last word: assignment 8 for monday

Post on 23-Feb-2016






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Consider: Why do candidates “move out, then move in” during a campaign?. Last Word: Assignment 8 for Monday. Political Campaigns. Or…why would someone spend a billion dollars to get a job that pays $400,000?. Video: The Big Picture. 13. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Last Word: Assignment 8 for Monday

Consider: Why do candidates “move out, then move in” during a campaign?

Political Campaign

s Or…why would someone spend a billion dollars to get a job that pays $400,000?

Nomination Campaign

Winning the primary election Starts years before general election Target: party leaders and interest groups Test themes, slogans, and strategies

Primary voters more extreme and ideological Candidates must be careful not to cater too much to the base, as this will come back to bite them later on


General Election Campaign

• Different than primary• Compete against different parties

• Movement toward center• Party loyalists unlikely to budge• Competing for moderates

• Length of campaign varies by state• Depends on the primary


Last Word: Assignment 8 for Monday

Consider: What kind of a person runs for political office? "Obamacare is still struggling to get off the ground. Experts now say

the success or failure of Obamacare will depend on whether young people sign up. Which is why as of today it covers medical marijuana." –Conan O'Brien

"This is a crazy story. For two decades, the secret launch code for America's nuclear missiles was 0000000000. Even more amazing, George W. Bush forgot it twice." –Conan O'Brien

"Today gang members were caught on wiretaps saying they have photos of Mayor Rob Ford doing heroin, which is weird because I thought he had an exclusive deal with crack." –Jimmy Kimmel

Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich, by promising to protect each from the other.  ~Oscar Ameringer

Politicians are people who, when they see light at the end of the tunnel, go out and buy some more tunnel.  ~John Quinton

The hardest thing about any political campaign is how to win without proving that you are unworthy of winning.  ~Adlai E. Stevenson

Assembling the Campaign: The Candidate

Why do candidates run? Personal ambition Ideological objectives

Campaigns take a personal toll Public exposure and scrutiny for entire family

Chance of rejection Meet and greet as many voters as possible

Exhaustion leads to gaffes Tempers flare due to sleep deprivation


Assembling A Campaign: The Campaign Staff

Campaign Manager Controls entire campaign; usually only runs one at a


Finance Chair Responsible for accounting; increasingly important

as $$ grows in importance

Communications Staff Communications director Press secretary Internet team

Campaign consultants Private sector; increasingly specialized

Volunteers The “lifeblood” of the campaign Canvassing/GOTV


How is a campaign staff organized?


It’s Expensive and It’s Hard, So Why Run For Office?Reading about Presidents


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