latin m i al t rminology i. -...

Post on 08-Jul-2019






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Contents ...................................................................................................................................... 2

1. The cardiovascular system - Systema cardiovasculare ............................................................... 3

2. The respiratory system – Apparatus respiratorius ................................................................... 21

3. The digestive system – Apparatus digestorius ......................................................................... 34

APPENDIX .................................................................................................................................. 46


1. The cardiovascular system - Systema cardiovasculare

The Heart

1. Read the text and fill in the blanks from the word bank with the help of the picture.

mediastinum • interventricular septum • pericardium • apex • systole • circulation • septum •

endocardium • right atrium • diastole • cor • myocardium • basis• epicardium • left atrium •

right ventricle • left ventricle • interatrial septum

The heart (cor) is the main organ of __________________ and is situated in a space called the

______________ in between the lungs. The upper part of the heart is the ______________ including the two

smaller chambers, _______________ _____________ and _______________ ______________. The lower part

of the heart is the __________________ that consists of two larger chambers, the _________________

______________ and ______________ ______________. The right and left atria and ventricles are separated

longitudinally by a thick wall called the _______________. The wall between the atria is ______________

________________ the one between the ventricles is the _______________ ________________. The heart is

surrounded by a sac called the __________________. The wall of the heart consists of three layers. The inner

membrane of the pericardium covers the heart wall: this is the _____________________ The middle layer is

the heart muscle proper (__________________); and the innermost membrane lines the chambers and valves

(__________________). By contraction or _______________ and relaxation or _______________, the heart,

continuosly pumps blood (L. sanguis) throughout the blood vessels (L. vas sanguineum, plur. vasa sanguinea)

to all of the body.


2. Fill in the blanks.

tricuspid valve • pulmones • right and left pulmonary veins • left ventricle • systole • bicuspid valve •

pulmonary valve • superior vena cava • left atrium • inferior vena cava • right atrium • right ventricle •

pulmonary trunk • aortic valve • aorta •

Superior vena cava and ______________ _______________ ___________ bring deoxygenated blood

into the _________________ _________________ from the whole body and then blood is pumped through

the ________________ _________________ to the _______________ ____________. The blood is pumped

from right ventricle through the _______________ _____________ to the _____________ _______________

(pulmonary artery) and to the lungs (____________). After gas exchange righ and left _______________

______________ bring oxygenated blood into the _____________ ______________. From the left atrium

blood flows through the ______________ _____________ to the _____________ ______________.

Ventricular ______________ propels oxygenated blood through the _______________ _______________ to

the largest artery or aorta which carries blood to all of the body. The first part of the aorta is ascending aorta,

then it continues as aortic arch then it turns downward as descending aorta.

3. Give the Latin Anatomical names of the parts of the heart.

apex cordis

atrium cordis dextrum

atrium cordis sinistrum

ventriculus cordis dexter

ventriculus cordis sinister

septum interventriculare




vena cava superior

vena cava inferior

valva atrioventricularis dextra

= valva tricuspidalis

valva trunci pulmonalis

truncus pulmonalis

arteriae pulmonales dextrae

arteriae pulmonales sinistrae

venae pulmonales dextrae

venae pulmonales sinistrae

valva atrioventricularis sinistra

=valva bicuspidalis

= valva mitralis

valva aortae

pars ascendens aortae

arcus aortae

truncus brachiocephalicus

arteria carotis communis sinistra

arteria subclavia sinistra


4. Choose the correct term that makes the sentence true.

The two main veins entering atrium dextrum are the vena cava superior et inferior / venae pulmonales

dextrae et sinistrae.

The innermost layer of the heart wall is endocardium/myocardium.

Truncus pulmonalis carries oxygenated / deoxygenated blood to the lungs.

Venae pulmonales dextrae et sinistrae bring oxygenated/deoxygenated blood from the lungs.

The main artery raising from the left ventricle is the aorta/truncus pulmonalis.

The left atrioventricular valve is also termed as valva tricuspidalis / mitralis.

5. True or false?

The right atrioventricular valve is termed as valva bicuspidalis. ____ __________________

Systole is the relaxation phase of the heart muscle. ____ __________________

Apex cordis is at the upper part of heart. ____ __________________

Valva bicuspidalis is also termed as mitralis. ____ __________________

Septum interatriale divides the heart at the two upper chambers.____ __________________

6. Describe the way of blood in the heart and the lungs with the help of the Latin key terms of the


vena cava sup. et inf. --> _______________________________________________________________




7. Match the names of the heart’s conduction system.

Clinical name Latin term

1 Sinus node fasciculus atrioventricularis

2 AV node crus dextrum et sinistrum

3 Bundle of His nodus sinuatrialis

4 Bundle branches (right and left) nodus atrioventricularis

5 Purkinje-fibers --


Repetition. Declension of latin nouns

Dictionary form

vena, venae f

ramus, rami m

mentum, menti n

pes, pedis m

os, ossis n

arcus, arcus m

genu, genus n

facies, faciei f

Decl. I. II. III. IV. V.

Gender f m n m/f/n m/f n f

Sg. Nom. vena ramus mentum pes os arcus genu facies

Sing. Gen. venae rami menti pedis ossis arcus genus faciei

Pl. Nom. venae rami menta pedes ossa arcus genua facies

Plur. Gen. venarum ramorum mentorum pedum ossium arcuum genuum facierum

Sg. Nom. -a -us/-er -um/-on various various -us -u -es

Sing. Gen. -ae -i -i -is -is -us -us -ei

Plur.Nom. -ae -i -a -es -a/-ia -us -ua -es

Plur. Gen. -arum -orum -orum -um/-ium -um/-ium -uum -uum -erum

8. Form the Plural Nominative form of the following terms.

Sing. Nom. Plur.Nom. Sing. Nom. Plur.Nom.

vas, vasis n vasa species, speciei f _________________

pulmo, pulmonis m _________________ truncus, trunci m _________________

vena, venae f _________________ apex, apicis m _________________

septum, septi, n _________________ valvula, valvulae f _________________

sinus, sinus m _________________ atrium, atrii n _________________

arteria, arteriae f _________________ thrombus, thrombi m _________________

9. What is the Singular Nominative form of the following Plural terms?

arteriolae arteriola capillares _________________

valvulae _________________________ bases _________________

emboli _________________________ venulae _________________

foramina _________________________ chordae _________________

trabeculae _________________________ fossae _________________

10. Match the parts of the anatomical terms.

diaphragmatic _____________________

pulmonary ________________________

right coronary _____________________

right atrioventricular ________________

bicuspid __________________________

interatrial ________________________

trabeculae ________________________

chordae __________________________

papillary _________________________

fossa ____________________________

sinuatrial _________________________

aortic ____________________________

11. Give the noun from which the adjectives are formed.

aortic aorta fibrous ______________

brachiocephalic _______________ venous _______________

cardiac _______________ arteriosus _______________

pulmonary _______________ tricuspid _______________

papillary _______________ carotid _______________

coronary _______________ diaphragmatic _______________














septal _______________

sternocostal _______________ + ______________

atrioventricular ________________+ ______________

semilunar _______________

Vocabulary 1

Latin term English definition

aorta, ae f the largest artery of the body

aorticus, -a, -um; aortic related to the aorta

apex , apicis f narrowing part of a conical structure; summit or tip

arcus, arcus m; arch arch, vault

arteria, arteriae f ; artery vessel bringing blood from the heart

arteriosus, -a, -um arterial related to arteries

ascendens (ascendentis) ascending, up-going

atrioventricularis, -e; atrioventricular related to the atrium and the ventricle

atrium, atrii n smaller, upper chamber of heart

auricula, ae f; auricle ear-shaped structure

basis, is f; base upper, broader part of a conical structure

bicuspidalis, -e; bicuspid having two cusps

carotis (carotidis); carotid main head artery

cavus, -a, -um hollow

chorda, ae f tendinous or cord-like structure

circulatio, onis f; circulation circular movement of the blood in the cardiovascular system

circumflexus, -a, -um; circumflex bent around

communis, -e; common shared

cor, cordis, n. heart

coronarius, -a, -um; coronary crown-like

crus, cruris n leg, leg-like band

cuspis, cuspidis f ; cusp pointed elevation

descendens (descendentis); descending down-going

diaphragmaticus, -a, -um; diaphragmatic related to the diaphragm

diastole relaxation of heart

endocardium, endocardii, n lining membrane of heart

epicardium, epicardii n inner layer of pericardium

facies, ei f surface

fossa, ae f longitudinal depression or hollow,

incisura, ae f notch

interatrialis, -e; interatrial between the atria

interventricularis, -e; interventricular between the ventricles

mediastinalis, -e; mediastinal related to the mediastinum

mediastinum, mediastini, n space between lungs

mitralis, -e; mitral having the shape of a bishop’s miter (i.e. hat)

myocardium, myocardii n heart muscle

nodus sinuatrialis; sinoatrial node the pacemaker of the heart

nodus, i m; node node, knot

ostium, ii n; orifice opening

ovalis, -e; oval egg-shaped

papillaris, e; papillary nipple-shaped

pericardium, pericardii, n fibrous sac surrounding heart


Latin term English definition

pulmo, pulmonis m lung

pulmonalis, e; pulmonary related to the lungs

ramus, i m branch

sanguis, -inis m blood

semilunaris, e; semilunar half-moon shaped

septum, i n wall dividing cavities

sinuatrialis, -e; sinuatrial related to the sinus venarum of the right atrium

sinus, sinus m a cavity or hollow space

sternocostalis –e; sternocostal related to the sternum and the ribs

sulcus, i m groove, furrow

systole heart contraction

tendineus, -a, um; tendinous tendon-like

trabecula, ae f beam-like structures

trabeculae carneae ridges in the inner wall of the ventricles

truncus brachiocephalicus; brachiocephalic artery innominate artery

truncus pulmonalis; pulmonary trunk main artery leading to the lungs

truncus, i m; trunk main part of a vessel or nerve which splits into branches

valva aortae; aortic valve the valve opening to the aorta

valva bicuspidalis; bicuspid valve a valve with two cusps

valva tricuspidalis; tricuspid valve a valve with three cusps

valva trunci pulmonalis; pulmonary valve the valve opening to the pulmonary trunk

valva, ae, f. valve

valvula, ae f small valve

valvulae semilunares; semilunar valves half-moon shaped valves

vas, vasis, n. (pl. vasa, -orum) blood vessel

vasculum, i n small vessel

vena cava superior et inferior superior and inferior hollow vein

vena cordis magna large cardiac vein

vena pulmonalis; pulmonary vein vein bringing blood from the lungs

vena, ae f vein, vessel bringing blood to the heart

ventriculus, i m; ventricle lower larger chamber of heart


The blood vessels

Main arteries – Provide the Latin name of the given artery based on the picture.

Body part related Artery

spinal column vertebral


under the clavicle



lateral lower arm

medial lower arm

front side of hand

abdominal cavity



reproductive organs

upper part of hip bone



posterior of knee

shin bone

lateral crural bone

back of foot



Main veins

Body part related


under the clavicle


neck, throat

medial upper arm

lateral upper arm


middle of lower arm


between the ribs


lower back

superficial vein of the thigh and leg

Further important veins






drains the right side of the thoracic cavity, “unpaired” vein

drains the left side of the thoracic cavity, “half-unpaired” vein


3. What is the Nominative form of the word in Genitive in the following terms? Give its


Noun Adjective Root







4. Find the adjective suffix in the following terms and the word root too.

Term Root Adjective suffix

v. femoralis __________________ _____________

a. brachialis __________________

a. buccalis __________________

v. labialis superior __________________

v. lumbalis __________________

v. nasalis externa __________________

v. trachealis __________________

a. axillaris __________________ _____________

v. maxillaris __________________

v. hepatica __________________ _____________

v. ovarica __________________

v. phrenica __________________

sinus caroticus __________________

a. iliaca __________________ _____________

v. cardiaca __________________

a. poplitea __________________ _____________

a. coronaria __________________ _____________

plexus venosus __________________ _____________

rete arteriosum __________________

5. Form adjectives from the nouns. Use their appropriate form in an adjective phrase.

Noun Adjective Adjective phrase

aorta aorticus, -a, um plexus (m.) aorticus

myocardium _______________ infarctus (m.) _________________

atrium _______________ auricula (f) ___________________

cardia _______________ nervus (m) ___________________

mesenterium _________________ vena (f) ______________________

vasculum _________________ systema (n) ___________________

ren _________________ vena (f) ______________________

ilium _________________ arteria (f) _____________________

liver _________________ vena _________________________

thigh _________________ arteria _______________________

arm _________________ arteria _______________________

elbow _________________ fossa (f) _______________________

sole _________________ arcus (m) ______________________

Latin adjectival


m/f n

-alis / -ale

-aris / -are

m f n

-acus / -aca /-acum

-arius / -aria / -arium

-eus / -ea / -eum

-icus / -ica / -icum

-osus / - osa /-osum

English adjectival









Vocabulary 2

Latin English

abdominalis 2/abdominal pertaining to the abdomen or belly

afferens (afferentis) / afferent leading toward

arteriola, ae f / arteriole small artery,

arteriosus 3 rich in arteries

axillaris 2 /axillary related to the armpit

brachialis 2 /brachial related to the arm

brachiocephalicus 3 / brachiocephalic related to the arm and the head

cardiacus 3 /cardiac related to the heart

cerebrum, i n brain

coeliacus 3 / celiac pertaining to abdominal cavity

communis 2 / common shared

cubitalis 2 /cubital related to the elbow

descendens / descending down-going

digitalis 2 /digital related to the fingers

efferens / efferent leading away

femoralis 2 / femoral related to the thigh

fibularis 2 / peroneus 3 related to the fibula

hepar, hepatis n liver

hepaticus 3 / hepatic related to the liver

iliacus 3 /iliac related to the ilium bone

interosseus 3 between bones

jugularis 2 /jugular related to the neck

labialis 2 /labial related to the lips

lienalis 2 / splenicus 3 /lienal; splenic pertaining to the spleen

lumbalis 2 / lumbar related to the lower back

maxillaris 2 / maxillary related to the upper jaw

mesentericus 3 / mesenteric related to the mesentery,

nasalis 2 / nasal related to the nose

ovaricus 3 /ovaric related to the ovaries

palmaris 2 / palmar related to the palm

perforans (perforantis) / perforating going through

pes, pedis m foot

phrenicus 3 /phrenic related to the diaphragm

plantaris 2 /plantar related to the sole

popliteus 3 / popliteal related to the back of the knee

porta, ae f gate

proprius 3 one’s own

pulmo, -onis m lung

radialis 2 / radial related to the radius

recurrens (recurrentis) /recurrent returning

renalis 2 / renal related to the kidneys

sanguineus 3 related to the blood

subclavius 3 / subclavian under the clavicle

testicularis 2 /testicular related to the testes

thoracicus 3 / thoracic related to the chest

tibialis 2 /tibial related to the shinbone


Latin English

trachealis 2 / tracheal related to the trachea

ulnaris 2 / ulnar related to the ulna

vascularis 2 / vascular related to the vessels

vasculum, i n small vessel

venosus 3 / venous rich in veins

venula, ae f / venule small vein

vertebralis 2 / vertebral related to the vertebrae


Systema cardiovasculare - Greek roots, praefixes, suffixes, clinical terms Greek roots

vas, vasculum angi/o- vessel

cor cardi/o- heart

glandula aden/o- gland

sanguis haem/o-, haemat/o- blood

lympha lymph/o- lymph

musculus my/o- muscle

vena phleb/o- vein

thromb/o- blood clot

Praefixes Suffixes a-, an- without, absence -aemia blood

brady- slow -algia pain

anti-/ant- against -cele / -kele hernia, protrusion

de- down, without -ectasia widening

endo- inside -ectomy surgical removal

epi- upon, -gramm image made of sth

hyper- higher, over, too much -graph image making device

hypo- lower, below, under -graphy image making procedure

in- not, without -itis inflammation

intra- inside, into -lith stone

isch- restricted -logy study of sth

leuk- white -malacia softening

peri- around -megaly enlargement

syn-/sym- /sys- together -oma tumor

tachy- fast -osis disease condition

-pathia chronic disease

-plasty reconstruction surgery

-plegia paralysis

-ptosis dropping, downward displacement

-rhagia frofuse flow, bleeding

-rrhaphy surgical suturing

-rrhexis rupture

-sclerosis hardening

-scope instrument for examination

-scopy examination of sth

-spasm sudden contraction, cramp

-stenosis narrowing

-tension/-tonia pressure

-tomy cutting, incision

-uria condition of urine


1. Fill in the blanks in the sentences with a prefix or its meaning.

In ventricular hypertrophy the size of the ventricle is _____________ than normal.

Hypertonia / hypertension means___________ blood pressure.

_______tonia / ______tension means too low blood pressure.

______stole is contraction of the heart.

The endocardium is the _________ layer of heart wall.

The epicardium is the layer of pericardium which is _________the heart muscle.

The ______cardium is the sac around the heart.

Endarteritis is the inflammation of the ________ layer of the wall of arteries.

Aplastic anaemia is ______ level of red blood cells due to __________ production of red cells.

In arrhythmia the patient’s heart rhythm is ___________ normal

___scending part of aorta is the down-going part of the aorta.

_________venous injection is given into the vein.

In tachycardia the heart beats ____________ than normal,

in _________cardia the hartbeat is slower than normal.

2. Inflammations

phlebitis ___________________________

vasculitis/angiitis ___________________________

______________________ inflammation of heart muscle

pericarditis ___________________________

______________________ inflammation of the inner lining of heart

lymphadenitis ___________________________

______________________ inflammation of lymph vessels

3. What do the following terms related to the heart mean?

cardialgia cardiomyorrhaphy

cardiectasia cardiomalacia

cardioplegia cardiomegaly

cardiography cardiomyopathy

cardiograph cardiomyoplasty

cardiogramm cardiorrhexis

cardiosclerosis cardioptosis

cardiocele cardiology


4. Provide the suffix of the term based on the meaning.

angi_________ sudden contraction of the vessel

angi_________ narrowing of the vessel

angi_________ inflammation of the vessel

angi_________ surgical removal of the part of vessel

angi_________ tumor of vessels

angi_________ pain in the vessels

angi_________ widening of the vessels

angi_________ surgical suture of a vessel

angi_________ image making of vessels

angi_________ hardening of vessels

arteri_________ stone in artery

arteri_________ surgical incision of an artery

phleb_________ venous bleeding

phleb_________ widening of a vein

5. Match the condition of the blood with its meaning

1 anaemia low level of sodium ions

2 hyperaemia low level of blood volume in the body

3 hypercalcaemia urine in the blood

4 hyperglykaemia low level of potassium ions in the blood

5 cholaemia local restriction of blood supply

6 bilirubinaemia higher than normal calcium level of the blood

7 hypokalaemia low level of red cells in the blood

8 hyponatraemia bile in the blood

9 hypovolaemia presence of excess blood in the vessels supplying a part

10 leukaemia neoplasm of the blood involving white cells

11 uraemia bilirubin in the blood

12 ischaemia high level of blood sugar

6. What do the suffixes and prefixes mean in the following terms?


6. Match the pairs.

Latin term English meaning

1 cor pulmonale a) lameness or limping due to decrease in the blood supply to the legs

2 extrasystole b) enlargement of the ventricle of the heart

3 regurgitation c) decrease in the blood supply of a part or organ

4 haemangioma d) widening of a blood vessel caused by a weakness in the wall of it

5 atherosclerosis e) death of tissue because of the lack of blood supply through the blood vessels

6 thromboangiitis obliterans

f) inflammation of blood vessel resulting in formation of blood clot that blocks the flow of blood

7 avascular necrosis g) a heart disease resulting from a disorder in the pulmonary circulation

8 ecchymosis h) contraction of the heart out of normal rhythm, premature contraction

9 claudication i) tumour consisting of blood vessels

10 hypertrophia ventricu

j) form of arteriosclerosis in which fatty substance deposit in and between the layers of the lining of the arteries

11 ischaemia k) outpouring of fluid (blood) under the skin

12 aneurysma l) backflow of blood at the valves

7. Translate the term to English.

Latin term Meaning in English

1 collapse

2 haemorrhoid

3 angiography

4 congestive heart failure

5 angina pectoris

6 echocardiography

7 auscultation

8 acrocyanosis

9 coronary occlusion

10 thrombophlebitis

11 hypertension

12 palpitation


8. Give the Latin term based on the definition.

Latin term English meaning

abnormal rhythm of heart contractions

slow heart rate

a ball of clotted blood that is carried within the bloodstream

inflammation of the arteries

inflammation of veins

death of a portion of heart muscle


a swelling because of accumulation of fluid outside of blood vessels

instrument for measuring of blood pressure by measuring the force of pulse

enlarged twisted veins

faster than normal heartbeats

widening of diameter of blood vessels

tumour or swelling that contains blood

narrowing of the diameter of the blood vessels

Case Study -- A 57-year-old female with endocarditis and brain abscess

Explain the highlighted keywords

Contributed by Isil Yildiz, MD and A. William Pasculle, Sc.D.


Chief Complaint


History of Present Illness

This 57 year-old female patient, 23 months prior to her admission, was diagnosed with Streptococcus pyogenes group septic arthritis, diagnosed by culture of synovial fluid at an outside hospital. She was started on vancomycin, and later switched to penicillin, and gentamycin and had debridement of her right knee. Subsequently, she developed blurry vision, due to bilateral endophthalmitis which was treated with fluconazole and moxifloxacin and transferred to our hospital. Six blood cultures drawn over her stay in our hospital were negative. However, she was noticed to have a new heart murmur, transesophogeal echocardiogram (TEE) suggested a mitral valve vegetation and she underwent a mitral valve repair for presumed mitral valve endocarditis with placement of an annuloplasty band. Routine, fungal and AFB cultures of the vegetation showed no growth.

Six months after the surgery, she presented with worsening symptoms of shortness of breath and dyspnea on exertion. An echocardiogram revealed severe mitral stenosis with pulmonary hypertension and moderate to severe tricuspid regurgitation necessitating replacement of her mitral valve with a mechanical valve, nine


months after her first surgery. Two blood cultures drawn over her stay in our hospital were negative. Histopathological evaluation of the mitral valve showed fibrosis, calcifications and chronic inflammation suggesting old rheumatic valvular disease. No material was submitted for culture.

Thirteen months after the second surgery, she presented to her PCP with complaints of confusion, left-sided weakness, and a left facial droop. Imaging studies at the outside hospital demonstrated a 2.8 x 2.6 x 3.1 cm multiloculated, peripheral-enhancing, necrotic mass in right frontal lobe, thought to be consistent with necrotic neoplasm or abscess. A stereotactic brain biopsy was done and preliminary gram stain was negative for organisms. While in the operating room, a TEE was performed and showed echogenic densities consistent with perivascular abscess and dehiscence surrounding the mitral valve. The patient was transferred to our hospital for further management of recurrent endocarditis and right frontal lobe brain abscess. She was started on vancomycin , ceftriaxone and gentamycin and vancomycin was stopped later.

Two weeks after admission to our facility , her mitral valve was replaced for the third time because of prosthetic mitral valve endocarditis, 14 months after her second surgery. She was discharged after 8 days, but returned three days later with an elevated body temperature of 103 F. Two blood cultures as well as routine and fungal culture of the mitral valve vegetation were negative. Serologic studies and PCR for Bartonella sp., Coxiella, and Lyme disease were all negative as was a Legionella urinary antigen test and serology for Legionella pneumophila, serogroups 1-2,6 and 8. Histopathological evaluation of the mitral valve showed organizing fibrinopurulent exudate and gram and GMS stains were negative for microorganisms.

Past Medical History

1. Systemic lupus 2. Antiphospholipid syndrome. 3. Anticardiolipin antibodies 4. Hypothyroidism 5. Hypertension

At the present admission a transthoracic echocardiogram revealed a nondilated left ventricle with severely hypokinetic basal posterior and overall preserved systolic function, tilting disc prothesis in the mitral position with normal motion and function with no vegetations seen. A TEE, done a week after admission, demonstrated a periprosthetic leak in the posterior lateral annular area with mitral regurgitation. and an increase in the thickness of the perivalvular area consistent with periannular abscess. A repeat TEE six days later suggested prosthetic mitral valve surrounded by inflammatory tissue and possible early abscess formation. Prosthesis did not appear to be loose. Two distinct mobile echodensities suggestive of vegetations were seen.

Ten blood cultures drawn over this admission were negative.

The patient once again was taken to the OR despite negative cultures and no sign of infection, due to the concern for the presence of an annular abscess. It was decided to proceed with early intervention of mitral valve replacement and sternotomy for the fourth time, 4 weeks after the third surgery.

Fungal and bacterial cultures of the pericardial clot, pericardial patch and prosthetic mitral valve were negative.

Patient was started on gentamicin, cefepime and vancomycin. Vancomycin was later changed to daptomycin.


Vocabulary 2 Cardiovascular system - Clinical terms

Latin term English meaning

1 acrocyanosis bluish tinge to the tips of the extremities

2 aneurysm widening of a blood vessel caused by a weakness in the wall of it

3 angina pectoris strangling pain in the chest area

4 angiography x-ray of a blood vessel with an injection of a radiopaque substance to the vessel

5 arrhythmia abnormal rhythm of heart contractions

6 arteriosclerosis hardening of the walls of the arteries

7 arteritis inflammation of the arteries

8 atherosclerosis form of arteriosclerosis in which fatty substance deposit in and between the layers of the lining of the arteries

9 auscultation listening for heart sounds

10 avascular necrosis death of tissue because of the lack of blood supply through the blood vessels

11 bradycardia slow heart rate

12 cardiomegaly enlargement of the heart

13 cardiomyopathy disease of the heart muscle

14 claudication lameness or limping due to decrease in the blood supply to the legs

15 collapse loss of consciousness because of disorder of peripheral circulation

16 cor pulmonale a form of heart disease resulting from a disorder in the pulmonary circulation

17 ecchymosis outpouring of fluid (blood) under the skin

18 echocardiography ultrasound examination of heart action

19 embolus a ball of clotted blood that is carried within the bloodstream

20 endocarditis inflammation of the lining of the heart

21 extrasystole contraction of the heart out of normal rhythm, premature contraction

22 fibrillation uncontrolled twitching of the fibers of heart muscles

23 haemangioma tumour consisting of blood vessels

24 haematoma tumour or swelling that contains blood

25 hypertension high blood pressure

26 ventricular hypertrophy enlargement of the ventricle of the heart

27 myocardial infarction death of a portion of heart muscle

28 congestive heart failure the heart fails to pump blood adequately resulting in a backup of blood

29 ischaemia decrease in the blood supply of a part or organ

30 haemorrhoid dilated vein filled with blood at the anal sphincter

31 coronary occlusion obstruction of the coronary artery

32 oedema a swelling because of accumulation of fluid outside of blood vessels

33 palpitation awareness of an abnormally strong or an abnormally rapid heartbeat

34 phlebitis inflammation of a vein

35 pulse impact of the ejection of blood from left ventricle felt at superficial arteries

36 regurgitation backflow of blood at the valves

37 sphygmomanometer instrument for measuring of blood pressure by measuring the force of pulse

38 tachycardia faster than normal heartbeats

39 thrombophlebitis inflammation of veins that results in the formation of a blood clot

40 thrombus blood clot

41 varicose vein enlarged twisted veins

42 vasoconstriction narrowing of the diameter of the blood vessels

43 vasodilation widening of diameter of blood vessels


2. The respiratory system – Apparatus respiratorius

1. Fill in the blanks in each text.


nasal cavity, sphenoid, maxillary, sputum, paranasal sinuses, ethmoid, sinus, nares, cilia, frontal,

inspire, conchae,

When we inhale, or __________, air enters the body through the

nose via the external nasal ________ (nostrils) and passes through

the _________ ________. This cavity is lined with a mucous

membrane and fine hairs called ___________ that warm and

moisten the air and filter out foreign bodies (such as dust and

pollen) toward the throat for elimination. Material that is

eliminated from the respiratory tract by coughing or clearing the

throat is called ____________. In the bones of the skull and face

near the nose are air-filled cavities lined with mucous membranes

that open to the nasal cavity. Each of these cavities is called a _________, and they are named

specifically for the bones in which they are located, such as the __________ (at the forehead),

__________, _________, and ____________ sinuses. Together, because they are near the nose, these

cavities are referred to as the _____________. Receptors for the sense of smell are located within bony

side projections of the nasal cavity called turbinate bones or ___________.


pharyngeal tonsil, oropharynx, palatine, laryngeal pharynx, lingual, pharynx, nasopharynx,

After passing through the nasal cavity, air reaches the throat or _________, which is made up of three parts. The ____________ is behind the nasal cavity and contains the __________ _________ or adenoid, which is a mass of lymphatic tissue. The middle portion, the ____________, can be found behind the mouth where the __________ tonsils on either side of the soft palate are located. The third part of the pharynx is the ____________ ______________ behind the larynx. The __________ tonsils are at the posterior of the tongue.


glottis, vocal cords, larynx, thyroid, epiglottis,

The voice box or _________ is shaped by cartilages, the most prominent of which is the _________ cartilage at the front that forms the „Adam‘s apple”.‖ The opening between the vocal cords is the _________. The small leaf-shaped cartilage at the top of the larynx is called the _________. When one swallows, this covers the opening of the larynx and helps to prevent food from entering the respiratory tract. The larynx contains the ____________ ___________, which are important in speech production.


Lower Respiratory Passageways

Windpipe And Bronchi

mediastinum, bronchi, capillaries, alveoli, trachea, bronchioles,

The larynx conducts air into the windpipe or_______, a tube reinforced with C-shaped rings of cartilage to prevent its collapse. The trachea is contained in a region known as the _________, which consists of the space between the lungs. The trachea divides into two branches called the _________. Each bronchus (the singular form of bronchi) goes to a separate lung and subdivides into smaller tubes, like the branches of a tree. The smallest of the bronchial branches are called ___________. At the end of the bronchioles are clusters of air sacs called __________. Each alveolus is made up of a layer of epithelium. This very thin wall permits exchange of gases between the alveolus and _____________ that surround and come in close contact with it.


lobes, visceral pleura, pleura, parietal pleura, pleural space

Each lung is covered by a membrane called the__________. The outer layer nearest to the ribs is ___________ ____________. The inner layer closest to the lungs is the ___________ __________. The right lung is divided into three __________, the left lung has two lobes. There is a narrow, fluid-filled space between the two layer, the __________ ___________. The moist pleural membranes slide easily over each other allowing the lungs to expand during breathing. During breathing or technically


inspiration, ventilation, phrenic, diaphragm, respiration, expiration, intercostal

Air is moved into and out of the lungs by the process of breathing, technically called __________ or ___________. This consists of a steady cycle of ___________ (inhalation) and (exhalation), separated by a period of rest. The cycle begins when the _________ nerve stimulates the muscle called ___________ to contract and flatten, thus enlarging the chest cavity. The resulting decrease in pressure within the thorax causes air to be pulled into the lungs. The ___________ muscles between the ribs aid in both phase of respiration. Expiration occurs as the breathing muscles relax, the lungs spring back to their original


2. Identify the structures by a number from the diagram.

bronchi principales

cavitas/cavum nasi



lobus inferior pulmonis dextri

lobus inferior pulmonis sinistri

lobus medius pulmonis dextri

lobus superior pulmonis dextri

lobus superior pulmonis sinistri


pars laryngea pharyngis

pars nasalis pharyngis

pars oralis pharyngis


pulmo dexter

pulmo sinister

sinus paranasales



16 capsula articularis cricothyroidea,

cartilagines tracheales,

cartilago cricoidea,

cartilago thyroidea,

6 conus elasticus,

cornu inferius,

cornu superius,

incisura thyroidea superior,

5 lig. cricothyroideum medianum,

lig. thyrohyoideum laterale,

lig. thyrohyoideum medianum,

linea obliqua,

m. cricothyroideus,

membrana thyrohyoidea,

n. et a. laryngealis superior,

os hyoideum,


Declension of Latin nouns

Dictionary form

vena, venae f

ramus, rami m

mentum, menti n

pes, pedis m

os, ossis n

arcus, arcus m

genu, genus n

facies, faciei f

Decl. I. II. III. IV. V.

Gender f m n m/f/n m/f n f

Sg. Nom. vena ramus mentum pes os arcus genu facies

Sing. Gen. venae rami menti pedis ossis arcus genus faciei

Pl. Nom. venae rami menta pedes ossa arcus genua facies

Plur. Gen. venarum ramorum mentorum pedum ossium arcuum genuum facierum

Sg. Nom. -a -us/-er -um/-on various various -us -u -es

Sing. Gen. -ae -i -i -is -is -us -us -ei

Plur.Nom. -ae -i -a -es -a/-ia -us -ua -es

Plur. Gen. -arum -orum -orum -um/-ium -um/-ium -uum -uum -erum

Declension of 3-ending adjectives Dictionary form

internus interna internum -us/-er -a -um

Decl. II. I. II. II. I. II.

Gender m f n m f n

Sing. Nom. internus interna internum -us/-er -a -um

Sing. Gen. interni internae interni -i -ae -i

Plur. Nom. interni internae interna -i -ae -a

Plur. Gen. internorum internarum internorum -orum -arum -orum

Declension of 2-ending adjectives Dictionary form

medialis mediale -is -e superior superius -ior -ius


Gender m/f n m/f n m/f n m/f n

Sg. Nom. medialis mediale -is -e superior superius -ior -ius

Sing. Gen. medialis medialis -is -is superioris superioris -ioris -ioris

Pl. Nom. mediales medialia -es -ia superiores superiora -iores -iora

Plur. Gen. medialium medialium -ium -ium superiorum superiorum -iorum -iorum

Declension of 1-ending adjectives Dictionary form

permanens -ns -ns -x (simplex)

-x (simplex)


Gender m/f n m/f n m/f n

Sg. Nom. permanens permanens -ns -ns -x -x

Sing. Gen. permanentis permanentis -ntis -ntis -cis -cis

Pl. Nom. permanentes permanentia -ntes -ntia -ces -cia

Plur. Gen. permanentium permanentium -ntium -ntium -cium -cium


1.Fill in the missing endings according to the concord of genders.

arteria (f) pulmonal__ (is/e) dext___ (er/ra/rum)

bronchus lobar___ (is/e)

bronchus principal___ (is/e) dext___ et sinist___


bronchus segmental___ basal___ lateral___ (is/e)

cornu super___ (ior/ius)

facies diaphragmatic___ (us/a/um)

fissura horizontal___ (is/e)

fissura obliqu___ (us/a/um)

impressio cardiac___ (us/a/um)

lig. pulmonal___ (is/e)

lobus infer___ (is/e)

lobus medi___ (us/a/um)

lobus super___ (ior/ius)

margo anter___ (ior/ius)

margo poster___ (ior/ius)

nodus lymphatic___ tracheobronchial___ (is/e)

super___ (ior/ius)

pars larynge___ (us/a/um)

pleura parietal___ (is/e)

recessus pleural___ (is/e)

segmentum anter___ (ior/ius)

segmentum apical___ (is/e)

segmentum basal___ (is/e) poster___ (ior/ius)

segmentum lingular___ (is/e)

segmentum poster___ (ior/ius)


2. Put the following terms into Plural Nominative form.

bronchiolus terminalis ____________________________________

bronchus lingularis ____________________________________

cartilago trachealis ____________________________________

lig. anulare ____________________________________

m. intercostalis externus ____________________________________

nodus lymphaticus tracheobronchialis superior ____________________________________

ramus bronchialis sinister ____________________________________

recessus pleuralis ____________________________________

segmentum bronchopulmonale ____________________________________

sinus paranasalis ____________________________________

vena pulmonalis dextra ____________________________________

3. Form phrases by putting the terms in brackets into Singular Genitive.

lobus superior (pulmo dexter) _____________________

cornu majus (os hyoideum) _____________________

ramus (lobus medius) _____________________

pars costalis (pleura parietalis) _____________________

pars nasalis (pharynx) _____________________

rima (glottis) _____________________

4. Give the Latin equivalent of the definition.

thin wall in the nose ___________________

turbinate bone ___________________

lymphoid tissue in the throat_______________

ring-like cartilage of larynx_________________

nerve of the diaphragm ___________________

cartilage of the windpipe___________________

upper pointed part of the lungs ____________ division of the windpipe ____________


middle part of pharynx __________________

nostrils _______________

gate of the lungs _______________

muscles lifting the ribs _______________

5. Form adjectives from the following nouns

diaphragma __________________

pulmo __________________

respiratio __________________

alveolus __________________

lobus __________________

pectus __________________

paries __________________

bronchus __________________

larynx __________________

trachea __________________

mucus __________________

serum __________________

6. Diminutive suffixes

Suffix -culus, -cula, -culum

-ellus, -ella, -ellum

-illus, -illa, -illum

-olus, -ola, -olum

-ulus, -ula, -ulum

E.g. musculus


cerebellum mamilla arteriola cellula

Form diminutive forms of the following nouns.

Pl. valva, ae f valvula

luna, ae f ___________

vesica, ae f ____________

caput, itis n ____________

vena, ae f ____________

fovea, ae f ____________

fossa, ae f ____________

circus, i m ____________

tuber, tuberis n ____________

lobus, i m ____________

vas, vasis n ____________

alveus, i m ____________

venter, ventris m _________

os, ossis n __________

corpus, corporis n ________

follis, is m _______________

fons, fontis m __________

rete, retis n ___________

clavis, is f ___________

pars, partis f ___________

malleus, i m ___________

glans, glandis f ___________

area, ae f ___________

testis, is m ____________

lingua, ae f _____________

moles, molis f _____________

navis, is f _____________

tubus, i m _____________

glomus, glomeris n (!) _________

fascis, is m ______________

canis, is f ______________

pupa, ae f ______________



Latin term Definition

aer, aeris m air

alveolus pulmonis air sac in the lungs

apparatus respiratorius respiratory tract

bronchiolus, -i m; bronchiole, small bronchus

bronchus principalis main stem bronchus

bronchus, bronchi m airways between the trachea

cartilago arytenoidea arytenoid cartilage

cartilago cricoidea; cricoid cartilage ring-like cartilage of larynx

cartilago thyroidea; thyroid cartilage shield-like cartilage of larynx

cavitas/cavum nasi; nasal cavity cavity of the nose

concha nasalis turbinate bones

diaphragma, -matis n; diaphragm muscle between chest and abdomen

epiglottis, epiglottidis f cartilage over the

exspiratio, -onis f ; exspiration breathing out

glottis, glottidis f opening at the upper part of the larynx

hilus, -i m / hilum, i n the part of an organwhere nerves and vessels enter

inspiratio, -onis f; inspiration breathing in

larynx, laryngis f voice box

lobus, -i m; lobe part of an organ (e.g. lung)

meatus nasi a passage or channel

mediastinum, -i n space between the lungs

parietalis 2; parietal located toward the wall

pectus, pectoris n chest

pharynx, pharyngis f throat

pleura, -ae f membrane around lungs

plica vocalis; vocal cords folds of tissue responsible for production of voice

pulmo, -onis m lung

respiratio, -onis f; respiration breathing

segmentum, i n; segment sections of the lobes

septum nasi; nasal septum thin wall dividing b/w the two parts of nasal cavity

sinus paranasales; paranasal sinuses airspaces near the nose

sinus, sinus m airspace

trachea, tracheae f windpipe

visceralis 2; visceral related to the inner organs

vox, vocis f voice


1.Fill in the blanks in the text.

haemothorax, pneumothorax, dyspnoe, hydrothorax, orthopnoe, apnoea, empyema,

If fluids are acuumulated in the chest it is called ________________, if blood is found between the two

pleurae, it’s name is ________________, and if pus is detected in a body cavity, it is called

____________________. Nevertheless, when air gets into the plural space, the condition is called

___________________. Asthma involves difficulty in breathing (_____________), of which a severe

form is when the patient needs an upright position to relieve brethlessness, which is called

______________. Sleep _____________ means intermittent periods of breath cessation during sleep.

2.Give the term

visual examination of the nasal cavity _________________

visual examination of the larynx _________________

visual examination of the bronchi _________________

surgical incision into the voice box _________________

decreased respiratory rate _________________

increased respiratory rate _________________

inflammation of the airspaces near the nose _________________

narrowing of the windpipe _________________

chronic dilation of the bronchi _________________

bluish discoloration of the skin _________________

3-4. Match the pairs.

Latin English Latin Görög

asphyxia a) cough sputum a) hydr-

stridor b) collection of pus pus b) haem-

epistaxis c) harsh respiratory sound punctio c) rhin-

haemoptysis d) nosebleed aqua d) phren-

tussis e) spitting blood sanguis e) py-

sputum f) suffocation aer f) -ptoe

pertussis g) substance coughed up pulmo g) pneum-

abscessus h) whooping cough diaphragma h) ortho-

rectus 3 i) phon-

nasus j) pneumon-

vox k) -centesis


5. Explain the meaning of the following terms.

atelectasis __________________

emphysema pulmonis __________________

carcinoma pulmonis __________________

lobectomy __________________

pleural effusion __________________

pleurocentesis __________________

pneumoconiosis __________________

pneumomycosis __________________

spirometry __________________

6. What are these drugs used for?

expectorant ___________________ antitussive __________________

bronchodilator ___________________ mucolytic __________________

7. True or false?

Musculi intercostales externi help inhalation. _____ ____________________

Surgical opening of the chest wall is called thoracocentesis. _____ ____________________

Hyperventilation results in acidosis. _____ ____________________

Pleura parietalis is the pleura toward the lungs. _____ ____________________

8. Odd one out.

septum - nares - mediastinum - conchae ___________________________

sinus - cartilago thyroidea - epiglottis - plica vocalis ___________________________

segmentum - hilum - bifurcatio - alveolus ___________________________

diphtheria - pertussis - asthma - influenza ___________________________

hydrothorax - haemothorax - pneumothorax - hemithorax ___________________________

9. Analyse the terms.

tracheobronchial ___________________

bronchopulmonary ___________________

cricothyroid ___________________

thyrohyoid ___________________

epipharynx ___________________

hypopharynx ___________________

intrapleural ___________________

infiltration ___________________


10.Identify the terms related to the physical examination.

palpatio, auscultatio, audientia, inspectio, visio, percussio, punctio, palpitatio, concussio


11. Explain the meaning of the highlighted terms of the text.

A 20 year old male with persistent cough (CLINICAL PRESENTATION)

A 20 year old male with persistent cough was evaluated for surgical and anesthesia risk. The patient did not

report fever, weight loss or night sweats. He was a smoker but quit 5yrs ago. No history of exposures to

asbestos or industrial dusts was elicited.

The patient was never hospitalized for pneumonia as a child but was diagnosed with bronchiectasis at the

age of 15 and underwent bronchoscopy every 3-4 month since then. He also reported a history of blunt chest

injury from trauma at age 19, with chest x-ray showing patchy areas of airspace opacity involving

predominantly the upper lobes bilaterally, these findings interpreted as suggestive of upper lobe

bronchiectasis. Family history was negative for cystic fibrosis or bronchiectasis. His previous sputum cultures

for mycobacterium tuberculosis were negative as was testing for alpha1 antitrypsin deficiency.

Physical examination showed a clear chest with no rales, rhonchi, or wheezes. No organomegaly or

adenopathy were identified. A CT chest study showed upper lobe predominant bronchiectatic changes.

Pulmonary function tests displayed a mildly reduced FEV1/FVC ratio. Laboratory investigations did not reveal

any significant abnormalities except for elevated serum IgG and IgE. ACE was within normal limits.

Based on these findings the physician considered bronchiectasis of unknown etiology; peripheral blood was

sent for genetic testing for cystic fibrosis (CF).

Contributed by Arivarasan Karunamurthy, MD. and Jeffrey A. Kant, MD, PhD

__________________ abnormal chest sounds heard when air enters small airways containing fluid

__________________ abnormal chest sounds produced in in airways with accumulated fluids

__________________ a whistling or sighing sound

__________________ cause of the disease

persistent __________________

anesthesia __________________

pneumonia __________________

bronchoscopy __________________

bronchiectasis __________________

sputum __________________

bilaterally __________________

organomegaly __________________

adenopathy __________________

cystic fibrosis __________________


Clinical terms

Prae-/Suffixes Definition Example

acid- acidic acidosis

alcal- alcaline alcalosis

hydr- water hydrothorax

ortho- upright orthopnoe

py- pus pyothorax

-capnia level of carbon-dioxide hypercapnia

-centesis puncture, thoracocentesis

-coniosis condition caused by aspiration of dust pneumoconiosis

-dilator widening bronchodilatator

-mycosis condition caused by a fungus pneumomycosis

-metry measurement spirometry

-oxia level of oxygen hypoxia

-phonia voice dysphonia

-ptysis spitting or coughing up of a substance haemoptysis

-stomy surgical opening into an organ tracheostomy

-ventilation gas exchange hyperventilation

Term Definition

abscess localized collection of pus

acidosis abnormal acidity of body fluids

alkalosis abnormal alkalinty of body fluids

antitussive drug that prevents or relieves coughing

asphyxia suffocation, condition caused by inadequate intake of oxygen

asthma bronchiale a disease characterized by dyspnea, wheezing and spasm of bronchial tubes

atelectasis incomplete dilation of lung tissue

carcinoma pulmonis malignant tumor of the lungs

cyanosis bluish discoloration of the skin caused by lack of oxygen in the blood

diphtheria acute infectious disease characterized by formation of a pseudomembrane

emphysema enlargement and destruction of the alveoli of the lungs

empyema accumulation of pus in a body cavity, especially the pleural space

epistaxis nosebleed, haemorrhage from the nose

expectorans drug used to help expel mucus from the chest

hyperventilatio increased rate and depth of breathing

pleural effusion flowing of fluid into the pleural space

pertussis whooping cough, an acute infectious disease

pleurocentesis puncture of the pleurae

pneumoconiosis disease of respiratory tract caused by inhalation of dust particles

pneumomycosis fungal infection of the lungs

spirometry measurement of breathing volumes

sputum substance coughed up from the respiratory tract

stridor a harsh, high-pitched sound caused by obstruction of an upper air passageway

tracheostomy surgical opening into the trachea

tussis cough


3. The digestive system – Apparatus digestorius

Cavitas oris

1. Fill in the blanks in the following text.

palate, salivary glands, incisors, ingestion, soft palate, mastication, molars, hard palate, oral, uvula,

canines, saliva,

Digestion begins in the mouth, also called the ________ cavity. The primary functions of the mouth are

concerned with the intake or ____________ of food, with chewing or ______________ and swallowing.

There are 32 teeth in a complete adult set, including ___________ and ___________ to bite food and

_____________ for grinding. The ___________ is the roof of the mouth: the anterior portion (__________

___________) is formed by bone and the posterior part (_____________ _____________) is made of soft

tissue. The fleshy _____________, used in speech production, hangs from the soft palate. In the process

of chewing the tongue, lips, cheeks, palate also help to break up the food and mix it with ___________,

the digestive juice moistens the food and begins the digestion of starch. The ___________

_____________ secrete saliva into the mouth and are considered to be accessory organs of digestion.

2. Identify the parts of the oral cavity by a number from the picture.

dens caninus

dens incisivus primus (centralis)

dens incisivus secundus (lateralis)

dens molaris tertius (sapientiae)

dentes molares (primus et secundus)

dentes praemolares (primus et secundus)



labium inferius

labium superius


palatum durum

palatum molle

tonsilla palatina


vestibulum oris

3. Fill in the blanks in the text with the given terms.

foramen, dentin, pulp, crown, permanent, neck, cement, deciduous, roots, enamel,

Each tooth consists of a ____________, which projects above the gum; one or more ___________

embedded in the alveolus; and a_______________, which stretches between the crown and the root.

Each tooth also contains a cavity filled with ____________, richly supplied with blood vessels and nerves

that enter the cavity through a small aperture or ______________ at the apex of each root. The solid

inner part of the tooth consists of ______________, ___________ covers the exposed part of the crown,

and ______________ covers the surface of the root. Two sets of teeth appear at different periods of life:

the 20 primary or ____________ teeth appear during infancy, the 32 secondary or _____________ teeth

during childhood and early adulthood.


4. Identify the parts of a tooth by a number from the picture.

corona dentis

cervix/collum dentis

radix dentis



cavitas dentis, pulpa dentis

canalis radicis dentis




foramen apicis dentis


5. Fill in the blanks in the text with the given terms.

mastication, dorsum, foliate, frenulum, tonsil,lingua, sulcus medianus, apex, papillae, filiform,

fungiform, vallate, glossa, radix, sulcus terminalis,

The tongue (L.,__________; Gk,____________), situated in the floor of the mouth. The tongue is

important in taste,_____________ , swallowing, and speech. It is composed chiefly of skeletal muscle,

is partly covered by mucous membrane, and presents a tip (________) and margin,__________ ,

inferior surface, and root (_____________). The tip, or apex, usually rests against the incisors and

continues on each side into the margin. The dorsum extends from the oral cavity into the oropharynx.

A V-shaped groove, the_________________, runs laterally and anteriorward from a small pit, the

foramen cecum. The sulcus terminalis is the boundary between (1) the oral part, or anterior two thirds,

and the pharyngeal part, or posterior third, of the tongue.

The oral part of the dorsum may show a shallow median groove

(_________________). The mucosa has numerous minute lingual

___________: the ___________ papillae, the narrowest and most

numerous; (2) the ____________ papillae, with rounded heads (like

mushrooms) and containing taste buds; (3) the _____________ papillae,

about a dozen large projections arranged in a V-shaped row in front of the

sulcus terminalis and containing numerous taste buds; and the

__________ papillae, inconstant grooves and ridges at the margin

posteriorly. Lymphatic follicles in the submucosa are collectively known

as the lingual ____________. The inferior surface of the tongue is

connected to the floor of the mouth by the __________.

6. Identify the parts of the tongue in the picture.

apex linguae

corpus linguae

foramen caecum

papillae filiformes

papillae foliatae

papillae fungiformes

papillae vallatae

radix linguae

sulcus medianus

sulcus terminalis

tonsilla lingualis

tonsilla palatina


7. Identify the parts of the digestive system in the picture.


appendix vermiformis


canalis analis

cavitas oris propria

cavitas oris

colon ascendens

colon descendens

colon sigmoideum

colon transversum


gaster (ventriculus)

glandula parotis

glandula sublingualis

glandula submandibularis

glandulae salivariae majores



intestinum crassum

intestinum tenue




pars laryngea pharyngis

pars oralis pharyngis



rima oris

vesica biliaris (fellea)

vestibulum oris

8. Fill in the blanks in each test with the given terms.

From the mouth to the stomach

peristalsis, pylorus, intestine,pharynx, esophagus, shincter, cardia, pepsin

Portions of moistened food are moved from the oral cavity toward the ____________ where

swallowing reflexes push it into the ____________. ______________moves the food through the

esophagus and into the stomach. At its distal end, where it joins the stomach, the esophagus has

muscle tissue that contracts to keep stomach contents from refluxing. This lower esophageal

___________(LES) is also called the cardiac sphincter‖ because it lies above the stomach‘s __________,

the region around its upper opening. In the stomach food is further broken down as it is churned and

mixed with secretions containing the enzyme ___________ and powerful hydrochloric acid (HCl), both

of which break down proteins. The partially digested food then passes through the lower portion of

the stomach, the ____________and then into the_________________.

The Small Intestine

jejunum, villi, duodenum, ileum, Food leaving the stomach enters the_______________, the first portion of the small intestine.

Duodenum is from the Latin duodeni, meaning ―twelve each‖, referring to its length. As food

continues through the ____________ and ______________, the remaining sections of the small

intestine, digestion is completed. The digestive substances active in the small intestine include


enzymes from the intestine itself and products from accessory organs that secrete into the duodenum.

The digested nutrients, as well as water, minerals, and vitamins are absorbed into the circulation, aided

by small projections in the lining of the small intestine called ___________. Each villus has blood

capillaries to absorb nutrients into the blood stream and lymphatic capillaries, or lacteals, to absorb

small molecules of digested fats into the lymph.

The Large Intestine

colon, sigmoid, rectum, ascending, transverse, descending, faeces, anus, cecum, appendix,

Any food that has not been digested, along with water and digestive juices, passes into the large

intestine. This part of the digestive tract begins in the lower right region of the abdomen with a small

pouch, the ____________, to which the ____________is attached. The large intestine continues as the

_____________, a name that is often used to mean the large intestine. The colon travels upward along

the right side of the abdomen as the _____________ colon, crosses below the stomach as the

_____________ colon, then continues down the left side of the abdomen as the _____________colon.

As food is pushed through the colon, water is reabsorbed and stool or _____________is formed. This

waste material passes into the S-shaped _____________colon and is stored in the ____________ until

eliminated through the ___________.

The Accessory Organs

hepatic, liver, cholecyst, pancreas,salivary, bile, The _____________ glands, which secrete into the mouth, are the first accessory organs to act on

food. They secrete an enzyme (salivary amylase) that begins the digestion of starch. The remainder of

the accessory organs is in the abdomen and secrete into the duodenum. The_________ is a large gland

with many functions. A major part of its activity is to process blood brought to it by a special circulatory

pathway called the__________ portal system. The liver‘s role in digestion is the secretion of

____________, which emulsifies fats (breaks them down into smaller units). The gallbladder

(______________) stores bile until it is needed in digestion. The common hepatic duct from the liver

and the cystic duct from the gallbladder merge to form the common bile duct, which empties into the

duodenum. The _______________ produces a mixture of digestive enzymes that is delivered into the

duodenum through the pancreatic duct. It also secretes large amounts of bicarbonate, which

neutralizes the strong stomach acid.

9.Identify the parts in the picture.

et v. lienalis (splenica)

caput pancreatis

cauda pancreatis

corpus pancreatis


ductus choledochus (biliaris)

ductus cysticus

ductus hepaticus communis

ductus pancreaticus


lien (splen)

lobus hepatis dexter


vesica biliaris (fellea)




1. Give the latin term.1st part of small intestine ___________________

lining of abdominal wall ___________________

membrane between small intestine ____________________

lymphoid tissue at the back of tongue ____________________

wavelike contraction of an organ’s walls ____________________

last part of large intestine ____________________

salivary gland under the lower jaw ____________________

gallbladder _____________________

the largest gland of the body _____________________

tiny projections of the wall of the small intestine _________________

stool ______________________

partaining to the lip ______________________

pertaining to the tongue ______________________

2.Form adjectives. ileum __________________

pancreas __________________

mesenterium __________________

abdomen __________________

splen __________________

lien __________________

gaster __________________

hepar __________________

omentum __________________

duodenum __________________

colon __________________

cysta __________________

peritoneum __________________

appendix __________________

3. Match the pairs.

Latin English Latin Greek

omentum i) nipple-like projection caecum l) gloss-

peritoneum j) 1st part of small intestine dens m) gastr-

mesenterium k) membrane hanging from stomach fel n) odont-

papilla l) large intestine ductus bilifer o) sial-

ventriculus m) 3rd part of small intestine glandula p) staphyl-

jejunum n) upper opening of stomach lingua q) cholecyst-

duodenum o) membrane lining abdominal wall rectum r) cholangi-

ileum p) 2nd part of small intestine saliva s) chole-

colon q) lower opening of stomach uvula t) proct-

cardia r) membrane between small intestin ventriculus u) aden-

pylorus s) stomach vesica biliaris v) typhl-



4.Name the inflammation of the parts.

rectum ___________________

pharynx ___________________

ventriculus ___________________

intestinum tenue ___________________

intestinum crassum ___________________

caecum ___________________

appendix vermiformis ___________________

vesica fellea ___________________

ductus bilifer ___________________

glandula salivaria ___________________

5. Fill in the blanks with the given terms

nausea, vomitus, borborygmus, haematemesis, gastroenteritis, anaemia,diarrhoea, exsiccosis,

dehydratatio, gastrorrhagia, perforatio, dyspnoea,melaena, anorexia, ulcus ventriculi, syncope,

_______________ is a catchall term for infection or irritation of the digestive tract, particularly the stomach

and intestine. Major symptoms include (feeling sick)__________ and (throwing up from the stomach)

______________, (loose and frequent stool)______________, and abdominal cramps. These symptoms are

sometimes also accompanied by fever and overall weakness. Gastroenteritis typically lasts about three days.

Adults usually recover without problem, but children, the elderly, and anyone with an underlying disease are

more vulnerable to complications such as (loosing too much water) ___________________.

Patients with _________________ (bleeding of stomach) often present with _______________ (vomiting blood), coffee ground vomiting, ______________ (black stool) , maroon stool, or hematochezia if the hemorrhage is severe. Patients may also present with complications of ____________ (low level of red cells), including chest pain, _______________ (loss of consciousness), fatigue and shortness of breath or ________________.

6. Match the pairs and tranlsate the suffixes.

Term Definition Suffixum Meaning

glossodynia a) enlargement of liver -odynia

sialadenectomia b) narrowing of lower opening of stomach


palatoschisis c) endoscopy of the 1st part of small intestine


stenosis pylori d) bleeding of the stomach -stenosis

hepatomegalia e) surgical removal of salivary gland -megalia

oesophagomalacia f) loose and frequent stool -malacia

cholelithiasis g) fissure of the palate -lithiasis

cholecystectomia h) vomiting blood -ectomia

sigmoidoproctostomia i) surgical suture of gall bladder -stomia

duodenoscopia j) pain in the tongue -scopia

gastrorrhagia k) softening of the gullet -rrhagia

haematemesis l) stone formation in the gall bladder -emesis

diarrhoea m) formation of a passage between sigmoid colon and rectum


oesophagectasia n) removal of gall bladder -ectasia

gastropexia o) puncture of the abdominal cavity -pexia

paracentesis abdominalis

p) surgical fixation of the stomach -centesis

cholecystorrhaphia q) widening of the gullet -rrhaphia



7. What do these terms mean?

gingivostomatitis ulcerosa ______________

cheilitis ______________

odontolithiasis ______________

sialorrhoea ________________

pharyngospasm ________________

oesophagectasis ________________

appendectomy ________________

rectoscopia ________________

colitis ulcerosa ________________

hepatopexia ________________

resectio ventriculi ________________

herpes labialis _________________

hypacidity _________________

anacidity/achlorhydria __________________

8.What are these drug types used for?

antacid ______________

antidiarrhoeal ______________

antiemetic ______________

laxative ______________

emetic ________________

digestive ________________

cholagogue ________________

9. True-false?

Duodenum is the middle part of small intestine. _____ ________________________

Ptyalism is excess bile secretion. _____ ________________________

Icterus is jaundice in other terms. _____ ________________________

Ductus cysticus is the duct of the gall bladder. _____ ________________________

Colic is a crampy abdominal pain. _____ ________________________

10. Odd one out.

caput - fundus - corpus - cauda ______________________

diarrhoea - peristaltica - nausea - vomitus ______________________

caecum - colon - rectum - lien ______________________

pancreas - hepar - villi - glandulae salivariae ______________________

gingiva - pylorus - palatum - dens incisivus ______________________



11. Match the pairs

Latin English

flatus a) food mass in the intestine

eructation b) abnormal passage between two hollow organs

foetor oris c) itching

borborygmus d) bowel gas

pruritus e) stool

regurgitation, reflux f) bad smell of the mouth

faeces g) liver disease in which liver becomes tawny and shrinks

chymus h) pouch in the abdominal wall

fistula i) abdominal gurgle

diverticulum j) burping

nausea k) backflow of digestive juice

melaena l) slow bowel movement

obstipation m) jaundice

icterus n) tumour

cirrhosis o) feeling that one is about to vomit

diarrhoea p) black bloody stool

meteorismus q) frequent loose stool

neoplasma r) bloatedness



12. Case studies

Case Study 1: Cholecystectomy

G.L., a 42-year-old obese Caucasian woman, entered the hospital with nausea and vomiting, flatulence and eructatio n, a fever of 100.5°F, and continuous right upper quadrant and subscapular pain. Examination on admission showed rebound tenderness in the RUQ with a positive Murphy sign. Her skin, nails, and conjunctivae were yellowish, and she complained of frequent clay-colored stools. Her leukocyte count was 16,000. An ERCP and ultrasound of the abdomen suggested many small stones in her gallbladder and possibly the common bile duct. Her diagnosis was cholecystitis with cholelithiasis. A laparoscopic cholecystectomy was attempted, with an intraoperative cholangiogram and common bile duct exploration. Because of G.L.’s size and some unexpected bleeding, visualization was difficult and the procedure was converted to an open approach. Small stones and granular sludge were irrigated from her common duct, and the gallbladder was removed. She had a T-tube inserted into the duct for bile drainage; this tube was removed on the second postoperative day. She had an NG tube in place before and during the surgery, which was also removed on day two. She was discharged on the fifth postoperative day with a prescription for prn pain medication and a low-fat diet.

Case Study 2: Colonoscopy With Biopsy

S.M., a 24-year-old man, had a recent history of lower abdominal pain with frequent loose mucoid stools. He described symptoms of occasional dysphagia, dyspepsia, nausea, and aphthous ulcers of his tongue and buccal mucosa. A previous barium enema showed some irregularities in the sigmoid and rectal segments of his large bowel. Stool samples for culture, ova, and parasites were negative. His tentative diagnosis was irritable bowel syndrome. He followed a lactose-free, low-residue diet and took Imodium to reduce intestinal motility. His gastroenterologist recommended a colonoscopy. After a 2-day regimen of soft to clear liquid diet, laxatives, and an enema the morning of the procedure, he reported to the endoscopy unit. He was transported to the procedure room. ECG electrodes, a pulse oximeter sensor, and a blood pressure cuff were applied for monitoring, and an IV was inserted in S.M.’s right arm. An IV bolus of Demerol and a bolus of Versed were given, and S.M. was positioned on his left side. The colonoscope was gently inserted through the anal sphincter and advanced proximally. S.M. was instructed to take a deep breath when the scope approached the splenic flexure and the hepatic flexure to facilitate comfortable passage. The physician was able to advance past the ileocecal valve, examining the entire length of the colon. Ulcerated granulomatous lesions were seen throughout the colon, with a concentration in the sigmoid segment. Many biopsy specimens were taken. The mucosa of the distal ileum was normal. Pathology examination of the biopsy samples was expected to establish a diagnosis of IBD.




Latin English Definition

(circum)vallatus 3 vallate surrounded by a depression

anus, i, m. anus lower opening of alimentary canal

apex linguae apex of tongue tip of the tongue

appendix vermiformis vermiform appendix end part of caecum

caecum, i, n. caecum 1st part of large intestine

cardia, ae, f cardia upper opening of the stomach

cauda pancreatis narrow, tail-like end of pancreas

cauda, ae, f. tail

cavitas oris propria oral cavity proper inner part of oral cavity

cavum/cavitas oris oral cavity

cementum, i, n. cement covering of the root

cervix dentis cervix neck of teeth

colon ascendens ascending colon upward part

colon descendens descending colon downward part

colon sigmoideum sigmoid colon S-like colon

colon transversum transverse colon horizontal

corona dentis corona crown

corpus ventriculi corpus body of stomach

dens caninus canine tooth eye tooth

dens deciduus deciduous milk tooth

dens incisivus incisor front teeth

dens molaris molar back tooth

dens permanens permanent teeth adult teeth

dens praemolaris premolar before the molars

dens, dentis, m. tooth

dorsum linguae dorsum upper part of tongue

ductus bilifer bile duct ducts conveying bile

ductus choledochus common bile duct

ductus cysticus cystic duct

ductus hepaticus hepatic duct

ductus pancreaticus pamcreatic duct

duodenum, i,n. 1st part of small intestine

fel, fellis n / bilis, is f bile

filiformis 2 filiform thread-like

foliatus 3 foliate leaf-like

fundus ventriculi fundus base of the stomach

fungiformis 2 fungiform mushroom-like

gingiva, ae, f gingiva gum

glandula parotidea parotid gland salivary gland near the ear

glandula sublingualis sublingual gland salivary gland under the tongue

glandula submandibularis

submandibular gland

under the mandible

glandula, ae, f gland

glandulae salivariae salivary glands glands producing saliva

hepar, hepatis, n. liver



Latin English Definition

ileum, i, n. ileum 3rd part of small intestine

intestinum crassum/ colon, coli n

large intestine

intestinum tenue small intestine

isthmus faucium narrow part of throat

jejunum, i, n 2nd part of small intestine

labium, ii, n. lip

lingua, ae, f. tongue

lobus hepatis lobe of the liver

mandibula, ae f lower jaw

maxilla, ae f upper jaw

mesenterium, ii, n. mesentery membrane between small intestines

oesophagus, i, m. oesophagus gullet

omentum omentum membrane hanging from the stomach

palatum durum hard palate

palatum molle soft palate

palatum, palati n palate roof of the oral cavity

pancreas, -atis, n. accessory gland of digestion

papilla, ae f nipple-shaped protuberance

pars laryngea pharyngis

laryngopharynx laryngeal part of pharynx

pars oralis pharyngis oropharynx oral part of pharynx

peritoneum, i, n. peritoneum membrane lining the abdominal cavity

pharynx, pharyngis f pharynx throat

porta hepatis gate of liver

pylorus, i, m lower opening of stomach

radix linguae root of tongue

rectum, i, n. last part of large intestine

rima oris opening of mouth

saliva, ae, f. spit

tonsilla lingualis lingual tonsil

tonsilla pharyngea pharyngeal tonsil

uvula, ae f small extension of soft palate

vena portae portal vein

ventriculus, -i m stomach

vesica fellea, vesica biliaris

gall bladder

vestibulum oris outer part of oral cavity



Clinical terms

Latin term Definition

achalasia inability of the oesophageal sphincter to relax

anorexia loss of apetite

appendicitis inflammation of the appendix

ascites collection of fluid in the abdominal cavity

caries tooth decay

cholecystitis inflammation of gall bladder

choledocholithiasis stone formation in the common bile duct

cholelithiasis stone formation in the gall bladder

cirrhosis liver disease in which the liver becomes tawni and shrinks

diarrhoea frequent and loose stool

diverticulosis formation of pouches in the abdominal wall

dysenteria infection of the intestine causing bloody diarrhoea

dyspepsia digestion disorder

dysphagia difficulty in swallowing

enterocolitis inflammation of the small and large intestines

eructation belching

fistula abnormal connection between two hollow organs

flatulence having gas in the GI tract

flatus intestinal gas

halitosis bad breath

gastritis inflammation of the stomach

gastroptosis downward displacement of the stomach

gastrorrhage bleeding of the stomach

hernia diaphragmatica herniation of the diaphragm

inguinal hernia herniation of the groin

hypacidity low level of gastric acid

acidity excess gastric acid production

icterus jaundice

ileus obstruction of intestine

laparoscopia endoscopic examination through the abdominal wall

melaena black bloody stool

nausea, ae f feeling that one is about to vomit

haemorrhoidal node piles,

constipation slow bowel movement

oesophagectasia dilation of the gullet

oesophagospasmus cramp of the muscles of the gullet

pancreatitis, -itidis f inflammation of the pancreas

perforation creation or development of a hole in an organ

peritonitis inflammation of the peritoneum

pharyngospasmus cramp of the throat

ruptura lienis rupture of the spleen

peptic ulcer a lesion in the mucus membrane of the upper GI tract caused by gastric juice

vomitus, emesis vomiting, throwing up from the stomach




Abbreviations Abbr. Extension Meaning

a./aa. arteria/arteriae artery/arteries

ant. anterior 2 front side

CV curriculum vitae CV, course of life

dext. dexter 3 right side

etc. et cetera and so on

f femininum feminine gender

gen. genitivus possessive

ggl./ggll. ganglion/ganglia a group of nerve cells

gl./gll. glandula/glandulae gland / glands

Gr. Greek

inf. inferior 2 lower

lgl./lgll. lymphoglandula/ lymphoglandulae lymph node(s)

lig./ligg. ligamentum/ligamenta ligament/ligaments

m masculinum masculine gender

m./mm. musculus/musculi muscle/muscles

n neutrum neuter gender

n./nn. nervus/nervi nerve / nerves

N.B. Nota bene Note well.

nom. nominativus subject case

P.S. post scriptum written after/later

plex. plexus bundle

plur. pluralis Plural

post. posterior 2 back side

proc. processus process, projection

r./rr. ramus/rami branch / branches

sin. sinister 3 left side

sing. singularis Singular

sup. superior 2 upper

v./vv. vena/venae vein / veins



Latin and Greek parallel names in anatomy and clinical medicine

Latin English Greek Example

abdomen, -inis n. belly lapar- laparoscopy

adeps, adipis m fat lip- lipoma

aqua, ae f water hydr- hydrocephalus

articulatio, -onis f joint arthr- arthritis

auris, auris f. ear ot- otitis

caecum, i n blind intestine typhl- typhlitis

capillus, capilli m. hair trich- trichosis

caput, capitis n. head cephal- hydrocephalus

caro, carnis f flesh sarc- sarcoma

cartilago, cartilaginis f cartilage chondr- chondroblast

cellula, ae f cell -cyta, cyt- cytology, erythrocyte

cerebrum, i n brain encephal- encephalitis

clavicula, claviculae, f. clavicle cleid- sternocleidomastoideus

columna vertebralis spinal column rachi- rachischisis

cor, cordis n. heart cardi-, cardiology

cornea, ae f cornea kerat- keratitis

corpus, corporis n. body soma, somat- somaticus

cutis, cutis, f. skin derma, dermat- dermatitis

dens, dentis m tooth odont- odontology

diaphragma, -matis n. diaphragm phren- N. phrenic

digitus, digiti m. finger dactyl- dactylogramm

extremitas, -tatis f limb, extremiti acr- acrocyanosis

facies, faciei f. face, surface prosopon, prosop- prosopagnosia

fel, fellis n/ bilis, is f bile chol- cholelithiasis

femina, feminae f. woman gyn-, gynaec- gynecomastia

fibula, fibulae, f. fibula peron- peroneus 3

foramen, inis n foramen, hole tres- atresia

genu, genus n. knee gon- gonalgia

glans, glandis f end-part of penis balan- balanitis

glandula, ae f gland aden- adenitis

glandula lacrimalis lacrimal gland dacryocyst- dacryocystitis

homo, hominis m. human, man anthrop- anthropology

intestinum crassum large intestine col-, colon- colonoscopy

intestinum tenue small intestine enter- enteritis

labium, ii n lip cheil- cheilitis

lac, lactis n milk galakt- galactorrhoea

lens, lentis f lens phac- phacomalacia

lien, lienis m. spleen splen- splenomegaly

ligamentum, i n ligament desm-, syndesm- syndesmosis

lingua, ae f tongue gloss- hypoglossus

lumbus, lumbi m. loin psoa, psoas m. psoas

mamilla, ae f nipple thel- thelitis

mamma, mammae f. breast mast- mastoideus m.

mandibula, -ae, f. lower jaw gnath-/geni- genioglossus

manus, manus f. hand chir- chiropractic



Latin English Greek Example

maxilla, ae f upper jaw gnath- gnathoschisis

medicus, i m medical doctor iatr- iatrogenic

medulla, ae f marrow myel- osteomyelitis

mens, mentis f. mind psych- psychology

mentum, menti n. chin geni- genioglossus

mors, mortis f death thanat-, thanas- euthanasia

musculus, musculi m. muscle my-, myos- myocardium

nasus, nasi m. nose rhin- rhinitis

nervus, nervi m. nerve neur- neuralgia

nox, noctis f night nyct- nycturia

oculus, oculi m. eye ophthalm- ophthalmology

os, oris n. mouth stoma, stomat- stomatitis

os, ossis n bone oste- osseous, osteoporosis

ovarium, ii n ovary oophor- oophoritis

palpebra, ae f eyelid blephar- blepharitis

pectus, pectoris n. upper chest steth- stethoscope

pelvis renalis renal pelvis pyel- pyelography

penis, is m male genital phall- phallitis

perineum, i m perineum episi- episiotomy

pes, pedis m. foot pod- podagra

praeputium, ii n foreskin, prepuce posth- posthitis

puer, pueri m boy, child paed-, ped- pediatrics

pulmo, pulmonis m lung pneumon- pneumonia

pupilla, ae f pupil cor- corectopia

pus, puris n pus py- pyuria

rectum, i n rectum proct- proctology

ren, renis m. kidney nephr- nephrology

sanguis, inis m blood haem-, haemat- haematology

testis, is m testicle orchi- orchitis

tuba uterina uterine tube salping- salpingitis

umbilicus, umbilici m. navel omphal- omphalitis

unguis, is m nail onych- onycholysis

uterus, i m womb hyster-/metr- hysterectomy / metritis

vagina, ae f vagina colp- colposcopy

vas, vasis n vessel angi- angiology

vena, venae f. vein phleb- phlebitis

ventriculus, i m. stomach, ventricle gastr- gastritis

vertebra, ae f vertebra spondyl- spondylosis

vesica fellea gall bladder cholecyst- cholecystitis

vesica urinaria bladder cyst- cystitis

vir, viri m man, male andr- androgen

viscera, um n visceral organs splanchn- splanchnology



Latin and Greek prefixes

Latin Greek Meaning Examples

a-, ab-, (abs-, au) away, apart abduction

a-, an- not, absence of, without anaemia

ad- (acc-, add-, aff-, etc.)

to, toward adduction

allo- different but same species allogen

ana- again, up, into parts anatomy

aniso- unequal anisocoria

ante- before, in front of anteflexio

anti-/ant- against antipyretic

apo- away apophysis

auto- his own autotransfusion

bi- two- bipolar

brachy- short bracydactylia

brady- slow bradycardia

caco- ill, bad cacogeusia

cata-/kata- down catabolismus

circum- around circumduction

com-, (con-, co-, etc-) together compositus

contra- against contraindication

de- away, down descendens

di-, diplo- two, double diplegia,diplopia

dia- through, apart diastole

dis- apart, into two dislocation

dys- abnormal dyspnoea

e-, ex-(eff-) out, exitus

ec- out ectopia

ecto-/exo- outside ectoderma

en-/em- in, into embolia

endo- inside endocardium

epi- on, upon epidermis

eu- good, normal eurhythmia

exo- outside exogenous

extra- outer, outside of extracellular

hemi- half hemisphaerium

hetero- different heterogenous

homo- the same homozygote

homoio- similar homeopathy

hyper- over, excessive hypertonia

hypo- under, below hypoglossus

idio- individual, idiopathy

in- (im-, ir-) not, absence of sg irreversible

in-(im-) in, into incisure

infra- below infrascapular

inter- in between intervertebral

intra-, inside, into intraabdominal



Latin Greek Meaning Examples

intro- into introitus

iso- equal isothermia

juxta- beside, parallel juxtaposition

lepto- thin, weak- leptophonia

macro-, mega(lo)- big macrosomia, megacolon

meso- middle mesoderma

meta- after, between metacarpus

micro- small micrognathia

mono- one monocyte

multi- many multilateral

neo- new neoplasm

ob- (occ-, off-, opp-) against, opposition

olig(o)- a few oligodactylia

omni-, toti all, the whole omnipotens

ortho- straight, correct orthodontia

pan(to)- total, the whole panplegia

para- next to, beside parathyroid

per- through, perforation

peri- around pericardium

poly- a lot, many polyodontia

post- after postoperative

prae- before, in front of praepatellar

praeter- passing praeternatural

presby- old-age presbyopia

pro to the front protraction

pro- before, in advance prognosis

pseudo- not real, not true, pseudopodium

quadr/i- four- quadriceps

re- (red-) again retraction

retro- behind, backwards retroflexion

se- apart, segregation

semi- half semilunar

sub-(succ-, suff-, etc) under, up from under subcutaneous

super- above, higher than supernumerary

supra- above supraclavicular

syn-/sym together systole

tachy- fast tachycardia

tetra- four- tetraplegia

trans- (tra-) through, transfusion

tri- tri- three triceps, trigonum

ultra- over, excessive ultrafiltration

uni- one- unipennated

xero- dry xerophthalmia



Greek suffixes

Suffix English Meaning Example

-aemia blood condition anaemia

-agog(um), -agogue stimulating cholagogue

-agra gout podagra

-algia -algy pain angialgia

-blast immature cell osteoblast

-centesis puncture arthrocentesis

-cid killer bactericid

-cyta -cyte cell leukocyte

-ectasia widening cardiectasia, ae, f.

-ectomia -ectomy cutting out angiectomia

-gen originating from, causing

endogen, carcinogen

-genesis development osteogenesis

-gnosia/-gnosis knowledge diagnosis, pharmacognosia

-gramm image making result arteriogramm

-graph device for image making elektrocardiograph

-graphia -graphy image making technique electrocardiography

-iater -iatrist specialist psychiatrist

-iatria -iatry specialty pediatrics

-itis,-itidis, f. inflammation myocarditis

-kele/-cele hernia cardiocele

-lith(iasis) stone arteriolith

-logia -logy study of cardiology

-lysis decomposition haemolysis

-malacia softening cardiomalacia

-mania obsession, compulsion pyromania

-megalia -megaly enlargement cardiomegalia

-meter measuring device diameter

-metria measurement craniometria


-form polymorphismus

-odynia pain mastodynia

-oid like sg, resembling adenoid

-oma tumour angioma

-opia/-opsia vision diplopia

-osis disease condition tuberculosis

-pathia -pathy disease condition cardiomyopathy

-penia decrease thrombocytopenia

-pexia -pexy fixation hysteropexy

-phag -phage engulfing organism bacteriophage

-phagia engulfing, eating aerophagia

-phil attracted to, basophil

-philia attraction haemophilia

-phobia avoidance, fear of sg hydrophobia

-phor(us) carrying phosphorus

-plasia forming, developement prostatahyperplasia

-plastica -plasty reconstructive surgery phleboplasty



Suffix English Meaning Example

-plegia paralysis tetraplegia

-pnoe -pnoea breathing eupnoe

-poesis formation haemopoesis

-ptoe spitting haemoptoe

-ptosis downward displacement nephroptosis

-rrhagia -rrhage excessive bleeding phleborrhage

-rrhaphia -rrhaphy surgical suture angiorrhaphia

-rrhexis rupture gastrorrhexis

-rrhoea flow, discharge diarrhoea

-schisis splitting, cheilognathopalatoschisis

-sclerosis hardening cardiosclerosis

-scop -scope mirror endoscop

-scopia -scopy examination using a mirror


-spasmus -spasm sudden involuntary contraction


-stasis stagnation lymphostasis

-stenosis narrowing angiostenosis

-stomia -stomy creation of artificial orifice


-tomia -tomy surgical incision arteriotomy

-tonia pressure, tone hypertonia

-trop acting on sg somatotrop

-trophia feeding, nourishing atrophia

-uria condition of urine haematuria



Declension of Latin nouns

Dictionary form

vena, venae f

ramus, rami m

mentum, menti n

pes, pedis m

os, ossis n

arcus, arcus m

genu, genus n

facies, faciei f

Decl. I. II. III. IV. V.

Gender f m n m/f/n m/f n f

Sg. Nom. vena ramus mentum pes os arcus genu facies

Sing. Gen. venae rami menti pedis ossis arcus genus faciei

Pl. Nom. venae rami menta pedes ossa arcus genua facies

Plur. Gen. venarum ramorum mentorum pedum ossium arcuum genuum facierum

Sg. Nom. -a -us/-er -um/-on various various -us -u -es

Sing. Gen. -ae -i -i -is -is -us -us -ei

Plur.Nom. -ae -i -a -es -a/-ia -us -ua -es

Plur. Gen. -arum -orum -orum -um/-ium -um/-ium -uum -uum -erum

Declension of 3-ending adjectives Dictionary form

internus interna internum -us/-er -a -um

Decl. II. I. II. II. I. II.

Gender m f n m f n

Sing. Nom. internus interna internum -us/-er -a -um

Sing. Gen. interni internae interni -i -ae -i

Plur. Nom. interni internae interna -i -ae -a

Plur. Gen. internorum internarum internorum -orum -arum -orum

Declension of 2-ending adjectives Dictionary form

medialis mediale -is -e superior superius -ior -ius


Gender m/f n m/f n m/f n m/f n

Sg. Nom. medialis mediale -is -e superior superius -ior -ius

Sing. Gen. medialis medialis -is -is superioris superioris -ioris -ioris

Pl. Nom. mediales medialia -es -ia superiores superiora -iores -iora

Plur. Gen. medialium medialium -ium -ium superiorum superiorum -iorum -iorum

Declension of 1-ending adjectives Dictionary form

permanens -ns -ns -x (simplex)

-x (simplex)


Gender m/f n m/f n m/f n

Sg. Nom. permanens permanens -ns -ns -x -x

Sing. Gen. permanentis permanentis -ntis -ntis -cis -cis

Pl. Nom. permanentes permanentia -ntes -ntia -ces -cia

Plur. Gen. permanentium permanentium -ntium -ntium -cium -cium

top related