late show with christopher cooper. chris coopers top 10 things not to do with volunteers

Post on 18-Jan-2018






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10. Expect Too Much Expect your volunteer to know as much as you about their job and responsibilities.


Late Show With Christopher Cooper Chris Coopers Top 10 Things Not To Do With Volunteers 10. Expect Too Much Expect your volunteer to know as much as you about their job and responsibilities. 9. Ignore Them Tell a volunteer to read with the students and ignore them for hours. 8. Disrespect Their Skills and Talents Express to your volunteer that they know little to nothing about their duties, and that youre here to assist them with everything. 7. Not Include Them With Upcoming Activities or Events Sorry you missed the event, I forgot tell you about the day and time again. Too bad, so sad! 6. Not Give Them Help Not provide them assistance when they need you. 5. Have Them Do Your Job Have them work for you, while you relax. 4. Minimize Their Importance Volunteers?? I Dont Need No Volunteers. 3. Devalue Their Work and Never say Thank You! Devalue their work and contribution to the team! 2. Expect Them To Do All The Dirty Work Expect them to do all cleaning around the office, filing paper work and answering phone calls all day. Leave Them By Themselves. Oh, I forgot you were still here. I thought you left awhile ago! 1.

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