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Enactment No. 13 of 1956

Amended byS 103/1958

Enactment No. 6 of 1967S 101/1979

1984 Edition, Chapter 114

Amended byS 16/1996S 28/2001

GN 273/2002


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1. Citation.

2. Interpretation.

3. Description of poisons.

4. Licensing Officers.

5. General prohibition with respect to importation and sale of poisons.

6. Prohibitions and provisions relating to sale of poisons.

7. Exemptions in respect of medicines.

8. Exemptions in respect of sale.

9. Possession of poisons.

10. Issue of licences.

11. Different kinds of licence.

12. Licences to be numbered and registered.

13. Annual list to be published.

14. Forms of licence.

15. Search and search warrants.

16. Powers of exemption.

17. Penalties.


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18. Jurisdiction.

19. Prosecutions.

20. Prohibition of sale to persons under 18.

21. Rules.





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CAP. 114 3


An Act to regulate the importation, possession, manufacture, compounding, storage, transport and sale of poisons

Commencement: 1st January 1983[S 61/1957]


1. This Act may be cited as the Poisons Act.


2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires —

“dentist” means a dentist licensed under the Medical Practitioners and Dentists Act (Chapter 112) and includes a Government dentist;

“export”, in relation to Brunei Darussalam, means to take or cause to be taken out of Brunei Darussalam by land, air or water, otherwise than in transit;

“import”, in relation to Brunei Darussalam, means to bring or to cause to be brought into Brunei Darussalam by land, air or water, otherwise than in transit;

“in transit” means taken or sent from any country and brought into Brunei Darussalam by land, air or water (whether or not landed or transhipped in Brunei Darussalam) for the sole purpose of being carried to another country either by the same or another conveyance;

“licensed pharmacist” means a pharmacist licensed under this Act;

“licensed practitioner” means a Government Medical Officer or a registered medical practitioner licensed under this Act;

“Licensing Officer” means a person empowered by section 4 to issue licences for the purposes of this Act;

“officer of the Bureau” means the Director, Deputy Director and any other officer of the Narcotics Control Bureau;

[S 16/1996]


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“pharmacist” means any person who holds any degree, diploma or licence approved by the Medical Board constituted under section 13(1) of the Medical Practitioners and Dentists Act (Chapter 112);

“Poisons List” means the Poisons List in the Schedule;

“registered medical practitioner” means a medical practitioner registered under the Medical Practitioners and Dentists Act (Chapter 112);

“sale by way of wholesale dealing” means sale to a person who buys for the purpose of selling again;

“veterinary surgeon” means a person who holds the diploma of membership of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons of England, or the diploma of a British or foreign veterinary institution or examining body approved by the Medical Board constituted under section 13(1) of the Medical Practitioners and Dentists Act (Chapter 112).

Description of poisons.

3. (1) The substances specified in the Poisons List shall be deemed to be poisons within the meaning of this Act.

(2) His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan in Council may, by notification published in the Gazette, add to, remove from or reinstate in, the Poisons List any substance.

Licensing Officers.

4. His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan may appoint any person to be a Licensing Officer, and any person so appointed by him by name or office, may issue licences for the purposes of this Act.

General prohibition with respect to importation and sale of poisons.

5. No person shall without a licence from a Licensing Officer import, possess for sale, sell or offer for sale, any poison.

Prohibitions and provisions relating to sale of poisons.

6. (1) It shall not be lawful for —

(a) any person to sell any poison unless —



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(i) he is licensed under this Act to sell poisons;

(ii) the sale is effected in accordance with the provisions of the licence and with any conditions specified therein;

(iii) the sale is effected on the premises specified in the licence;

(iv) the sale is effected by or under the personal supervision of the person named in the licence; and

(v) where the poison is one included in Part I of the Poisons List, the sale is effected by or under the personal supervision of a licensed pharmacist or licensed practitioner; or

(b) any person to sell any poison by wholesale except to a person licensed under this Act to sell that poison.

(2) It shall not be lawful for a person to sell any poison unless the container of the poison is labelled —

(a) with the name of the poison;

(b) in the case of a preparation which contains a poison as one of the ingredients thereof, with particulars as to the proportion which the poison contained in the preparation bears to the total ingredients;

(c) with the word “Poison” or other prescribed indication of the character thereof; and

(d) with the name of the seller of the poison and the address of the premises on which it was sold.

(3) Subject to any rules made under this Act, dispensing with or relaxing any of the requirements of this subsection —

(a) it shall not be lawful to sell any poison to any person unless that person is known by the seller or by some person in the employment of the seller at the premises where the sale is effected, or is introduced by some person known to the seller as a person to whom the poison may properly be sold; and


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(b) the seller of any poison shall not deliver it until —

(i) he has made or caused to be made an entry in a book to be kept for that purpose stating the date of the sale, the name and address of the purchaser and of the person, if any, introducing him, the name and quantity of the substance sold and the purpose for which it is stated by the purchaser to be required; and

(ii) the purchaser and the person introducing him, if any, have affixed their signatures to the entry aforesaid.

Exemptions in respect of medicines.

7. (1) Nothing in section 6 shall apply to —

(a) a medicine which is supplied by a registered medical practitioner for the purposes of medical treatment of his own patients;

(b) a medicine which is supplied by a dentist for the purposes of dental treatment of his own patients;

(c) a medicine which is supplied by a veterinary surgeon for the purposes of animal treatment;

(d) a medicine which is dispensed by a licensed pharmacist on the premises specified in his licence; or

(e) a poison forming part of the ingredients of a medicine, except a patent or proprietary medicine, which is supplied by a licensed pharmacist on the premises specified in his licence,

if the requirements contained in subsections (2) and (3) are satisfied in relation thereto.

(2) The medicine must be distinctly labelled with the name and address of the firm or person by whom it is supplied or dispensed and with a serial number or other reference to the entry in the book required to be kept and used regularly under the provisions of subsection (3).



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(3) On the day on which the medicine is supplied or dispensed, there must be entered in a book which is kept and used regularly for the purpose of this provision but which need not be used exclusively for that purpose the following particulars —

(a) the date on which the medicine was supplied or dispensed;

(b) the ingredients of the medicine or, if the medicine is a proprietary medicine, the name of the medicine, and the quantity thereof supplied;

(c) if the medicine was dispensed by a licensed pharmacist, the name or initials and, if it is known, the address of the person by whom the prescription was signed, and the name and address of the person to whom, and the date on which the prescription was given; and

(d) if the medicine was not so dispensed, the name and address of the person to whom it was supplied:

Provided that the provisions of this subsection shall, in the case of a medicine supplied on a prescription on which such medicine had been supplied by the seller on a previous occasion, be deemed to be complied with if the date on which the medicine is supplied and the quantity thereof supplied are entered in the book or in a book kept for the purpose of this proviso on that day or, if that is not reasonably practicable, on the day next following that day, together with a sufficient reference to any entry in the book duly recording the dispensing of the medicine by the seller on the first occasion.

(4) In the case of a medicine which is supplied or dispensed by a licensed pharmacist or licensed practitioner the medicine must have been compounded by or under the direct and personal supervision of a licensed pharmacist or licensed practitioner.

Exemptions in respect of sale.

8. Except as provided in any rules made under this Act, nothing in the provisions of section 6(1)(a)(v), (2) and (3), shall extend to or affect —

(a) the sale of poisons by way of wholesale dealing;

(b) the sale of poisons to be exported from Brunei Darussalam;


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(c) the sale of poisons to be used by a registered medical practitioner, dentist or veterinary surgeon for the purposes of his profession;

(d) the sale of poisons for use in or in connection with any hospital, dispensary or similar institution approved by an order, whether general or special, of the Director-General of Medical Services;

[GN 273/2002]

(e) the sale of poisons for use by or on behalf of a Government department requiring the article for the purposes of the public service;

(f) the sale of poisons to a person or institution concerned with scientific education or research, if the article is required for the purpose of that education or research; or

(g) the sale of poisons by persons licensed under this Act, either by way of wholesale dealing or for use by the purchasers thereof in their trade or business, to a person who requires the poison —

(i) for the purpose of his trade or business; or

(ii) for the purpose of enabling him to comply with any requirements made by or in pursuance of any written law with respect to the medical treatment of persons employed by that person in any trade or business carried on by him.

Possession of poisons.

9. (1) No person, whether licensed under this Act or not, shall knowingly keep or have in his possession or under his control any poison otherwise than —

(a) in an unbroken case or package as received from the manufacturer; or

(b) in a bottle, vessel, box, package or other receptacle distinctly labelled with the name of the substance contained therein and also bearing some distinction or mark indicating that it contains poison.



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(2) In any proceeding under this section, if any person is proved to have kept or had in his possession or under his control any poison, he shall be deemed to have done so knowingly unless the contrary is proved by him.

(3) No person shall keep any poison for sale or for dispensing purposes except —

(a) as provided in subsection (1)(a);

(b) in a bottle or other vessel tied over, capped, locked or otherwise safely secured in a manner different from that in which bottles or vessels containing non-poisonous substances are secured in the same warehouse, shop or dispensary;

(c) in a bottle or other vessel readily distinguishable by touch from the bottles or vessels in which non-poisonous substances are kept in the same warehouse, shop or dispensary; or

(d) in a bottle, vessel, box or package kept in a room or cupboard under lock and key set apart for the keeping or storage of dangerous substances.

Issue of licences.

10. (1) A Licensing Officer may issue to any person, subject to such special conditions and limitations as the Licensing Officer may think fit, any of the licences referred to in section 11:

Provided that no licences shall be issued to a medical practitioner other than licences to import, possess, and sell poisons by retail in his own personal practice or business, or in a practice or business partnership of which every member is a medical practitioner.

(2) A Licensing Officer, if it appears expedient to him to do so, may cancel any licence issued under subsection (1).

(3) Every licence shall, unless previously cancelled, remain in force until the 31st December in the year in respect of which the licence is issued.

(4) Such fees as may be prescribed shall be charged on the issue of each licence.


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(5) Any person to whom a Licensing Officer refuses to issue a licence or whose licence is cancelled under subsection (2) may appeal to His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan in Council whose decision shall be final and conclusive.

Different kinds of licence.

11. (1) Licences may be —

(a) licences to import and store poisons;

(b) wholesale and retail licences to deal generally in poisons;

(c) wholesale licences to keep and sell by wholesale the poisons specified in such licences; or

(d) retail licences to keep and sell the poisons specified in such licences.

(2) There shall be implied in every licence issued under this Act, the condition that the licensee is bound to comply —

(a) with all the terms and conditions set out in the licence;

(b) with all the provisions of this Act; and

(c) with all the provisions of any rule that may from time to time be made under this Act.

(3) For the purposes of this section, “to keep” shall include the custody of poisons by a licensee in the course of his employment.

(4) Every licence issued under this Act shall be personal to the licensee named therein and shall not in any case be transferable to another person and no licence shall authorise the sale of any poison by any person other than the person named therein:

Provided that it shall be lawful for a Licensing Officer, if he sees fit, to amend the description on a licence of the premises at which the person licensed carries on the business or profession in connection with which he is licensed.



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Licences to be numbered and registered.

12. (1) All licences issued in Brunei Darussalam shall be numbered consecutively in the year in respect of which they are issued, commencing each year with the number one.

(2) Each Licensing Officer shall keep a register of licenses issued by him showing all the particulars of each licence granted by him and the entries in the register shall be numbered to correspond with the serial numbers of the licences and there shall be noted in the register, in the event of the cancellation of any licence, the date of such cancellation.

(3) Any extract from or copy of an entry in a register kept under this section shall, until the contrary is proved, be evidence of the facts stated therein if such extract or copy is certified under the hand of a Licensing Officer to be a true extract or copy.

Annual list to be published.

13. (1) The Director-General of Medical Services shall in or about the month of February in each year cause to be printed and published in the Gazette lists of all persons licensed under this Act with the nature of the licence or licences granted to each such person, and specifying the profession or business and the premises in respect of which such licences have been granted. Lists of all such licences issued after the publication of the annual list shall from time to time be published in the Gazette.

[GN 273/2002]

(2) In such lists the names shall be in alphabetical order, according to the surname or seh when such name or its equivalent is used by the licensed person, and otherwise according to the personal name of the licensed person followed by his father’s name.

(3) Every list so published as aforesaid shall be evidence that the persons therein named are licensed under this Act as therein stated and the absence of any name from such list shall be evidence until the contrary has been proved that such person is not licensed under this Act.

Forms of licence.

14. Licences issued under this Act shall be substantially in the forms prescribed with such variations as circumstances may require.


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Search and search warrants.

15. (1) A Licensing Officer or any officer of the Medical Department authorised in writing by a Licensing Officer or any police officer not below the rank of Inspector, or any officer of the Bureau not below the rank of Chief Narcotics Officer or any officer of the Bureau authorised by such an officer, may enter at all reasonable times upon any premises in which poisons are reasonably believed by such officer to be kept or stored and by himself or by some other person accompanying him and acting under his instructions and in his presence may search such premises and take samples of any substance found therein and reasonably believed to be or to contain a poison.

[S 16/1996]

(2) Any officer referred to in subsection (1) may in like manner inspect and take extracts from any book or record relating or reasonably believed to relate to any dealing in or with poisons wherever and by whomsoever kept and whether kept under the provisions of this Act or of any rules made thereunder or otherwise and for the purpose of such inspections or taking of extracts may enter at all reasonable times upon any place whatsoever.

(3) In any case in which it shall appear to any Magistrate upon the oath of any person that there is reasonable cause to believe that in any premises there is concealed or deposited any substance in respect of which an offence has been committed against this Act, the Magistrate may, by warrant addressed to any police officer not below the rank of Inspector or to any senior officer of customs, or to any officer of the Bureau not below the rank of Chief Narcotics Officer or to any officer of the Bureau authorised by such an officer, empower such officer to —

(a) enter upon and search by day or night any premises within the jurisdiction of the Magistrate and to take possession of any such substance; and

(b) arrest any person being in the premises in whose possession the substance may be found or who is reasonably suspected by the officer to have concealed or deposited the substance therein,

and any officer to whom such warrant may be directed may in case of obstruction or resistance —



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(i) break open any outer or inner door of such premises and any cupboard, chest, trunk or package or other receptacle; and

(ii) by force, if necessary, enter upon any part of the premises and remove any obstruction to the entry, search or seizure and detain any person found in the premises until the search has been completed.

[S 16/1996]

(3A) Without prejudice to any other provision of this Act, an officer of the Bureau shall, in any case relating to the commission of an offence against this Act, have all the powers of a police officer under the Criminal Procedure Code (Chapter 7) in relation to an investigation into any seizable offence.

[S 16/1996]

(4) In this section “senior officer of customs” has the same meaning as in the Customs Order, 2006 (S 39/2006).

Powers of exemption.

16. His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan in Council may by order published in the Gazette exempt from the operation of this Act or of any specific provision thereof or rule made thereunder —

(a) any specified persons or class of persons; or

(b) any chemical commonly used in connection with a trade, manufacture or industry,

but every such exemption shall be subject to such instructions and conditions as His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan in Council may think fit to impose either generally or in any particular case.


17. (1) Any person who acts in contravention of any of the provisions of this Act or of any rule or order made thereunder, shall except in so far as his act comes within one of the exemptions made under sections 7 and 8, is guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine of $8,000 or, in default of payment, imprisonment for 6 months:


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Provided that if the act or omission charged amounts, in the opinion of the court before which he is tried, to such a degree of negligence as to endanger or be likely to endanger, human life, then such person is guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine of $16,000 and imprisonment for 12 months.

(2) Any person who would have been guilty of an offence against the provisions of this Act or of any rule or order made thereunder if anything had been done or omitted by him personally is guilty of such offence and liable to the same penalty if such thing had been done or omitted by his partner, agent or servant, unless he proves to the satisfaction of the court that he took all reasonable precautions to prevent the doing or omission of such thing; but so that nothing in this subsection shall affect the liability of such partner, agent or servant, and provided that the liability of such person shall not extend to imprisonment unless he is privy to the offence.

(3) Where any person convicted of an offence against the provisions of this Act or of any rule or order made thereunder is a body corporate, every person who, at the time of commission of the offence, was a director, manager, secretary or other officer of the body corporate, or was purporting to act in any such capacity, shall be deemed to be guilty of that offence unless he proves that the offence was committed without his knowledge, or that he exercised all due diligence to prevent the commission of the offence.

(4) Any poison in respect of which an offence has been committed by any unlicensed person in contravention of any provision of this Act or of any rule or order made thereunder shall, upon that person being convicted of the offence, be forfeited and shall be handed over to the Director-General of Medical Services for disposal.

[GN 273/2002]

(5) Every penalty or forfeiture imposed under this Act shall be in addition to and not in substitution for any other penalty to which the accused may be liable under any other law and no conviction under this Act shall be pleaded in any civil proceedings in mitigation of damages claimed against the person convicted.


18. The Court of a Magistrate shall have jurisdiction to hear jurisdiction and determine all prosecutions under this Act and, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Criminal Procedure Code (Chapter 7), the



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Court shall have power to impose the full penalty or punishment provided by this Act.


19. (1) No prosecution for any offence under this Act or any rule made thereunder shall be instituted except with the sanction of the Public Prosecutor or a Deputy Public Prosecutor.

(2) In any prosecution under this Act, the burden of proving that any poison found in the possession of the accused was not kept for sale shall be upon the accused.

Prohibition of sale to persons under 18.

20. (1) No poison shall be sold to any person under 18 years of age.

(2) Any person contravening the provisions of this section is guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine of $4,000 or imprisonment for 6 months.

(3) It shall be a sufficient defence to any charge under subsection (1) that the person charged had reasonable cause to believe that the person to whom such sale was made was above the age of 18 years.


21. His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan in Council may make rules to carry out the purposes of this Act and, in particular, but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing powers, may make rules with respect to any of the following matters or for any of the following purposes —

(a) the importation, use and control of poisons, and any precautionary measures relating thereto;

(b) the manufacture of preparations containing poisons;

(c) the sale, whether by wholesale or retail, or the supply of poisons, by or to any person or class of persons, including —

(i) regulating or restricting the sale or supply of poisons by persons licensed under section 11(1)(c) or (d) and


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prohibiting the sale of any specified poison or class of poisons by any class of such persons;

(ii) prohibiting the sale by retail of poisons included in Part I of the Poisons List except on a prescription duly signed by a licensed practitioner, licensed dentist or licensed veterinary surgeon, and prescribing the form and regulating the use of prescriptions given for the purpose of rules made under this paragraph; and

(iii) dispensing with or relaxing with respect to any specified poison any of the provisions contained in this Act or in any rule made thereunder relating to the sale of poisons;

(d) the storage, transport and labelling of poisons;

(e) the containers in which poisons may be sold or supplied;

(f) the addition to poisons of specified ingredients for the purpose of rendering them readily distinguishable as poisons;

(g) the compounding and dispensing of poisons;

(h) the period for which any books required to be kept for the purposes of this Act are to be preserved;

(i) requiring persons in control of the manufacture of pharmaceutical preparations containing poisons to be licensed pharmacists or persons possessing prescribed qualification in chemistry;

(j) prescribing the coverings, stoppers and fastenings of and the marks to be placed or made on or on the coverings of or on the labels affixed to any vessel, bottle, case, package, box or other receptacle or container whatsoever in which any poison is kept, stored, sold or in any way dealt with;

(k) prescribing the form of licences, registers and returns; and

(l) fixing fees and exempting any person or body of persons from the payment of such fees.



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(sections 2 and 3)


In the construction of this list, unless the contrary intention appears —

1. A reference to a substance shall include a reference to that substance prepared either from natural sources or synthetically or artificially.

2. A reference to a substance shall include a reference to that substance when contained as such in any preparation, solution, admixture or natural substance.


Acebutolol Acepromazine; its salts Acetanilide; alkyl acetanilides Acetazolamide; its salts Acetohexamide Acetorphine; its salts; its esters and ethers; their salts Acetylcarbromal Acetycholine chloride Acetylcysteine AcetyldigoxinAcetydihydrocodeine; its salts Acetymethadol; its saltsAcetyl-alpha-methyl fentanylAclofenacAcyclovirAdenosine; its saltsAdiphenine hydrochloride Adrenaline and its derivativesAlcuronium chlorideAlfentanil hydrochlorideAlgestoneAlkyl flourides other than those specified in Part II of this list Alkaloids, the following; the quaternary compounds, any salt simple or complex, or any

substance falling within the following —Aconite, alkaloids of Atropine Belladonna, alkaloids of Brucine Calabar Beans, alkaloids of Cocaine

[S 28/2001]


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PART I — (continued)

Codeine, its esters and ethers Colchicum, alkaloids of Coniine Cotarnine Curare, alkaloids of; curare bases Ecgonine, its esters and ethers Emetine Ephedra, alkaloids of, including synthetic preparationsErgot, alkaloids of; hydrogenated or not; their homologues Gelsemium; alkaloids of Homatropine Hyoscine Hyoscyamine Jaborandi, alkaloids of Lobelia, alkaloids of Morphine, its salts; its esters and ethers; their salts NicotineNoscapineNux vomica, alkaloids ofPapaverine Pomegranate, alkaloids ofPhysostigmineQuebracho, alkaloids of, other than the alkaloids of Red Quebracho Rauwolfia, alkaloids of; their derivatives Sabadilla, alkaloids of Solanaceous alkaloids not otherwise included in this list Stavesacre, alkaloids of Strychnine, its salts and quaternary compounds Thebaine Veratrum, alkaloids of Vinca, alkaloids of; including synthetic preparationsYohimba, alkaloids of

Allobarbitone; its saltsAllopurinol Allylisopropylacetylurea Allylprodine; its saltsAlminoprofenAlmitrineAlphacetylmethadol; its salts Alphachloralose Alphadolone; its salts Alphameprodine; its salts Alphamethadol; its salts



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PART I — (continued)

Alpha-methylfentanylAlphaprodine; its salts Alphaxolone Alprenolol; its salts AlseroxylonAmantadine; its salts Ambenonium chloride Ambroxol; its saltsAmbuside Ambutonium bromideAmcinonideAmetazole hydrochloride Amethocaine; its salts Amfepramone; its saltsAmiloride; its salts Amidopyrine, its salts; amidopyrine sulphonates; their salts AmineptineAmino-alcohols esterified with benzoic acid, phenylacetic acid, cinnamic acid, or the

derivatives of these acids; their salts p-Aminobenzenesulphonamide; its salts; derivatives of p-aminobenzenesulphonamide

having any of the hydrogen atoms of the p-amino group or of the sulphonamide group substituted by another radical; their salts

Aminocaproic acid P-Aminobenzoic acid, esters of; its saltsAminometradineAminophyllineAminoprofenAminoglutethemideP-Aminosalicyclic acid; its saltsAminotradineAmipaqueAmiphenazole; its saltsAminopterinAminorex; its saltsAmiodarone; its saltsAmisometradineAmitriptyline; its saltsAmlodipineAmmonium bromideAmoxapineAmphetamine; its saltsAmrinone lactateAmsacrine (M-AMSA)


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PART I — (continued)

AmygdalinAmyl nitriteAmylocaine; its saltsAncrodAngiotensin amideAnileridine; its saltsAntibiotics, all substances of; including synthetic preparations; their saltsAntihistamine substances the following; their salts; their homologues and analogues,

their molecular compounds —AcrivastineAntazolineAstemizoleAzatadineBamipineBromodiphenhydramineBrompheniramineBuclizineCarbinoxamineCetirizineChlorcyclizineChlorpheniramineCimetidine; its saltsCinnarizineClemastineClemizoleCyclizineCyproheptadine3-D-n-butylaminomethyl-4,5,6-trihydroxyphthalide3-dibutylaminomethyl-4,5,6-trihydroxyl-l-isobenzafuranoneDimethpyridine DiphenhydramineDiphenylpyraline Doxylamine Isothipendyl LoratadineMequitazineMebhydrolinMeclastine Meclozine Phenindamine Pheniramine Phenyltoloxamine Promethazine



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PART I — (continued)

PyrrobutamineRanitidineTerfenadineThenalidine Tolpropamine Triprolidine Substances being tetra-N-substituted derivatives of ethylenediamine or

propylenediamine Antimony, chlorides of, antimonates, organic compounds of antimonyApiol Apomorphine; its saltsApronalideAprotininArsenical substances, the following, except those specified in Part II of this list; halides

of arsenic, oxides of arsenic, arsenates, arsenites, organic compounds of arsenicL-Asparaginase ArsphenamineAtracurium; its salts Atenolol AtorvastatinAuranofinAzacyclonol; its saltsAzaperoneAzapropazoneAzathioprine; its saltsBaclofen Barbituric acid; its salts; derivatives of barbituric acid; their salts, compounds of

barbituric acid; its salts, its derivatives, their salts, with any other substanceBarium, salts of, other than barium sulphate and the salts of barium specified in Part II

of this list Beclamide Bemegride Benactyzine; its salts, its quaternary compounds Benapryazine; its salts Bencyclane; its saltsBendrofluazideBenfluorexBenoxaprofenBenperidolBenserazide hydrochlorideBenthiazideBenzamidosalicylic acid; its saltsBenzbromarone


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PART I — (continued)

Benzethidine; its saltsBenzhexolBenziloniumBenzoctamineBenzoestrolBenzoquinonium chlorideBenzocaineBenzoylmorphine; its saltsN-Benzoyl sulphanilamideBenzphetamine; its saltsBenzquinamideBenztropine and its homologues; their saltsBenzydamine; its saltsBenzylmorphine; its saltsBepridil; its saltsBerberine; its quaternary compounds; their saltsBetacetylmethadol; its saltsBetahistine; its saltsBetameprodine; its saltsBetamethadol; its saltsBetaprodine; its saltsBetaxolol; its saltsBethanecol chlorideBethanidine; its saltsBevonium; its saltsBezafibrateBezitramide; its saltsBiperidine; its saltsBisoprolol; its saltsBoldenone undecylenoateBopindololBretylium; its saltsBromazepamBromhexine hydrochlorideBromide, inorganic; including ammonium, for therapeutic useBromocryptine mesylate4-Bromo-2,5-dimethoxy- -methylphenethylamineBromvaletoneBrotizolamBrucine; its quaternary compounds; their saltsBucolomeBudesonideBufexamac



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CAP. 114 23


PART I — (continued)

Buflomedil; its saltsBuformin; its saltsBufotenine; its salts; its esters and ethers; their saltsBumadizone; its saltsBumetanideBuphenine hydrochlorideBupivacaine; its saltsBupranolol; its saltsBuprenorphine; its saltsBuspirone; its saltsBusulphan; its saltsButacaine sulphateButalbitalButamirate; its saltsButanilicaineButinoline; its saltsButofenine; its salts; its esters and ethers; their saltsButorphanol; its saltsButrophium; its saltsButriptyline hydrochlorideButyl aminobenzoateButylchloral hydrateCabimicina; its salts; its esters; their saltsCalcitoninCalcitriolCalcium 5-alkyl-5-N-Butyl-barbiturateCalcium carbimideCalcium metrizoateCamylofin; its saltsCandicidin; its salts; its esters; their saltsCannabinol and its tetrahydrol derivatives, prepared wholly or partly by synthesis; their

3-alkyl homologues; their esters or ethers; their salts Cannabis (the whole plant, or any part there of Cannabis Sativa; Linn); the resin of

cannabis; tinctures of cannabis; cannabis tannate CantharidinCantharidates Captodiame; its salts Captodiamine; its saltsCaptoprilCaramiphen; its salts Carbachol CarbamazepineCarbetapentane; its salts


PoisonsCAP. 11424


PART I — (continued)

Carbarsone Carbenoxolone; its salts Carbidopa CarbimazoleCarbinoxamineCarbocisteineCarboplatinCarbromal Carbutamide; its salts Carisoprodol Carmustine; its saltsCarperidine; its salts CarprofenCarteolol; its saltsCathineCathinoneChenodeoxycholic acidChlophedianol; its saltsChloral; its addition and condensation products other than alphachloralose; their

molecular compounds Chlorambucil Chlorbenzsulphonyl-Pyrrolidinourea (CBPU)Chlordiazepoxide; its saltsChlorhexadolChlormadinone; its saltsChlormerodrineChlormethiazol; its salts Chlormezanone; its salts ChloroformChlorophyllineChlorpromazine; its saltsChlorquinaldolChloroquine; its saltChorionic gonadotrophinChlorothiazide and other derivatives of benzo-1,2,4-thiadiazine-7-sulphonamide 1,1

dioxide, whether hydrogenated or not Chlorphenoxamine; its salts Chlorphentermine; its salts Chlorpropamide; its salts Chlorprothixene and other derivatives of 9-methylenethiaxanthen; their salts Chlorthalidone and other derivatives of 0-chlorobenzene sulphonamide Chlorzoxazone Cholestyramine



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PART I — (continued)

ChymotrypsinCicionium; its saltsCilastatinCinchocaineCincophen and other substances structurally derived from 4-quinoline-carboxylic acid

unless specified elsewhere in the list; their salts and estersCinepazide; its saltsCisplatinCleboprideClidinium; its saltsClioquinol and other halogenated hydroxyquinoline compoundsClobazamClobenzorexClobetasol; its salts; its esters; their saltsClobetasone; its salts; its esters; their saltsClobutinol; its saltsClofazimineClofexamideClofibrateClomiphene; its saltsClomipramine; its saltsClonidine; its saltsClonitazeneClopamideClopenthixol; its saltsCloperastine; its saltsCloprostenol; its saltsClorazepateClorexoloneClorprenaline; its saltsClostebol; its saltsClotiapineClotiazepamClotrimazoleClozapineCodergocrine; its saltsCodoxime; its saltsColestipol hydrochlorideColistin; its saltsCoptis teetaCorticotrophins, natural and syntheticCortisone, hydrocortisone, prednisolone, derivatives of these with hydroxyl, alkyl

groups or halogens as substituents, ethers and salts of esters of such derivatives


PoisonsCAP. 11426


PART I — (continued)

CoumarinCreosote obtained from woodCropropamideCrotethamideCroton, oil ofCurare4-Cyano-2-dimethylamino-4,di-diphenylbutane; its salts4-Cyano-1-methyl-4-phenylpiperidine; its saltsCyclarbamateCyclobarbitoneCyclofenilCyclopenthiazideCyclopentolate hydrochlorideCyclophosphamideCyclosporinCyclothiazideCycrimine; its saltsCyproterone; its saltsCysteamineCytarabine; its saltsDacarbazineDanazolDanthronDantrolene sodiumDapsone; its saltsDaunorubicin; its saltsDeanol; its saltsDebrisoquine; its saltsDecamethonium; its saltsDehydroemetine; its saltsDehydroepiandrosteroneDelmadinone; its saltsDemecarium bromideDeoxycortone; its saltsDeprodone; its salts; its esters; their salts; any acetyl derivatives and its saltsDeptropine; its salts; its esters; their saltsDeserpidine; its saltsDesferrioxamine; its saltsDesfluorotriamcinoloneDesipramine; its saltsDeslanosideDesmopressinDesomorphine; its salts; its esters and ethers; and their salts



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PART I — (continued)

DesonideDexetimideDexfenfluramineDextromethorphan; its saltsDextromoramide; its saltsDextrophan; its saltsDextropropoxyphene; its saltsDextrothyroxine sodiumDiacetylmorphine; its saltsDiacetylnalorphine; its saltsDiamines, the following; their salts; phenylene diamines; tolylene diamines; other

derivatives of benzene diaminesDiamino-diphenylsulphones; their salts; their derivativesDiamorphine; its saltsDiampromide; its saltsDiazepam and other compounds containing the chemical structure of di-hydro-1,4

benzodiazepine substituted to any degree; their saltsDiazoxide; its saltsDibenzepin; its saltsDichloralphenazoneDichlorophenarsine; its saltsDichlorphenamide; its saltsDiclofenac; its saltsDicyclomine; its saltsDienoestrolDiethanolamine fusidateDiethazine; its saltsDiethylamine acetarsolN-Diethylaminoethyl ephedrine; its saltsN, N-Diethyltryptamine (DET); its saltsDiethylcarbamazineDiethylpropion hydrochlorideDiethylthiambutene; its saltsN, N-Diethyltryptamine (DET)DifenoxinDifenpiramideDiflunisalDigitalis, glycosides of; other active principles of digitalisDihydrallazine; its saltsDihydrocodeine; its salts; its esters and ethers; their saltsDihydrocodeinone; its saltsDihydroergocristineDihydroergotamine; its salts


PoisonsCAP. 11428


PART I — (continued)

Dihydroergotoxine; its saltsDi-iodohydroxy quinoloneDiloxanide furoateDiltiazem; its saltsDihydromorphine; its salts; its esters and ethers; their saltsDimenhydrinateDimenoxadol; its saltsDimepheptanol; its salts; its esters and ethers; their saltsDimepropionDimercaprolDimethindene; its saltsDimethisoquin hydrochlorideDimethothiazine mesylateDimethoxanate; its saltsDimethoxybromoamphetamine (DOB)2,5-Dimethoxy-4-methylamphetamine (BOB or STP)2,5-Dimethoxyamphetamine (DMA)2,5-Dimethoxy- , 4-dimethylphenethylamine; its salts2,5-Dimethoxy-4-ethylamphetamine (DOET)3-[1,2-Dimethylheptyl-l-hydroxy-7,8,9,10-tetrahydro-6 6,9-dimethyl-6H dibenzo (b,d)

pyran] (DMPH)Dimethyl sulphoxideDimethyl 4-sulphamoylphenyl phosphorothionateDimethylthiambutene; its saltsN,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT); its saltsDimethyltubocurarine; its saltsDimetofrinaDinitrothymolsDinitrocresols; their saltsDinitronaphtholsDinitrophenolsDinoprost trometamolDinoprostoneDioxaphetyl butyrate; its saltsDiperodon; its saltsDiphenoxylate; its saltsDiphenylpyraline; its saltsDipthetarsoneDipipanone; its saltsDipotassium chlorazepateDipernorphine hydrochlorideDiprophyllineDipyridamole



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PART I — (continued)

DipyroneDisodium etidronateDisopyramideDistigmine; its saltsDisulfiramDisulphamideDithienylallylamines, dithienyl-akylallylamines, their saltsDobutamineDomperidoneDopamine; its saltsDothiepin; its saltsDoxapram; its saltsDoxepin; its saltsDoxorubicin; its saltsDroperidolDropropizineDrotaverineDrotebanolDyflosEconazoleEcothiopate iodineEthylbiscoumacetateEctylureaEdrophonium chlorideElaterinEmbramine; its saltsEmepronium bromideEmepronium chlorideEmbutramideEmylcamateEnalapril; its saltsEnfluraneEnphenamic acid; its saltsEperisoneEpimestrolEpioestriolEpirubicinEpithiazideErgometrine; its saltsErgotamine; its saltsErgotoxine; its saltsErythrityl tetranitrateEstazolam


PoisonsCAP. 11430


PART I — (continued)

Estramustine phosphateEtafedrine; its saltsEthacrynic acid; its saltsEthambutol; its saltsEthamivanEthamsylateEthclorvynolEthebenecidEther, for anaesthetic useEthiazideEthinamateEthionamideEthoglucidEthoheprazine; its saltsEthoheptazine; its saltsEthopropazine; its saltsEthosuximideEthotoinEthylacetanilideN-Ethylamphetamine; its saltsEthyl biscoumacetateEthylidene diacetateEthylmethylthiambuteneEthylmorphine; its salts; its esters and ethers; their saltsEthylnoradrenaline; its saltsEthylstibamineEticyclidine or PCE; its saltsEtodolacEtofibrateEtomidate; its saltsEtonitazene; its saltsEtophylline; its saltsEtoposideEtorphine; its salts; its esters and ethers; their saltsEtoxeridine; its saltsEtretinateEtrodinate disodiumEtryptamineFamotidineFamprofazoneFazadinium bromideFelodipineFenbufen



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PART I — (continued)

Fencamfamin; its saltsFenclofenacFenetyllineFenfluramine; its saltsFenofibrateFenoprofen; its saltsFenoterolFenpipramide; its saltsFenpiprane hydrochlorideFenproporexFentanyl; its saltsFentiazacFenprazoneFlavoxate; its saltsFlecainide; its saltsFloctaphenineFluanisone; its saltsFlubendazoleFlucytosineFlufenamic acid; its salts; its esters; their saltsFlumazenilFlunarizine; its saltsFlunitrazepam; its saltsFluopromazine; its saltsFluoroacetamideFluroacetanilideFluorouracil; its saltsFluoxetineFlupenthixol, its saltsFluprostenol; its saltsFlurazepam; its saltsFlurbiprofenFluspirileneFlutamideFractionated blood products (plasma proteins obtained through a chemical

manufacturing process for use on patients)FrusemideFuraltadoneFurazolidoneFurethidineFusafungineGallamine; its salts; its quaternary compoundsGemfibrozil


PoisonsCAP. 11432


PART I — (continued)

GlaphenineGlibenclamide; its saltsGlibornuride; its saltsGliclazideGlipizideGliquidone; its saltsGlucagonGlutethimide; its saltsGlyceryl trinitrateGlycopyrrolateGlymidineGuanethamide; its saltsGuanethidine; its saltsGuanfacine; its saltsGuanidines, the following —

Polymethylene diaguanidines di-p-anisyl-p-phenetylguanidineGuanoclor; its saltsGuanoxan; its saltsHaloperidol and other 4-substituted derivatives of N-(3-p-fluorobenzoylpropyl)

piperidineHalothaneHeparinHexacarbacholine bromideHexachloropheneHexafluoronium bromideHexahydro-adiphenine; its saltsHexakis zincHexamethonium; its saltsHexapropymateHexobendine; its salts3-Hexyl-hydroxy-7,8,9,10-tetrahydro-6,6,9-trimethyl 6H-dibenzo(b,d) pyran

(parahexyl)Hydrallazine; its saltsHydrazines, benzyl, phenethyl and Phenoxyethyl their -methyl derivatives; acyl

derivatives of any of the foregoing substances comprised in this item; salts of any compounds comprised in this item

Hydrocodone; its saltsHydrocyanic acid; cyanide, other than ferrocycanides and ferricyanidesHydromorphinol; its salts; its esters and ethers; their saltsHydromorphone; its salts; its esters and ethers; their saltsHydroxycinchoninic acids; derivatives of; their salts; their estersHydroxy-N, N-dimenthyltryptamines; their esters or ethers, any salts of any substances

falling within this item



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CAP. 114 33


PART I — (continued)

8-[N-(2-hydroxymethyl-aminol)]-1,3,7 trimethylxanthineHydroxypethidine; its salts; its esters and ethers; their saltsHydroxyphenamateHydroxyquinoline; its salts; its derivatives; their saltsHydroquinoneHydroxyureaHydroxyzine; its saltsIbuprofenIdoxuridineIdrocilamideIfenprodilIfosfamideImipramineIndanozoline; its saltsIndapamideIndomethacin; its saltsIndoprofenIndoramin hydrochlorideInositol nicotinateInsulinInterferonIodamideIopamidolIpratropium; its saltsIprindole; its saltsIproniazid; its saltsIsoaminile; its saltsIsocarboxazid; its saltsIsoconazole; its saltsIsoetharine; its saltsIsofluraneIso-lysergamideIsomethadone (isoamidone); its saltsIsomethepteneIsoniazid; its salts; its derivatives; their saltsIsoprenaline; its saltsIsopropamide; its saltsIsopyrinIsotretinoinIsoxicamKetamine; its saltsKetobemidone; its salts; its esters and ethers; their saltsKetoconazole


PoisonsCAP. 11434


PART I — (continued)

KetoprofenKetotifenKhellinLabetalol hydrochlorideLaetrileLanatoside CLaudexium; its saltsLead acetate; compounds of lead acids from fixed oilsLefetamine or SPA or 1, 1-dimethylamino-1, 2-diphenyl ethaneLeptazolLeucovorin; its saltsLevodopa; its saltsLevallorphan; its saltsLevamphetamine; its saltsLevomethamphetamineLevomethorphan; its saltsLevomoramide; its saltsLevophenacylmorphan; its salts; its esters and ethers; their saltsLevorphanol; its salts; its esters and ethers; their saltsLidoflazineLignocaine; its saltsLiothyronine sodiumLisinoprilLithium carbonate; sulphateLofepramineLomustine; its saltsLonazolac; its saltsLoperamide; its saltsLorphan; its optical isomers; their saltsLovastatinLypressinLysergamideLysergic acid ditehylamideLysergide and other N-alkyl derivatives of lysergamide; their salts; their quaternary

compoundsLysuride; its saltsMafenide; its saltsMannitylhexanitrate; dimesylateMannoumustine; its saltsMaprotilineMazindolMebanazine; its saltsMebendazole



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CAP. 114 35


PART I — (continued)

Mebeverine hydrochlorideMebezonium iodideMebutamateMecamylamine; its saltsMeclofenamateMeclofenoxate; its saltsMecloqualoneMecloxamineMefenamic acid; its salts; its esters; their saltsMefloquine; its saltsMefrusideMefenorexMegestrol; its saltsMelatoninMelinamideMelitracenMelphalanMephentermine; its saltsMepenzolate bromideMepivacaine hydrochlorideMephenesin; its estersMeprobamateMepyramine; its saltsMequitazineMercaptopurine; its salts derivatives of mercaptopurine; their saltsMercury; oxides of; nitrates of mercury; mercuric ammonium chlorides;

potassiomercuric iodides; organic compounds of mercury; which contain a methyl (CH3) group directly linked with the mercury atom, mercuric oxycyanides; mercury thiocyanate

MersalylMescaline or 3, 4, 5-trimethoxyphenethylamine; its saltsMesocarbMesoridazineMestanoloneMestranolMetabutethamineMetahexamideMetamphetamine; its saltsMetaraminol tartrateMetaxaloneMetazocine; its salts; its esters and ethers; their saltsMetformin; its saltsMethacholine; its salts


PoisonsCAP. 11436


PART I — (continued)

Methadone (amidone); its saltsMethadyl acetate; its saltsMethanthelinium bromideMethapyrilan; its saltsMethaqualone; its saltsMethcathinoneMethdilazine hydrochlorideMethimazole; its saltsMethindizate hydrochlorideMethisazoneMethisoprinolMethixene; its saltsMethocarbamolMethoserpedineMethohexitoneMethotrexate; its saltsMethoxamine hydrochlorideMethoxsalen10-Methoxydeserpidine5-Methoxy-3, 4-methylene-dioxyamphetamineMethoxyphenamine; its saltsMethsuximideMethylaminoheptane; its saltsMethylamphetamine; its saltsMethyl benzoquateMethyldesorphine; its salts; its esters and ethers; their saltsMethyldihydromorphine; its salts; its esters and ethers; their saltsMethyldopaMethyldopate; its saltsMethylenedioxy amphetamine (MDA)3, 4-Methylenedioxy metamphetamine (MDMA)N-Methylephedrine camsylate2-Methyl-3-morpholino-1, 1-diphenyl-propane carboxylic acid; its salts; its esters; their

saltsMethylpentynol; its esters and other derivatives-Methylphenethylamine, -methylphenethylamine and -ethylphenethylamine; any

synthetic compound structurally derived from any of those substances by substitution in the aliphatic part or by ring closure therein (or by both such substitution and such closure) or by substitution in the aromatic ring (with or without substitution at the nitrogen atom), except ephedrine, its optical isomers and N-substituted derivatives, fenfluramine, hydroxyamphetamine, methoxyphenamine, phenylpropanolamine, pholedrine and prenylamine; any salt of any substance falling within this item



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PART I — (continued)

1-Methyl-4-phenylpiperidine-4-carboxylic acid; esters of; their salts1-Methyl-4-Phenyl-4-piperidinol propionate (MPPP)Methylphenidate; its saltsMethypryloneMethysergideMetipranololMetiprolol; its saltsMetoclopramide; its saltsMetolazoneMetomidate hydrochlorideMetopon; its salts; its esters and ethers; their saltsMetoprolol tartrateMetronidazoleMetyraponeMexiletine hydrochlorideMianserine hydrochlorideMiconazole nitrateMinaprineMinoxidilMisoprostolMitobronitolMitopodozide; its saltsMitoxantroneMofebutazoneMolindone; its saltsMolsidominMonofluoroacetic acid; its saltsMoramide intermediatesMorazoneMorinamide; its saltsMoroxydine; its saltsMorpheridine; its saltsMorphine; its esters and ethers; their quaternary compounds; their saltsMorphine methobromide, morphine N-oxide and other pentavalent nitrogen morphine

derivativesMuromonab-CD3Mustine and any other N-substituted derivatives of di(2-chloroethyl) amine; their saltsMyrophine; its saltsNadololNaftidrofuryl; its saltsNalbuphine; its saltsNalidixic acid; its salts; its esters and salts of such estersNalorphine; its salts


PoisonsCAP. 11438


PART I — (continued)

Naloxone; its saltsNandrolone; its saltsNarcotic substances, the following; their isomers (whenever the existence of such

isomers is possible within the specific chemical designation); their salts; their esters and ethers (whenever the existence of such esters and ethers is possible); salts of their esters and ethers —

AlfentanilCoca, alkaloids of, unless listed elsewhere (this is in addition to cocaine)DextropropoxypheneDihydromorphineEcgonineMethadone intermediateMoramide intermediatePethidine intermediate APethidine intermediate BPethidine intermediate CSufentanil

Naphazoline; its saltsNaproxenNefopam; its saltsNeostigmine; its saltsNialamide; its saltsNicardipine; its saltsNicergoline; its saltsNicocodine; its saltsNicodicodine; its saltsNicomorphine; its saltsNicotine; its salts; its quaternary compounds; their saltsNicoumaloneNifedipineNifenazoneNifuroxazideNikethamideNiridazoleNitrofurantoinNitrofurazoneNitrominm-Nitrophenol; o-nitrophenol; p-nitrophenolNitroprusside; its saltsNomifensine; its saltsNoracymethadol; its saltsNoradrenalineNorcodeine; its salts; its esters and ethers; their salts



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CAP. 114 39


PART I — (continued)

Norlevorphanol; its salts; its esters and ethers; their saltsNormethadone; its saltsNormorphine; its salts; its esters and ethers; their saltsNorpipanoneNorpseudoephedrineNortriptyline; its saltsOmeprazoleOndansetronOpipramol; its saltsOpiumOrciprenaline; its saltsOrphenadrine; its saltsOrthocaine; its saltsOrthopterinOuabainOxamniquineOxatomideOxedrine tartrateOxetacaineOxethazine; its saltsOxolinic acidOxpentifyllineOxophenarsine; its saltsOxprenolol; its saltsOxybuprocaine hydrochlorideOxybutynin; its saltsOxycinchoninic acid; its derivaties; their salts; their estersOxycodone; its salts; its esters and ethers; their saltsOxymetazoline; its saltsOxymetholoneOxymorphoneOxypertine; its saltsOxyphenbutazoneOxyphencyclimine; its saltsOxyphenonium bromideOxytocins; natural and syntheticPamidronate; its saltsPancuronium; its saltsPapaveretumPapaverine; its saltsParahexylParaldehydeParamethadione


PoisonsCAP. 11440


PART I — (continued)

Parametoxyamphetamine (PMA)Parathyroid glandPargyline; its saltsPecazine; its saltsPemoline; its saltsPempidine; its saltPenicillamine; its saltsPentaerythritol tetranitratePentazocine; its saltsPenthienate; its saltsPentolinium; its saltsPentoxifyllinePerhexiline; its saltsPerindoprilPethidine; its saltsPhenacaine; its saltsPhenacemidePhenacetinPhenadoxone; its saltsPhenaglycodolPhenampromidePhenazocine; its salts; its esters and ethers; their saltsPhenazonePhenazopyridine; its salts1-Phenethyl-4-phenyl-4-piperidinolacetate (PEPAP)Phenglutarimide; its saltsPhenprobamatePhenbutrazatePhencyclidine; its saltsPhendimetrazinePhenelzine; its saltsPhenethylamine and derivativesPhenetidylphenacetinePheneturidePhenformin; its saltsPhenindionePhenmetrazine; its saltsPhenodianisylPhenol and its homologues and preparations containing 60% or more w/w phenol or its

equivalentPhenomorphan; its salts; its esters and ethers; their saltsPhenoperidine; its salts; its esters and ethers; their salts



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CAP. 114 41


PART I — (continued)

Phenothiazine, derivatives of; their salts; except dimethoxanate; its salts, and promethazine, its salts and its molecular compounds

Phenoxybenzamine hydrochloridePhenoxypropazine; its saltsPhenprocoumonPhensuximidePhentermine; its saltsPhentolamine; its saltsPhenylamine lactatePhenylbutazone; its salts2-Phenylcinchoninic acid; 2-salicylcinchoninic; their esters; their saltsPhenylephrineN-Phenylethyl anthranilic acid5-Phenylhydantoin; its alkyl and aryl derivatives; their salts4-Phenylpiperidine-4-carboxylic acid ethyl esters; its saltsPhenylpropanolamine; its saltsPhenyltoloxamine; its saltsPhenytoin and other substances derived from hydantoin; their saltsPholcodine; its salts, its esters and ethers; their saltsPhosphorus yellowPhysostigmine; its saltsPicric acidPicrotoxinPilocarpine; its salts and quaternary compoundsPiminodine; its saltsPimozide; its saltsPindololPipazethate; its saltsPipenzolate bromidePiperidolate hydrochloridePipradrol; its salts; its esters and ethersPipratecolPiracetamPirenzepin; its saltsPiribedilPiroxicamPirprofenPiritramide; its saltsPitofenone; its saltsPituitary gland, the active principles ofPizotifen; its saltsPodophyllum and podophyllum resinPoldine methylsulphate


PoisonsCAP. 11442


PART I — (continued)

Polidexide; its saltsPolymethylenebistrimethylammonium saltsPoppy-straw and concentrate of poppy-strawPotassium canrenoatePractololPralidoxime; its saltsPravastatinPrazosin; its saltsPrenalterol hydrochloridePrenoxidiazine; its saltsPrenylamine; its saltsPrilocaine hydrochloridePrimidonePrindololProbenecidProbucolProcainamide; its saltsProcaine; its saltsProcarbazine; its saltsProcaterol; its saltsProchlorperazine; its saltsProcyclidine; its saltsProfafenone; its saltsProglumetacin; its saltsProglumideProheptazine; its saltsProlintane hydrochloridePromazine; its saltsPromoxolanPronethalol; its saltsPropanididPropantheline bromideProperidine; its saltsPropiramPropofolPropoxyphene; its saltsPropranolol; its saltsProphylhexedrine; its saltsProquazoneProstaglandinsProtamine; its saltsProthionamide; its saltsPronthipendyl; its salts



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PART I — (continued)

Protriptyline; its saltsProtirelinProxymetacaine hydrochloridePseudoephedrinePsilocinePsilocybinePyrazinamide; its saltsPyridostigmine bromidePyrimethaminePyrithyldioneL-Pyroglutamyl-L-histidyl-L-proline amidePyrovaleronePyrrobutamine; its saltsQuinaprilQuinestrolQuinethazoneQuinidine; its saltsQuinine; its saltsRacemethorphan; its saltsRacemoramide; its saltsRacemorphan; its salts; its esters and ethers; their saltsRadium and other radioactive substances for therapeutic useRafoxanideRamiprilRaubasineRazoxaneReproterol; its saltsRescinnamineReserpineRibovirinRimiterol; its saltsRitodrine; its saltsRolicyclidine or PHP or PCPYSalbutamol; its saltsSalmefamolSantoninSavin, oil ofSelegiline; its saltsSelenium sulphideSemustine; its salts


PoisonsCAP. 11444


PART I — (continued)

Sex hormones - androgenic, oestrogenic and progestational - natural or synthetic, the following:—

Benzoestrol; Derivatives of stilbene or napthalene with oestrogenic activity; their esters; Steroid compounds with androgenic, oestrogenic or progestational activity; their esters

SildenafilSimfibrateSimvastatinSodium apolateSodium aurothiomalateSodium camsylateSodium cromoglycateSodium metrizoateSodium monofluorophosphateSodium nitroprussideSodium valproateSolpasoneSorbide dinitrateSotalol; its saltsSparteine; its saltsSpironolactoneStreptokinaseStrophanthus; glycosides of strophanthusStyramateSulindacSulphinpyrazoneSulphonal; alkyl sulphonalsSulpirideSulprostoneSulthiameSultoprideSuprarenal gland medulla, the active principles of; their saltsSutoprofenSuxamethonium; its saltsSuxethonium; its saltsSyrosingopineTacrin hydrochlorideTamoxifen; its saltsTeniposideTenocyclidine or TCP; its saltsTenoxicamTeprenoneTerbutaline; its salts



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PART I — (continued)

TerfenadineTerlipressinTeropterinTertalololTetrabenazine; its saltsTetrahydrozoline; its saltsThalidomide; its saltsThallium; its saltsThebacon; its saltsTheophylline; its saltsThiacetazoneThiambuteneThiambutosineThiocarlide; its saltsThiocolchicosideThioguanineThiomersalThiopentoneThiotepa; its saltsThiothixeneThiouracil, its alkyl derivativesThymoxamine hydrochlorideThyroid gland, the active principles of; their saltsTiaprofenic acidTiclopidineTiemonium; its saltsTilidineTimepidiumTimolol; its saltsTinidazoleTinoridine; its saltsTioconazoleTocainide hydrochlorideTodrazoline; its saltsTofenacin; its saltsTolazamide; its saltsTolazoline; its saltsTolbutamide; its saltsTolcyclamideTolfenamic acidTolmetin; its saltsToloxatoneTolperisone; its salts


PoisonsCAP. 11446


PART I — (continued)

TotaquineTramadol; its saltsTranexamic acidTranylcypromine; its saltsTraosulphanTrapidilTretamine; its saltsTretinoinTriamtereneTriaziquoneTribenosideTribromethyl alcohol2,2,2-Trichloroethyl alcohol, esters of; their saltsTriclofos sodiumTricyclamol; its saltsTriethylene thiophosphoramideTrimebutine; its saltsTrimeperidine; its saltsTrimeprazine; its saltsTrimetazidine; its saltsTrimethaphan; its saltsTrimethoprim3,4,5-TrimethoxyamphetamineTrimipramine; its saltsTrofosfamideTromantadineTropicamideTrophosTroxidoneTryptamine and derivativesTubocurarine chlorideTybamateUbidecarenoneUrapidilUrethaneUrokinaseVaccines, sera, toxoids, anti-toxins, antigens and immunoglobulinsValepotriatesValproic acid; its saltsVasopressin, natural and syntheticVecuronium; its saltsVerapamil; its saltsVeratrine



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PART I — (continued)

VidarabineViloxazine; its saltsVinblastine; its saltsVincristine; its saltsVindesinVinpocetineVinylbitalWarfarin; its saltsXanthinol nicotinateXylazine; its saltsXylometazoline; its saltsYohimbine; its salts and quaternary compoundsZacyclonol; its saltsZidovudineZinc p-phenolsulphonateZipeprolZomepiracZopicloneZoxazolamine; its saltsZuclopenthixol


AbamectinAcephateAcetic acidAcetic anhydrideAcetochlorAcetoneN-Acetylanthranilic acidAcetyl bromideAcetyl chlorideAciflourfen-sodiumAclonifenAcroleinAlachlorAldicarbAldlicarbAldoxycarbAlkyl ammonium chloridesAlkyl thiosulphonate (HPMTS)Allethrin


PoisonsCAP. 11448


PART II — (continued)

Alloxydim-sodiumAlphacypermethrinAluminium phosphateAluminium phosphideAmetrynAminocarbAmitrazAmitroleAmmoniaAmmonium chlorateAmmonium methane arsonateAmmonium perchlorateAmmonium sulphamateAmmonium thiocyanateAncynidolAnilazineAniline; its derivativesAnilofosAnionic surface active agentsAnthranilic acidAnthraquinoneAntuAromatic white spiritArsenical substances, the following —

Arsenic pentoxideArsenic sulphidesArsenic trichloridesArsenious oxideArsineCalsium arsenateCalcium arseniteCopper acetoarseniteCopper arsenateCopper arseniteLead arsenateOxides of arsenicPotassium arseniteSodium arsenateSodium arseniteSodium thiorarsenateand others




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PART II — (continued)

AtrazineAzamethiphosAzinphos-ethylAzinphos-methylAziprotryneAzocyclotinBacillus thuringiensisBAPBarbanBarium, salts of the following —

Barium carbonateBarium silicofluoride

BenalaxylBenazolinBendiocarbBenfluralinBenfuracarbBenodanilBenomylBenphenylBensulfuron methylBensulideBensultapBentazoneBenzeneBenzene hexachlorideBenzidineBenzoximateBenzoylprop ethylBenzthiazuronBialaphosBidrinBifenoxBifenthrinBinapacrylBiollethrinBioresmethrinBiphenylBis(tributyltin) OxideBisthiosemiBitertanolBlasticidin-SBorax


PoisonsCAP. 11450


PART II — (continued)

Boric acidBoron trichloridesBoron triflourideBrodifacoumBromacilBromadioloneBromethalinBromine, bromine solutionsBromobutideBromofenoximBromophosBromophos-ethylBromopropylateBromoxynilBronopolBufencarbBuminafosBupirimateBuprofezinButacarbButachlorButamifosButhiobateButocarboximButoxycarboximButralinButuronButylateButylphenyl methylcarbamate (BPMC)CNPCacodylic acidCalcium cyanideCalcium PolysulphideCaptafolCaptanCarbamates, excepting —





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PART II — (continued)

CarbetamideCarbofuranCarbon disulphideCarbon tetraflourideCarbophenothionCarbosulphanCarboxinCartap hydrochlorideChinomethionateChlorinated hydrocarbon, the following —

AldrinBenzoximateBenzene hexachloride (BHC)BromocyclenCampheclorChlorbensideChlorbicyclenChlordaneChlordeconeChlordimeformChlorfenetholChlorfensonChlorfensulphideChlorbenzilateChloromembuformChloropropylateDicofolDicophane (DDT)pp’ - DDTDieldrinDienochlorDiflubenzuronEndosulphanEndrinFenazaflorFensonFluorbenzideFolpetGamma benzene hexachloride (Gamma-BHC)HEODHHDNHeptachlorIsobenzan


PoisonsCAP. 11452


PART II — (continued)

IsodrinKelevanMethoxychlor (methoxy-DDT) [1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-di-(-p-methoxyphenyl)ethane]QuintozeneTetrachlordiphenylethane (TDE)TetradifonTetrasulToxaphene

Allied chlorinated hydrocarbon compounds used as pesticides (insecticides, acaricides etc.)

Chlorinated phenols; their saltsChlorineChlorobenzene, the following —


3-Chlorophenoxy acetic acid (3-CPA)4-Chlorophenoxy acetic acid (4-CPA)ChloropicrinChlorosulphonic acidChlorothalonilChlormequatChlorpyrifosCholecalciferolCopper hydroxideCopper oxychlorideCopper sulphateCoumachlorCoumaphosCoumatetralylCournafurylCrimidineCrotoxyphosCrufomateCryoliteCufranebCupric hydroxideCupric sulphate pentahydrateCuprous oxide



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PART II — (continued)

CyanamideCyanazineCyanide; their saltsCyanophenphosCyanophosCycloateCyclohexamideCycloprothrinCycloxydimCycluronCyfluthrinCyhalothrinCyhexatinCymoxanilCypermethrinCyphenothrinCyprofuramCyromazineCythioateDaconilD-D (Mixture of Dichloropropane and Dichloropropene)2,4-DBDCIPDalapon; its saltsDaminozideDazometDecarbafuranDeltamethrinDemetaon -O and -SDemeton-S-methylDemeton-S-methyl sulphoneDesmediphamDesmetrynDi-allateDialifosDiamines, the following; their salts —

Phenylene diaminesTolylene diaminesOther alkylated benzene diamines



PoisonsCAP. 11454


PART II — (continued)

DichlobenilDichlofenthionDichlofluanidDichloneDichlormidDichlorobutrazolDichloroethyl etherDichlorophen2,4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4 - D)2,4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4 - D amine)2,4-Dichlorophenoxy butyric acid (2,4 - DB)Di (chlorophenyl) trichloroethane (DDT)3,6-Dichloropicolinic acid1,2-Dichloropropane1,3-DichloropropaneDichlorosilaneDichlorpropDichlorvosDiclobutrazolDiclofop-methylDicloranDicofolDicrotophosDicyclopentadienceDietatyl-ethylDi (ethoxythiorbonyl) disulphide (EXD)Diethylene triamine (DETA)Diethyl sulphateN-N Diethyl m-toluamide (DEET)DifenacoumDifenoxuronDifenzoquat methy sulphateDiflufenicanDikegulac sodiumDimefuronDimenthalonDimethaclorDimethametrynDimethazoneDimethipinDimethirimolDimethoateDimethrin



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PART II — (continued)

Dimethyl phthalateDimethylarsinic acidDimethylvinphosDimetilanDimexanoDiniconazoleDinitramineDinitrophenolDinitrocresols (DNOG); their compounds with a metal or baseDinobutonDinocapDinosam; its compounds with a metal or a baseDinoseb; its compounds with a metal or a baseDinoterbDioxabenzoposDioxacarbDioxathionDiphacinoneDiphenamidDiphenylDipropetrynDiquat; its saltsS,S-Di-Sec-butyl-O-ethyl phosphorodithionateDisodium methane arsonate (DSMA)DisulDisulfotonDitalimphosDithianonDithiocarbamatesDiuronDodemorph acetateDodineDrazoxolon; its saltsDymronEdinfenphosEgnilazine-ethylEndothal; its saltsEntridiazoleEpichlorohydrinErbonEsbiolEsfenvalerateEtacelasil


PoisonsCAP. 11456


PART II — (continued)

EtaconazoleEthalfuralinEthephonEthidimuronEthiofencarbEthionEthirimolEthoate-methylEthofumesateEthoprophosEthoxiquinEthfenproxEthyl 4-nitrophenyl phenylphosphonothionate (EPN)Ethyl dipropylthiolcarbamate (EPTC)Ethyelene bisdithiocarbamatesEthylene dibromideEthylene imineEthylene oxideEthyl etherEthyl mercaptanFenamiphosFenarimolFenazine-5-oxideFenazoxFenbutatin oxideFenchlorphosFenclorimFenfuramFenitrothionFenobucarbFenopropFenothiocarbFenotrothionFenoxycarbFenpropathrinFenpropidinFenpropimorphFensulphothionFenthionFentin acetateFentin chlorideFentin hydroxideFenuron



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PART II — (continued)

FenvalerateFerbamFerric chlorideFlamprop-m-isopropylFlamprop-methylFlocoumafenFluaroxypyrFluazifopFluazifop-p-butylFlubenzimineFlucythrinateFluenetilFlufenoxuronFlumetralinFluometuronFluoracetamideFluorodifenFluoroglycofen-ethylFluoromideFluotrimazoleFlurenol-butylFluridoneFlurochloridoneFluroxypyrFluprimidolFlusilazolFlutolanilFlutriafolFluvalinateFomesafenFonofosFormaldehydeFormetanate; its saltsFormic acidFormothionFosamine-ammoniumForsetyl-aluminiumFthalideFuberidazoleFuralaxylFurathiocarbFurmecyloxGermane gibberellic acidGlufosinate-ammonium


PoisonsCAP. 11458


PART II — (continued)

GlyphosateGlyphosineGuazatine acetateHPMTSHalacrinateHaloxyfop-ethoxyethylHaloxyfop-methylHeptachlorHeptenophosHeptopargilHexachloroacetoneHexachlorobenzeneHexaconazoleHexaflurateHexaneHexazinoneHexythiazoxHydramethylnonHydrochloric acidHydrofluoric acid; alkali metal bifluorides; ammonium bifluoride; potassium fluoride;

potassium silicofluoride; silicofluoric acid; sodium silicofluorideHydrogen chloride, all formsHydrogen cyanideHydrogen peroxideHydrogen selenideHydroprene8-Hydroxyquinoline sulphateHymexazolIAAIBAIPSPImazalilImazamethabenz-methylImazapyrImazaquinImazethapirInabenfideIndol-3-yl acetic acid4-Indol-3-yl butyric acidIodofenphosIoxynilIprobenfosIprodione



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PART II — (continued)

IsazophosIsocarbamidIsocyanatesIsofenphosIsonoruronIsoprocarbIsopropalinIsopropanolIsopiperonyl butoxide (IBP)IsoprothiolaneIsoproturonIsosafroleIsothioateIsouronIsoxabenIsoxathionJodfenphosKadethrinKarbutilateKasugamycinL-cyhalothrinLead tetra-ethyl and similar lead containing compoundsLenacilLeptophosLindaneLinuronMEMCMagnesium phosphideMalathionMaleic hydrazideMalonobenMancozebManebMebenilMecarbanMecopropMefenacetMefluidideMenazonMephosfolanMepiquat chlorideMepronilMercaptoidimethur


PoisonsCAP. 11460


PART II — (continued)

Mercuric chloride; mercuric iodide; organic compounds of mercury except compounds which contain a methyl (CH3) group directly linked to the mercury atom

Mercurous chlorideMetalaxylMetaldehydeMetallic oxalatesMetam-sodiumMetamitronMetanil yellow (sodium salt of metanilylazodiphenylamine)MethabenzthiazuronMethacrifosMethamidophosMethasulphocarbMethazoleMethidathionMethiocarbMetolachlorMethomylMethopreneMethoprotryneMethoxyethylmercury acetate2-Methoxyethylmercury chlorideMethoxyphenoneMethyl bromideMethyl chlorideMethylethyl ketoneMethyl eugenolMethyl mercaptanMethyl isothiocyanateMethyl metiramMethylchlorophenoxy acetic acid (MCPA)Methylchlorophenoxy butyric acid (MCPB)Methyldymron3,4-Methylenedioxyphenyl-2-propanoneMetiramMetobromuronMetolachlorMetolcarbMetoxuronMetribuzinMetsulfuron-methylMevinphosMexacarbate



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PART II — (continued)

MirexMolinateMonalideMonocrotophosMonolinuronMonosodium methane arsonate (MSMA)MonuronMultihydric alcoholMyclobutanilNAANabamNaledNaphthalene acetamide(2-Naphthyloxy) acetic acid1-Naphthyl acetic acidNaproanilideNapropamideNaptalamNatrazineNeburonNeoasozinNickel dimethyldithiocarbamateNiclofolanNiclosamideNicotine; its saltsNitralinNitric acidNitric oxideNitrobenzeneNitrobenzolNitrofenNitrogen triflourideNitrothal-isopropylNitrous oxideNorbormideNorflurazonNuarimolOcthilinoneOleumOmethoateOrange II [Sodium salt of p-(2-hydroxy-1-naphthylene) benzene sulphonic acid]OrbencarbOrfurace


PoisonsCAP. 11462


PART II — (continued)

Organic peroxidesOrganic tin compounds, the following —

compounds of fentinOryzalinOxabetrinilOxytocinOxadixylOxalic acid; metallic oxalatesOxamylOxine-copperOxycarboxinOxydemeton-methylOxyfluorfenPaclobutrazolParathionParathion-methylParaquat; salts ofParis greenPebulatePenconazolePencycuronPendimethalinPentachlorophenolPentanochlorPerchloro methyl mercaptanPerfluidonePermethrinPhenazin oxidePhenisiphamPhenmediphamPhenobenzoronPhenols as defined in Part I of this list in substances containing less than 60% w/w

of phenols, compounds of phenol with a metal in substances containing less than 60% w/w of phenols

PhenothrinPhenotiolPhenthoatePhenylacetic acidPhenylene 1,4, disothiocyanatePhenylenediamines, toluenediamines; other alkylated benzenediaminesPhenylmercury acetate2-Phenylphenol1-Phenyl-2-propanone



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PART II — (continued)

PhoratePhosalonePhosdiphenPhosfolanPhosgenePhosmetPhosphamidonPhosphidesPhosphinePhosphoric acidPhosphorous acidPhosphorus compounds, the following —

Any substance derived from the molecule H3PO4 by substitution of any of the hydrogen or oxygen atoms and used as pesticides (insecticides, acaricides etc.) excepting —

BromophosBromophos-ethyl2-Chloro-1-(2,4,5-trichlorophenyl) vinyldimethyl phosphateDiazinonDimethoateDipterexFenchlorphosFenitrothionFenthionMalathionO,O,O’O’-Tetramethyl-O,O’-thiodi-p-phenylene phosphorothionatePirimiphos-methyl

Phosphorus oxychloridePhosphorus pentachloridePhosphorus pentafluoridePhosphorustrichloridePhosporothiolothionatePhoximPhthalidePicloramPimaricinPindonePiperalinPiperidinePiperonalPiperonyl butoxidePiperophosPiproctanyl bromide


PoisonsCAP. 11464


PART II — (continued)

PirimicarbPirimiphos-ethylPirimiphos-methylPlifenatePolybutenePolychlorinated biphenylsPolyol fatty acid esterPolyoxinsPotassium chloratePotassium cyanatePotassium dichromatePotassium hydroxidePotassium perchloratePotassium permanganatePrepamocarb hydrochloridePretilachlorPrimiphosProbenazoleProchlorazProcyazineProcymidoneProdiamineProfenofosProfuralinProglinazine-ethylPromecarbPrometonPrometrynPropachlor; it saltsPropamocarbPropanilPropaphosPropargitePropazinePropetamphosProphamPropiconazolePropinebPropoxurPropylene iminesPropylene oxidePropyl 3-tert-butylphenoxyacetatePropyzamide



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PART II — (continued)

ProthiocarbProthiophosProthoatePyracarbolidPyranocoumarinPyrazophosPyrazoxifenPyridaphenthionPyridatePyridinitrilPyrifenoxPyroquilonQuinalphosQuinomethionateQuinonamidQuizalofop-ethylRadioactive substances for non-therapeutic useResmethrinRotenoneRyanaS421-Ether synergistSabadillaSafroleSalithionScillirosideSecbumetonSethoxydimSiduronSilaneSimazineSimetrynSodium 4-(dimethylamino) benzene-diazosulphonateSodium chlorateSodium cyanideSodium hydroxideSodium monochloroacetateSodium nitriteSodium pentoborateSodium perchlorateStyrene monomerSulfallateSulfometuron-methylSulfoteb


PoisonsCAP. 11466


PART II — (continued)

SulprofosSulphuric acidSulphur tetrafluorideTCMTBTebucounazoleTebutamTebuthiuronTecnazeneTefluthrinTeflubenzuronTelflubenzuronTemephosTerbacilTerbufosTerbumetonTerbuthylazineTerbutrynTerachlorvinphosTetra ethyl pyrophosphate (TEPP)TetramethrinO,O,O’,O’ - Tetrapropyl dithiopyrophosphateThallium sulphateThiabendazoleThiameturon-methylThiazafluronThidiazuronThiobencarbThiocarbazilThiocyclam hydrogen oxalateThiodicarbThioethylmethylchlorophenoxy acetic acid (MCPA - Thioethyl)ThiofanoxThiometonThiophanateThiophanatep-methylThioquinoxThiramTiocarbazilTolclofos-methylTolueneTolufluandidTralomethrinTri-allate



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PART II — (continued)

TriadimefonTriadimentolTriazophosS,S,S-Tributyl phosphorodithionateTrichlamideTrichlorfonTrichloroacetic acid (TCA)2,3,6-Trichlorobenzoic acid (2,3,6-TBA)TrichlorodimethylTrichloronat2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxy butyric acid (2,4,5-T)TriclopyrTricyclazoleTridemorphTridiphaneTrietazineTrifenmorphTriflumezoleTriflumuronTriflualinTriforineTriglumuronTrimethacarbUniconazoleValidamycin AVamidothionVernolateVinclozolinVinyl chloride monomerWSMAWarfarinXMCXylycarbZinc naphthenateZinc phosphideZinebZiram

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