher.

Tho evening was uost unj oynblc 1,nd n :f c,- l:::mghs were

uttered by all prQse�t after the lively rLDarks of Mr.L.lic�in9 Fifth Year History teacher and Mr.G.Brown9tho Chairraan.

The evening was fin�lly concluded by so□c �ost enjoyable

travelogue filus and cartoons.

Fifth Year at a sop�rntc n0oting hold o,t night this year

proposed tho idG.::,, of they f oru.irb ::in Old Boy's Union early in

1960 in whij ch th"'y could continue to hol 1J the school but to a groat l�rgcr extent.

Ideas put forward were tho conduction oi scve;ro,l dances,

barbacues rn,-� outings to which the rest of the school would be

invi tcd9 to raise monc:y for the purchas2 of uany 1:mch • needed

n�ccssities around thu school. **********************


() u,


During the year the Second vear classes have been employed in the construction of an electric �odel railwal project.

To start the project First Year boys in Metal-w?rk of_ 1958 were approached to find their reactions.After considerationand views of parts and ty,e3 of carriages to be used the boys supuorted the idea and contributed so�e �38 to its start. -�

Next the P & C. were approached and made a generous donation of Z100 towards the project which was established as a

Many other kind donations have been nade including, alumiurn, tinplate, paint, electrical gear, etc.

A preview of the project was shown at the Feta and from the msny co�a.nonts was very rmch c1p_Jrecia.ted.

The project has also been inspected by two groups o; Sydney Teacher's College stidcnts and rnenbers of the Industrial

Arts Asssociation of Australia. Both these groups also had favourable corlli�ent.

Since the Feta the work had been carried a great deal farther so that the final viewing will includ- six sets of points

five separate trains, a harbour bridge, a complicated wiring circuit f bridges, tunnels, cuttings, eto.

In all the project presents a view of the future trends in education and James Cook had now taken the lead in this respect.

Trusting you will view and bring your f:.'iends to view the completed set up when assa�-1bled.

----- - -- ---------�


J. G.·

We wish to take this opportunity to thank the following for their assistance during_the year:-

Mesdames, Neil, Lyons, Combs, Eoyer, Overton, Pruilp and Jowett for their donation of a triphy for the chanpion House of the School.

Mrs Neil ·and Mr� Sheriff for their tre□�ndous efforts in helping to send the 1st .Grade League tean to Brisbane.

Jack Barnett for a Diving Trophy. The mothers who have given their services by assistin�

in the School Tuckshop.

Those Llenbers of thG staff and students who have freely given their tine and experience for the pronotion of many extra curricular activities.

The various other individuals and organisations for their generous dona�ions of annual prizes and trophies.

First Grade League tean send their thanks to Mrs. Croft who by assisting every Wednesday afternooti to transport the boys to whatever ground they had to go, nade it possible for them to attend the full 5 lesson periods on Wenesdays, thus bringing about no interruption to lessons of the boys in the tean.

SCIENCE DEPARTMEN�_!Hli.NKS ( C_ontinued) Thanks are also due to Phillip's Electronic Industries

for their donation ·of several first-cla:ss full scale co'loured diagrams and posters of el·ectrical conponents� which ar'e of great value to all scienc� classes.

We are indebted to Optical Prescriptions 9 Spectacle makers, for their assistance atthe School Fete and for their generous donation of various len�es to the science departncnt.



( Clo,ss c,--,:pti',in-G. Smith) IA this y\., ��r h '..V1.., in :nost c:-scs li v'--d up to thoir n�:Lll:.

G.Smith topped the clnss;R.Hilton w�s s\.,cond,:,nd T.Ethl.., 11 third.On th...:: sportinc si,L w.__, h--.,v;.; m'2ny boys rL:pr'--scntin: the

school. In winninG tcnms W(, h··w;_, N. S1..,:,brook in th;:, 6 th. Gr�,do A cricket t1..,'tmiK,Dunc:.nson in th"' 4th. Gr�,d..., 1.-vint1Jr t\.,nnis t v ·'..fil; r-,nd D.Johnston ,..,_,nd G.C:-:,,irns in the Austr:.li:-\n RulL-s t l.j l..m.

T.Ethl:11,R.Coo�bos,G.Forrostcr �nd G.Smith nr� mvmb�rs ofthe school choir. ******************

1B (clc..ss cnpt�in -

P.AndorsonB.Bushn..:..11R.CullcyG.CumminsP. D�,le;l, ishD.DickcnsonG.Duv::,11K.Fo.,lconorB.Findlo.yP.GoblcJ.GouldcnR.Grl,itsM.Grc�swollR.HnnksI .Hc.,r.tl2ttR.Hibbo,rd

R.HillsG.HobsonG.HollnndK.J�,cksonD.JohnsonR.krnrencGR.Lul::'..ndR.McCt'"',skillB.McDowLllJ.McNcillyM.Mnce,rthurC .M·1,yf i2ldR.Mon,llyB.Mininc;R.MoorcI.No,ppcr

T.Pnssmor\.,G.PopporP.Pr'l.ttA.RGCCCS. Sl.jllA.Sm.'111F.StovcnsonF.StocksA.StrongR.StruttS.Wf:.llisK.WilsonR.JuryR.S'llcs





• Gnylo,rd D.GordonG.Ho,,yM.Koll..., tt­R.HoltsD.Luwis


J . Bro,1.d b oritJ.Byr-ncR. Cnm.-pI. C:;,pcwcll



Class tcn.chcr: Hr.Twi ..:..� Cl'l.ss c'l.�tn,in: Ronald K�ll

K. SmithJ.SmithB.TollinGD.T'.)wnorK.wust0. WillicunsR.ZietschJ.Hulso

This class r1..,port Wf:.S rnthur d�roentory in parts, nlthou0h humourous.

I thought it bLst not publishoc1. Editor



Tho mos.t outstnnc1inG boys in our YLC'.,rly 1..,X2Jninc.tion wcr, 1 st. R�y Im10n

92 nd. Potor Curmnin�,3 rd. Kun B�rrcl 'l.nd in

4th. position w�s Richnrd Tnlts�. Tho outst�ndin� bovs in snort wuro John Brrton who u u ,.!:'

:plny...:d on tho Gr:,d1.., Golf To[:.m,rrnc1 Dexter Choy who w:-s in thv 2nd. Gr:,dG Soccer tc�m,["l_,lso Joffr...:y Allun who pl�yc,d in the Grado Tonnis tcr'..m.

Clo..ss c'J;pt':.in : Ro.,ymonrl Fl::1hvrty. Vic u-c:=,,pt:::dn: K1.win Dyor.


10° CLASS R1'PORTS & ROLL CALLS (cont.).

1F B.St�phtnson(cnpt.)

Ono of thl, best workC;rs in the cl ri,ss j s Bri'.�,n Sprinc;:111 who c�ml, first 1 st. in tho Yc�rly Excunin�tion.

�rip Berry rcpr0s�ntl,d thu clnss well by his �bll, sport cn,1Jt�incy.

Bx.:un re) sul ts:












B C< - -· -c , , ( � ,.. + ) • t... - u..:.,,.,� .. ' � ·- i:, •

R.Thistlcw�itc (2 nd.)E.Smith ( 3 rc1.)


G. CramE�r W.Jarman

G.Degrassi :R.Johnston

R.Fuller D.Kytic

J.Galli�i A.Leddon

R. Gosbell L.Lovering

B.Hardy J.Luck

R.Hazelton R.Mercer

J.Hedges D.l'/Iills

L.Taylor N.Thornton******************










C_lr�o� 21i. ',l.'..D \.\ . ..,ll l1 .. ,I-):C\;G\_.11tvr'L

fi�lcl ·tl1is :r�·...,�r9

·-:.11 · .i \.., i'"' \ ... ''., ci..., \, ... ��it

Most pro�incnt wcr0:

Sport: Kent McPhcc won the ·undl,r 1 � Stat0 Schcolboy' s ChOJnpionship. ·

Doug Nuil won th.__.; C.H. S. Juv�nil·l, Diving F•inal.

Gary Pr',mp was f;cl2ct'-, "'

· for the T st. 71b. St['.,tG,

Rugby Lcaeuc tcnm,and Ross Longbottom captain of the 4th. Grado Soccer Pr1.=micrs.

Aco,de:mic �- J6hn Robson,first in thl, yc�r .in Latin,Frcnch & .

History;Robcrt Crawford W"1S �lso first in Lntin 9'1S woll c.,s in Maths

II. D.N.


2B class c�ptain:Lcn ChOJilbl,rs.

Clnss 2B submits th\., following report for thl, y�nr 1�59i

.§.£.?rt: L.Chamb0rs,G.Ston\., c:,nd J.H1.;rd played in the

5th.Grado Crick\.,t to�n which won the metropolitan comp\.,tition.

C.Lynch plc.ycd in the winning Golf te:f'..m.

Academic: Clnss 2B w�s nlso promin\.,nt in the acad��ic

field.Th� most outst�nding boys b�ing G.Bolla 1 J.M�r�dith,J.Howcll,

R.Bollnrd,L.Chn.mbcrs,nnd Rob0rt Erskinv.

2 B also pl.:1,y�d th\.,ir p'."1.rt in t:iv construction of tho

Manual Dcpts •. modl,l tr7.,in. *******************

2C clnss CGpt�in�T.Shl-phcrd.

Clnss 2C were well rcpr�s\.,ntvd in the sporting fiold nnd th\.,

n,cn.d�rnic field.


11. CLASS REPORTS (cont._)

In sport 9thLSU following boys ruprcsuntcd thL school:­

B. C2,_m.rl,t:ll ( 5th Grr:,dL; R. L. ) G.Town0r G.Bry:,_,ntW.Powditch

( 1st. GrndL Bnskctball.)

W. Goldsworthy ( 3rd. Gn'vdc· ff'cnnis. )P.Pntcrson ( 2nd.Gr[:,dc Soccer.) .Ar. Be:,ldrcy

In tho [:,CRdcmic field:

W.Bo,nksJ . Bo, t 0m:1nI:. Boothlnc111R.BoultonJ.ButlcrG.Cet,rtcrG.Clo7,ryL.Co;llic;R.Colom:--mT. CouclcmR.Gordon



· R. JJonQldG. :i�ci,stwoodK.Wilcock


G.AllcnW .J.--i.gvmllK.Bo,rtluttR.B�ngl.;

L.Shnrp - 1st. Guogro,phyI.Tullock - 1st. Maths I;Mnths IIT.ShcphLrd - 1st. History;Fr\._;nch:English�

Dcscripti�� GLomctry & Dr�wing *******************


R.Hcron R.HollisC.Jon\..,sVv. Justic cA. Ktd onR.KcllyP.KcmpG.Lo PlnstriorA.LunnM.Lutton



L.Fishcr C. Li pmc.,n

R. Grc:mt D.Milcs

B.Hndficld VY.Moyes

R.Huck(.;r C.O'NLill

G.Hynd D.A.:rry

J.JQckson A.Pontifcx

B.Kcllctt M.Scott

T .Ifolly L.Smt.11,·

P.Kurts R.SmithK.Liddcll P.Tnylor


J.BoycisR.Butl"rB. CrnnpbcllG.Clissold

F,Connors J.Crci,ft R.DobbsK.E�mcs

L.SinnyJ. SinclctirD.SpooncrR.StowcrP.StunrtG.TurncrJ.TwissG. V\T':lshcS. VfardJ. Whi t0

D.ThorntonJ.VnlcA:VogcsW. VfardN.WcstA.WolfcndumL.ArrowsmithP. Edw,"vrds'.I.'. Volm2-nD.Lutton


1 2. CL.ii.,->_'._; • ..:l�:;'.OJt�.:� _(_c,J_:.tt. )

I' •• (}l,.,vSUll

I. G:...--•,. sh J.1







E. J cc.mes

W. J off rec,







Vv. Pi . (�ott

K. S::ndorson









0. Che,pm:-n


R. CO bh,'J!l


K. Adi'.Jns

D. A:! cock

N. CombLJs.






G. Ch-�mbe:rs





J. D0nk1L1


E. Hn.m1,lion


R. L7,wl0r



N .McGuire








C. SpiJ etL.n.d

D. Str1.tton

A. Thornc•,s



R. PL-rrynnn R. Wn, tt*********************

J. CoJ -.:,in L.Hill

L. i:;lich R. H:-r\..,

13.FulL:r K.Hoop'--.r

H. Gr:.11 :.c,;hcr .. r .Hunt._,r

G. Gn,rd0n,)r G.Kccn,:.n

B. Gr�,y R.Little;

D.Gibbs B. Li'.7.n3hr:.ns

R.Gic;0 J .Mri,rshc:.11

G.Hr-:wkins S.Mr..tich

L.Hick.u:.n J,Ml:rton


Clf'..ss Te::.chur: Mr.T.Porrin

Clnss cnpt.'.l.in: Bruce w,�tson

Vico-c�ptnin :, C.Osgood

B. Sh:-:.w




R. Tunn;mt




R. Sh._,rin;_h:-@





G. O8.tL.S

T .D.::wis


K. Pn.rk'--'r

R. Pil[;rim

L. Pr::ttt

R. Schrooch.:r

G. Shl;c.l3r





The cln.ss w:.s divided into two SL-ctions for the y._,:.rs work ni'.Jnz;ly, (A) Corm:1crci:-1,l, (B) TLclmicc'..l.Thcse combinc,d to t'1kc

Enclish, Frcnch 9 History 9 Sci encl., 9 D, GLOI!ktry & Dr-:.win,r-; n.nd

Mn:ths I & II.

i;ih�n school COLE,ll..nccd in the first term of the yc.::.r

tho clnss hnd �n �nrolmant of 43,This w�s r0ducci to 41 nnd

1 :.tcr to 4-0 WhL-n so.nL. pupils rv',chcr1 le �vin{; \°;L., Thirty-ninl.,

boys fron th._, clr-�ss s.:.t for the Int._,rrn_._, r1i :.te Ccrtificr'..to,

1 3.


the; one ,,xcs:;ption bcini:�: Al::.n Iihrtin who m�t with f'.n -,_,ccid'"nt

thi.., Fri,': ::,y pr\., vious to th" \.,xr.,r11. •

In tho sportinB fi"ld 3B w�s fortun7,t0 in hnving thrc\.,

gd'l,dC crickot c,..,_,ptains tog"the;r with m::.ny L\.,n.,c;ue: 9 T0nnis :-1nd Golf

l, nthusi;-1.,st s.

As cL1.,ss c ..,pt---,_,in I h:�v,, much pJ.c.,;,,sur" in submi ttin,-:; this

report with tho best wishes for continuvd succ0ss in the, coming




A. Church

J. Colu:n.c1,n







D. H.-,_,1"'





B. Br.,ur17.,in



,J .Bur.::;c


J. ])�,vis


Po Ed�·�r




W. Buvcridc;e,;

K. Bl 'i,C klTL��nn



Bruce; Vhtson. ******************

T. Ho.,y

I. InGL;ton

A.Jon" s

D.Kcc"'..rn oy

A. L---,_,ircl



P. �k C ormo.,c k

K. Nirnrno



J .P.1,lm<r _· ..





G. Sin:,,y

J. Sm 1llwood



J?. Spr-\kC

L. Sw,7,cll inc*****************

I .Fcmst W.11..,1..,S

A.Frost J.LconG

=:.Glovl,r R.McCle;oc1

R.Godwin R ,M:,,nsfi\.,lc1

E. Gr:..,nt R.HilL.,;r

I. Gurne,;y B.Nclson

K,K-,_,11 LRoss

R. Hc"'..rrin.:;ton C.Shcphcrd

R.IL tcrick F.Shirriff

RoJ�ss A.Smith

M,Knic;ht R. Stl,v r1,rt ******************

D � W~,cl\.)


J . 1N'ilkins


A. 1:'villinms

C . Gci,ll""Gh--:r

P.Tci,hmindj is

R. Tunbiric1gc

C. VVnrd



R. Whi tbre,;;;,d


K. Will i r1.ns



R.Dcllow R. J off c 0:1, t C. Noyc1..,

G. :Dickl-l'SOn R,Kinc W.Olivcr

R.Gooc1scll L.LoG L. P::,ul

A.Gunn B, Ll, tton R,Smith

)1..H---,_,rt K. Lonl_,;rG'7,n P.St7,thcrs

B. Christic.nsu1 T.Ho.,ywood B.McConn e,;ll K� Stor,,

K.D::,l0y P.How\:; D.Morli.Jy K. T,-,_,rv"r

Co D:.:r B. J,:--.ckson R. N::.,nn L. Turn,,r


JE (cont) 14.

.••• ). 'f

R.Willinms ,.J �

S.Willi"Jils J:·Wpi t chousc,

'R'.Woods J. Cl ---,rk

A. Str.:,h"'..nM.H_-.,rnUvy

4A. -·

. ,******************

. " '< ••.. , .. .. .�.. ......

R.AcklinG� ' ... S. Bl__," ichf.orJ ..

·•'. .... - -- . R. Cr·:.ncJ.CrossloyL.D:::.vi\...'S

J.Dr1,vton V


T.B�ll �.Brcssibcton ,.

R.Bc:rgin R}Drovm I . J. Bl ·wklcy .. S. Burtv nsh'1w

G.Blntchford. R.B�tch�r

G.D"'ntD. ck Soz:.



J, Durt"..novich · N. B::i,y\..,sP.Pl,rris J • Gn,y 1 --i_,rrl D. Gehri-'"

/ I...)

R.J0llym·--,11 - · .. B. Johnson

�- ·-·-••'

G.fa.:nnii... R.Lcnton.


:t;,Flood N.Fox I. Gr'."'..ntIC. Gr-:ntL. HocltsL:

G,Nickols · R, Olds

c. C. Ov::,di;:,·,.

.'C.Gord.on N, Gr0,;or3r M. Griff i:t/i.


· R.M"2.y.dh l!I. M'"' ---,.__:;h'"'r E.G1,udzinski •

C.Popc: R.Pont D.Russcll J. Russl,11

l I. R.1,yn,.nt

p . . ... J

, .• �--- ···-.,... I

;.,···-��-- ·-r�i.c,.ne:.rifl.s


I I • .•

G·. _N\ .. �,v 1:.:

i B.Lnn�;, C.N'"'l�on '"' , · ,···•,

i . .

, -· - - : .. ,"":."', -*�**�*********i****� ·-... # •• • •

'' · K. Shortus ........ . W. �0,lbot

·· _. --.:· · �-�hurlingR. Smith

i \ i

B.$tc:vt...nj3t ' . I

L ._,Stroud:

A. 1Wclls


/ . .

J . R;)·t:ii1s dn

I{;. Stu� b in�"B .. ·\ .' l . '. � '. , :, : ! ., .. J

. :s·. Tovms\�nd D .• Tully R.W.:lt\,,,rs G.W·-,_,rd

.\. vVilliCilllsJ. Willin, .. msG. VhttsL.Fowll,rJ.McrtonK, Rv '1C1y



H. SlnnnartI ·,

,•· f

Y,:i, /-- 5A

,1..:-• - .� ....... ·" ....... . #

··-�-� ... - _., .....

r.JI.-Tf:ylor '··

' . ·1 R��:-'vJ;Lb.:f, G.Wr�tson. . '.' : *":: ,;.�*-lH-lH:·**•:c_;t1t::�.:-•:c�'.-��-;�-:�.- .

i ; b.'J.ck towf}'rd:s

.. / ··• ·-� .

tht. DI ,·tECTORY) I •

"Sh.b.r.t ... d 0 bt s. m::i.k.c 1 ong_. f .:ci l,.nd s �•-

"·Discrctioi1 is thl- better p--:,rt · 6f w�iou:r�'

" fl tide tc;,kcn c,t tho. flood lv':.ds on to fortuno �• - '_Tulius G�,l-S(:'..r'

'' ' " • 7 . 't} ,:, - of the "tr· .-)Y1 .·cs-'-l, bn,tt'<.ll'. ··''1r-1 '.' Provi ':tense iu ri.. ..... -v.1::i..yo on 1c s · Ll- � "" • -'- �

11 Usus promptu!:.1 f·7.c.t.t�'

------ - -----·-----·---------


Interesting articles on Modern Day science which is prominent in the day's headlines.


The First. I. C. B-.M. · {Intercontinental Ballistic Missile) • . , ... ···· · · ·


In August, 1957 it w�& announced fron Moscow that an intercontin­-ental ballistis missile with a range from 3,000 to 5,000 miles had been launched by Russian scientists.

This rocket was built in three staGes for longer range. It utilizes engines which are versions of Gern�n V-2 1 s. Russia captured during the war. Each stag:e works the sane way. The first stage, which takes up the lower half of the missile, propels it to about 100;000 feet, then breaks off� The second and third stages take the missile to its,ultimate height of 500 miles, breaking off in turn as the

job is done. Briefly, it is propelled by G fairly simple method�

I.().� ... .... --.


'1,Dd pot;":ts: ·,

�i1r 1• .-:�.i�O�.,

st:;,.rc bv , 0 c..:


::.bovc ·cho t.::.rgct on

1st. st-i.:�� off he:

liquid oxy:


I -� ., ( ' ) _ .v._J.� ..... C(ffiC.

1 6.

ln,.l c1·� ',�,.s c',_ .. , b..L �G·c::.· t'.1 ,l; _;::..•o ___ J,_.l •i/L missile through the ;,ir

st:;,gc by st--:.go. Fin::,,lly the W;,rhe-�d brc.ks loose hundreds of miles

--:,bovc ·chc c�rth ,:,nd, with its onorm01is momentum, contihuc:s to th"'

tt',rgct on its predetermined course.

11ucl0·:,r y·1'"1..J..,,!.:..:::. �c1.

fu'--1 Tiuri1, j_," -� ...!...

1st. st:,c� br"' ,ks off he::'--:

liq_uid oxyc;'--n t-,,nk.------r,;f-


ful:l pu,.rps

2nd. st�co engine


1st. st..,G'-' engine

st 1bilizine fin

·• . .. ·- - --------- - - ----------

17. SCI�NeE REVI�W(cont.)




i�of:r _�_gLr-

It �onii�ts of ·1 pw�J,drivcn by �n cl�ctric motor or other wc,�ns.This })Umps·�uli)hur dinxLd"(or oth\...r suit.1,blc c--:,s th:.t docs not n..,quiI\ very hi�:;h t'-'nr�)1..,r:.tur\...S to liquefy it) in the dircctio

' .•

shown by tho- r-1.:r;row·, t�i�couc:;11 th'"' ric;llt--h 111d coils to thu nc.. '"'.,rly close:d cxp:1,nsi Jn v�.1 v\_,; Sine\_, th.: v'-1 V\... is n...::crl ,r clos2d, the pr0ssurc in thc..r:1:,ifit---1'1_:,'(ld _.::oil riscs1 -:,nd sine" wh\_,n .--:, · -i_,s is C8Iil:pr\...sccd 'ivo:ck is <'ton\,:·_.·oi1 it_,thZc tc.1_p'-r:tu::.�c o:f the.. so2 in thc.s" coils risus.�hc-.?�C:-'lt thcb }Jroduccd LJ r,:.di1.tcd o.,wcy,this b'-'lnG :.sslst\...d by th'"' provision of cooline-v:.ncs �long th" coil,

. -


or b3r inmcrsin0 th\_, coils 'in :. b:\th o:f w:.t"r ,:,t room t\_, ,:pcr2..turc. Ho:1c\... the SO

0 ln th\_, ri:sl1t--h-:,nd coi-ls ( c-:lli..,d thL. cond \_,ns \_,r) is

� �

\ .

k\_,pt well bcloq the �ritic:.l t\...mp�:c�turc of sulphur di0xid u ,2.,nd since th;:.. prdrnur,, _i__n tll....: cond'"'nscr -is hi0h, the -'_;·1scous sulphur d toxidc liqu\...fi\_,s. r.;1hc iiquicl sulphur. dio,,.icL flows down the oxp-cnsion V:,lv" thrJu �h '•vb.ich it squ:ii,ts ;i::nto thL. l \_, ft-h end coils co.,LL"d the ,._ V:.J_JJr:, tor, Th, ._ v . .,_,:i;nr-� tor coils :.re c on:ncctod to the low :pressure sid.\... of the pw:a.p

1 �,nd so th'"' prcssurL in th'"' s,, coils

is qui tc low. The liquid so2 in tac L-Vcp0r,,__t6r _:Ls \_,x-:.::rtinc:; 1. vc:pou. prossur\_, crc:,t,._r thnn thL ��s·9rcssurL in t�c c-0il,�nd th_rL�orc the liquid rapidl ,r turns b -"c!{ ·to e--�scous 302, i. "� the l iq_uidboils. How L,VL.ry [f,r:...mnlL. of lic. 1uicl S",2 which turns b.,,_,ck to gosr,bso1"bs 11-:, �t;this h\.J·,t is t·:lc'--n fron th'"' cv:.por'1tor ·coils 7.nd so the tornpLr""'..turc of thL coil dro1Js.Tl1'"' g:scous. so2 then :p,-:ss-:,s into th\... pu.11J ·md is rv-�circul:.tc\LThLrcfo�c,whiL., hc--:,t is being �bso:cbcd by thL. ,,v7,pt)r--:,tor1 Th\_,

cold e1.nd "frost;r TLl'"W forul on it. ,,,/

'.I.1h\_, L.V:.por:tor ;_:,1:,:r bL. situ .;tur"'t in �- rcfrigc.r':.t,or C-'..binc.. t which will thus be k\_,:pt -�t � lvYv' tun:pc..r,.,ture,w':rilc, t.h\... pu.,,np · �ncl cJndc,nscr will bL outsid� th� c �binct s� thit -thL h\_,�t


SCI:2NC:;::; TIEVI�Wj cont. ) 1 b.



·I'HE HUI,,t11.N

\ \ i

\ I


TEL� HU \.\.N ::�11.R . _._...,_, - ~--- .. - --·- .

..L-------.' ,,.. ,,,. .... . --��.7�•-.\ �) .

I • , ·--. --- - - . •. , ·/ ;1l

\ ·11·· , I' \ I\ \ \

' . 1'-f.;

.. ···· 7.ik_,



vr. 1.'l:.:�ous HU:10UR






. {.:);Y)\ �. ·:. :_,: ·;:: · '� :.: 'f--- SHOOT\·:�::i:·;.'_"<.'/'�;

. -�- v

-S:OOT OF 'r "Fl, . V

011..:r .L,,.1BR.1. 0

✓-----.\ ,. ' / \ / \ I



. I



. __...,,


..i,..( _____ youNG SHOOT

___ J;, \ 7-), i

'"-.. I ·1'h "----/ v-L-.\:,...._)0 ----..::-, 1N·, -YOUNG ROOT with \ l" ROOT IIAIRS

··---- -- ----.. - ----. ------- ----� -,�--- ·-------

1 9.



Old Beatnik Bill with his broken·braces

Felt rich one day and went to the races,

He put his money on an old Grey mare,

But unfortunately it came now where,

So homeward he trod that weary day,

Wishing he had been to work to collect his pay,

But alas his high hopes did fail,

And all he received were bills in the mail.

So this goes to show that working does pay,

Instead of just sipping coffee and smoking all day,

So beware and prepare for that fellow ,Old Bill,

Who's thou5hts only landed him there in 11Boot Hill".


Class: IE •.


Ever sinco biblical tim0s mo,n h�s f1,.;lt the n�c.:d of cduc�tion

E'vcn sl.'1,V(;S ho,d to bG tnuc:::ht to Sp1,.;;-tk so they could t2-kc ordl:!rS.

Howcvcr,sinca tho Industrial R(_,volution tho nGod for

educntion h1,s bct::n Grc�tly o.,ccclLrn,tu,i.Enginecrs ::.nd factory

workers nliko h;,c1 to b1,.; educ�tcd in order to t7.kc their position

in society.

At first Prii,1:1,ry c.:clUc'l,tion W",s sufficient. A p.:.,rson could

.find his place in life if ho W;,S proficient 7.,t the three R's.

More r0c1..,ntly o, Se;conc1�ry cducc,tion bccamc ncc,dcc1. A knowlcd

of thl;; thr0c R's w�sn't cnour_';h.Pcoplc f,._,lt th0y n1,.;cdcd to h7..Vc.:

a Lrc;,tcr undcrst ,ndinc1

of world problc□s 'l,ni this involvud a

knowlcc1r;c of history 7.nd :;cocr'l,phy. This ph;i,s-; of 4.cvclopmC:Jnt

occurr1...,d whLn 7,nr1 rtft1,_;r thL fr'l,nchisG W;,S ,_;r;.ntcc�. It is

intorcstin� to not0 th�t thos� who rule.: � country 1,ra 1,lw:-ys,

or nc:.rly ·1,lw7,ys wull ,;due:. tLr1. Now th:-'.. t (l;..,m,Jcr'"1.cy · h�s muturcrl

:,,nc1 :�llowv1 1..,V-;ryonc over the.: ..,_, . .,.L of twc.:ntv-on(, '.1 votu it u 0 u





It should be noticed that most of our citizens today are f�irly

well educated.

Today, we Australians live in a highly complex society. If aperson is to understand how this society works he must haveattained a reasonable knowledge either in or out of school.Be:;_�nard Shaw once said, "my education was interupte� by my_ schooldays". In this case this was probably true. I ·our's I thinJl.t not .•

• Admi tted.ly much of what we learn at school isvirtually useless. Many hours are wasted pouring over theoremsand novels, which we leave� However, they teach us inner


discipline. T, ey for.rJ. our nind to accept unwanted facts.If we are going to grow up to become healthily bal-ancedindividuals perhaps we must learn to accept this inner

discipline that only this type of education can give us.Learning at school prepares us for the problems of life that

we_ all Lmst face When we· go out into the world. This is whyeducation is important.

Paul Brindle 5A.




*,'1- -::- ·"·-·:•*➔< ir -' : --::- -;i- -�- ➔'.-➔' -:: - -r-* *1-n

The· elepho,rit is· · a graceful bird,As it junps fr o1,1 bough to bough,

It builds i�s nest in a rhubarb treeAnd whi stles like a cow.

A young mother says th2..t after lJUtting her two children tobed she changed into 2. droopy blouse and an old p2.ir of slacksand proceeded to wash her hair . All during the sharnpoo shecould h�ar the children growing wilder and noisier.Finishing as hurredly as she could,she wrapped a towel aroundher head, stormcd into their bedrooo 3nd put them back to t�dwith a stern warning to stay there.Surprised at their comparativeobedience she stopped just outside the door and heard her twosay to his sister in a tret1bling voice

1 "Who was that".--


21 ..

Although this w-;,s only the: first ye'.,r of our

school bl-ing ·;, full high school (as fnr 2.,s educ;.tion

is conccrned)wu hnve CLrt'1.inly m7.dG our presence felt

in the sportin0 field.

Tho success of �ny sporting fixtu�e is judgcd,not by scores,

but by the spirit with which the €7-mc is contl;stcd.With this thought

in mind, one ccm truly s:J,y thn t JAMES COOK HIGH hz-,,s hc-,d cm extrcwrdinC:,rily

successful yco,r.

·All credit must go to those co:..chos who spent much of thoir

trained and pl�yod hard in their respective tonms.



Mr. T. LCtJ!lbcrt ( c o:·�ch), N. Brooks ( CC:,pt. ) , E. Gc.udzinski, W. Lcl,.)s,

M.Ho.,ndlcy,A.Hartlcy,S.Smith,C.G:7,ll,�ghcr,G.Humphrcy,D.dc SozC:,,L.D0vics,


At tho st:7,rt of the 1959 footb�ll sc7,son I w:7,s C:, r kcd whether

I would be prepnrcd to coc,ch tho 1st.Gr,.,,dc Rugby Lor:,gue to['.Jl.l.It

wns with ploC:,surc th:7,t I undertook tho tnsk,onc which proved more

enjoyable us th� season progressed nnd 'the l.,_,ds were rcw7,rdcd with

success upon succuss fot th0ir onthusio,sm ,,.,t tr2-ining.

Tho te:::,m deserves ho,1,rticst conc;rc,tulo,tions for th\., m"',nncr

in which they presented th\..,rnsclvcs for tr�.,ining three :1.nd sometimes

four mornings n week nt 7.30 A.M. This I believe w�s thG most

�->utst-.,n.l:L n. · f \ctnr ).n_ a mlc:iJ1r-• th\..,s1:- in 7..,tvi.,lu;.lly_:- ·.; , f t-b-.,,llors

i.l1 t _ �· _-� i' _i_·:,_ \,,

The first fc,w m:--�tchos wore won q_ui tc convincingly '1.ftor

vvhich cnmo South Sydney, l 7.st yc,"'..rs premiers. Bof oro the m2..tch tho

tension w:::,s evident on the fnces nnd in thu nctions of every

member of tho Jo.,nws Cook cnmp, but it W"',s not long bof or'-' we o.,11

roluxod,rc:1.lising which tc.'.1m W8.,s. to be tho ultim,:1,te winner.

Naturally our boys wore 2,lw;,.,ys keen to win nnd I vns

beginning to wonder how thuy would rcn.ct to � bo�ting.Thcir

first def 0:1.t cDmc when they pl::1,yed Do 12- s�:-lle, Cronullc, in tho

St. George Knockout Competition. Tho spirit with which th.o lnds

nccopted this dcfc:1t plo'1scd everyone conncct\_;d with tho tcc.m

much more tht.,n the string of victoric..:s which they tnd enjoyed

before this m:1tch.Thcy were c:q_ue:,lly 1,s glorious in dcfcn,t whon

bcn.tcn by 1-hroubr:. B:::;,y. in the: Univcrsi ty Shield compcti tion.

However we were o,11 very pL.,.:-:,scd to sec our 1-:ds turn the t'"'vblcs

on Mo,roubrC1 :B'1y n.nd dl,fc:.,_,t them to win the P.S."LA.A, lco,guc

compc ti ti01

Al tl'.


bring the i


pl'.lycrs the

spccL;,l men


�-i.,bili ty to

n,s to lcC'..d

much of the


season w::-s

trying ,"'..nd

Br:,y hns f om


It gr

so much for

the, f ootbr�ll


c1,ssoci•1.,tcd w



D. Hoffmo,n1 J.:

W. Ovorton 1 D ,J


of rl,cruits

sc,1,son howov,

o.,nd keenness

In t:,c school

on th\_; two oc

saw th\., side

0'1rly g-�mes o

thLJ f ine;,l r1,i/:1,

strl:�Gth of t

vanquishers n,

Fin8-l of this

Thu tccu

crow1 -.,,,s w.7,s

our soeinl vi�

St:itc :a.c Druse:1

prior to th(.., J


of t;ood tcrnn i:





COITllJG l;i tion.

Although twice bl-:.t,:n,rn,ith.__,r of these g,,rn.__,s being in th .....

?.S.A.A.A. com-)-.:tition,om .. � 1:-,ds r-::.n out undl-fl,,•_tcd prcm.it.;rs to

bring the first lC0.[,'11"2 prcmicrsh..:..1J to thl- J::,..mcs Cook Hic;h.

Although I could spend q_ui t ...... some titrrc m,,ntioning individuo.,l

players there. :1r" only t1ivo tho,t I ---,m go inc to sinclc out for

spcci,::,,l montion.Norm.-,_n Brool'::s proved ct footb,�llvr of consid0r·1ble:

.'.1bili ty ( on'-' to w7, tch in y,,-�:rs to c ornc )r-,nd :.G co.pt 1,ln with the

nbili ty to think quickly ,1nd d:Lrcct pL:wors on th--: field 2,s well

n,s to lc2-d thcm in ,:.tt'1ck. Norman's p.:,rt vris plo.yod very well nnd

much of thc crucli t for the tvun' s succuss must f;O to him.

The other l�d to show tr ...... mcndous he.rt throughout the

sons on w::,s Eddi0 G::::,udzinski. Eddie just doosn' t know how to stop

trying ;:-nd his r.i.__,rfornk:-ncv in the gr,7,nd final 1.£;'1.inst M:.roubr1,

Br:y hCt,s found ''.. 1---,sting plo,c,� in the memory of cv(_;ryonc who sci,w


It g1,vc me., s;r_,2,,t plv"'.,sur.__, to rcw:-trd the ��,.J.m who had done

so much for the school with ;,, trip to Quocnsl 7,nd f'.,t the end of

the footb'111 sc1.son.

Onc0 mor.__,, con0r.'.i.tul·:.tions �:.nd th,:.nks to e1,ll boys who wcro

cl.ssoci-1ted with th(, tcr1,,1n during the season.



NIR. A. 1Villis ( coc-;ch), G. \la tson( C"..pt. ) , J. Bigwood, Butler,

D. Hoffm�n, J. Ifovnrth, C. Ch 'JTI.bl-rs, P. ��dg �r, A. WilliC'.,ms, B. L"'.ndon, I. Ross,


This t8:JJJ1. commcnc0d th._, sl..,ason with the minimum number

of rL:crui ts 11ecc:ss1,ry to ·1llow for injuries, etc .. Throughout the

sc�son however thcrl; w---,s � consistently 300d roll-up for tr�ining

o..nd kecnncss both on :tnd off the; field vns kept ;,t n, hig_h pitch.

In t:jc school compcti tion thv t..._.::.m w--�s bl.., :.tL.n only by South Sydney •, 'ii

on thl, two occ 7,sions on whj,ch thl;y m'-' t.. The St. G,:orgc Lc;.{5uc, C':.rn.

saw tho side, docisi vcly b.__,.::,t NI::'..rii::t Bros. Kog 7,r:1h 11 B 11 t.; ,.,,m in thu

cetrly g-�mcs only to 3;0 down very unluckily to thi.... tune of 4-3 in

the finn,l :-\<':.7.inst th0 11 A i ' tvun from Mo.,rist Bros._;(og·ir:-th.Thc

strcqa;c::;th of th-:: tl;:::.m w--.,s illustr-.,t...,d by the f't.ct thC'..t th0ir

v;-i,nquishcrs at Jubilee Ov":.l sl.T 1,r.__,d ,�, dr':-vm g�nc in the S .;':.:,tC:

Finci,l of this competition ..

Thu toc1.,._rn consistcmtl:r show_,d thcLr bust form bcforc r,,

crowd --,_,s w:::.s cvidcnc.__,d by thLir rl..,soundin3: d.__,f l..,,1t of Bcrkl..,ly on

our socL1l visit :-1.nd th_, .nasty surprise tlky h •,ndcd, out to the;

St.1,tc, 1.tqJn;s0nt-,.,tivl, sid..::: in ·1 tri7.l g':.J."Ilc ,:..t Jubiloo Ov2.l just

prior to the lntti:,r tc:w.--n's d,�p,.rturc for Quccnsl't.nd.

Al thou2:h this w :.S not '.7.11 c,l::::w.:iour tc:1,m" it posscssod ;, wc:J.l th

of good tc[lJil spirit, WGS C"l)f',bl.__, of toppling th0 best cmd �lwr-,ys


23. showed their CO;,Ch � dogruo of co-oparution which is,unfortuncataly

oft cm missing in sor;1_1.., G,,nj or tv..,ms. A.W.

THIRD GRADE. Third grqdu hc1,d � very dis�ppointing sanson �s no wins

w2rc 0.:-',incd. Tho tcfl,m 1:-:ckcd co--ordin-',tion c ;,rly in tho SC:::',SOn 9 al though

some indi vidu"'l pl ;,yd'S 9 Grc1nt Bl'.-., tchf ord. 9 showed :prom is o ,-:,,,nd played hard.

This tc:-..,m if it is to succeed will ho,vc to lc;:,rn how to tackle properly. E.J.ch wo�k tho Si:,illC r-::port would com0 in-.

11 ine1,bili ty to tnckl c �' If this m:1.in f,..,ult is corrcctcd 9 ::md tho bCtcks keep in

their positions c1,nd work h;:,rdcr 9 this .t c.:1m could succ ocd in next yc�r's competition.




W.T.!IcKcon B.Hn,rdy


compoti tj to stron� tho loss

C to ropros Quccnslt'vn J;:-,,,mos C.H R. L. Com,J

- ..l:

D, clurints th1 '11 0d GlovcJ hcmds.

w .�. were well


MR. WHYTE ( co.'.7..ch) 9

Players: C.Jones; R.Benge; S.Ward; G.K8mp, J.White; G.Keenan;

Spearpoint; Whippie; P.Snider; G.Sheely; K.Willia,ms; ,·

R�VVhitbread; N.McGuire; A.Voges; R.Laurence.

Although our Fourth Grade did not carry off any honours in the competition this year they did nevertheless leave a very creditable record of achievement behind them. Of thirteen games played we won eight, losing five 7 and of these five losses, there was no team which managed to taat us twice. Individual members of the team who deserve special mention and praises are Gary Sheely and Ken Williams, particularly Ken, without whom we could scarai:;ly have achieved anything.


"You must help rne doctor", said the patient to the ... ychiatrist.

"I can't remember anything for more than a few minutes. It's

driving me crazy".

"How long has this been going on for"1

said the :;:-sychiatrist


"How long has what be _n goj_ng on for?" ,replied the man. "}f. ➔� -� '. - ➔E- �· ·''- -''· -�;- � '- �- �� -;;- - � � - -�;- * �} -�0 ·H - ➔ : - "1{- �'- ➔� -,(-

We just received a new cookbook from deepe£Jt Africa. It's called: How to serve your fellow oen.

B. H2rdy 1 rn:successful

Th nnd sports


The 6th. rz.1 fi_eld a fuJ


t ea.n .. which

t'raditi·n t have been i

�********** *


* * Ge-* * * * yec

* * * * * * * *➔t *

* * ➔t * ➔�



Mr. L .:Mc.son( c 01.ch), D.Morl0y (capt. ) , T. Glover ( vie t;-cnpt. ) , W .McKoon, G. Pm.o.p, G. Clissold

1 V. Sh-..,nn;-i,h.-;n, J. Wilkinson, J. Twiss, J. Gunn,

r •

B. Hardy, Horon, J. W,:1.,lsh, J. V·1.,lc, J. Lo Bron, K. Brown.

Our Fifth Grc1,d0 Rugby LL-e;.01U0 to�m whilst not winning the competition hGd ':. v�ry succossful sc�son.Only three g:,mus wore lost to strong opposirion durin� thu sc�son,thc.:sc defu�ts war� due t0 the loss of som� of our best pln,y'---rs. ' - _

Congr,1,tulntions to W.I✓ic.Kc:-.:,n :::md G.Prnnp,who war\; s0locted to r0pr0sont thl; N. S. w.. 7 st. 7 1 b. tG:un during th� sco,son r.,c;':.inst Quconslc::,nd, c1,11d o..lso to the: m0:mbcrs of th� tc::.ms who won honours for Jc'Jnos C. High by winnine; thu SuthcrL:nd District Schoolboy Knock-out R.L. Competition.

David Morl0y, who c.1,pt:.incd thG tc"'..m , wo.,s tho top scorer clurine; the scc:i.,son W':.S unlucky jrn miss s0ll;ction for tho St�:.tl: to:->.Jll, 'l1 c;d Glover.> vice:-c:,,,pt[:,in -::nd full-bo..ck ,:possoss'---s o, very s.::.fc :po.,ir of hci,nds,

W .Mc .Kcc:.n, G. Po.i7.1p 1 J. LcBron, were, tho outst::.ncling forwn.rds ::nd were well supported by J. ':iwiso, J. Gunn, K. Brown, G. Clissold 1 2.,nd D. Mor le,

Our b:·1.,clc line, Jim \'Vc,lsh, Victor ShC1.,1111=:,hnn, J. Wilkinson, Heron, B.He;.rdy,:::.nd John V[:,L:: were vr:;ry sp..::Gdy -,,nd fc"1.,turcd in m':.ny f"--st c,ndsuccessful mov0s,but nt times were rr.,thcr l:,X in their d�f(:;ncc.

Th\., whole t� ri,__m must bl; conc;r':.tuln,tod on thl;ir tv1.,m spirit nnd sportsmo.,nship,both on �nd off th� fi�ld durine thG s�nson.

SIXTH GRAD�-::. Mr.R.M�nning(co�ch),

The 6th. graders through sickness,accidents,etc.could not always fi_eld a fu11 tean;:but :re'gardless of this they always tielded a

., •· .

tear:1. which ·played hard regardless, of win or defeat. This vvasin the t'radi ti n that Jhl,1es Cook hc1,s Nbiul t up in the shurt tirri'e tha-c 1;nJy have been in s:port:-to play hard, play fair, and play the game.



�**************************************************************! * ** *! ANNOUNCEMENT!

i * * : * 1

Get your HOCKEY sticks ready for as from next # * * } year Janes Cook High is entering into the ! * ** *! Inter Qombined High·Schools Hockey # * ** *� Competition.

;* * *➔�

:tt .. , G H * • •:tt: t * � *

3/ * ;*************************************************Af**********�**




Mr.W.Laird(co:,ch),G.Brown,R.Bnll,R.Culloy,J.H�tchctt, W. Jc.,rm:'-n, E. J oyvott, A.Jones, R. Hibb.,...,_rd, C. Lennon, R .:r.ir°

• C�hill, A.Moffit, J.Back,T.Pcrkins,G.Stonc,W.�hitL,R,Wilkins.

This tcrun,r7,thcr on th0 light sid'"',only won two m2.,tchos but tc�n spi1°i t ::;,nd kL1c,noss ncvc;r W:,nod.

Scvor�l plnyors rLpr0scntod in the knock-out competition in tho St.Gc,org" -:,rcn,,Jn,_,_""J.Gs Cook vns unlucky to bc bc::,tJn in the formor competition but won tho l:::ttcr with case.

R.Bn,11 won the bd:;t · ,.:,nd f:,,irLst competition-his t2.ckling rmd pl:'-y during tho s;-nson \v:-,,,s L;,ul tlcss.

G.Brown,G.Stono,R.H�tchott,A.!ioffit,�nd R.Hibb7,rd w:,rr:,nt specinl mention of fin0 dispLi,y.

This tc':,@ should imprOVG entirely by n0xt yc�r,:,nd oncu they le -:.rn to t:-cklo will be h :,rd to b,::\t.



MR. J. CoutE1,,,n( c o, .. ch), Bruce iht son( c;--,pt. ) , D. Noil, -�,. 3,\nks,

C, :;::?.onnon,R. Gordon, D. Gordon, A. Church, P .Ker.1p, P .Howard, A. Day, La Bron : *

· M. Gresswell, J. Feeney, B. Ji'ull er, L. Lovering, J. Olding, A. Levvis, D. Yvtic.

This tc-..,_,m h0.s �',lrc�dy 'v1..rnccl ·c}ll.) title ·11 Tho 1/Iighi;y Mid(;C.d;s�'

Vory young --:,nd spirit0d, thoy hc-,ve only boon bv�tcn thrc'"' times

during tho comp'"'tition.Twico by tho Prcmi0rs Rozollo "'.nd once by

G'J,rdiner' s Rd. whon cnpt·:in Brue c W<'.tson 1nd thrc c other. t o:p pJ.;7,ye:rs

waro unfit for pl':,y, Tur1,mvvork w::.s r:,lwn,ys in ovidcnco. The best pli'l,yc:cs of this ch�upion potcnt·1l t e,7,ra • were- ·

the ·c:--,ptc1in. B. 1.�\l'-:,tson, Komp( 5/8) 9 D,Ncil ( 1 /2), 1¥:B':.nks (lock), ,.,,nd· insidC.; ccntr·c C ;Renn.on.

Kemp w7,s 7,J.so successful in c,.,,pt'1ining th� 5st.7lb. city ·tcci..m n,g:.tnst the country.

* J.Olding.


FIRST GRADE. Mr .Mc . .Xcnzio ( co ·:.ch), C, A ttwool.( co.,:pt. ) 9 J. 1?luu 9 H, Hunt,

B. Morton, 1N. Newcomb�, D. HownLy 9 G. Siff'ty, R. Southw., rth, C, Yhr11,

K. Ad�J.s 9 R .Dunn 9 ,.-i ,Leos 9 S. Smith.

Jwmcs Cook formed its first 1st.gdc. Soccer too.,m this ycc.,r .,.,,nd h-:.d gr,:'."1.,t success in the In-tor Schools Soccer Comp ••

The tc::.m won thL-ir zono :rnd went on to the scrai-fin--i,l ,1,nd docisi vcly be':. t Kog:1,r0.h 6-0. However in the finr'ol Mc 7,dowbn,nk proved too strong for Jn,mcs Cook ��nd the ·tLam w:.s dofeett0d 4-0.

1st Th;,_,

m::,tchcs 9 dr--:


R, Podi;10:r", R


The: undl]r the c,:

upon did th,

-juries dur:JRoss Gr...,.'"'nfiinclhlding'tt

R.Gr thL. scnson.

Alth pln,cc,;.nd L

THIRD GRAD --------

At tj tc;-imwork or

HOWt.; 1

dc'11. Thoir re Most

b"st plnycrs . Tc:::.rr

Mr. D. Gornrd, J3. SllP.Pc-1..llcr, G.CJ


Mr. Tho fo_u

fi...,l 1in:c,· :i, st match was los the compqti ti· which• wa�f blo'

All difficult to 1 lay in the ha: Mawson( 1 C), wh< They were wel� Ross Longbottc Hans Poppel, Re Rowney, ind Brj



1st ._q-_r_':._c\c:. Soccer( cont. ) 26.

Th\.., t0".l!l, :1 thouGh1h -,_,<J. :. rel '"'.tiv\.;ly successful vnnnini ton a.1:1,tchcs 9 dr:.win('s t'.VO 9 c.nd los-Jnc, tvrn,


SECOND GRADE. Lfr. Clcracnt s ( c O'""l,ch), R. L'---·Nis ( C'1pt. ) , C. Tolley, D. Rich:nond,

R. Podi;1or.__,, R. Grce:nf icld, D . .Ad2.,ms, J. Robertson, T. Howe, P. P-:1tcrson, D. Choy 9

K.Gould,A.B�rry,B.F�rrin,A.Wcrry.Those 1,.,ds pln,ycd [l,S :, sound t'---'.:,ill throughout the· competition

und�� ihc c�pabla c��t:,incy of Robert Lcwis.Rcsarv\.;s,whan cnllad upon did th'---ir utmost to ·:.ssist tl1c tcrun to victory

Al,;,n Wolfund.cn w}10 h'.:,d suff crl;d ,,_, leg injury nnd- y,r:.s un;-,,ble to plr:,y cr:mo t'olonc; to every g,1,J1c ::,nd- ,:.ct�d 2s lincsI:J.::,n.

l-ii.;-rny. boys 9 including D. Richr:10nd ;:,nd 8. Tolley suff crcd in­-jurio�:; dur].n-:_: the �, c., "',-son ·;,nd wcr;__ ·forced to 1::iiss g"..mcs 9 but Ross Gr\._;\..,nfiold :1nd R. Podmo1�0 took the fi1..,ld for '--- very g·--.,:r.1c, including'thc 3cr�cly visit .

. ·.

R.Grccnfiald W:,S chosen "..S th� best �nd f�irclst pl[l,ycr of

the season. Although the t\..,:.m did not win the zonc,.i.t tied for second

pl:-:.c c, "..nd L;nj oyc.d p,_,r·cici1J \tin0 nore th::.n winning.


At the opc.ning of th1..: se:.:--�son this tc:-'.Jn shmv"d v0ry li ttlc tcn.mwork or cohesi,,.,n.

How\.;vcr 2.s the s1..,·-,_,soh proe;rcssed tho tc,:,111 improv'.:.d .._, gr0�,t dc'.1.,1.Thcir record st';,nds "..t fiv.::.: wins,two dr_7,ws,:1nd four_ loss-cs.

Most improved pl :.ycrs were P7.rkcr ':.nd Mc. Doug-"'..11, r'.,nd the b"st plo.,yers tn the t CJ.In Yrcr'--- c�::;it;-,,in Berry, •,nd Gcrr;:;,rd .

. T c:_:Jr. Mr.Brcnnon(co�ch),E.Bcrry(c�Jt. ) p A,Hicks,S.W�rd 9 K.Wcst,

D.Gernrd,E.Smith,J.Eastwood,R.Killick,J.J�ckson 9 B.Vcrh�y,P.Nobl'---,P. Pc,ll er, G. Cl c:-.,ry 9 n. l'Ic . Douc\ll.

FOURTH GRAD:C. r1 m · ( , ) �r.lwigg co�cn 9

The fo_urth ,:,-:-c:�dc Socc2r ·co.�::i ho.d � successful _scnson fi\.;ldin:; '.), strong team of enthusiastic :players,and not orie match was lost on the way to the semi-final.The. team fin.:.·hed the coE1peti ti·on as zone winners, only to be just beaten by a goal which-w�b' blown in �y the wini from a corner kick.

All the teoi1 played and combined well and it· would be difficult to single out individual players.Perhaps the real strength lay in the halves Ken Howell(1?) 9 John Morgan(1E),and Gary Mawson(1C),who combined very w·cll both i-n attack and defence. They were well •supported by the rest of the team who were; Ross Longbottom(capt. ),Les Ritchie,Ronald Kell 1 Kevin Birkett, Hans Poppel,Rodney Kell,John Bro.nsd�,David Di0l-rensoJ;J.,-Robert Rowney,3nd Brian Probert(goal).


Results of the competition were a,s v Rozelle,won 6-0 v Leichardt,won 4-0 Semi-finals�


v South Sydney,won 3-0 v Bankstown, drew 0-0 v Croydon Park,won 3-0 v Narwee

9 won 3-2

v Belmore(zorte) Won 4-0 v Kogarah(zone) lost 1-0

v Gardiners Rd. , won 2-1 v Rozelle,won 6-0 v Lcichardt,won 5-0 v South Sydney won 4-1

v Bani st own, vv0n 3-0

v Croyion:_Park, won 5-0

- ---------�----------

SIGN LANGUAGE: Posted in o., British Golf Club in Africa;"If the be1ll

conos to rest in aangerous proxiuity to a crocidile or a hippo­-potamous, another ball m.9,y be dropped�'


The James Cook ·i:;c.._,m w�2 successful in th0. compcti tion o.,rr�ngcd by the P.S.A.A,A.

Th0 tc"..ll won ths:.; competition for its division :,nd w::i,s bc:1tcn by only onl., point by Hurstvillo High for thl- prd,1icrship.

Much of the credit for th'-- te:0.1:i's good iJ'--rform.,,ncc. is due to tho capt::,in D,-,,vid GGhrig.His pooi tioning 7.nd good dispLi,ys consid�rnbly nssistcd by Phillip Spr['.,kc,Don Russcl,;,nd Don Smith.

Every pln,ycr ir1 the: tc-'.m W:,S o., trier. Consistently good pl:::i.,ycrs throuc;hout the se-7.son i.vcrc D:='..vid Gehrig, Phillip Spr.1.kc, Don Smith,Gcarec. W:trd,Dnvid Tullcy,Rogcr Grout,Kcn Storl.,,Ch�rlic. Oseood,�nd Peter Howe.


GRAD� GOLF, J\iir. B. A. P::'.-pworth.

Tho school h�d ,.,_, very succl.,ssful yc:,r in golf.Thero were mc�ny ch2-m:Jionshi:ps run durinc; the yc..-'..r e1.nd '1 tc-,_,m W':-S cmtcre;d for G,11 these events vii th the follovring rcsul ts.

GrC'.,dc Tcc,_ms Ch:1,m1Jionshi p

. J:',Hcs Cook vrnn the ·fin-�l from I\/Ic:1.dowbci,nk High.

N -�·- Schoolboys Ch--.,m-oionship.

Jc:.mcs Cook y,,1:::,s bco.ton by one. stroke in the ftn.::.l by

•]�nbcrr:1 High.Ho·.7cv,.T Michn,e;l GriffiL don tllc.'Urd.c:r 16 c,ba.v:1:p. •

o,nd Kc.:nt rite. Phcc vrnn tho Under 14 Ch:rflpionship,

, IntGrst:·'.tc lbtch-·n, S. !., v Victori ,.,_,, .' . - .

. Jn,mos .Q,oolcrcpr_Qs£;.tod N.S.f. 'l.nd bc:.t Victori..,, by 23

strokes ci,t the �rnstr�li�,n Course ,._,t Kensinrton.

Gr.::,dc -------..


Fre-mJ.: Hod


individu .. :

J,-::, Horth Syd

schoolboyof North on three Fr..,_,nk eve fin-::,lly

Due to h' l,

r'--spcctcd -cd on m:->·this h:'.s

the schoo:

Sp( contribut (

cff ort ·:.nc possi blc .1\ KL:nt 1/Ic. P}


1st- GRADE --------c


3rd GIUi.D.2. --

Gr�dc Golf(�ont.) 28.

Blue Mou�t:.ins Scloolbo7 Ch�apionship□. -- ... ·-- -------..--·---- .. � - .... ... _,l, _______ __ --

A t 7,_m fron J ,mes Cook won the tc 1,ms cho.mpi.onship -,_,nd

Fr--1.nl� Hodson W"..S tho indi v i_r1u 1.,l open clr .. mpion.

P.S.A.A.,L_ Schoolboy Ch .. ri1.J2J.onshi12_.

J·1,rn\..,s Cook won th,_ t-.:"'..:ns "v"nt -,_,nd Brue-:: Johnson won the

individu�l open ch�1�1onship.

-P1L: tr9..:2_ol j_ t ·:.n School b o_ys __ T_v-�m Ch""'..l�2_i onshi J)_.

J� .. 1110s Coot w:.s b0 --..-Ln in tlk fin"'..l '7-t the L�st hole by

Horth Sydn'-'�r High.

:Li'rc:.nk Hodson prov,,d himself to be. the most outst�1.ndin6 schoolboy Jolfcr of the ycnr.His nc�rcst rivc:.l w�s Michnul Downie

of North Sydney High. These two boys pl -...yc;d in compcti ticm to6cthcr

on three occo..sions.:Tich."',cl dcfc,7..tcd lr"..nk in the IT.S.\ii. Ch-,_,mpionship

Fr:.nk ev\..,ncd tho □core in tho Blue �4ount 7..ins Ch�mpionship 2nd

finnlly dcfc..,tcd Mich�cl 4 & 3 in the m"tropolit�n chnApionship.

I!1r..,nk c-1.,pt ,ined th__, school tc..,:.m in 211 the 2obovc cvonts.

Due to hi� inspii�-�tion ··;nd le --.,dcrshiIJ J·-:,,,mcs Cook is known <'..nd

r'-'spcctcd �t :.11 Sydnvy golf cour c '--s.Thc school h:.□ been compli�cnt­

-cd on m:-:ny occ:.ssions for tl1e bel., 1.,viour of its tc:.m 1.1�rnbcrs 2.nd

this h:'..s been m·:.inly due to I'r·'..nk' s L ... ::1.dcrshtp.

In tribut\.., to li'r·1.,nk' s syortsG'l,11.f:Jhip he Yfr'.,S ;--..w,---..rdcd

the school's golf trophy for the best ri.,nd :;:' �ire st plc:'.. rcr.

Spccinl montion is nlso ill'7.,dC of th" following boys who

contribut\..,d to tlK fin'-' golfin:=; record of J-:mcs Cook.Without their

effort :-:,nd fighting spirit the o,bovo victories would not hnve been

possible.Michncl Griffin,Brucc Johnaon,Kcrry Osgood,John P1,lmcr,

Kcmt 1,1c.Phcc,Colin Lynch 7..nd John Burton.

1st GRADE.

2nd. G:;.:?..ADE.

3rd GI?.11.DZ.


Colin Attwool (c�pt.)

Ron Bergin,

Hilton G..,111,cher.

Bob Acklin_:s.

Gnry Shcily ( c 7-pt. )

All·-,_,n H:"..rtloy

Pn.ul Edc;ri.,r

'Tim '.;,,'ilkins

Lorr? H1,rdy

Lorry Hickm,.,,n ( cnpt. )

-17c..rrcn Povvd ;_ tch

Len Hill

Su_mmor Tennis Jc,rit_.)

4th GRADI:. -------�- ----


DG1A.,:; _.ckl :.nd ( c· ,=9t. ) G'-'offrcy Allc.n ::.-r.ob,�:rt 2�illick

Th� conditions f O:i:' pl ---.,yinc; t cnnis thi.s yu .. :.r Wd�1.., unLlvour :.bl v 7,c it r,��incd on th..; i:.lc'..J ori t:r of Wc..dn....,sd·;,ys. How....,vur first,sLc□nd �nd third �r,_d\.., anti...,r\..,d the s'-'mi-fin'"'.,l□.(fin:.ls to

bo pl�yad l:.t....,r.) Th0sv t v'.'..!.,1s s:�.·Jwcd ,'.:,r\.J: �t indi vidu ..,_,1 spirit 1...,_,nd cone Lntrc�t ion

7,S W(.;11 ,7,S the nCCLSS':.ry t-.;'"'.,nl q1irj_t. Court dcme;1.,nour is .c.l0r1... i:c1:p0r·� :nt th-.,n winnin�. At :·:-11 tL1L G d ...., c orcm rF',8 tl1.,_ w ,_tchword, :.nd sportsmn.,nship

w�s pr�ctiscd �: ';,11 times. The prospects for n�xt yu:.r's gr�dc t1..,nnis t\ llS �r,._, very

L:.vour-::,blo ,1,nd thc,r1.., -,_,r,, uLn;y :9ro.i.nising pl ,_:r1...rs in the Junior r�,nlrn. Best indi vic1u�,l J?l-�ycrs wvrc Lorry Hickm·:-n of 3rd. gr:1,d1..,

c1nd Doug ,\ckl7,nd of 4th. cr-�d(.;.

GRAD�� 1J1 J_,NNIS-- 1 HNT�:R. ------·- ... - ------·-

1 st. GR�.D2. ______ ........ _,.

2 nd. GRADE:

3 -� " GR 1 D.-. ..I.. Q. .J.. 1. .w"

IL Ai tk'-'n G. p-,_,rt:urR.n-w-11.


H Tunbrid_:sL G.Lvnnil

BrJ.)ks J .Bl '.,Cklcy C.Sic':.rd W. G . .)Ji:1csw ,rthy

K, Dunc -,ns 111


FIRST GRJ�D��. A vury .�,.Jorl Y'-'"',:;.� in Yvhich th...., te;·..,_,m mly lost ·n.._, fil"',tch

thrrm:;h)ut thL r 'Ul'lLls.:J' 11 iw:Ln:3 �, pl ""',Y Jff -the t,,-,:m won th1..,ir divisi)n.rrh'-' tc. :-m th"n w.._, nt m '.,DC} di...,:f\..,:tco D:i..vist""ln 1 winn'-'rs.

Fin:: how


to Be THI ... _ .. �

by Jlh, JOU:

di vis:


n ,_ tch-- : S:pii�it


SPJ --

Si year the facts and

f. 0

ield is yds. wide e1:-_closed lWlhin all ?all painiin diarietE

The �wo centre ls placed strike thebefore att·the hand

i f,up9 thrown, striking c­rolling it­�f a ball iit is"bullif rm:1 withinattac2cers i than the �tare at leaffThe gr:. half of the

, h' Now e·c is Dost er.

I ,

,vi_nt\.,r TE1�1as _ (cont. ) 30.

This mv,:nt th,:-, 11:,,d l;:; :91-�y Hurstvillc in th\., GR.,HD

Fin:l.Howvvcr 9 in t:il, fin-:l 1 tliv t\..,---,I'l w, .. ,r.__, :;iv\..,n �� 1.vsson in

how to pl-,�,. t\..,nnis bLin:; rlvf,�--:t.__,d 7 sets to 1.

SECOND GR.'i.D:...,.

This t�;,11 :lso h::,d :, succ'--'csful yc�r �nd WLrv runners up

to Bondi Junior T\..,ch. in th'--'il'' di vis�;_on.

THIRD GR.:.D:;.:,.

This t'--'e;.m a:-:n-:[;u'l to win thl,ir division, but WLr'-. dvL,ate;d

by l'hrwvc 9 tl1v oth'--'r Wvdn'--'sd 7,y Divisi.on wim11..:rs.

FOU:J.TH GR;.D:-=;.

One'--' :.;--:in this t��1 w::,□ succl,ssful �nd Wvnt through their

division unr1 1..,f;:;·7,t'--'d.Thl,3r won thv '1Gdn,✓ S'17,y compd;iti.on but wcr\..,

dcf\..,�tcd by South Dydri.__,v in thv Gr--:nd 7in�l.

In --:11 9 th\., wint"r tdm:LS t\.,,·�111s h--:d �, Vvry succ...:ssful

S-.;i:,son "..nd ·----.,1 t:1ouch th,�y 1v\..,r\.., unluclr:y not to ,-1in -� f cw rnorv

EJ.:.tch.__, s tll\.,,y ::.11 ::71---,yve1 vvry Wl-11 with 0• cood t,, ..... ,m ;,YlCl school

spirit prvv::,iling throuLhout. J .G.

----------------- �-�----


Since we are entering into the Hockey competition next year the maGazine thought it would be a good idea to give a few facts and rules of the game.

Hockey is played by two t E:ar:is of eleven men each side 9 the field is the same as a football field 9 100 yds. long by 55 to 60 yds. wide.The goals J.re seven feet high and twelve feet wide enclosed by a striking circle with a radius of fifteen yards froa wihin all shots to the goal must be :o.ade.The ball is a cricket ball painted white,the sticks nust not be El.Ore than two inches in dianeter and not nore than twenty-eight ounces in weight.

The gaErn is started off by a "bully off 11 in which the two centre·forwards nust stand on either side of the.ball,which is placed in the centre of the field. The two forwards rmst each strilrn the ground and the other I s stick alternately three tines before attempting to play the ball. 'fhe ball n1ay be stopped with the ·hand if oot, or any other lJart of the body, but not held, picked up 1 thrown, or �dclced except by the goal--keeper within his own striking circle. A ball sent into "touch", is returned to play by rolling it back onto the field frori1 wheie it crossed the line. If a ball is struck behind the goal-line by the attacking side it is"bullied off" frm:1 the 25 yd. line;if by the defending side frrn:1 within the 25 yd. line 1 a 11corner hit"is awarded to the attac�cers. J .. ny playei� is' offside' who is nearer the oppcnents 'goal than the striker ( this being a :J.ember of his own tearJ.)

9 unless there are at least two oppon�nts between him and their own goal

The game is usually controlled by two un1pires,one for each half of the field.

Now get out your Hocke:r sticks and start practising this nost enjoyable, but hard and rough, g�r1e.




Combined Schools Swir:l!,1ing C:.rnl.v,,l.

.Utnouc;h th\.., COFlpvti:.ilon W:,f, :i:ou�1d. to bo V\..,l"Y toush •'lG

succl,\..,dcd in ;_ .,_,in�.n0 two 1::wirr.t.u1in3 honours.

N2villc H'.,y..:..s won tl'\.., Und(;r 16 Butturfly \...V(.;nt nnd Ilouc Neil won thl- St '..tc Schoolbo3rs Clr,mpionsh:1_:p Di vinG in the Juvenilo DIV ••

I:ncid\..,nt.,,ly Nc..villc who rr.,rticj_p,'."'.,tcd in th,, _\ustr."'..li '..11

Tri·'.,lS in Hob:1,rt should b\.., , cood :)rOS}_)d,t for th\.., 1960 Olynnic

G,0Jn1.., s in Rom,� •

Also1 Doug Neil c;e:,inL.d 5th _pl:;,cL \Tith 123 po:cnts in th\..,

N.s.···•i. St·'..tL Diving 11.'ri·'..ls h\..,ld r-\..,cu1tly.

lLxt yc-:,,r th\.., uchool vvill "..:� "',in h --,_,v'"' m.-,_,ny :sood swimming

c·,nd divini� :prospcLts for th'"' C . .i.�,S. C'..rnLv':l -.,_,nd il th'--''' tr:,LTI

h1,rd �nd �pply thcmsl,lvc..□ to th� t-._,sk9thcn we hl:,y b'--'co&\... �

ch::.mpion svrLmE1in{� :::;chonl.

'-----�·- .. --- --- ---- - - . - ·- ,,._4 ____ ...- ... _,. .. ....--- ·------


THIRD GRAD:;:;;. Mr.D.Andcrson(co::.ch.)

This tc7,m w-._,s one of th\.., t\.., ,1,1s Yvhich brought .::i;r1� -._,t s:portinc,;­

honours to our school.

C-._,pt7-incd by the c ,p'l.blc B"..rl"Y 1 '..nd.", 'iih0 pl "..�red uxtrcm\..,ly

cood b...,_sl�cto :11 n-11 throw:hout the sv:,son thL:, t'--' -,m dcfc�tl,d

Hurstvill..:, Hie,h 70-24 points in th,,ir suui-fin':.l.

In their fj_n --.,1 th\.)y pl --,_,yc,d --,_,nnzinc; lr,sk,� tb-._,11 to def c.---'-t

Gr'."'..nvilll- 73--6 points.

Th\; combi1r,tion of ktll control o:f this t,;·;,,71 vns supl;rb

r:.nd they pcrf orm2d "'..n ·;_,lmost unbcli0v;:'..bl1.., f c.. --,_,t in not ---,_,11owin�

their o:ppon\..,nto -, sinc;l'--' :;.h)1nt in the first h·,lf of th\.., gc:-,:;.nc.

Hilton G"..ll ..,_,chcr(23 pts.) 'l.,nd Ron .Bl-rein (20 pts.) were

the lc·�dinr: point scor\..,rs in this m:1tch.

Joo Lcon6 ·1-nd Arthur Lunn ,.,_,lso pl :.y\..,r:1 outst.:.md:Lnc g,:,T!lcs.

-----·-- ---------

l!S:;-:';NIOR )i_ il ( 3 rd Gr:'..dv 11A 11 )

G.P"..rkcr (cc,pt.)

S.Smith (vicc-c...,_,pt.)


R. Gr2.nt

P. Spr;'.lrn


C. G...,_,11::.:_shcr

J . lVi :.r kh'.W


I ,


C '


f" inal afterunfortuneat.suitable pj_ �t ir:10 they CE

sor-21y defeaTb

showed consi

Geoff L ennieIn

excellent foJThis

favourable fcclose to taki

32. CrH�i;.:ct (con�. ) ---- ........... - .. � . --


I JiL:1 p JJC.. r

SENIOR"B" ( 3 rd. Grade "B" )Coaches -- Mr.Mannion & nr.He"x:1ings.



M. Griffin



R. Taylo:c






Senior "B" Cricket had a :c10st disappointing season thisyear as 3ost of their matches were conpletely washed out. Despitc their ::Jany 1,1isfortuncs they mana0ed to reach thefinal after defeating Hurstville High in the Seui-final.However, un:fortuneatoly due to bad grounds and q_uite a bit of travelling tosuitable pitches the tear;i became conpletely dis-heartened by thetim2 they cane to bat against I'::Teadowbank in the final, and weresorely defeated.

Throughout the season Ray Evans and GracnG Watsonshowed consistently good battinu.Pro□inent bowlers were Frank Hodson,Grae�e Watson,

Geoff Lennie and R.Taylor.

In the final ac.:.ainst MecJ,dowbank Ga,ry Par�;:er showedexc ollent f or:r,,1 by taking five wickets.

This teail has good potential and if the weather isfc1vourable for the conplete season next ;vear they should go veryclose to taking a preniership for Ja:·-1cs Cook.



FOURT:. GR,'\.DJ_,. Mr.N.�.Littlc-co:,ch.

4th. Gr:,�'-' Cric�ut h:,d ,_, succ�ssful Sv�son �nd the ta� showed r:., ._(r'-- ,_, t; Jvc:r-,_,11 im:pro,r.:,1!h., :nt in ,_,11 d,,l) ,rtmcmts �;s th'-' y .:::,dv.,.,_,nce,d.::Jruc ___ d:.tS,)i1 -�bl-· L,, d tl.lc tc7J!l t,, socond :pl--:.cc in the compatition,with two uxci..,llcnt •

J wins --:.r,a. thrvc dr 1.,ws on wet d.::,yJ

?irst tc,r.C1 w:7,s :, dis.,)pointin:)

on\.; from the cric�{ct poit ,)f vicw,:;::;7.,ch m.1,tch W"'.,8 v-r:.shcd. ,)ut on th'-' second d-,,,y,

Gt'.rdini..,rs Rd. scor'--'l 2�.E3 -��:·-.,inet tho 4 th. Gr,_,d'-- ln the first d�tch wh---n our boys wilt'--d under � strong b�ttinc side.In che: second nntch :'..G'.".-inst Croydon ?:--:.rk the t---7Jn scored 90 i'..nc1 h-,,, the op:posi tion 6 .. .,43 wh\..,n r1,in intcri..'.pti..,d plc1,y. Gorrlon ;Jh ',1,1be:rs w' bowline,; w\..,11, tr.,ldn�; thr'-'"' ,·,tc!.�,,,ts for ninutoun runs. Thcr,., vr�s --., sudden coll 0,J?S,,, in ·c):k _;--:,:1-., -, , ,inst South Sydn\..,y,J:..,Hl---S C:rnk b\..,'Lr 3-13.A (sOJd :v:.rtnGrship ;),,twc---n :Job �·i.brook(36) 7 ,.,,,nd Ji_1a 'Jhitc.-(41)thv11 ,-:,:,_,vc th,, tLr.,r,1 .:, r� uncl tot ,l 1)f 107.

SvCn�v w7,s 2-22. -· �,

Th_Lrd t�-r,n bc.3-m �ItOr--- bri,;htly. �7\.., scor ___ d 0--183 "< -�inst Roz0ll,, who we-re diSJ!liSf3d·l for 139. J-,_,ck Eow :rth scored -, q_uick 48 ,111d Brue\.., \htson 21 . Sm ,rt fii..,lc1inc by Rob'"'rt Brooks '.,11d J,.,,,ck , How:rth r\..,sult�� in Rozi..,llL b0-rs hLi�� run out.Drue--- N�tson,wlth caod control of his spin bowlinJ too� 4-23 ,.,,,nQ cm1pl1..,t'--d the Rozell\.., d.Ls, liss�,l.

'.rh'-- 1i1,_,tch :,gqin.Jt R ,n�rst\wm W"'..S li1i1itL.Cl b7 r-:,in to on\.., hour's bnttin� �.:ch.B�nkctown w'--rc dismiss---� for 57,Gordon Ch(1;/lb0rs 6 -29 -,nd :C0b A brook 3--2 h·..,,d i..,_xc---llunt ft:_;uri..,2. J "..mes Cook

Jim 1hitc drivin� forc\..,fully scorc.:d 51. Th\., m1inst1,y of th--- b�ttin� throuchout the Y'--..,_,r 0�s Jim

1.i/hi t c whos1.. --:.v'--r,-�c;\.., w:--,,rci JG. H--- 1P..r1 -�ood, though irr,.,(;ul -�r --:. t tL.lLS,\'

SU:;J)Ort froo Ton:r "hloon 18,J,_,ck I101N",rth 16,::iJob .:�bro,Jk 14,c.ndBruce rV.ttson 10. Th--- bowlin1; v1 :s J;J,:)rc.. rcpular s.nd G00c1 !ft ·,tchfie,urc.:s v-1vrL, 7,lw,�_y3 re turnul by �:lrucc 'Jr,,tson(bowling ,:,,,v---r.1.. ,..,.1.., 11. 5runs :p1_;r wick\..,t. );G,ffdon Ch�mb,,rs 11 ·g�B()b AbrocJk 13.6�Jim White( 17 .0) .Llso John .!hit'-- kc;J:it wl.c:1.;:ctG 7,t :1, (!,OOd st �nc.l.':-rd.

-------------- -·-- -----


R. Grcoi·.1.Morr:

Ch."'..mpionshiJ ;-ind outri._;ht comp0tition effort.

throughout t with q totcil w1:.:ll with 27

W8-S p1,rticu1. their succcs cctchin,. fi· l '-...) I - _,, .


. . Ji. [l, I: .

;::, lS .1_ 1,st is I'".-rC 2-nd c�1,pdili· ,� nl, '--

'. ll..

A improve,


A who is r thou..::--;htl:

Lo A

loncth b bat s:mqn •

A his t'"'cn: kucpor h< �t ti.1nvs I

1� C

t L,,'l.,fLl.

Lu A f

is c;Lncrn, H,)�

A p: Hi:

.An ,· thc;y wi..,rc

An or develop so


.34. FIFTH GRADE. -------- Mr.T.PLrrin - co1.ch

R.AitkLn(c�pt. ),G.Stono(vica-c':,pt. ),T.Parkins,P.Komp,R. Gro,mfic.ld, W. Bcnks, C. Lc.nnon, J. !-krf,, L, Ch:Jnb,,rs 9 R. Gorrlon�·y .Morrissey

1 J .Robson, B. Fu11Lr, G.Hind..This t\.,n,m WC1s succi.,ssful in winninr; the 1959 M0tropoli ti:1.,n Ch . ...,mpionship for the.Lr :-',,c;c 1 .vcl, 1,ft0r n spL,ndid s,,rL:s of 1st. Inninl_;s crnd outriJht wins,o.,nd h1.vin.- comp1.,t, .. 1 ng:-1,j_nst the, winners of the Tucsr'l.:7,ycompetition whom they dvf1.,·:,·Lc1 in th'- first innin;:_;s 145-64,--·'1 very fin(_,effort.

All ffiLffib0rs inclurtin� r\.,sorv� m\.,mbcrs,pLrforra"1 well throughout th" yc�r.Th" best b:,ttinL score w1,s rccard�d by T.P0rk1ns with � total of 217 runs;�.B211ks,R.Aitkcn,�n� G.Ston\.) bow10d oxtr\,mclyw011 with 27, 21, :,ncl 21 wick" ts t J th,, i_r cr"c1i t r1.,sp"cti v"1y. The tL·trn work,,-.,nc1 spirit o:f m.utur>,l hd1p '7,nr'_ C:11cour::,u:-:1ont W'7,S p-srt icul.;.r1y r..otcworthy ;:,mon(, the boys, '7..nr� pl WLd no smC1,ll. p1,rt in. the ir success, to,;cthc:r with ::n .111 round hi,�h ct-o.,n;l:�rd in br�ttinc, bowlin�c2tchinc,fil-ldin� :,11d k� Lpinc.



SIXTH GRADE. · N8pp_S:£_ ( cc1pt,,..,,in)

A very promisin::; ':'.n,1 intLlli;:Gnt ,'7,11-roundc.:r,His b0..ttinc is f1.st 'lnd sound,hi s bowlin� is r�thor ['.,Ccur1,tL,nn1 his ficldinGis rr:.rcly ,..,_t fn,ult.H" h·�s :-i.,11 the qu,�litL,s of ::, ';,rnd crickvt...:r :::.nd cn.pt--:.in 1-nd should continu\._; to irnprov'-' :provich,1 h" pr-o.,cticd3clilir;"ntly. And�rson(vicc-c�pt1,in) A comn0f"nt b�tsi,.,_,n �nd sound fi�ldsm:.n,His bowline woul1improve if b" s1.crific1.,d p-o.,c \._; for :.ccur;.cy. Osgood A promising spin bJwl\.,r who c7,n turn thL b;,ll both w�ys 9 ;.ndwho is not 1fr1i d to k'-\.,P it up to the bntsm�n.Hu is 1, useful batthout,frthoui;h Wt.;n,k on th" lc, G•--sidc. Lonr;bottom A very prom:Lsini� ,sl,Jw bowlvr o Ik tends to b,)wl short of ::­

lcncth but oth\.,rwisc bowls intcllicantly.Ho is nlso n usLfulbntsm1,n, Ritchie

A promisinc.,' b'�tsm.c.,n who usos his f ,.:;et w0ll. lk nust improve his tc,cniq_uc '1(5c,inst L:st bowlers, howc vc.:r. As the t e:�m' s wicket lwopcr hi.; h;,S bcun k\.:,Ln .�n--� rclif'.,bl" though n li ttl\., cnthusi 'l,Stic.::;,t tilikS.

A compctLnt �11 raund�r �nj one of th0 best ficl��rs in thuLul.;,nd

A f orcin{: b.;, t whn nl. "r1s to improv\., his 1 1.,f enc u. His fL:::lc1indis ccncrn,lly s mnc1 ,'mrl his b·;wlinr,; shows promis". H•)wcll --

A prm;1isin,_; thou ;h "rr,:.t:�c sl,m b iwl\.,r ,,"vne1 USl;ful ficl'kr.Hills ,�n ·:.'Jl�-ruJsi v" h:. t who IJl:,,yc,d s" v,,r'll v.1.lu',bl" innings whenthey WLrc most nccdcd.

. !

An op...::nin:,; b,..,_t 1,1Y't spin bowlur of nuch :;)r:JmisG.H0 nculs to develop some �-,.;tt,�ckin::- sh-,ts :.n::l rils, i:aprJV1., his runnin�· bctwc\.,n

Sixth Gr,;.ck C�_ickst ( c ,mt. )

the wickets. S1.,'J.brc.Jk

,\ c )rrtp1.,tCl:nt b:.tsrr:.n.His fL.,ldinG nL:cds improvinc. Schricbl..,r

) .. n :-,,,,; ;r,.,ssi vc b·:ti3,.l:.n; 1-lth m�i;h he, h:ts 1, ,S)Oi thr0w th\_, of his fil..,l�inc is WL1k.

("', J_ - , ., _. -+-• ' J

A kc(,n ficl,� ,r his b7,ttirr; L:.:.vcs much to b_, rJ,i...,si_r1..,'1. To'.;J',1 Cm111�0nt �

--Al thou£:;h Th:p__j .... r is the., st..,r ::)f th\_, side their succ in rs::chines th-J s'--'lJi-fin---;,l of th\.,ir compc. ti ti:Jn h0,s bc..0n du'-' t tho i,.,nthusi -.,stic supnort of th'-' wh ,l'--' sid,, both .Jn :.nc: Jff tlw fi0ld.


r:I'h;., t,J::-W.::J. 1 8 chi'-'f st::c,�:ncth h:::.s bdm with tlkir b.:-:,tti:r with ltl:p:pLr 9 Ri tchic 9 Lul�:.n.:'l ::nrl Hills _1'J,kin�; .::, J Y1 sc ')r'--'s. '.i:h0 1J')V, vii th N::,pp--:r 9 L-Jnc;b,tton 9 Atkins .::,nd Osco o r: t:;.king tlk h.m 1urs, k�s suff '--'rod fr,)i.1 thL: pJ _;r f i 0::lr.in of th,..:: si,1'--'.

In c:;c,n,.r---;,l how .... v'--'r 9 th\., t0·,_n h...,,s pl 1,y1..,r;_ 1..,Xtrcx1(..ly w'--'l. ::i,nc1 "11.,rc, unlucky to h·;,v1.., r1.,':-Chl-cl the. fin::d of thl-i.r cm1pvtiti:n,

---------- ------- ---------- ---------

"Money is ':. good scrvn.nt but 2. b-:-i,d ne1.st Lr�'

- --·--·-·----


( for History & Fr�nc� Stui1.,nts )


Ila trouv�rcnt J 'arbitr�irc d�ns lu ciel et sur ln tl:rr0 et ils coI:JL1Gnc�rcnt 1� droit.

Ils trouv�n:mt l'in-lividu d0so.rm6, nu S",ns c;'.,r1,ntiG,ccmfond

pcrdu 9 ct ils rcvl,nr1iqucrc.nt le droi t de l 'hormnt: si cru..;llcncnt m0 connu.

Au pr0�i0r nonunt � '--' 1'7., r(volution,l'��c de l':. Fr�nc \.,,loi

de. Sl- rcssorrcr s'�t� nd,L;Dbr�ssc lo □ondc enti�r d'un\., pens�c· sy11pr'.thique:,offrc A tous la p'7.-iX 9 V(:Ut n;.,ttrc. en c or,-11nun cmtrL tou son trcsor,l, libortc.

Ch U , c., d · · t d r, tout,._ 1:-. ,~,r:-:.nu. cur d G l.'l, Fr--,_,nc c. aq u c� ur Gr�n issoi u u - - _ . ,

d 'une: P:1triu 9 q_ui pour son ilr()i t, procl:-u:.1c.,i t lu clroi t de; l' Hu1:t1"-ni tc.

. - "Michl-let"

*-'i<· �f- ** ➔f- -)E- ** ➔f- - � -➔i-*-:<***·le 'f-* * * ·* * ➔< -* * . *** **·"' * ·)E-** * ***

"Ll-nd your r:1on(..y crnd l oos'--' n, frL:mrl."

- H�lc t I. i.ii 9 75.***�*************************************

·.- __ ,.

nEvil C01i1E1Un'.i..cntions corrui:)t r·:-:()c1 cannE;rs" -Corin.XV,33.�-









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