lawsuits prod researchers to find alternatives for antidepressants

Post on 29-Mar-2016






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Oftentimes, medical professionals prescribe oral medication and talk therapy as treatment for depression. In general, antidepressant drugs are supposed to reduce extreme sadness, hopelessness and lack of enthusiasm in life that are classic in people suffering from depression. Recent studies suggest that vitamins may be used to alleviate depression.


Lawsuits Prod Researchers to Find Alternatives for


Oftentimes, medical professionals

prescribe oral medication and talk

therapy as treatment for

depression. In general,

antidepressant drugs are supposed

to reduce extreme sadness,

hopelessness and lack of

enthusiasm in life that are classic in

people suffering from depression.

Recent studies suggest that vitamins

may be used to alleviate depression.

Omega-3, folates, SAMe (S-adenosyl-L-methionine) and St. John’s wort have been the subjects of these

studies. An increasing evidence noted that omega-3 fatty acids, aside from being essential for cardiac

health, may also help in easing depression. Several studies have shown that folates, taken in conjunction

with antidepressants, enhance the effectiveness of the medicines and have been proved to lessen side

effects. SAMe is equally effectual as an “add-on” treatment to antidepressant medicines in some major

depression patients. This was found out by a study accomplished at the Harvard University, published in

the American Journal of Psychiatry. Furthermore, some research studies indicate that St. John’s wort can

be used to ease depression better than a placebo.

Several people seek other ways to treat depression due to the negative reports regarding

antidepressant Zoloft intake. Pfizer is the manufacturer of the antidepressant Zoloft, brand name for

setraline. According to media reports, when Zoloft was released in the global market, it immediately

became one of the biggest-selling antidepressant drugs.

Zoloft has been the target of court charges for causing numerous harms to patients such as insomnia,

hallucination, abnormal personality changes, unusual mood shifts, psychosis, hostility, agitation, self-

harm, suicide and other acts of violence. Birth defects are also among the severe side effect of the drug.

More specifically, Zoloft has been blamed for causing birth defects to newborns whose mothers took the

drug during pregnancy. The following are some of the birth defects:

• Clubbed foot;

• Cleft lip or plate;

• Delayed development;

• Persistent pulmonary hypertension;

• Gastrochisis;

• Heart defects;

• Skull defects;

• Brain and spinal cord defects;

• Premature birth; and

• Miscarriage.

Several lawsuits have been pursued to recover damages for patients who committed suicide while

taking Zoloft. The lawsuits argue that Pfizer did not warn the doctors and patients about the dangers of

taking Zoloft. There was one class action in California that charged the company of concealing the

information about Zoloft side effects from the public.

To acquire compensation from Pfizer, one should consult legal experts. They will guide you in filing a

Zoloft lawsuit. It is also necessary to go to a medical professional about the damages Zoloft had caused

on your health. Your health care provider may provide you a safer way to cope with your depression.

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