lattin' · mfrg alv munsoa...

Post on 19-Oct-2019






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F S S H L j a a g L i J s i

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin R. C o m of this plant, Mn. JL C BkoaAn oi Stunford and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Decker of Delhi spent Christ^ mas with Mr. and Mrs. K Heiiry Cdwer at East Guilford.

Mr. and Mn. Tf^eadan IM)i»-son's Christmas dinner goests were

Una SdMHTO BiiiMyn, B' a9d Junior lUMUsoii tod Dotty Reed. aU ot Grand ~

Mrs. E. C ¥bme spent _ mas with her son a^d his wife, yk. and Mrs. Robeit M c e , lo O ieonta.

James Caswell, who works at NpiilL Tcmawand^ and son, Fran-cis Caswell, wlio has a positimi with the Belle Aircraft Go. in Ntocara FaUs, spent the Christraaa weekend at their h(BAe.

Mr. and Mrs. Dniald Cant-axMi £sm03r of DeilM were

of Mr. and Mrs. H. tliier. Gale Ts^r re-hOBM with them, returning

home Saturday, at which time MSsses Jean and Phyllis Tyler left to spend a week at the Cantwell hom6 !h IteBiL '

Mb and Mts. Harold Morse and daughter, Barbara, of K i n « t ( » spent Christmas with Mr. amTMrfc dharite H. Morse and Mr. ^ and Mks. David Earl at Braeg Itcdkmr. Mir. and Mrs. Lloyd Lawrence and chiUMn, GUbert and Gail« of South KbrtciflM sp^"* Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Morse and Mr. and Mrs. George Law-rence.

Miss Elsie Ploutz, who works at Oneonta, spent the Qiristmas weekend with her p^nts, Mr. and Mrs. Georse PlouCz.

Mr. and Ma. John Jordan of imaca were last week guests of l/^ and Mrs. Burton Jordan.

-Mrs. Harold Finch and children, BHiiara and Gary, and Mrs. Edith Hitight of Margaretville, Mr. and

Robert Coon of Cortland and Mtand Mrs. George Haig^it and fdBiily were Christmas guests of lyfiB. and Mrs. Byron Ha i^ t

Mr. and Mrs. Georro F. Gibhs of Albany, Misses Helen and iBsne Gorsch at South Nyack and Mfcs. John Telfoni of Margaretville vmce Christmas guests of Mr, and yks. Rudolph Gorsdx and Mrs. Otorles GoMch Sc. ,, ^ „

Mr. and Mr«. Kendall B. Haight were Christmas gtiests. o£ her par^ eiits, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Snyder, of Jefferson. ^ ^ ^

Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Cartwrig^t ymre Christmas guesto of h « par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Davld-sott. at Tteadwell. , . „ , , .

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph MacKenae and family will moim next week to Suffem. Mr. MacKenzie has wiorked at the creamery and the family have lived in the former OHara house on Orchard street for some time. ^ « , ,

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Godcel and SOTi, Junior, of South Kort-

it and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie -nes of Grand Gor^ and Mr. Mrs. Jack Miller of Halcottp

le were Christmas guests of MkL and Mrs. Harry GockeL

Mr. and Mrs. David Bevier en-tertained their Roxbury relatives at Christmas dinner.

Mr. and Mrs. D. H Kelly enter-tained at Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Lacm Kittle and three grandcWl-dnta of Denver and Mr. and Mrs. IiSring Squires of Mpgaaetville.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jenkms and Mc. and Mrs. J. A. Brundage and daughter, Vera, of Ma^^tv iUe were Christmas guests of Mr. and MSs. J. R. Weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sok(dl and son, Lyle, of Windham, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Truesdell and dUighler, Domthy, and Mt. and Mfis. T^iesdai and Roe-aML all of ^Lexington, and Mr. and IISB. Donald Bedcer of Praltsyilfe

Christmas guests of Mr, and William Graham.

w a ^ CMMnas gueetT^- Mr. M Mfrg Alva Munson at Windham, ^ r . and Mrs. Walter "Moope h«ve moved from the t m ^ Ffcenk Ruteshouser farm whioi they have occmaed far the ^ t t«D years to the John Mondore

which they recently pur-

and Mrs. Nicola Augustino

[im. Kkte. f A V k and MarshaU^^lauson spent

istmas with her j»rents, Mr.

Christinas , with Mr. and in

Mr. and Blrs. Kenneth

John F. BfiJlard and Mr. and Mrs. Howasd K ^ o f Htta>nme were Quistmas guests of Mrs. Clara ShttHis hk B idMiry.

Latest mumps victims have been Stepl^ Enderlin, little son of Mr. aniMEs. F. Leifhtae Enderlin; Donald Bouton, scm of Mr. and

J ^ M ' Bopiib9Ci, GeOTge

Davis and Mr.'and Mrs.

children, Gordon, of

Kelly' Comers, Mr. and Mrs. Al-L^rt Newcomb and dau^ter, D(HI-na, of Fleisdmianns, Mrs. Adel-bert Lockwood c^ Grand Gor:ge and Mr. and Mts. Fcaiiklya Davis were Christmas guests ct Mr. and Mrs. Abiram Davis. Albert New-ccndft has enlisted in Noyy con-struction woik and will Keave so(m.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Munray and daughter, Ahna, spent Christ-mas with Mr. and B&s. Mtoley Murray at Gkand Gorge. Mrs. GObert Murray retiirpnrt home with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mur-ray and wI^ spend same. time here.

Mr. and Mrs. mrold Kelly of Albany s p ^ part of the Cbrist-mas holiday season with his par-ents, Mr; and Mts. J<dm Kdly. H ^ l d Kelly left the de^ after Christmas for army service and has g(m^ to Camp Upton. Mis. Kelly will leave for Saranac Lake, ^ e r e she is instructor in English in the high sdiool there.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Harris and children. Ana and Jose]^ of Schenectady, BCr. and Mte. Tloyd E. Brofwn of WatexvUet, Dc. and Bilrs. Grant D. Morse and children, Roger, Jean and Stanley, of Sau-eerties, and Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Hinkley and sons, Winfield and Tommy, of G rand Lindon B. Morse were Christmas guests Mrs. Harrison C. Morse and C. F. Morse. Lindon B. Morse has been sent to Camp Croft, S. C.

Miss Sammie. Ives, who teaches at Sdioharie. is Sipending the Christmas vacati(Hi at her home.

Mumps victims of the past week have been Miss Diane Smith and Misses Betty and Ma^rie Har-rinBSbon.

lyfrs. E Bruce M. KDpatrick is car-ing for Samuel A. Sicks ctf Al-bany, who is ill at the home of Mr. andr Mrs. A. Harris Gaines.

Mrs. Jennie Kendall i^nt Chrislsnas with Mrs. Edith War-ren in Stamford.

Mr. and Mrs. Philo Benedict and son, Geoi^, of Denver were Christmas guest» of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ruth. ^

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Sparling, ison, Do^d, and dau|dit r, S t ^ , of this place, and and Mrs. Julius Ploutz J . and d i i l^n , Katherine and Dermis, of East Meredith were Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Fuller at Prattsville.

Mr. and Mrs. Eli Findi enter-tained all their local relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Finch and s(»i, Mr. and Mrs. Eber Cartwrig^t and son, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Avery and daughter, also Arthur Rappleyea and daughter, Eula, of Mosquito Point, at Christmas.

Mr. and Mrs. Leo Morse enter-tained a few guests at pinodile Christmas night

There were 147 numbers sold at the dance for Delaware Valley grange at Masonic hall Saturday night

Mr. and Mrs. Julius Ploutz Sr., Mr. and Mis. Edward Becker and Nicholas Blish oi Fleisdimanns, Mr. and Mrs. CUffirad CEoidail of E&st M ecedilh, Mrs. Neva. Ckawell and s(m, Adelbert, Betty Lou and Elsie Mattice and Mrs. Edna Flioutz were Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Ploutz. ^Mrs. WiHiam Mattioe ier ill with

iss Doris Finch, who works in fConnectieut, spoit Christmas with ^^parents, Mr. and Mrs. Likkie

Prin. and Mrs. Lloyd Mann and five sons of HurleyviUe are spend-ing Christmas vacati<m with his mother, Mrs. Arthur Delameter, and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin StahL

Mr. and Mrs. WlUiam Devis and chUdcen, Palneia, Lax^ and Ron-ald« of Wakon were Chi||tmas

of mr. and Mrs; Inrace

and Mrs. L i ^ Hitchcock son, Bobby, of Rtwihpim were

aH oi Meriden, Conn., were Cfarist-meas guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harris Ballard " Miss Bessie Baflard oi Fleischmanns was also home for Christmas.

Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Voorhees entertained about 26 at Christmas dinner fron £k)uth Kortright and Hebart.

Mis. J o s ^ LesDcm of Kerhonk-soa ia viritaig her i»ter, Afas. Andrew Gov.

Rev. a n O ^ Glenn W. Youngs sp^t Christinas with t l ^ par-

Mr. and Mr& C. O. Dinris and iMth and Mrs. W^to: J. Week$ iBF KEngstbn.

EUaat Bbofchout spent Christ-mas with ^ wife in Ctteonta.

Elizateth. Rotermund, Plaintiff, -against-

Lester O. DePi^; Edith L. DePuy, his wife; Walda M. Parsons; nieda K. Parsons, his wife; Clarke A. Sanlord; Bertha C M; Senford, his wife^ C d o ^ l Beacon Oil Comp^ ; Lillian J. BirdsaA doing business under the trade name ^ d style (tf Margaretville Tetei^cme Ex-d i a i ^ ; New York State Elec-tric and Gas Corporation and Battie L. H ^

In pursuance of a tadgmoit of foreclosure and sale duly granted in the above entitled aetilm and entered in the O f ^ of the Clerk of the County of Delaware on the 10th day of December, 1942, I, Geo. A. Speenburg^, the under-signed, Referee in said judgm^t named, will s ^ at public aucticm at the front do(Xc oi the law offices of Fenton, Foitcsi & Snyder, in the Village of Margaretville, Dela-ware, County. •New Yoi^ on. the 23rd day of January, 1943, at ten o'dock A. M., the premises de scribed in said judgmoot as fol-lows:

AE that tracti or pared of land situate in the; Town c^ MidcDe-town, Delaware,County and State of New York, and in. the Village of Margaretville, bounded a ^ de-scribed as follows: Begiiming at the southwesterly comer of a parcel (tf land oniveyedby William

First National Bank of ITifiiiif

Membw Federal. D^cait bsnranoB ChMrpw

The Bwik of I^iendly Servloe


Eleetiical AnnMancea and

Margaretville Wee. * Gm» Co.

G. W. Merritt Lbr. Co. Lmnber, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Framest Flasfeer, Plaster Board,

BiAd , Cement We appredate year petxHiage. Fh. n-Brt, MaigaieMa^ N. X.

PRESTO GAS The Perfect Economical Modtoi

FMI Gas Banges * Hotel Eqi^meBt


guests of Mr. and Mrs.

. ___ _ ^ I f e M y itis. IBdi^tC S ^ ^ and Jbnos ReESer,

M bcn Deadk Qocuis

Conptete Wvnta^ $135) Ne Estn Ctage fsr F U N E R A L H O M E

L A T T I N ' S I W -

ir .T.

G. Wdslt axi^ Agmt & Wahk t6 Lestesr a DePuy and Edith U D^fito, d a ^ 1925, and reccsM m 201 at Deeds at page 602, and naming, thance Ux a southeasterly direcuon at, rig)^

e OftSe to the westeriy Hne above-mentioned parcel 117^ feet to the southwesteriy c o n ^ of tiie & A. Dngan feed stove premlaes ajBd tPidw foet driveway* the

wiiere said Dogaa praoaisea of C la i^ A. Sanford

hfin from Cwrotine cwner; thence & a dSrectfpn 9 <# laiidL

A. Dugan Ifonneriy Rink pronr ises) and landB of Moigai} R. Garris(m (fMmerly Fred W. Btehoff) the ceatier trf M>bi SiceeU thence m a ndcthwesterly directioa down, aloofi the center of M!afa Street 43 tiset ta a p o ^ (Kipoaite tfie eastern; bouiidhtfy line af the Main Street Geaaee premises and parcel described in the afomflentnn. deed fiN»n liam & Walsh and wife to Lest«r (X DdPiiQF uid Edith L. DePuy, his wife, dated August 21, 1925, and record^ in Liber 207 of Dee^ at page 602, a distEmce of 19$ feet to the sotrtheasterty eomer of the last nnntfoned parcel; thence in a near^ souttier^ dhrt^on about 45H feet to the point or {dace of beginning.

Together with a convraient eaaonent o£ right at way from the land part of the above de-scribed premises over, through and across the remainii^ portion of the so-called Island premises of ^ rn am G. Wadsh and Agnes S. Walsh to and over tiie said right of way of William G. Walish and Agnes S. Walsh along the southerly bounds of the so-called Rink Premises, now owned by Samuel A. Dugan to the S t «^

iway or Bridgs Street with necessary right of ingress and ess over and along said right wfiiy, for the ben^t of the

above described {Hemises, the party of the second part herein, h ^ heirs, servants, assigns and patrons, but conditioned that the said William a Walsh and Agnes S. Walsh, their henrs, assigns, servE ts, patrons and onplovees have the right to use the a f t ^ mentioned rirfjt of way hi con-junction with the party of t»e second part, her h m , servants, assigns, patrons and employees for the ben^t of their remaining premises. Dated at Fleischmanns, New York,

this IQthida^ollDeGembei:, 194^ GEO. A. SPEENBURGH,

Referee FENTON> FENTCS^ A S N Y I ^ Attorneys for Plaintiff Margaretville, New Tork j22c

State of New Forte Siqireme Court

Comity -of IMawmre

HATTIE L. HESS, Plaintiff, -against-


IN PURSUANCE of a judgment of foreclosure and sale duly grant-ed in the above entitlad action and entered in ^ Office of the Clerk of tlw County of Delaware <m the 2nd day of December, 1942, I, GEO. A. SPEENBURGH, the undersigned, Referee in said judgement named, will seU at pub-lic auction at the front door of the law offices of FENTON, FENTON & SNYDER, m the Village of Margaretville, Delaware C^ts f , New Yoiic, on the 16th day of January, 1943, at ten o'dock A. Ml, the premises described in said judgznent as follows:

ALL THOSE PIECES OR PARCELS OF LAND, with the buildfiig»^ mt- ii qpwvementff there-oa fflTBcted, situate in the vfilam at MaiiKUDrtviHe. Town o£ Middle-town, Goupty of Delaawe and State of New Yoric more oarticur lagy bounded and described aa follows^

FIRST PARCTL: Beginning in tile center ctf Blain Street at the Northeast comeiL of Mre. Charles Bolles' Lot (formeriy Mrs. L Lodcwood), and rummig thoice easterlK tm the e^ita; of a id I t onSeee t fortjf-three (43) M to a coCTer; thence Southeriy on- a. Mne pa ra^ with- and torty-t^ee

from the Easte^ line of saidBcdles Lot (formeriy Lock-wood) one hundred and eleven (111) feet la a in the riiiiuMmj Wfaidi m point is ten feet front the present rforfli Dodc-

said Binukii; thenoe

the 'SSBea^ COTI5?5

wall Mm even wi' said Bolles Lot (formerly U3dc woo(&, and ten fee^ the present Northe wall ^kng a m Miwekill; Vaew in a Northerly direction od a stra%h« oonttautton Una akng the Easterly bounds of said B<dles (formeify Lddiweod) Lot One

tne center or Mam scroet w toe pant Off pieee at tegjnntng, edb-tateii^Foar llMUBaiwNfee tiitf^renty-three and fb^i (49;^5) s q i ] ^ f i^, of tile same mole or l^s.

SECONDr P. at the Northaafltedy caxaet Louisa Bowrs hradp, at thf» of MaJ^ Street, thence in down the c^ter of et dtstanee of tlienc^ turning a running in a SoutlMsdor a straight One thxoufi^ said

I's lands te'tke Btene-ice tuminft a ri^ ani^ '

J in ah £as£eriy diKcy tion along the BinneidB in a fine Djarallel with thff center of S&eeC, ft cBstahce (tf hidx^ to theBne of lancb • O. H ^ , (being: the lot fc owned by Rhoda Mungle): thenoe in a Northerly (fiiectioa a] bounds of said Bess lands to point or nlaoe of beginning, coik-taining an of the lan& within above described bounds, making a strip of land indies in widim and length from the center of Street to the BinnekflL

THIRD PARCEL: the Southeasterly comer

~ of land desoibed in a Deed

Qerk's Office June 18, 1921, in Book oi Deeds at page and beine the pconiaes known as the "Mam Steeet Garage'' and rwnniay thence >S5 feet on & cimtinuaticai straight line of the Eastern ttne of ^ said Garage premises aoposs the BfixhekiB td an iron sti&e driven in the ground; thence in a Soothwesteriy direction d» » l&e psndl^ with the SofotheriF bomii' aiy of the said Main Street (Sflorace and ei i^ity^f feet dist^t thafe-fiK>m, a (fistan^ of feet toran iron stake dnyen in the 'jproun' thence in a Nortiiwesteriy diiee-tion across the ^ihnekill on a Ih;ie parauer with the first abov# seritt^' bouadfr ahd 45% feet taut Ijieitefrom toi the Sou liae of tHe lands oi .euisai thence in. an Eaat«*ly (fisee^on along the said Bowl's Lot one I S ^ and continuing, along, the sduthorfy line of an ^s^teenrinch strip of land heretofore purchased by Philip O. H ^ of the said l ou i ^ Bowf to the aforesaid Mungle Lot or "Main Street Ganee'^ proniaea proper; thence m Southeasterly diiectioa aloi% the West bounds

the said Mungle Lot or "Main Street GUurage" premises proper to the Southwesterly comer thereof in the Binnekm; thence in a Northeaster^ directi(Hi up the ^nm^ilF sdbng the rear boundary line of the said Main Street Grarage mises proper, or Muni^ Leit 43r feet to the podm or viaoe of beginning, containing all ox the lands within the above described bounds.

TOGETEIER with a convenient and accessible easement of right ci way frcxa the land part of the above described premises, over, through and across the remaining portion of the so-called isliand premises of the first parties to and over the said first parties' rig^t of way along the southerly bounds of thie so-caUed Rink premisaa.-now owned by Samuel. A. Dugan. to the State ISs^bway or Bridge Stretft, with aH necessary right at ingress and %ress over and akng ^ right of way, for the beneSf of the above described premises, tlK^ party of the sccood part Bis heia, servants, aaaign* end trons, but cooditioaed that the said parties of the first pact, thdr hehs, a ssigra, secvanti and enjpkvm bsve the right ta

in! cei^ctSbd wfth the am partK Iris heirs, aem assigns pttraaa and enqdoyeei.

Subject to a toae of a portkn of the premises hscein befooe da-sesSbed, held by the def ied** fyick PeriflBa, Dated at Fleischmanns. Near Yoek,

this 2od day <rf Decagaber, l i l ^ GEO. A. SPEENBURGH

Referee EENTQN, FENTON A SNXBini Attacae^ for Plaintiff KugaretviDie', New York d*>J15

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