latin stories fabulae latinae band 1 - · latin stories fabulae latinae band 1 ......

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Arminius narrat…

Latin Stories

Fabulae Latinae

Band 1


Arminius narrat …

Latrina sideralis – Index Verborum

accendere, -do, -di, -sum to start up, to power up, to switch on

agglutinare, -o, -avi, -atum to stick on

alter super alterum one upon the other

angulus, -i m. corner

aspiratrum pulveris n. vacuum cleaner, hoover

astronauta, -ae m./f. astronaut

caeruleus, -a, -um blue

claudere, -o, -si, clausum to close, to shut, to lock

depulsio, -onis f. start, ('the push off')

difficultas, -atis f. difficulty, trouble

excipulum purgamentorum n. wastebin, rubishbin

figere, figo, fixi, fixum to fix

gravitas, -atis f. gravity

hamus, -i m. hook

in summo at the very top

latrina, -ae f. loo

liquor, -oris m. liquid

machina cinematographica f. film camera

me fugit i forgot

missile, -is n. missile, rocket

mundare, -o, -avi, -atum to clean

munditia, -ae f. cleanness

navicula sideralis f. space shuttle

nemo, neminis m. no one, nobody

observare, -o, -avi, -atum observe, watch, take care

Arminius narrat …

operari, operor, operatus sum to work

pars adaptiva f. adapter, connector

pendere to hang, to float, to hover

permutare, -o, -avi, -atum to swap, to exchange

planeta, ae m. planet

ponto interstellaris m. space shuttle

ponto, -onis m. ferry boat,

prospectus, -us m. view, sight

purgamenta, n. pl. rubbish, waste

rocheta, -ae f. rocket

sideralis, -e star-, space-

se exonerare, -o, -avi, -atum to relieve oneself

se mundare, -o, -avi, -atum to clean

sella pertusa f. loo seat, lavatory seat

spatium cosmicum n. space, outer space

status sine pondere weightlessness, absence of gravity

suppositorium, -i n. beer mat

suspendere, -do, -di, -sum suspend, hang up

tubus defluvii m. drainpipe

universum, -i n. universe

Arminius narrat …

Vestimentum officiale Papae – Index Verborum

amictorium collare n. scarf

amictus, -us m. mantle

annus aetatis m. year of age

armentarius, -i m. cowboy

assectator, -oris m. follower, student

baculum pastorale n. shepherd's crook

Basilica Sancti Petri f. St. Peter's Basilica

botonare, -o, -avi, -atum to button

caftanus, -i m. caftan

calvus, -a, -um bald

catholicus, -a, -um Catholic

clericus, -i m. priest, clergyman

clusura tractilis f. zip, zipper

custos publicus m. policeman

Dies Mundialis Iuventutis m. World Youth Day

electio papalis f. papal election, election of a pope

episcopus, -i m. bishop

fidelis, -is m. believer

Forum Sancti Petri n. St. Peter's Square

habilis, -e handy, manageable

haud dubie most probably

inspector, -oris m. inspektor, supervisor

luteus, -a, -um orange (colour)

missa, -ae f. mass

mitra, ae f. mitre

Arminius narrat …

orbiculus, -i m. button

orbita, -ae f. track, rails

Papa, -ae m. pope

pompa Sancti Martini f. St. Martin's parade

pompa, -ae f. parade

purgator caminorum m. chimney sweep

revera Adv. in fact, actually

series orbiculorum f. button border, button tab

significare indicate

Societas Ferriviaria Germanica Deutsche Bahn, German Railways

sutana, -ae f. soutane

utilis,-e useful, practical

vacare, -o, -avi, -atum to be free, to be vacant, to be idle

Vaticanus, -i m. Vatican

vestificina, -ae f. tailor's shop

vestimenta officialia n. pl. working clothes

vestis monitoria f. reflective vest

vestis uniformis m. uniform

vicarius, -a, -um vicarius

vicarius, -i m. substitute

Arminius narrat …

Ignem facere – Index Verborum

adhibere to use, to apply

aliquantulum little/small amount of, bit of

ardere, ardeo, arsi, arsum burn, be on fire

avolare, -o, -avi, avolatum fly away, fly off

betulla, -ae f. birch tree

carduus, -i m. thistle

semina carduorum n. thistle seed

centesimus tricesimus octavus hundredth and thirty-eighth

conatus, -us m. try, attempt

contingere to reach, to manage

crescere, -sco, -evi, cretum grow up

dicitur (v. dicere) they say, it is said

diligentissime Adv. very carefully

excudere, -cudo, -cudi, -cusum to strike out

exercere, -eo, -ui, exercitum to exercise, to train, to drill

expertus, -a, -um experienced, sophisticated

externus, -a, -um external, outward

faciendum est it must be done

fagus, -i f. beech

ferrum, -i n. iron , weapon

flagrare, -o, -avi, -atum to be on fire, to burn

flare, flo, flavi, flatum to blow, to breathe

focus, -i m. fireplace

fomes, fomitis m. tinder

fornax, fornacis m. furnace, oven,

Arminius narrat …

fumare, fumo, fumavi,fumatum to smoke, to steam

gliscere, glisco, - to glow, to smoulder

haerere, haereo, haesi, haesum to stick

id est that is

ignis stramineus m. straw fire

ignis, -is m. fire

implicare, -o, -avi, -atum implicate, involve

invenire, -venio, -veni, -ventum find, invent, discover

lapis, lapidis m. stone

lucēre, luceo, luxi, - shine

magnus, -a, -um important

maior, maius more important

ne ... not that

necessarius, -a, -um necessary, needed, essential

necesse est to be in need

officium est the duty is, the job is

pars ferrea f. a piece of iron.

particula, -ae f. a small part, a little bit, particle

periculum perendi ignis the risk the fire fades/ dies

periculum se urendi the risk to burn yourself

perire, pereo, perii, peritum to Fade, to dy

perparvus, -a, -um tiny

praecipuus, -a, -um particular, especial

scintilla, -ae f. spark

secare to slice

semen, seminis n. semen, seed

siccatus, -a, -um dried

silex, silicis m. flintstone

Arminius narrat …

stratum, -i n. layer

ubique Adv. everywhere

vehement vehement, intense, powerful

Arminius narrat …

Placenta praecipua – Index Verborum

absolvere to acquit s.b., to release s.b.

addere, addo, addidi, additum to add

accendere, -do, -di, -censum to start up, power up, to switch on

agnus Dei Lamb of God

agnus, -i m. lamb

altare, altaris n. altar

alteram partem post alteram one part after another

aperire, aperio, aperui, apertum to open

aptus, -a, -um adapted, suitable, attached to

arcanum, -i n. secret, mistery

arcessere, -o, -ivi, -itum to get, to fetch

armarium umectandi n. moistering cabinet

attribuere, -uo, -ui, -utum to attribute, to appoint

automatice Adv. automatically

Biblia Sacra f. Bible, Holy Scripture

boto, botonis m. button

conclave umectandi n. moistering room

catholicus, -a, -um Catholic

celebratio, -onis f. celebration

Cena Dominica f. The Lords Supper

Cena Ultima f. The Last Supper

certe Adv. surely, certainly, really

chiliogramma, -grammatis n. kilo, kilogram

Christianus, -a, -um Christian

claudere, claudo, clausi, clausum to close, to shut

Arminius narrat …

colligere, -go, collegi, collectum to collect, to bring together

Communio Sacra f. Holy Communion

coniungere, -iungo, -iunxi, -cunctum to belong together

coquere, coquo, coxi, coctum to bake, to cook

corpus, corporis n. body

credere, credo, credidi, creditum to believe

crux, crucis f. cross

culter, cultri m. knife

cylindrus, -i m. cylinder,

desecare, -o, -avi, -atum to cut off

destinatus, -a, -um dedicated, specified

diligens Adv. accurate, diligent

dimidia, -ae f. half

dirigere, dirigo, direxi, directum align

discrimen, discriminis n. difference

distribuere, -buo, -bui, -butum to Divide, to assign

diu Adv. a long time

diversus, -a, -um diverse, different

eodem modo in the same way

evangelicus, -a, -um evangelical, Protestant

exacte Adv. exact, accurate

exactissime Adv. entirely accurate

excipere,-cipio, -cepi, -ceptum to take out

excissus, -a, -um cut out

explicare, -o, -avi, -atum explain

exempli gratia for example

faex, faecis f. yeast

farina subacta f. dough, pastry

Arminius narrat …

farina, -ae f. farina, flour

fere Adv. almost

fidelis, -is m. believer

flexibilis flexible

fragilis, -e frangible

frangere, frango, fregi, fractum to break, to crack

gafrarium, -i n. waffle iron

gafrum, -i n. waffle

hostia, -ae f. host

idem, eadem, idem same

implere, impleo, implevi, impletum to fill up, to fill in

incipere, incipio, incepi, inceptum to begin, to start

inferior, -ius lower, bottom

infundere, infundo, infusi, infusum to pour in

inspicere, -spicio, -spexi, -spectum to look at, to inspect

interea meanwhile

Jesus , Jesu (Gen.) m. Jesus

labor, laboris m. labour, work

lamina, -ae f. layer, Plate

latus, lateris n. side

linea, ae f. line, stroke

liquidus, -a, -um liquid, fluent

litra, -ae f. liter

loculus, -i m. drawer

machina permiscendi f. mixer, mixing machine

machina secandi f. cutting machine

maior, maius (v. magnus) bigger

manducare, -o, -avi, -atum eat

Arminius narrat …

manere, maneo, mansi, mansum to remain, to stay

medium, -i n. middle

melior, melius (v. bonus) better

melius Adv. better

ministrans, ministrantis m./f. altar boy, altar server

mirus, -a, -um strange

missa, -ae f. mass

monasterium, -i n. monastery

mutatio, -onis f. transformation

nimius, -a, -um excessive, too much

nullus, -a, -um no, none

olla, -ae .f pot, jar

operculum, -i n. cover

oppidum, -i n. town

opus est to need

particula, -ae f. particle

pastor, pastoris m. pastor, priest,

paulo maior A bit bigger

paulo plus A bit more

peccatum, -i n. sin, mistake, errore

perficere, -ficio, -feci, -fectum to complete, to finish

permiscere, -eo, -ui, -mixtum to mix

permulti, -ae, -a a great many

pistrina, -ae f. bakery

placenta, -ae f. cake

postea Adv. afterwards

praecipuus, -a, -um particular, especial

praeteritus, -a, -um gone, past, passed over

Arminius narrat …

pressio botonis f. touch of a button

pressio, pressionis f. touch, push, press

productum finale n. end product, final good

profluere, -fluo, -fluxi, - to pour out

proximus, -a, -um next

pulvis furnarius m. baking powder, baking soda

quantitas, -atis f. quantitiy

quinque five

quoad as long as, until

rectiangulus, -a, -um rectangular

reliquum, -i n. rest

repositorium, -i n. rack, shelf

rotare, roto, rotavi, rotatum to rotate

rotundus, -a, -um round

saccharum, -i n. sugar

sacerdos, sacerdotis m. priest

sal, salis m. salt

sanguis, sanguinis m. blood

satis Adv. enough

semicirculus, -i m. semi-circle

sicut Adv. as if, like

significare, -o, -avi, -atum indicate, signify

significatio, -onis f. meaning

signum pacis n. peace sign

signum, -i n. sign, symbol

simul Adv. at the same time, simultaneous

situla, -ae f. bucket

solitus, -a, -um usual , normal

Arminius narrat …

soror, sororis f. sister

sugere, sugo, suxi, suctum to suck

talis, -e such, of such kind

tintinnare, -o, -avi, -atum to ring, make a ringing

tollere, tollo, sustuli, sublatum to lift, to raise

totus, -a, -um whole, total, complete

transsubstantatio, -onis f. transsubstantiation

trulla, -ae f. trowel, ladle

tubus, -i m. tube

umectare, -o, -avi, -atum to moisten, to humidify

valvula, -ae f. valve

venire, venio, veni, ventum to come

verba consecrationis n. pl. words of institution

vexillum, -i n. flag, banner

Publisher MundusLatinus

- Lingua Latina delectat -

Wild Chicks De Gallinis Ferocibus

Wild Chicks / De Gallinis Ferocibus - Editio Latina by Cornelia Funke - Hard-cover, 232 S., Illustrations by C. Funke – Translated into Latin language by Ulrich Krauße - ISBN: 978-3-00-02801-1-5

The adventures of the Wild Chicks are already legendary – and so is their hassle with the Pygmies. This is the first translation of the famous book for young people into the Latin language. You get usefull words on every page and a complete vocabulary at the end of the book. The text ist complete in Latin and the vocabulary is Latin – German.

Publisher MundusLatinus

- Lingua Latina delectat -

The Three Investigators De Tribus Investigatoribus et Fato Draconis

The Three Investigators / De Tribus Investigatoribus et Fato Draconis - Editio Latina by Andrè Marx - Paperback, 182 p. – Translated into Latin language by Ulrich Krauße - ISBN: 978-3-9813892-0-3

Justus Jonas, Peter Shaw and Bob Andrews, the world-famous Three Investi-gators now investigate also in the Latin language. You get usefull words on every page and a complete vocabulary at the end of the book. The text is complete in Latin and the vocabulary is Latin – German.

This edition unfortunately is sold out!

Publisher MundusLatinus

- Lingua Latina delectat -

Emil and the Detectives De Aemilio et Investigatoribus

Emil and the Detectives - De Aemilio et Investigatoribus – Editio Latina by Erich Kästner - Hardcover, 224 p. Original illustrations by Walter Trier - Trans-lated into Latin language by Ulrich Krauße - ISBN: 978-3-9813892-1-0

For the first time Emil is allowed to travel unescorted to Berlin. During the train ride his whole money is stolen. Generations have divoured this classic chil-dren's book, which is permanently republished since his initial issue in the year 1929. The text is complete in Latin and the vocabulary is Latin – German.

Publisher MundusLatinus

- Lingua Latina delectat -

WasIstWas-Gladiatoren QuidEstQuid-Gladiatores

Gladiatores - Editio Latina by Dr. Marcus Junkelmann - Hardcover, 48 p. more than 100 mostly coloured photos and drawings - 21 x 28 cm - Translated by Ulrich Krauße - ISBN: 978-3-9813892-2-7

Life-or-death fight – that is, what the duels of the gladiators usually ment to be. Dr. Marcus Junkelmann, historian and archaeologist, takes us with him to a trip into the past. Since many years he dedicated himself to the reconstruction of the equipment and weapons of the gladiators. He proved himself the com-bat techniques of the fighters in many experiments and studies.

You get a removable vocabulary in Latin – German, English. The text is com-plete in Latin language.

Publisher MundusLatinus

- Lingua Latina delectat -

The Three Investigators

De Tribus Investigatoribus et Terrore in via Sheldon Street

De Tribus Investigatoribus et Terrore in Via Sheldon Street - Edition Latina by Hendrik Buchna - Paperback, 176 p. – Translated into Latin Ulrich Krauße - ISBN: 978-3-9813892-3-4

It all began with an unsuspicious purchase of an old projector and the discov-ery of a small super 8 film. Examining the find the investigators discovered a disturbing scene of a nightmare figure. The text is complete in Latin language and the vocabulary is Latin – German.

Publisher MundusLatinus

- Lingua Latina delectat -

War – Imagine, he would be here

Bellum – Imaginare, hic esset

War – Imagine, he would be here – Editio Latina - Bellum – Imaginare, hic esset by Janne Teller - Paperback, 80 p., Illustrations by Helle Vibeke Jensen – Translated into Latin language by Ulrich Krauße - ISBN: 978-3-9813892-4-1

A world bestseller about the humans and humanity – in Latin language This book does not describe a historical spectacle from the ancient Gaul, but the wartime experiences of a family in the world of today. The text is complete in Latin language and the vocabulary is Latin – German.

Publisher MundusLatinus

- Lingua Latina delectat -

Arminius narrat… Fabulae Latinae

Latin stories – Fabule Latinae Book 1, 80 p., more than 100 mostly colored photos and drawings - 21 x 28 cm – Translated into Latin language by Ulrich Krauße - ISBN: 978-3-9813892-6-5

4 popular stories created and told by Armin Maiwald and translated in Latin language by Ulrich Krauße. The text is complete in Latin language and the vocabulary is Latin – German.

1. Astronaut's loo - Only who can handle the loo is allowed to fly to space.

2. Working clothes of the pope - To every button there is a story.

3. To start a fire with flintstone and tinder. - A stone age lighter

4. A special kind of cake - If two people do the same it is not equal

Publisher MundusLatinus

- Lingua Latina delectat -

Arminius narrat… The wonder of life

The Wonder of Life – Miraculum Vitae Special Issue 1: Das Wunder des Le-bens, 108 p. More than 137 mostly colored photos and drawings. - 21 x 28 cm – Translated into Latin language by Ulrich Krauße - ISBN: 978-3-9813892-5-8

The Wonder of Life was the biggest, longest, most sophisticated and most impressive project, that Armin Maiwald and his team ever had to handle. The long and dangerous journey that we all began in our mother's stomach is told in impressive pictures. And even the impacts on the married couple, the family and the whole surrounding area are parts of this story. The text is complete in Latin language and the vocabulary is Latin – German.

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